New Ebay Policy Hits Home - F THEM!


Boy, they are going to make people come to the Chuckwagon in droves by pulling crap like this.

So I go to list some items my wife wants me to sell - and I goto list a similar item and I get this fmessage rom Ebay, and they won't let me list.

__________________________________________________ ____

You are currently restricted from listing new items because your detailed seller ratings (DSRs) are below the minimum performance standard for sellers.
Sellers are required to maintain a rating of at least 4.1 on each DSR to sell on eBay. Sellers with one or more DSR below 4.1 will be restricted from listing until their DSRs improve. Additionally, sellers with one or more DSR below 4.3 may be subject to lowered standing in search results.

Although you won't be able to list items as long as your DSRs are below 4.1, you will still be able to complete any open transactions, access your account, bid or purchase items, and communicate with your trading partners.
Please note that sellers who are not in good standing are not allowed to register new accounts. Also, another existing eBay account cannot be used to avoid buying and selling restrictions or other policy consequences.
You can find more information on the Seller Non-Performance Policy page or the FAQ page. Find out more information on how to improve your DSRs on the Seller Feedback page.
__________________________________________________ ______

I have freaking 100% Feedback with over 1200 feedbacks and a members since 1997. This is the first time I have received a message like this. I listed a lot of items last week and never got this notice.
Unfreaking believeable!

Here is a link to my Ebay feedback - I can't believe they are restricting me! F them up the A$$ ! Sorry had to vent !
[quote name='help1']This is like a hidden spam post.[/quote]

I wish it were :) I am seriously pissed and although I am good at promoting the Chuckwagon, couldn't have planned this.
[quote name='Jedi1979']hmm...maybe ship faster?

or stress to anybody that brought from you to please leave 5 star ratings[/quote]

I ship plenty fast but since they are only looking at the past 12 months, the majority of my feedbacks are from before then as I have pretty much quit using their stinking site. One bad star rating can bring me down. This doesn't seem right.
[quote name='Access_Denied']Wait. How fuck are you supposed to get that rating above 4.1 if you can't list anything?[/quote]

Good question but luckily I was able to list a bunch of items last week before they pulled this $HIT. So maybe if I can get my buyers to leave some quick feedback, I can get that shipping rating back up.

But since I have so few transactions this year, one person who thinks I am a day to slow can bring me back down. Just doesn't make sense.
I've always shipped out within 24 hours, and have always charged exact shipping rates on my auctions. But I, as have you, have found out that some people will just leave whatever the hell they want. It's aggravating at the least.
[quote name='Access_Denied']Wait. How fuck are you supposed to get that rating above 4.1 if you can't list anything?[/quote]

you buy stuff. Its not a bad idea, the stupid part is them labelling a collective score of 4.1/5 as bad enough to restrict selling. Since when is a 4/5 (80%) a bad score requiring punishment in anything?

FYI this isnt a brand new feature per say, this was put in place months ago with the other seller changes. It wasnt a horrible idea its just really poorly executed which seems to be the story with most of their recent changes.
[quote name='qwerty1']you buy stuff. Its not a bad idea, the stupid part is them labelling a collective score of 4.1/5 as bad enough to restrict selling. Since when is a 4/5 (80%) a bad score requiring punishment in anything?

FYI this isnt a brand new feature per say, this was put in place months ago with the other seller changes.[/quote]

I listed a bunch of things last week and I didn't get the message until tonight when simply trying to list a similar item that I already have listed. And my ranking hasn't changed in the past weeks so not sure why I am now just getting this alert.
[quote name='ChaseTheChuckwagon']I listed a bunch of things last week and I didn't get the message until tonight when simply trying to list a similar item that I already have listed. And my ranking hasn't changed in the past weeks so not sure why I am now just getting this alert.[/quote]

well clearly one of the last couple people to leave feedback for you dinged you in the ratings enough. Your shipping rating is now a 4.0 which is what caused the message to appear.

As i said its not a bad idea its just totally stupid that their system regards a 4/5 as requiring punishment. It should be 2 or 2.5.

shoot ebay an angry email threatening to close your acct, see if you get any attention. its grossly inexcusable on their part.
The problem they only look back 12 months and in this year I have hardly used their sorry ass site :) I only have 23 star ratings so one or two people can bring me down again, even if I manage to get it back up there. Nonsense!
[quote name='SlammedNiss']It's a seller rating, not a buyer rating.[/quote]

what a stupid system.

apparently you have to wait 30 days then.

If someone doesnt send me one email through-out a transaction i'v been giving them a rating of 2 in "communication". I didnt know this could potentially block them from selling though. now i feel guilty. Ebay claims 96% of sellers are above 4.3, i call bullshit on that especially as time passes. People will see a simple rating system like me and wont understand the consequences of rating someone low in any catagory.

Who ever designed this was a friggan idiot.
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I really have to sell some stuff and I was going to use eGay since it hasn't sold anywhere else... Even if I wanted to use eGay, after this thread I doubt that I could anyway... Not to mention after all the fees I might as well put it out on the street with a sign on the stuff saying FREE... :roll:
Guess not.. went into chat rooms and they said you have to wait 3o days for the lower feedbacks to be taken off.

They just screwed over everyone for the hoidays..

Love how they say you can still BID

once again #$#$#$ ebay
[quote name='qwerty1']you buy stuff. Its not a bad idea, the stupid part is them labelling a collective score of 4.1/5 as bad enough to restrict selling. Since when is a 4/5 (80%) a bad score requiring punishment in anything?

FYI this isnt a brand new feature per say, this was put in place months ago with the other seller changes. It wasnt a horrible idea its just really poorly executed which seems to be the story with most of their recent changes.[/QUOTE]
But, it's a DSR. Detailed SELLER Rating. How is he supposed to get his rating up for shipping time, if he isn't actually shipping anything? So, unless he had auctions up before he was restricted, he's fucked. (Luckily, he did. But others might not.)
To commemorate my pissedoffedness I am giving away an unlimited amount of free seller memberships to the Chuckwagon. You have until 10:00 AM Sunday Morning Pacific Time to get in on the ground floor of something real good :)

These will entitle you to run free auctions - no listing or selling fees, no reserve fee auctions, no Buy Now fees, No Photo Upload Fees, Free seller homepage/storefront, etc.

This won't cover Listing Enhancements like homepage featured items, category featured items, bold titles, highlighted listings so you will get charged for them should you choose to use them -- although they are all very cheap.

Come and Get'em ! PISS OFF EBAY ! Just register on the Chuckwagon and then PM me here and I will get your account set to Free Status forever on the Chuckwagon!
[quote name='ChaseTheChuckwagon']To commemorate my pissedoffedness I am giving away an unlimited amount of free seller memberships to the Chuckwagon. You have until 10:00 AM Sunday Morning Pacific Time to get in on the ground floor of something real good :)

These will entitle you to run free auctions - no listing or selling fees, no reserve fee auctions, no Buy Now fees, No Photo Upload Fees, Free seller homepage/storefront, etc.

This won't cover Listing Enhancements like homepage featured items, category featured items, bold titles, highlighted listings so you will get charged for them should you choose to use them -- although they are all very cheap.

Come and Get'em ! PISS OFF EBAY ! Just register on the Chuckwagon and then PM me here and I will get your account set to Free Status forever on the Chuckwagon![/QUOTE]

link to site might help
[quote name='ChaseTheChuckwagon']To commemorate my pissedoffedness I am giving away an unlimited amount of free seller memberships to the Chuckwagon. You have until 10:00 AM Sunday Morning Pacific Time to get in on the ground floor of something real good :)

These will entitle you to run free auctions - no listing or selling fees, no reserve fee auctions, no Buy Now fees, No Photo Upload Fees, Free seller homepage/storefront, etc.

This won't cover Listing Enhancements like homepage featured items, category featured items, bold titles, highlighted listings so you will get charged for them should you choose to use them -- although they are all very cheap.

Come and Get'em ! PISS OFF EBAY ! Just register on the Chuckwagon and then PM me here and I will get your account set to Free Status forever on the Chuckwagon![/quote]

any chance this can apply to people who registered already :)

oh and the signature only appears once per page
crap just searched the site and see a game i just got off ebay few days back at half the freaking cost AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

that pokemon ranger 1 for 13 shipped is tempting... too bad its cart only
I dont understand why ebay would do this to their sellers. If they restrict you from selling things, then ebay cant make money off you with fees. Punishing the many for the mistakes of the few doesn't make any sense. Under ebay's policy, if you have a crack house on your block, then evicting every house on the block is the solution. ebay is hurting their own bottom line and for what, a misguided attempt at customer service?
I hate the DSR system. EBay wants sellers to have all 4.8's or higher and it is next to impossible. I have 1 5.0, 1 4.9 and 2 4.8's and that is with all items going out within 48 hours of being paid for (usually 24hours or less), fair shipping charges and accurate descriptions. My communication is a 4.9. I respond to every payment I receive letting them know when the item will be sent out and then they get an e-mail from Paypal from the DC number. How is that not a 5.0?
They probably figured out you are running a competitive site. HA! I'm curious as to why you would have 25 rankings in the first two categories and only 23 in the other two.
[quote name='ChaseTheChuckwagon']To commemorate my pissedoffedness I am giving away an unlimited amount of free seller memberships to the Chuckwagon. You have until 10:00 AM Sunday Morning Pacific Time to get in on the ground floor of something real good :)

These will entitle you to run free auctions - no listing or selling fees, no reserve fee auctions, no Buy Now fees, No Photo Upload Fees, Free seller homepage/storefront, etc.

This won't cover Listing Enhancements like homepage featured items, category featured items, bold titles, highlighted listings so you will get charged for them should you choose to use them -- although they are all very cheap.

Come and Get'em ! PISS OFF EBAY ! Just register on the Chuckwagon and then PM me here and I will get your account set to Free Status forever on the Chuckwagon![/QUOTE]

I would like one of your free memberships if still available. It is not yet 9am on Sunday where I am at!
I have refused to use eBay since their recent changes to selling. They have made it completely useless to sell if you're just a low volume/casual seller.

I started using Amazon lately and I love it! I don't get double-dipped in fees (eBay then paypal), buyer pays shipping, site works well enough, no charges to maintain an inventory.

I haven't decided what I will do with crap I need to sell that doesn't have a barcode or exist on amazon. Regardless, I have effortlessly sold about $400 worth of old clearance games that I finally admitted I will never get around to playing.

I know there are ways I can end a being screwed but at least I don't feel like I am being treated like third class citizen.

I will certainly be checking out this chuckwagon thing.
no listing or selling fees, no reserve fee auctions, no Buy Now fees, No Photo Upload Fees, Free seller homepage/storefront, etc.

what are selling fees?

are we still charged for final vaule

* A commission of 3% is charged on the first $100.00 of the Purchase Price,
* a commission of 2% is charged on the amount of the Purchase Price between $100.00 and $1000.00,
* and a commission of 1% is charged on the amount of the Purchase Price over $1000.00,
[quote name='slidecage']no listing or selling fees, no reserve fee auctions, no Buy Now fees, No Photo Upload Fees, Free seller homepage/storefront, etc.

what are selling fees?

are we still charged for final vaule

* A commission of 3% is charged on the first $100.00 of the Purchase Price,
* a commission of 2% is charged on the amount of the Purchase Price between $100.00 and $1000.00,
* and a commission of 1% is charged on the amount of the Purchase Price over $1000.00,[/quote]

Final Value / Selling Fees - same thing. No you will not be paying them as a part of this deal :)
We signed up nearly 100 members running the F Ebay promotion. Thanks to everyone here who registered. If you missed out on this, no worries, the costs to sell on the Chuckwagon are still considerably cheaper than Ebay so don't hesitate to register and try it out.
I hope you all will attempt to list some items this holiday season as we will be doing lots to promote the site the next couple months.
[quote name='rothgar24']You are not alone... I saw this a few minutes ago.[/quote]

Pretty amusing, that is my post! A lot of hits coming from reddit reading it right now (but diggers just dont digg it). I actually made a thread when this whole thing started with me here on CAG (thread link).. but no one replied. I didn't know the same stuff was going on with others in these threads.

Definitely checking into and will help spread the word if the service is good.

EDIT: So I was browsing my own site and seen you must have already contacted Allison or James and got one of our ad boxes lol .. you picked a good time to put up an ad, as we have had crazy traffic lately, so I hope it works out for your site.
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Just got a call from our friends at Ebay - a gal that could barely read here script - wanting to tell me about how I can best promote my items during the holiday season. I asked why she was calling me as currently I can't even sell on Ebay any more due to a 4.0 ranking for shipping. She didn't have a clue what to say and after I said I was taking my business elsewhere asked if she could still email me the information, so that when I was able to sell again I could take advantage of their "holiday" promotion information.
I am at a loss for words right now :)
[quote name='VipFREAK']It's too bad you're site doesn't do things other than gaming because I'd try it out...[/quote]

I've had lots of requests to add categories but alway want to keep the emphasis on video games. But we have added vintage toys & games, Action Figures, Music and Movies, Comic Books, Vintage Electronics, etc.
I just got a message when trying to post on there after posting over 50 auctions in the last couple months that I needed to link my paypal account to my eBay account. Which it has been linked for months. It has taken me 3 weeks and they still haven't fixed it. If only I could sell my antique stuff on chuckwagon too I'd be good haha. F'n eBay.
We have had lots of members want me to branch out, but if I did that I would start a completely seperate site for everything else. . .but video games :) Still considering it. The cool thing is we have now over 1,400 members and I think it would feed the other site if I were to do it -- then I could link them together somehow.

Should I do it? Other opinions please.
[quote name='ChaseTheChuckwagon']We have had lots of members want me to branch out, but if I did that I would start a completely seperate site for everything else. . .but video games :) Still considering it. The cool thing is we have now over 1,400 members and I think it would feed the other site if I were to do it -- then I could link them together somehow.

Should I do it? Other opinions please.[/quote]
I'd say definitely if you can link the sites, so that there's one login/feedback/etc for both sites.

Otherwise I'd suggest maybe just doing an "Other" category until you can link the sites. I haven't listed anything yet (see below) but I have some things that I'd like to sell that don't fit into any category, like a computer part, misc modern electronics, etc.

I'm just saying this because I'm lazy (see above) and wouldn't feel like signing up for a second site.;)
bread's done