New Controller Option


Dunno how much you guys have been tracking it, but as of a day or two ago the Nintendo Wii Remote is fully usable as a pc controller with all its add-ons. (Yes I know it was useable before, but now all aspects of it are fully supported) All buttons, accelerometers and pointer (with sensor bar) are supported now along with everything in the nunchuck and classic controller. All one needs is a bluetooth receiver and a couple of free programs (GlovePIE and PPJoy). Given the drought of good gamepads on the PC (not counting the awesome 360 controller), I'm wondering if anyone else is as excited about this as I am?
I am actually thinking about picking one up to use as a remote for my computer's HT capabilities. I just haven't kept up with it though... the ATI Remote Wonder Plus I use now is kinda wonky.

Can you actually point and move the cursor now? When they first did it, the app could only recognize up & down movements and you actually had to rotate the Wiimote to make it go left and right. Not very convenient.

If I could use the Wiimote as a point and click device, that'd be sweet. And it'd be better if Nintendo released it in black so that I could have a matching Wiimote and PC.
You need a sensor bar (like the wireless battery powered one, or make your own or hook your wii up to your pc monitor) but, yes, you can do full mouse/pointer recognition at this point.
bread's done