nevermind. too many CAGers has misunderstood the point of this poll...


9 (100%)
I want to grab an XB from FYE with the rebate, and I have some trade-in credit as well:
149.99 XBox (w/free DVD remote)
-30.00 Rebate
-40.00 Store credit i have
+50.00 SC:pT
-20.00 SC:pT Rebate
110.00 Total cost for XB, game, and DVD kit

I already have PS2, GC, GBASP, DC, NES, and Atari 7800; she says that's enough, but I say, "lady, you just don't get it!"

Gentlemen (and ladies), your thoughts, please....
Its not just entertainment, its a collectable.My girlfriend didnt understand at first, but then i compared it to her Boyd bears. things work pretty well now :)
Do you think the best of her? Honestly? My brother and his wife are only together to keep their kids happy. So he does whateva...he does what he wants.
wow. organiccow = javeryh :shock:

I am wondering the EXACT same thing. I have a PS2, GCN, N64, DC, GBA, etc... and I really want to get an Xbox. I think there are at least 5-8 AAA titles that I have been missing out on that I really want to play. My wife doesn't see the need for one...
I'd do without and use the money to get something for your wife. You've probably spent more than enough on gaming...spend on her for a change. :D

Besides...SC:pT is also available for the PC. It might not be as cheap, but it's still less than an XBox.
No, it isn't worth alienating your wife. And you can not convince her that you need it, because you don't. You have a few options:

1) Tell her that if you she lets you get it, she can get something frivilous of roughly equal value without checking with you.

2) Try to use it as a way to spend more time together. Get an extra controller and a copy of Fuzion Frenzy. Don't dance on the table when you win.

3) She may be afraid that another console will cause you to spend more on games than you already do. Create a gaming budget that covers all your consoles, and promise to stick to it. Show that your overall game spending will not increase.

If she still does not agree, then live without it.
[quote name='Wshakspear']Its not just entertainment, its a collectable.My girlfriend didnt understand at first, but then i compared it to her Boyd bears. things work pretty well now :)[/quote]

That's probably the best way to do it. Explain it to her in a frame of reference she could understand.
I'm a happily married guy, but I'm going to offer this up:

As long as the money isn't an issue (i.e. if you guys are strapped for cash you gots NO business buying another console), if playing video games is how you like to spend YOUR personal free time, why would she give you any static about it?

Now, if you're ignoring her for video games, that's one thing, but that's not going to change based one one more or one less console. But if there's no problem in your relationship, I guess I don't know why she should care.

Maybe I'm lucky though; my wife BOUGHT me my Xbox and has no beef with me nerding out on the console. But I also spend QT with her - there's always a balance. If she started telling me how to spend my own free time though I would be pretty ticked. My hobbies are my own - you can't live just for your spouse or significant other.
You should sell all of your gaming systems and use the proceeds to buy yourself some pants. That way your wife won't be the only one wearing the pants in your house.
LOL you guys are WHIPPED. I would do whatever the hell I feel like, who the hell cares if the wife doesn't think you need it, does SHE play it? No? thought so.
[quote name='optimolife']LOL you guys are WHIPPED. I would do whatever the hell I feel like, who the hell cares if the wife doesn't think you need it, does SHE play it? No? thought so.[/quote]

There is a difference between being "WHIPPED" and being a mature, considerate adult who thinks of someone other than himself.
...alienating your wife? Not just the risk of doing so, but is it worth alienating her outright? Is this to imply that she has registered direct opposition to the purchase already? Good God, man. And you've started a thread on a web site dedicated to deals on videogames for input on either stance? You are the man! Well, specifically, you're the man on the receiving end here, or will be soon:
(pic courtesy of Mr. Hockey 66's gallery)
Well.... I don't think in a healthy relationship you can really alienate someone by spending 100-200 on a toy that you want that you can afford and that will bring you happiness. If you are a working adult and you have the money, what's the big is short, enjoy it. I spend much more on going out, dinners, and gifts for my girlfriend (I am happy to) than on video game systems. They really aren't that expensive, especially Xbox for $150. So like I say, if you want it and you can afford it and you don't neglect her she has no business being alienated.
Whar are the reasons for your wife not wanting you to have one? If it is financial or because you are not spending enough time with her do without. If her argument is that you already have enough games... buy it anyway. Only deprive yourself for a valid reason. ;)

Luckily my wife doesn't care about me spending money on games and consoles.
It seems that your alienation issue is contrived from something within you, or from experience (seeing that you have quite a few systems this alienation thing may have reared it's ugly head before)) I sense that maybe you feel that purchasing the system may spur some kind of uncontrolable urge to play it and shun your responsibilities as a spouse. You are no doubt an adult and obviously have had to deal with some type of responsibilty. I'm sure that you have many quality's that enticed your wife into making a lifelong committment to you, and vice-versa. I'm certain your video gaming habits were not one of them. You're good points must outweigh your bad. Keep in mind though... you are obligated to consider her feelings before making this purchase.


All kidding aside... get the Xbox but don't let it consume you (which is very easy to let happen). I mean really think about it you know where your responsibilities lie. If you can exercise enough control to pause or save your game when she hits you with a honey do you'll be fine. This habit may also help to cause less grief when you want to buy your next system.

You only go through life once. Might as well enjoy the things that give you pleasure.

But remember this "You are the master of your own destiny"

Good Luck! Keep us updated.
You need to up her daily dosage of "Vitamin Backhand to the Chops", then she won't care what you do so long as you're not beating her.
Wow, things are pretty messed up for you . . . aren't they?

My wife was not completely thrilled with my getting another game system . . . I held off adding the Xbox for quite awhile . . . but this is the year where

But I have to agree with some of the other folks here--there are a couple of issues:

Money -- do you have the cash to blow (and you know you will get some other games :roll:

Time -- are you already disconnected from her too much . . . when and how much do you game?

Space -- the only real complaint that my wife had is that the systems take up so much space and the Xbox is a huge monster.

Priorities -- I do realize that my interest in gaming can go overboard on this hobby and sometimes I pull back a bit.
[quote name='optimolife']LOL you guys are WHIPPED. I would do whatever the hell I feel like, who the hell cares if the wife doesn't think you need it, does SHE play it? No? thought so.[/quote]

Hmmmm something tells me that you have never been married...and with that attitude, get used to it.
[quote name='paean']Sex or Videogames, the age old question to us nerds.

Since you are asking the nerd crowd, GO FOR THE XBOX!!!! :D[/quote]

Doesn't have to be that way. You can find some games you'll both enjoy. Go to EB as a couple! Pick out some nice games she'd like.

Here's an idea...
Let her win until she's cocky enough to make a bet on the outcome of the game. Manipulate the bet so it becomes a sex wager. Destroy her at the game without mercy. A winner is you!
buy the xbox FOR your wife, homer simpson-style
when she doesnt like the gift, get upset and say "Fine, then at least someone will use this so it doesn't go to waste"

Also you should be playing the xbox while you give it to your wife and it is important to avoid eye contact and trail off your sentences into incoherent mumblings
[quote name='vherub']buy the xbox FOR your wife, homer simpson-style
when she doesnt like the gift, get upset and say "Fine, then at least someone will use this so it doesn't go to waste"

Also you should be playing the xbox while you give it to your wife and it is important to avoid eye contact and trail off your sentences into incoherent mumblings[/quote]

Just wait until she begins taking XBox lessons and ends up having an affair with her sexy French XBox instructor...

Just get it bro. She'll get over it trust me thats the same way my wife was. I still have my OG NES, Super NES, Genesis, PS1, 3DO, DC, PS2,GB, GBC,GBP, GC(2),xbox,GBA,GBA SP, and NEO GEO pocket. Actually I only have Xbox, PS2, GC, and DC hooked up in my living room. MY son has the GC, PS1, and SNES in his room everything else is stored away. I'm also getting the halo edition xbox and man I can't wait to see the look on her face.
As many here have already said it depends what the issue is.

Is it the money? Do you have the disposable income to be spending on another gaming machine. For most adults, especially married ones, 150 bucks just isn't that much money, especially if thats one of the things you like to spend money on.

Is it the hobby? If she just doesn't understand the hobby then that is her problem. I had an ex who just hated that I would play games, I think she felt like she was competing with them. The problem was she didn't feel competitive with my other hobbies (watching TV, movies, working out, etc.), it was just that she hated video games. I had to get rid of her, of course thats not an option in your case. But if she has something against games, confront her about her hobbies. My current gf doesn't mind games at all, but she understands, unlike my ex, that we both have interests that the other probably doesn't understand, hers is clothes.

Is it the time? If you are honestly alienating her because you spend time with games rather than time with her then thats your problem and something you need to fix. A new console won't necessarily change that, its you who needs to change. If it is time, I say buy the new console then instead of being glued to it, take her out and spend an excessive amount of time with her, then she can't blame the new console.
i would probably buy some games that you 2 can play together... either that or since you probably know her taste, buy her a game that she'll enjoy. it can be fun playing vid games with your significant other. :D
[quote name='organicow']I want to grab an XB from FYE with the rebate, and I have some trade-in credit as well:
149.99 XBox (w/free DVD remote)
-30.00 Rebate
-40.00 Store credit i have
+50.00 SC:pT
-20.00 SC:pT Rebate
110.00 Total cost for XB, game, and DVD kit

I already have PS2, GC, GBASP, DC, NES, and Atari 7800; she says that's enough, but I say, "lady, you just don't get it!"

Gentlemen (and ladies), your thoughts, please....[/quote]

if its just a number of consoles issue,offer to consign some of your old consoles to the closet.

She wouldn't be the first to freakout over an unsightly entertainment center and since that's what you make it sound like,this could solve your problem:)
[quote name='cruster']I'm a happily married guy, but I'm going to offer this up:

As long as the money isn't an issue (i.e. if you guys are strapped for cash you gots NO business buying another console), if playing video games is how you like to spend YOUR personal free time, why would she give you any static about it?

Now, if you're ignoring her for video games, that's one thing, but that's not going to change based one one more or one less console. But if there's no problem in your relationship, I guess I don't know why she should care.

Maybe I'm lucky though; my wife BOUGHT me my Xbox and has no beef with me nerding out on the console. But I also spend QT with her - there's always a balance. If she started telling me how to spend my own free time though I would be pretty ticked. My hobbies are my own - you can't live just for your spouse or significant other.[/quote]

Great post.
Do you mean alienating or do you mean shes gonna be pissed?

If you really mean alienating, you have bigger issues than an xbox.

Just tell her you really want the thing. I usually use the its on sale and ive wanted it for a whiel and it will never be this cheap again.
Usually just the idiotic pleading gets my boss to give me the OK.

But if its that important to you, just buy it, explain to her your feelings.
mayeb she says ok and you get hugs and kisses right then, or maybe she stays pissed for a bit.

anyhow, nobody here can answer this question as well as you can.

good luck buckaroo
Ask your wife for the xbox and ask for the xbox for your brithday or chrismas and she will just get for you on your brithday or on chrismas. If not do what blackjaw said or magilcudy said.
My girlfriend plays the Xbox more than any of the many systems we have. Of course she mostly plays morrowind, which means I have to find some other source of entertainment.
[quote name='minx']
if its just a number of consoles issue,offer to consign some of your old consoles to the closet.

She wouldn't be the first to freakout over an unsightly entertainment center and since that's what you make it sound like,this could solve your problem:)[/quote]

What he said. Just clean shit up and make room for it. Who is she to dictate your hobbies to you? It's crap, and you need to compromise. Do you tell HER what she can do with her free time? Come on man, grow a pair. I've been with my wife for 8 years, married for 6. She has her painting/crafty junk and I have my games. If she doesn't have a hobby tell her to get one. :D
When I first met my girlfriend, she wasn't really into the whole gaming thing...but I tried and tried to get her into it. Finally she has accepted it and loves to play almost as much as I do! Try to show her that the Xbox is something you can enjoy together. My girlfriend and I have a blast playing games like Baldurs Gate and Halo. Also, don't assume that just because she is female that the only game she will enjoy is Fusion never know what might tickle her fancy.
Hey, you guys are a riot!! to those of you accusing me of having bigger issues: it ain't like that!

No offence to any of you, but i'm not going to make my decision based on what you guys say; i just thought it would be an interesting conversation topic, which it is.

As for money, that's not the issue; i'm not rich by any standards, but i'm a responsible adult with a good income and a very healthy marriage. my wife knew i was a game geek when we started dating 9 years ago!

No, she wouldn't throw me out on the street for it, and i wouldn't be spending less time with her. rarely do i play games when she is around; its usually just when she's at work, or with her friends, etc.

Basically, it's just an issue of one person not fully understanding another person's hobby. to her (she has no interest in gaming, i've tried and tried), one console is enough; she doesn't "get it." it reminds me of when i was in high school: i had an electric guitar, so when i bought another one, my folks didn't understand that though they were both guitars they would produce very different sounds. had they been musicians themselves, they would have understood. see what i mean?

So hey, thanks for all your input! i just thought it would be fun to talk about; i didn't expect to get analyses of my marriage, but oh well.

PS. perhaps 'alienate' was a poor choice of words; i might should have said "if you wanted a new console but your wife didn't think you needed it (even though it was for a great price), would you get it anyway?"

And i agree with whichever one of you said that i don't NEED the console. of course i don't, just like none of us NEED our games in order to survive, and just like none of us NEED to come onto CAG to discuss it!!
Dude, man, you are a dick for posting this question and then flaming everyone who tried to help. Sorry someone suggested you are whipped--clearly you are--but deal with it. Spend the Xbox money on some professional help. You got issues big time. I doubt I'm the first to point this out.
[quote name='englishboy']Dude, man, you are a dick for posting this question and then flaming everyone who tried to help. Sorry someone suggested you are whipped--clearly you are--but deal with it. Spend the Xbox money on some professional help. You got issues big time. I doubt I'm the first to point this out.[/quote]

You are a dick.
[quote name='englishboy']Dude, man, you are a dick for posting this question and then flaming everyone who tried to help. Sorry someone suggested you are whipped--clearly you are--but deal with it. Spend the Xbox money on some professional help. You got issues big time. I doubt I'm the first to point this out.[/quote]

whoa!! i didn't flame anyone!!! i just posted any innocent discussion topic, and then posted a response to everyone's comments!

to thecolonel2323: thanks for sticking up for me; i guess you understand a bit better than englishboy....

to englishboy: c'mon, man, you can't possibly be serious. why you have to adopt such a hostile tone in a discussion like this is really confusing... and just because i care about maintaining a healthy, happy marriage doesn't mean i'm "whipped." take your hostility somewhere else. the whole point of this discussion was not to get some huge life-altering information from other CAGers, but rather just to discuss the situations that our (sometimes fanatical) common hobby often puts us in.

chill out, brother...
If you were looking to discuss stories of other peoples situations the title could have let on to that a bit better.

As it was it seemed like a pretty straight forward poll in which you were seeking advice.

as far as you flaming, yea, that guy is living in a different world.

for what its worth, the thread did entertain me.

peace. (I hope you buy the box, get kotor)
[quote name='organicow']PS. perhaps 'alienate' was a poor choice of words; i might should have said "if you wanted a new console but your wife didn't think you needed it (even though it was for a great price), would you get it anyway?"[/quote]

If history is any guide, guys have always and will always try in vain to explain to their wives why tiny little colored-string mimics of flies are worth hours of painstaking labor under a magnifying glass, or why the new drivers made with lighter steel and patented-design grooves for better ball control are worth another three hundred dollars and yes of course you know you've already got 2 other drivers but that's not the point! :lol:

The lucky ones with wives who either share the same interest in any given hobby or at least partially so (enough to agree that such activities/products have value) may offer up suggestions on how they think they might've influenced a change of heart, or tipped their loved ones over the threshold from fond head-shaking to supportive appreciation for a hobby...but I think that most of us are slated for perpetual, fruitless attempts to bring the significant other into the same camp where toys are concerned. In short, I don't have anything useful to offer except the bland comfort that you're in a crowded boat. Heh!
[quote name='RBM'][quote name='organicow']PS. perhaps 'alienate' was a poor choice of words; i might should have said "if you wanted a new console but your wife didn't think you needed it (even though it was for a great price), would you get it anyway?"[/quote]

If history is any guide, guys have always and will always try in vain to explain to their wives why tiny little colored-string mimics of flies are worth hours of painstaking labor under a magnifying glass, or why the new drivers made with lighter steel and patented-design grooves for better ball control are worth another three hundred dollars and yes of course you know you've already got 2 other drivers but that's not the point! :lol:

The lucky ones with wives who either share the same interest in any given hobby or at least partially so (enough to agree that such activities/products have value) may offer up suggestions on how they think they might've influenced a change of heart, or tipped their loved ones over the threshold from fond head-shaking to supportive appreciation for a hobby...but I think that most of us are slated for perpetual, fruitless attempts to bring the significant other into the same camp where toys are concerned. In short, I don't have anything useful to offer except the bland comfort that you're in a crowded boat. Heh![/quote]

I think this says it all!
bread's done