New Game Franchises vs Sequels? Which do you prefer?


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Just like the thread title says: which do you prefer?

Since game companies have a limited budget and launching new franchises seems like a huge risk these days, a lot of publishers want to stick to doing sequels because it's safer.

What if this means that the new game project you were looking forward to got canceled because the publisher got scared that it might potentially be low selling? Do you think sequels cause the industry to stagnate? Or if it's a franchise you enjoy, you won't care how many roman numerals they put in its title?
I just like great games. Don't care if it's a sequel or a new game as long as it's good.

The best is having a good mix of both--sequels to favorite franchise and great new series emerging.
sequels are fine as long as they live up to the original... In movies, that's a rare concept. In games, most sequels are more or less on par with the original. So yeah, i don't really have any preferences. However, in general, i do encourage new ideas, rather than 90% old stuffs and 10% new.

I seriously do not want to see a R3 and Gears 3, especially Gears 3... R3 maybe (i was intrigued by the ending), but definitely not Gears 3 (what the fuck was that we gonna die shit, did it ever occur to you that the main four don't die? While the bad ass muscle dude ate shotgun bullets?).
Sequels are hit and miss, but in general game sequels are usually pretty solid--with long series having a few dissapointments.

I'd disagree on Gears 2, the campaign was much better, and horde mode is fun (need to get back to it). I didn't like the multiplayer in either game. Can't wait for Gears 3 personally.
Single player in gears2 is garbage.
Those on rails sections make me want to kill some one.

I hope gears 3 is MP only so they can focus on what actually makes that series good.

There is a reason people are leaving Gears 2 MP.
I thought Gears 2 was great, more epic than the first, more variety in levels, no exploding wretches, no annoyingly hard final boss battle etc. etc. But from what I've seen we have nearly totally opposite taste in games so it makes sense that we disagree here as well. :D

I never liked Gears multiplayer. Too slow, too much waiting for matches to end since you don't respond in many modes etc. etc. But I don't really like multiplayer gaming much in general, and if I do I like faster paced games with respawns in the regular death match modes like CoD4 etc.
I don't really care - I like to play good games but generally if it's a yearly sequel it's going to suck (I'm looking at you, Activision). 2-3 years apart and sequels are usually good and I'm in the mood to play that franchise again. That said, I love when new IP comes out of nowhere to impress (Bioshock, Gears, etc.).

Also, Gears 2 was great in SP.
Yeah, I would agree about that. Yearly sequels are too much. The games tend to be rushed, and I need more time in between games.

So yeah, 2-3 years is about right. I can definitely play a Gears of War every 2 years, but as much as I love the single player in the series, I don't think I'd want to play one every year. With Call of Duty I just play the Infinity Ward games and skip the Treyarch ones--that way I get a break and play the best games in the series.
I like sequels to good games like The Legend of Zelda and Castlevania, but new franchises help keep the industry going.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Sequels are hit and miss, but in general game sequels are usually pretty solid--with long series having a few dissapointments.

I'd disagree on Gears 2, the campaign was much better, and horde mode is fun (need to get back to it). I didn't like the multiplayer in either game. Can't wait for Gears 3 personally.[/quote]

Wow, admiration ;)

I love Gears and Gears 2 is not all that bad. I don't do MP, so, SP mode is the only way i play my games. I agree that Gears is harder than Gears 2 and i like Gears 2 for that reason. However, it's just too many little inconsistencies in the SP mode that you just can't ignore them anymore! In part one, the only BS is the vehicle act, i.e. can't drive and shoot light beam at the same time. Not enough power my ass, we know it's a technical excuse (hell, if you can do it for the gamers, why did you came up with that ridiculous rule in the first place). However, in Gears 2:

1. The big dude just ate bullets like that, i mean come on, if you want us to believe the tortuous pain, then elaborate or pick someone less tough.

2. Controlling way too many other things other than the main character. I agree that i want to get behind the Reaper and stuffs, but come on, there's no balance...

3. What's up with the bombing of the door act? Two people carrying the bomb in and shooting with one hand? Why can't you just drop the damn thing and do the killing first? Not that it's hard, just annoyingly slow, killed the action pace...

4. Anya this Anya that, Marcus cried her name one time too many. What's up with that? I just don't see the chemistry there...

5. The Giant worm act was great, cutting through was awesome, but come on, i thought that thing's skin was "indestructible." What? After the hearts stopped pumping, the skin go weak?

6. I admired Dom and Maria's love very much. It was a sad thing to watch Dom's rescue turned out to be the death of Maria. Hopes die, but the tough goes on, i love the idea. HOWEVER, why did Maria ran away in the first place? Okay, maybe that don't matter, but come on, just gives us more than that little glimpse of morning breakfast dream.

7. Worse scene of all, introducing Cole... Did Marcus issued a Mayday? Did he just said Mayday Mayday? It was cool to watch Cole took out the bad dudes, but seriously, a Mayday? Did Marcus just because Chicken Little?
None of the few gameplay gripes you listed bothered me, and I never pay much attention to plot details in shooters so that stuff didn't bother me either.

I play the Gears series to have epic shoot outs, and Gears 2's campaign delivered those in spades. But enough on that as I don't want to derail the thread anymore.
When does the storyline became unimportant in sequels anymore?

The main reason God of War rocks because there's a story, even it's a simple one, but a powerful one that we can relate. With every release of GoW, we get to know Kratos more and more, his agonies, lusts, powers and hatreds toward the gods. I don't know about you, but to me, most important part of a game is the story. I can understand that a good game can still be a good game w/o story (Gears 1), but as the original progress to a sequel, man, there better be a story...

I'm sorry to hear that the little things don't matter to you dmaul. However, if you like the characters, you simply want to know more about them. You want to understand why they're what they're. Marcus was some tough shit in part one (right out of jail, come on, instant bad ass). Calling a Mayday in a situation even the player can easily beat on HARD mode is messed up. None of the original cast died at the end, how lucky can you get in a massive war like that? Oh right, Gears 3... Even R2 knows it can't pull off with a perfect ending...

p.s. it's not gameplay dmaul, it's the script... you can't change it as a gamer (except for #3 in the spoiler list).
Meh, just never cared about stories much. I need some semblance of a story to keep me playing and Gears 1 and 2 had enough of that.

But if I want a good story I'll read a book or watch a movie--two hobbies I enjoy more than gaming.

Games, I just want fun gameplay. A decent story is just icing on the cake and does of course add to the experience.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Meh, just never cared about stories much. I need some semblance of a story to keep me playing and Gears 1 and 2 had enough of that.

But if I want a good story I'll read a book or watch a movie--two hobbies I enjoy more than gaming.

Games, I just want fun gameplay. A decent story is just icing on the cake and does of course add to the experience.[/quote]

Makes sense... i'm cool with that :)

i guess i'm one of those people want most out of everything. I mean, if you're in the market for a game system and if it doesn't play dvd, that's kinda awkward isn't it? Well, what i meant to say is, why can't a game have good story and game play? i know i know it sounds so gay... like what women want, why can't a man be good looking and sensitive? Well, they're gay...

EA is not good looking and EA is definitely not sensitive... I guess EA just got cash, lol.
bread's done