New Battlefield Clan Topic - WE NEED SOME MORE PEOPLE!!

[quote name='kamui34']I sure hope so. I didn't feel I got my money's worth for Euroforce...[/QUOTE]

you and me both my $10 has gotten me two rounds I didn't even enjoy
[quote name='2poor']Euro Force was pretty disapointing. I hardly ever play it. If 2 out of the 3 maps are armor based what is armored fury going to bring to the table? Hand to hand combat with 2 x 4 's with nails in them?

Btw what does ebb and flow mean? :lol:[/QUOTE]

disappointment does not come close to defining Euro Force. I cannot even play the Great Wall without getting a bug that completely crashes my computer. Not only that but they did not include all the shit they included in Special Forces.

and I started playing again in case anyone could not tell. If you guys want to get a game going sometime next week I would be up for one. My last day of school is monday and I only have to be there for two hours. Aside from getting a job or two this summer, I should be playing a lot.

and I sent out friend invites to a bunch of people. Sorry I have been slacking, but it is hard to deal with stuff when you are not playing.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']disappointment does not come close to defining Euro Force. I cannot even play the Great Wall without getting a bug that completely crashes my computer. Not only that but they did not include all the shit they included in Special Forces.

and I started playing again in case anyone could not tell. If you guys want to get a game going sometime next week I would be up for one. My last day of school is monday and I only have to be there for two hours. Aside from getting a job or two this summer, I should be playing a lot.

and I sent out friend invites to a bunch of people. Sorry I have been slacking, but it is hard to deal with stuff when you are not playing.[/QUOTE]

I should be getting a lot more playtime for a couple weeks after next week, but then I have to get ready for sat subject tests for june. Junior year sucks. Next year should be a easier.
the more I hear about 2142, the more I plan on skipping it. UT2K7 and Quake Wars both look much more entertaining.

Anyone else feel the same way?
anyone interested in joining another clan? I got propped by this guy over Xfire to join his clan. I was just wondering if people had any interest in it before any decision was reached:

that is their website and they seem to play a lot of different games besides battlefield. They also have their own server.

Just wanted to throw that out there to see what people thought
[quote name='CaseyRyback']anyone interested in joining another clan? I got propped by this guy over Xfire to join his clan. I was just wondering if people had any interest in it before any decision was reached:

that is their website and they seem to play a lot of different games besides battlefield. They also have their own server.

Just wanted to throw that out there to see what people thought[/QUOTE]

I'm interested
I just got my PC back, and just got my BF2 disks up here to college with me yesterday. So a few questions I guess:

- Is anyone on here still playing?
- Do I need the expansion packs?
New Features:
  • Co-op: Players can now enjoy single player levels on Internet and LAN play with both Bots and human players. We have added a few options to allow the server admin to modify how the bots behave in game. Co-op play is not permitted on ranked servers.
  • Air Dropped Vehicles: Squad members can no send a request to commanders to drop vehicles at their location.
Bug Fixes & Gameplay Tweaks:
  • Ban list will no longer be wiped in the event of a server crash.
  • Abandoned helicopters will no longer remain in flight.
  • If a player joins a squad while dead they will not be permitted to use the squad leader as a spawn point until they have spawned at a flag once.
  • Flag Capture bar will now react accurately to players entering the capture radius.
  • Friendly vehicles will no longer appear as valid targets for missile systems. The box with the X through it will still appear however the locked tone will not sound and missiles fired will not track the friendly target.
  • Fixed the crash that sometimes occurred when switching between game types.
  • Fixed a tech hang when creating a single player account from an offline account.
  • Fixed Issues with remote console and Linux servers.
  • Fixed the issue that prevented players from ranking up in-game when playing on their regular server.
  • Fixed the bug that altered mini map behavior.
  • Fixed issue with Special Forces rank names.
  • Fixed repairing HUD for the engineer when in a vehicle.
Nice 1.3 seemed to fix some valid problems I had the ranking up problem myself. My pc got packed today so I won't be on until the middle of june at the earliest see you guys then
fuck DICE and EA, 1.3 really fucked up the game. Red name glitch is back, I can't join squads, and it randomly switches me from team to team. Thanks for ruining the game, fucktards.
They can't even fix this piece of shit. How can they be expected to make a better piece of shit (2142)?
1.3 makes me CTD a hell of a lot. It really does suck. Hopefully they fix this, but it probably won't be until Armored fury comes out (the link to where you could buy it was up on PBF, which is why I said it was available as others had said it was)
I am not purchasing it.

I just read that the next patch is going to include a free map, which is supposed to be infantry focused, it is called Road to Jalabad
Well, my video card is fried. I won't be playing until I pick another one up that's at least as good. It was a Radeon 9800 Pro, anybody have any good deals up their sleeve?
can i be in this clan?

i've been playing battlefield 2 since it came out off and on...just getting back into it.

are there tryouts or anything?
Anyone know how to get the PS2-USB controller adapter to register with BF2 so I can use it to fly jets/choppers? It might make jets easier, i dunno bout choppers...but I can't map ANYTHING to the controller buttons. Any info would be cool!
[quote name='Nitecrawler']can i be in this clan?

i've been playing battlefield 2 since it came out off and on...just getting back into it.

are there tryouts or anything?[/QUOTE]

No clan per say but more like a bunch of us get together to play on the same server. Although I am am unable to play since I'm on vacation in Calfifornia till August.

How's Armored Fury btw?
bread's done