Never going to finish GTA


I've been playing gta:sa for well over 18 months now, possibly over 2 years. I've been chipping away at it here are there once or twice a week. But any of the flying missions just kill me. I got stuck at the flight school for well over 6 months. I finished that and was went to do most of the las venturas missions.

But appearently I still need to finish some of the airfield missions. Try as I might I cannot finish the NOE mission. I can get to the drop off point (maybe one time out of 20) but can never seem to make it back w/o crashing or just getting blown up.
Wish there was just a 'indestrucible planes' or 'mission skip' code.....
I dont even want to get 100% completion. I just want to finish the story.....
WOW. When Someone says they are stuck on a certain part for over 6 months, I find it a bit funny :D All I can say is good luck and hopefully you can beat the part your stuck on sometime this year.
I applaud your dedication. I never could play the game, the missions were only fun for like the first 20 minutes, then I thought they felt too repetitive. I just like to sit there and use the cheats and mess around.
It took me 8 years to beat Hot Shots Golf playing here and there. fucking Iceman, didn't even put up a fight when I finally beat him.
I thought the flight school was much more difficult than any of the actual flying missions. Just keep at it, some of the Los Venturas mission are some of the best in the game.
Did you beat the mission where you have to fly the little plane and blow up the vans in San Fierro? I beat the story 2 years ago and I just beat that mission last month.
i dunno which mission you mean exactly. if you mean the rc plane flying mission get the newer version of the game that made that part easier to beat. i found most of the plane missions easy especially once you figure out the jet controls. and i wouldnt use a cheat code if i were you because if you save your game with one it may corrupt your save. but i feel you pain i beat gta san andreas and vice city but can beat gta 3. damn game has shitty controls and i always get lost.
No, it's the first mission on the airstrip line -after- completing the flight school set of missions. The mission is entitled n.o.e. It involves you flying an older plane under the radar to drop off supplies. this game isn't something I play continuously. I play it once or twice a week then maybe forget about it for a month or so while I play newer games.
I'm with you there brother. I stopped playing San Andreas years ago because I couldn't get past the early mission where you chase that OG Loc guy with your motorcycle. Really pathetic because it was so early in the game and I really wanted to continue playing. I must have tried like 10 times too before giving up.
[quote name='eldergamer']No, it's the first mission on the airstrip line -after- completing the flight school set of missions. The mission is entitled n.o.e. It involves you flying an older plane under the radar to drop off supplies. this game isn't something I play continuously. I play it once or twice a week then maybe forget about it for a month or so while I play newer games.[/quote]

that one depends more on the path you take i think and being careful not to hit the trees. i had some trouble with that one myself but once i got the hang of letting the meter go close to red then dropping down in time it was a breeze.
I'm never gonna finish San Andreas because I can't beat those fucking Fast & Furious wannabes. I hate racing missions.
I completed all the missions, I don't recall any of them being too difficult. Having to take over territory via gang fights became rather boring though.
[quote name='eldergamer']No, it's the first mission on the airstrip line -after- completing the flight school set of missions. The mission is entitled n.o.e. It involves you flying an older plane under the radar to drop off supplies. this game isn't something I play continuously. I play it once or twice a week then maybe forget about it for a month or so while I play newer games.[/quote]

I also had trouble with this mission. Not as much as you, lol, but it is hard. The thing is, if you fly directly to the dropoff point, theres alot of trees and hills in the way that can screw you up, and get some missles launched on yer ass.
But theres no time limit on the mission, so try a more indirect route to the dropoff, like over the water. Try different routes to find the flattest, emptiest line to the point. Then follow that same way back. It can be done, hang in there and good luck!
[quote name='yukine']I completed all the missions, I don't recall any of them being too difficult. Having to take over territory via gang fights became rather boring though.[/quote]

Man, that was annoying. I'd be clear across the map doing some mission, and then one of my territories would start blinking. Having to drive all the way back there to smoke some punks got real old real fast.

Some of the rc missions gave me fits. I didn't do all the race missions (go-kart and others).
[quote name='Kendro']I'm with you there brother. I stopped playing San Andreas years ago because I couldn't get past the early mission where you chase that OG Loc guy with your motorcycle. Really pathetic because it was so early in the game and I really wanted to continue playing. I must have tried like 10 times too before giving up.[/QUOTE]
fuck that mission, thats where i stopped too.
GTA : SA is the one GTA game that I actually have finished. I got pretty far in both the previous GTA III and GTA VC but for whatever reason, I gave them up. San Andreas was fun for me more or less the whole way through.

I'm replaying them all now kind of in anticipation of GTA IV, I hope I finish them in time.
I have not finished any of the gta games because one mission ends up fouling me up and I detest playing missions over more than 5 times. Bully is the only rockstar game I have beaten
[quote name='Kendro']I'm with you there brother. I stopped playing San Andreas years ago because I couldn't get past the early mission where you chase that OG Loc guy with your motorcycle. Really pathetic because it was so early in the game and I really wanted to continue playing. I must have tried like 10 times too before giving up.[/quote]
Holy shit. I thought I was the only one. I started to play it, then gave up on it like the 2nd day i was playing that mission.
I have always eventually gave up in a GTA game, III, Vice City and San Andreas (I'm stuck on NOE too!).

I did beat Saint's Row though, that was easy.
[quote name='jlarlee']I have not finished any of the gta games because one mission ends up fouling me up and I detest playing missions over more than 5 times. Bully is the only rockstar game I have beaten[/QUOTE]Wow, if I made 5 attempts at a mission the cutoff point for giving up on a game, I'd probably never finish any games. :lol: I was having a hard time believing the earlier post from Kendro about giving up after trying a mission 10 times. Not trying to criticize in any way, it's just so contrary to my own approach to playing that I guess I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it. Maybe it's a generational thing. Maybe I'm just more stubborn because I'm old.

I finished GTA:SA, but I had a tough time with the N.O.E. mission as well. I agree 100% with the advice Puffa469 gave- an indirect route is the easiest way to beat that mission. The RC plane mission (blowing up the vans) from Zero's shop was far and away the hardest mission for me from any of the GTA games. I'd guess it was well over 50 attempts before I finally beat that one. :bomb:
[quote name='Danimal']Wow, if I made 5 attempts at a mission the cutoff point for giving up on a game, I'd probably never finish any games. :lol: I was having a hard time believing the earlier post from Kendro about giving up after trying a mission 10 times. Not trying to criticize in any way, it's just so contrary to my own approach to playing that I guess I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it. Maybe it's a generational thing. Maybe I'm just more stubborn because I'm old.

I finished GTA:SA, but I had a tough time with the N.O.E. mission as well. I agree 100% with the advice Puffa469 gave- an indirect route is the easiest way to beat that mission. The RC plane mission (blowing up the vans) from Zero's shop was far and away the hardest mission for me from any of the GTA games. I'd guess it was well over 50 attempts before I finally beat that one. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

I dunno at 28 I think I'm more on the older side of gamers than the young side. There is nothing I hate more than replaying a section of a game over and over again. When i was a kid and a game had to last me months I would have just soldiered through, but now with the backlog of games I have I'm like screw it lets move on to the next game.
Yeah. Shit, I'm 30. Which just feels ancient some days. (or really young when you work with a group of people who are all 50+)
I only have maybe an hour each day to play each night, and I've definately noticed myself dropping more titles when they're not 'fun'. (any recent sonic title).
The thing with gta is it's a great game, is really fun, and each time I play that n.o.e. mission it feels like I'm getting -that- much closer to finishing it. Which is the most important feature in a game.
im an older gamer too and it takes alot for me to just up and quit a game. i used to be a 100 percent completion junkie way back when but a little game called donkey kong country 64 killed that out of me. damn colored bananas freakin drove me nuts all the shit they crammed in there to collect so much so i quit the game that and the cheap boss chracter i couldnt for the life of me beat.

mind you i dominated games like banjo kazooie and tooie and mario 64 but something abou t that game i couldnt grasp. so now i like to beat games and find what i can but 100 percent completion isnt worth the time. especially in gta games i like to search those worlds for hidden stuff and races and what not but i could care beyond just beating the main story.

and yeah alot of gta missions can be cheap and hard but even after dying 50 or so times ill just take a break play somethign else and then come back later to try again. did the same thign with god of war during the battle against hades and im doing the same thing right now in midnight club 2 ( damn rain race in tokyo). in the end you get better and theres no greater feeling than finally defeating something that had been stumping you and the stories in the gta games are good enough i cant imagine not playing through to see how it ends.

even now i go back and play nes roms of games i had trouble with as a kid to see if i can beat them now( i still have to beat castlevannia 1 and 3) its fun to do. harder games challenge you as a gamer and over time you will get better. i remember being so scared of re 2 i couldnt play it more than 2 or 3 minutes not to mention the weird control scheme of the game but if id just given up id have missed out on the greatest re game ever.

long way to a simple statement yall shouldnt just give up. think outside the box and sooner or later youll beat whatever is stumping you. whether its through your own skill or just dumb luck it happens.
For that flight mission, keep going in the direction you are in when you first take off. Keep going straight till you get to the water... then turn left and follow that down. Go through the corona and take the same flight back. If you do fill the visibility meter... simply stay under the radar for a few seconds. Good luck.
Wow I never knew people gave up on GTA. Some of the missions WERE really annoying, but I remember having fun regardless. Some of the craziest and funniest stuff happens when you crash and die.

Was this the mission where you have to fly really far south and back? It's been a really long time, but I remember flying over the water as much as possible. I think you have to go inland at some point...try to take a clear path through the trees and set your plane up so that you can make a nice and easy circle to take that same path out to the water.
I "finished" Vice City. Had to cheat to get a driver to rob the bank, his cheating is uncool and made the game unfinishable. Even after that the credits didn't roll so I'm not sure what I missed.

SA I'd rather play on the pc but the extremely annoying "muffler cam" makes it worthless as a game. GTA3 is overly basic in every sense of the game, I can see why it got praise but now it's just dated.
It's too bad they took out that feature that sensed when you failed a mission a certain amount of times and made it easier for you to complete that mission.

It's worth finishing the story. I am working on the game for my 2nd play through and it's easily my favorite PS2 game.

I gave up on finishing GTA 3 and then went back to it a few years later and started from the beginning because I figured I might as well replay it. When I got to that mission again I found out it was the last mission for the story and was very annoyed at myself for giving up at what was the last mission. Had I known that, I wouldn't have given up. I did complete it the 2nd time though
[quote name='ItsTrueItsTrue92']Did you beat the mission where you have to fly the little plane and blow up the vans in San Fierro? I beat the story 2 years ago and I just beat that mission last month.[/QUOTE]

Those missions are a pain in the dick. I love David Cross, but I hated everything involving Zero. In fact, the only reason why I even went back to the game (it sat on my shelf for a year, been playing it on and off for the last 6 months) was to catch Cross and Bill Fitchner (Mahone from Prison Break, Ken Rosenberg in game). Just got back to Los Santos tonight, hopefully I'll have this game beat by the end of the month. Then again, when gang territory opens up again, I'll likely just sit in urban combat instead of doing the missions.
[quote name='Kendro']I'm with you there brother. I stopped playing San Andreas years ago because I couldn't get past the early mission where you chase that OG Loc guy with your motorcycle. Really pathetic because it was so early in the game and I really wanted to continue playing. I must have tried like 10 times too before giving up.[/QUOTE]

You don't chase OG Loc you chase the dude that stole something of his. Og should be on the bike with you if I remember correctly. If this is early in the game when he first gets out of jail. It's really an easy mission, all you have to do is follow him don't try to kill the dude and stay close to him. At the end of the trail you all get off the bikes then you kill him. N.O.E is probably the hardest of the flying missions because of the random tree pop ups. Just take the long way around which is sticking to the ocean and keeping your plane low and you'll be fine. Once you get to the drop off point make sure you have enough room to hit the marker and spin back around and go the way you came. Landing can be a bitch though as I did it real easy and got cocky and landed to hard, and my fucking plane blew up and my controller blew up too.... :whistle2:#
I think the Zero mission in San Andreas with the remote controlled plane was 'Supply Lines,' where you have to systematically destroy the rivals' couriers in a very limited time. It took me months and months to complete that crap, and having to hear David Cross scream "Nooooo, hohohohoho!!" fifty times was irritating.

I am one of those 'older' gamers and with limited time, plus being married, and a crazy backlog of games, I simply don't have the patience to try a section over and over. What usually happens is, I forget about the game, then come back to it and get lucky on the tough part, blaze through another section til I hit a wall again, then take a few months off. It's the only way for me to pass a game without getting frustrated.

That said, I suck at GTA games. I have all of them (including the original GTA for PC, all way up to VC stories), and I've never finished a single one. Ever. I play more for those sandbox moments, and for the thrill of being chased by and hiding from the law (virtually). It is the journey for me that matters, even if I never reach the destination.
i have beat all the ps2 gta, i played gta III, so many times threw that i did real good on liberty city stories. the only game i have have not beat yet is liberty city stories, half way threw.
i have noticed on all the gta games i have played there is always one mission that makes you want to throw your controler in the yard and leave it there for weeks( damn techmo bowl on the snes, and the cheat code)
still have not beat hot shots golf 3, had it over 5 years
[quote name='Starkraving']I think the Zero mission in San Andreas with the remote controlled plane was 'Supply Lines,' where you have to systematically destroy the rivals' couriers in a very limited time. It took me months and months to complete that crap, and having to hear David Cross scream "Nooooo, hohohohoho!!" fifty times was irritating.

I am one of those 'older' gamers and with limited time, plus being married, and a crazy backlog of games, I simply don't have the patience to try a section over and over. What usually happens is, I forget about the game, then come back to it and get lucky on the tough part, blaze through another section til I hit a wall again, then take a few months off. It's the only way for me to pass a game without getting frustrated.[/quote]

Same here, dude. It's just not worth the frustration and the scolding from the wife that results from getting upset over a freakin' video game. Better to take a break for a few days, then get back at it and be more successful in completing a mission that way.
I still remember when some of the missions from GTA VCS and SA were so fucken hard that I felt like pulling my fucken hair out!
[quote name='shieryda']Same here, dude. It's just not worth the frustration and the scolding from the wife that results from getting upset over a freakin' video game. Better to take a break for a few days, then get back at it and be more successful in completing a mission that way.[/quote]

Probably the WORST mission ever was the porn mag pickup one in GTA III, where if you missed one turn and had to backtrack, you would be right on :00 for time by the time you hit the next package sometimes.

I must've done that mission about 20 times before I didn't have a minor fender bender and/or run out of time. I was SO ready to throw my controller each time I ran out of time because some shleppo in the game ran an intersection and made me have to go around them and waste my :20 I had on the clock.
I stopped playing San Andreas after getting stuck in flight school too. It's must have been over a year since I last played. I wonder if I'll ever finish the game before the fourth game comes out...
Booyah, San Andreas beaten. The game ceases being fun from the "Riot" mission through "End of the line", but all in all it was good. I prefer, Vice City, but that's mostly because 90's Cali isn't as cool as 80's Miami.
Wow, I feel a bit better about my gaming now. I got stuck in all 3 games, I liked them enough to muscle through it, though, finshing the hard levels didn't cause elation as much as relief that it was over. The game was a little too unbalanced. I wish, if they wanted the hard missions in the game, they made those optional for the gamers that enjoyed them, and let us pass.

I remember having to blow up the 7 coffee stands in GTAIII, that was horrible. Racing to get the driver in Vice City was horrible. The Fiight school in GTA SA was horrible. It's the one thing that sort of scares me about GTAIV, I'm sure they'll be that one mission that takes me forever (heck, even LCS had a mission that took way too long to get past, and I'm not that deep in it).
[quote name='snotnose_colossal']fuck that mission, thats where i stopped too.[/QUOTE]

same here. i beat all the other gta's, i had 100% on III and got stuck here and gave up.
The mission in LCS where you had to destroy the 3 ammo trucks before they reached their destination was a pain in my ass, too. It feels good to finally get past a mission like that, but it doesn't supplant the frustration that built up prior to completing it!
I think you all should try and get through just the story line missions in San Andreas. It is by far my favorite missions at the end of any GTAs. They were really awesome.

As for hardest mission ever? The one who said the RC plane from Zero definatly tops them all, and I've played most of the games. That one suckeddddddddddddd.
I own GTA III and Vice City. I never beat III because I get stuck in this one mission where you have to get to certain areas really fast...and I don't know the area >.>

I think it's the one where you have to like shoot down booths, and there are some on the other side of town, which I have no idea how to get there fast as I'm always looking for the bridge or tunnel.

Then Vice City...I never even put in my PS2 :O
[quote name='D4rkewolfe']I own GTA III and Vice City. I never beat III because I get stuck in this one mission where you have to get to certain areas really fast...and I don't know the area >.>

I think it's the one where you have to like shoot down booths, and there are some on the other side of town, which I have no idea how to get there fast as I'm always looking for the bridge or tunnel.

Then Vice City...I never even put in my PS2 :O[/quote]

The trick with that mission in GTA III is to get a really heavy vehicle and just ram the first couple. Most only take a good hit with a car to be damaged. Repeat till the mission is done and voila, you've finally beaten that mission.

And why not(about not putting Vice City in the PS2)? It's the best of the three IMO. However, San Andreas had more stuff to do, but was 'too big' as some have said.
After reading this thread, I think I'm going to pop GTA: VC back into my PS2 this week and try to make some more progress.:bouncy:
Vice City was like the 'It's a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad world' of console and PC games, in that it had many stars, but none that are/were really too relevant by the time it came out.

I mean, you had Lee Majors, Gary Busey, Ray Liotta, Tom Sizemore, Dennis Hopper, Danny Trejo, Phillip Michael Thomas, Burt Reynolds, Debbie Harry(which I did not know bout till I just checked, Jenna Jameson, Lawrence Taylor and Youree Dell Harris(you remember her as "Miss Cleo", the psychic lady from TV).

While none of them seem really relevant today, you probably could and did recognize most of them while you were playing the game just by their voices.

Compare that with GTA III and San Andreas(which had Samuel fuckin' Jackson as one of the main characters but no one else MAJOR) and those two games just can't compare with the sheer star power that was in Vice City.
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']Vice City was like the 'It's a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad world' of console and PC games, in that it had many stars, but none that are/were really too relevant by the time it came out.

I mean, you had Lee Majors, Gary Busey, Ray Liotta, Tom Sizemore, Dennis Hopper, Danny Trejo, Phillip Michael Thomas, Burt Reynolds, Debbie Harry(which I did not know bout till I just checked, Jenna Jameson, Lawrence Taylor and Youree Dell Harris(you remember her as "Miss Cleo", the psychic lady from TV).

While none of them seem really relevant today, you probably could and did recognize most of them while you were playing the game just by their voices.

Compare that with GTA III and San Andreas(which had Samuel fuckin' Jackson as one of the main characters but no one else MAJOR) and those two games just can't compare with the sheer star power that was in Vice City.[/QUOTE]

Sweet. I knew about Ray Liotta, but none of the others. That's a great line-up. But come on, SA had James freakin' Woods! And David Cross!
[quote name='shieryda']Sweet. I knew about Ray Liotta, but none of the others. That's a great line-up. But come on, SA had James freakin' Woods! And David Cross![/QUOTE]

Not to mention the stars of the music world as DJ's on the radio stations. Although I can't remember who they had now. Axl Rose, and maybe George Clinton? Someone from the rap world, I think, but it's been awhile and I'm too lazy to look it up.
[quote name='Backlash']Not to mention the stars of the music world as DJ's on the radio stations. Although I can't remember who they had now. Axl Rose, and maybe George Clinton? Someone from the rap world, I think, but it's been awhile and I'm too lazy to look it up.[/quote]

I believe Dr. Dre was on there.
bread's done