[quote name='sadunk']Rei - you're awesome for keeping up with the thead. Here's a question(s) that I'm sure many of us will want to know.... (yes this thread turned into ask a GS employee day)
First off, don't say what store you work in. If anyone monitors these threads you could get fired for giving out company info. I've seen it happen over a youtube video.
How does GS handle their refurbs? I see it all the time and in some cases where I'd expect it (slightly cracked or heavily scratched) they don't charge. I've traded in disc only, no manual, generic case, complete, etc.... To you, what does "Refurb" mean? I've gotten things like "we gotta send this into corporate to get cleaned" to the "no artwork so I'm charging you." Obviously if I'm charged, I take it elsewhere but I'd like to get your input. Should refurb only mean when a game is sent off to get cleaned? Games aren't sold to me cheaper for getting no manual or artwork so why should I get charged a fee for not having those things?
An Joe - I'd like to point out that many games that are worth under $5 are good for this trade because the last tiered trade (7/$50) required $5.01 or more, making the $5 useless until this sale. If you hold onto a game that's $10 now to trade in for the +$5 bonus, the TIV could go down by that point. Trade now or eBay.[/QUOTE]
Refurbs depend on the employee. The official Gamestop rule is if there's a scratch deep enough to catch your nail in or if there's scratches on the label side don't take it. Thing is some people are more strict, and some just don't care. For example, I'm pretty picky about game quality when I do trades.