Netflix Streaming Thread 2.0

[quote name='thrustbucket']I don't want/need a cable package. I just want to buy HBO but you can't without also getting a bunch of channels you don't want and spending at least $50 a month in the process.[/QUOTE]

It's going to be way more than $50/month if you don't currently get cable. I think our HBO/Showtime package is $20/month EXTRA on our cable bill (and eliminating one of the channels doesn't drop the price). If I didn't like sports so much I'd definitely drop cable - that's the one thing I can't give up and you need to see everything live.
With AMC putting out HBO/Showtime quality shows like Breaking Bad and Mad Men, who gives a shit about HBO and Showtime anymore? AMC does it for less and they have embraced relaxed cable content standards.

It's only a matter of time before Don Draper starts showing off his brown eye on regular cable.

As for the topic of hand, the Starz thing doesn't affect me at all. $7.99 streaming is the best deal out there and Netflix has the most entitled goddamn customers in the world.
Game of Thrones
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Eastbound & Down
True Blood
Life's Too Short
Boardwalk Empire

This is just current shows - never mind all the stuff available on HBOGO like The Wire, The Sopranos, Entourage, Sex and the City, etc. It's worth it to me...
Now that I'm finally a paying member of Amazon Prime and have access to their videos I think my Netflix subscription is on its last legs. Comparing my Netflix queue to what's available free on Amazon Prime shows me that just about everything is available anyway. The only downside is now I'll have to connect my laptop to my TV but that's easy enough with HDMI.
[quote name='Javery']Game of Thrones
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Eastbound & Down
True Blood
Life's Too Short
Boardwalk Empire

This is just current shows - never mind all the stuff available on HBOGO like The Wire, The Sopranos, Entourage, Sex and the City, etc. It's worth it to me...[/QUOTE]
I'm into into one of those shows and I got it during a DVD sale.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Now that I'm finally a paying member of Amazon Prime and have access to their videos I think my Netflix subscription is on its last legs. Comparing my Netflix queue to what's available free on Amazon Prime shows me that just about everything is available anyway. The only downside is now I'll have to connect my laptop to my TV but that's easy enough with HDMI.[/QUOTE]

Bingo. HBO is still running the ship on quality TV. AMC is definitely making their mark though.
[quote name='Javery']Game of Thrones
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Eastbound & Down
True Blood
Life's Too Short
Boardwalk Empire

This is just current shows - never mind all the stuff available on HBOGO like The Wire, The Sopranos, Entourage, Sex and the City, etc. It's worth it to me...[/QUOTE]

Live Boxing Events and re-played PPVs
Real Sports
Comedy Specials
On Freddie Roach (my favorite series in years)

I'm on some free promo for HBO and I absolutely love it. The HBO Go access is the icing on the cake.
HBO GO would be awesome to have, but I don't watch nearly enough TV to warrant paying for cable TV AND premium services. Just a waste of money when you can watch everything through other mediums.

The mobile HBO GO would be hella convenient to have, but Netflix is suitable in a pinch.
Have to agree, HBO go is great. Anyone know when the app is coming out on PS3? I know they've been working on it for a while now.
[quote name='thrustbucket']Amen brother.

What really makes blood shoot out of my eyes is hearing people say things like "There are just no good movies anymore, it's all remakes and sequels!" or "There is nothing good on netflix streaming!."


Have you seen Oldboy? Castaway on the Moon? Wake Wood? I saw the Devil? Elite Force? IP Man? Red Cliff? Silmido? Chaser? The Ward?

"No, I never saw any of those advertised on my slurpee cup and I don't like to read"

Then STFU and go back to Angry Birds.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the kudos! I'm happy I'm not the only person out there with a wider view of things and movies. I've seen about half the movies you listed and thanks to you I have some new movies to watch that I haven't stumbled across yet. Yeah slurpies are refreshing but watching what everyone in the popular media thinks you should watch is not. I don't mind reading the subtitles at all if the movie is good and the plot is fresh and interesting. Hell I'll even watch a bad movie in English or subtitled with a friend and pick it apart just for fun... there is so much on just have to be willing too play a little Russian Roulette and hit the play button you may be pleasantly surprised.
[quote name='HydroX']I know HBO has their own thing going with HBO GO and all that, but it would be pretty sweet to see Netflix cut a deal with Home Box Office to run their shows' past seasons on streaming. #wishlist[/QUOTE]

I'm with you on that one there are several HBO series I enjoyed and have been wishing they would team up with netflix.
amazing stories and knight rider were added to netflix. the gate and chasing ghosts is also on there. wow and the wraith. for those of you who werent old enough or around to see amazing stories on tv its easily one of the best series to ever be on tv. and it seems like theres an option to have a kid friendly version of netflix or the regular one.
[quote name='lv2sicktduck']I'm with you on that one there are several HBO series I enjoyed and have been wishing they would team up with netflix.[/QUOTE]

This will never happen. Why would anyone pay $20/month or whatever for HBO if they could get it through Netflix for $8/month? If Netflix got HBO, I'd drop HBO in a heartbeat from my cable subscription.
[quote name='lv2sicktduck']I'm with you on that one there are several HBO series I enjoyed and have been wishing they would team up with netflix.[/QUOTE]

Well - you can always watch the shows using a DVD plan. I know it's not the same and not as current, but it beats paying all that money for HBO Go
What's this Netflix for Kids thing that popped up when I started up the PS3 app? It seems like they added a Kids-friendly version of the app for parents/kids, though I hope I don't have to pick each time since I don't have any use for the Kids version.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']What's this Netflix for Kids thing that popped up when I started up the PS3 app? It seems like they added a Kids-friendly version of the app for parents/kids, though I hope I don't have to pick each time since I don't have any use for the Kids version.[/QUOTE]

you do the option comes up everytime you load up netflix.
I love me some saved by the bell. I used to put on married with children in the morning while I get ready for work but now I can watch this. Sweet.
[quote name='mr_burnzz']I love me some saved by the bell. I used to put on married with children in the morning while I get ready for work but now I can watch this. Sweet.[/QUOTE]

It's gotta be law and order in the mornings for me.
I thought Disney titles were gone now that Stars is gone? My kids were watching Phineas & Ferb this morning. Isn't that a Disney show? Confused, but glad, because it's a darn good show. Even I laugh at it.
I wish the VH-1 Storytellers stuff was on there. For no other reason than watching the Tom Waits one over and over.
I don't know why people complain about Netflix streaming. Pay $7.99 a month and randomly discover a pinball documentary. It's called "Special When Lit" and it's quite well done.
[quote name='Spokker']I don't know why people complain about Netflix streaming. Pay $7.99 a month and randomly discover a pinball documentary. It's called "Special When Lit" and it's quite well done.[/QUOTE]

Never shake Mike Pacek's hand. I saw him leave a bathroom after being in a stall forever without washing.
[quote name='Spokker']I don't know why people complain about Netflix streaming. Pay $7.99 a month and randomly discover a pinball documentary. It's called "Special When Lit" and it's quite well done.[/QUOTE]

I watched most of it but couldn't finish it. I thought the subject matter was interesting but the documentary wasn't very good and never really went anywhere.

Man On Wire is a great documentary. I also enjoyed Best Worst Movie Ever (even though the beginning is really slow), which then led me to host a Troll 2 watching party at my house.
[quote name='Backlash']I watched most of it but couldn't finish it. I thought the subject matter was interesting but the documentary wasn't very good and never really went anywhere.

The fat dude with the filthy house and all those pinball machines was awesome. A true collector if I ever saw one.

Then there was that dude who practically makes love to every machine.
I thought Breakout Kings got canned personally. Show started out pretty solid, but just fell flat towards the end of the first season for me. I'll likely give it another go as most of the stuff I watch is on hiatus or my fiancé and I have already ran through most of the series on Netflix.

Thanks for the update Scorch.
[quote name='HydroX']I thought Breakout Kings got canned personally. Show started out pretty solid, but just fell flat towards the end of the first season for me. I'll likely give it another go as most of the stuff I watch is on hiatus or my fiancé and I have already ran through most of the series on Netflix.

Thanks for the update Scorch.[/QUOTE]

The second season, which just started last week, has been pretty great so far.
Golden Girls reminds me of grandmas, too. Weird!

My favorite GG scene was that one where Joe Rogan showed up with cooked bull penises. Ol Bea Arthur could pack it away!
[quote name='HydroX']A team has always been on, unless they added more episodes.

... Unless you meant the movie ...[/QUOTE]
i never knew it was it ended up in my suggestions.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']The second season, which just started last week, has been pretty great so far.[/QUOTE]

I'd agree with this as well. I thought the acting on Breakout Kings was pretty bad in the first episode, but some people get added and some leave, and the cast comes together pretty quick.
[quote name='lokizz']for those of you who grew up during the early years of nickelodeon i just saw that the mysterious cities of gold was added. heres a video of the intro in case you dont remember it.[/QUOTE]

I remember this. What a strange cartoon. I always wanted to see what would happen when they found the cities of gold.
[quote name='camoor']I remember this. What a strange cartoon. I always wanted to see what would happen when they found the cities of gold.[/QUOTE]

You ain't the only one.

Also, it's nearly 30 years later and I'm still trying to figure out why I was supposed to give a shit about Belle and Sebastian. Was "the hook" just that it was a fucking huge dog? Like a sexier Marmaduke?
bread's done