New "Green" or "Eco-Friendly" Game Cases or a Conspiracy?

[quote name='62t']A jewel case is much stronger than a DVD case. Press a little too hard on a DVD case and you damage the artwork. If the jewel case broke they are pretty to replace as well.[/QUOTE]
Jewel cases are way more fragile than DVD cases. I've probably had a lot more CD, PS1, and DC cases that had broken pieces inside the case on release day than DVD cases, which is usually the little pieces that hold the disc in place.

Cardboard cases would be the worst since it provides zero protection for the discs. I've had one CD be unplayable due to being in that packaging and I know DVD's like the Futurama movies come that way and it's annoying that I have to slide the disc into the case when that's more likely to scratch the discs than anything else.
I think the new case sucks, the only one I've received so far is Final Fantasy and it wasn't damaged thankfully, just a hair I had to remove that I'm not sure was mine. But, if they're going to do this crap, either take the plastic from somewhere else or design them like the PS3 cases, which are officially #1 now. Gonna have to examine even the new games now for damage every time.. but I don't own a 360 and never will.
I just got Civilization Revolution and it comes in a case like that. It won't really matter in a couple of years whether it's an attack on used games or not since everything will be downloaded and locked to your console. You won't be able to buy or sell used games at all once that happens and Gamestop will simply go away.
[quote name='CheepGamez']I just got Civilization Revolution and it comes in a case like that. It won't really matter in a couple of years whether it's an attack on used games or not since everything will be downloaded and locked to your console. You won't be able to buy or sell used games at all once that happens and Gamestop will simply go away.[/QUOTE]

While I've been wishing for the demise of GS for years, I must admit that they definitely have their usefulness(like when I buy cheap games to flip for one of their promos I'm really making out on).
These cases suck.

I want to blow up Toyota Priuses, and I steal Solar Panels.
All while I drive around my Ford Excursion.
I also left all the lights on in my house, with 4 computers running, the TV going, the oven on, and the heat set on high.

I want my game cases back to the way they were.
So, someone brought in a copy of the two-disc Family Guy Star Wars DVD set to exchange. This two disc set comes with individual copies of each DVD in individual cases inside a cardboard box.

Both movies were in these new "Green" cases. Now, think about this for a moment - they wasted the packaging to put these individual DVDs into individual cases, then wrap them in a cardboard sleeve. But the cases are eco-friendly!

Anyway, the newer one (Something Something Dark Side) was punctured through the back of it. The cardboard wrap around was not damaged in any way.
This combination is something new. Two "movies" - that could have easily been packaged in one case - instead, packaged in two separate "eco-cases", then packed inside of a cardboard sleeve.

And still damaged.
Oh, but if they were using old cases, it totally would have been in one case and without a cardboard wrapper?

I'm making this easy for you man.
I'm confused here. If you buy a game or movie and the disc is damaged, I can't think of a single store that wouldn't allow you to exchange it for an identical copy.
Really Dvd case? Cuz this is going to make the whole world better. 10cents of plastic. Its not for a green reason besides money. Saving 10 cents of plastic times a million cases equals big saving for the companies. They dont care about earth. Duh.
You think they're even paying 10 cents a case total? I doubt it. As a regularass consumer in packs of 50-100 you can get dvd cases for less than 20-25 cents each. I'd think they may be saving perhaps 1 cent or maybe even a fraction of a cent per case (which probably costs them less than 10 cents each in the first place). It's just volume that makes it worth it for them.

But, in the end, they still use less plastic. I would prefer they do it with smaller and/or thinner cases, but right now they're just keeping shit the same size for tradition/recognition and to distinguish from blu-ray.
[quote name='MyTeamSupreme']Really Dvd case? Cuz this is going to make the whole world better. 10cents of plastic. Its not for a green reason besides money. Saving 10 cents of plastic times a million cases equals big saving for the companies. They dont care about earth. Duh.[/QUOTE]

I'm starting to think like you actually. The only reason the companies are doing it is to save money. That's it! They're just saying it's "environmental" for the good publicity.
[quote name='TomJones4']I think "going-green" was a giant hoax created by corporations to get you to be okay with cheap ass stuff.[/QUOTE]

No, outsourcing everything to third world sh*tholes and then telling us it's just as good as if it were made here is the giant hoax created by corporations to get us to be ok with cheap ass stuff.
[quote name='Strell']Oh, but if they were using old cases, it totally would have been in one case and without a cardboard wrapper?

I'm making this easy for you man.[/QUOTE]

Maybe we're just on a different page here. My point - the same as my original point - is that these "eco" cases are stupid. There are already perfectly designed cases that use less plastic, weigh less, and take up less space - all while still protecting the discs.

The fact that a disc was damaged before even shipping to the store merely provides more evidence that this isn't good for consumers.

And maximumzero: There's a few things to keep in mind. First, what happens if I get home with the disc and find out it's damaged? Then, I get to drive back to the store for another copy. Then, the damaged copy gets shipped back. That's a score for Planet Earth right there. Oh, what happens when you order something from Amazon and it comes damaged - Amazon has great return policies - but how long are you left waiting (hope it wasn't a gift!). What happens when you order something from a website without such a great return policy? What happens when you're selling the disc on eBay and the buyer tries to claim it arrived damaged?

Now, granted, all of this can happen now - but these odds are increased because, instead of doing the better thing (the smaller Jewel-sized DVD-like cases), they went with a really stupid half-ass method.

Seriously, slim-line, jewel-case sized DVD cases. The companies win (less materials than the "eco" cases, less shipping weight, less shipping volume), the earth wins (less waste, less fuel) and the customers win (less space taken up on our shelves and our discs are actually protected). Hell, even the stores win, being able to stock more product in less space. 8-9 shelves of DS games fit in the same area as 6 shelves of Wii/PS3/360 games.
[quote name='TomJones4']These cases suck.

I want to blow up Toyota Priuses, and I steal Solar Panels.
All while I drive around my Ford Excursion.
I also left all the lights on in my house, with 4 computers running, the TV going, the oven on, and the heat set on high.

I want my game cases back to the way they were.[/QUOTE]
I like this guy.

Remember this people. "Less green (Only applicable to Xbox 360 games as their cases are green) = Less green for the companies.
"Less Green=Less green for the companies". Yup.
If Gamestop was smart they'd start selling non-eco game cases for $0.50-$1.00 a pop. I know i'd buy.
[quote name='EarthBound Sucks'] If Gamestop was smart they'd start selling non-eco game cases for $0.50-$1.00 a pop. I know i'd buy.[/QUOTE]

How very Cheapassgamer of you.
[quote name='CheepGamez'] It won't really matter in a couple of years whether it's an attack on used games or not since everything will be downloaded and locked to your console.[/QUOTE]
If what you say/type comes true, then I won't be mad. Thats just another excuse/reason to bust out your 'retro' (AKA BADASS) game systems from past. I'll be busting out my Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, and Genesis and actually have fun.
I thought Strell was ok until I read this thread. Wow. I hope it was just a bad day and this isn't really how he thinks.
I find it hilarious that any sentient being could fathom this miniscule amount of plastic savings will have any affect whatsoever on the environment. With the insane amount of waste and mind-boggling level of consumerism in the western world, shaving this amount of plastic off of video game cases is like people turning off the water faucet while brushing their teeth. It's an atom in a haystack, if that.
[quote name='Zing']I find it hilarious that any sentient being could fathom this miniscule amount of plastic savings will have any affect whatsoever on the environment. With the insane amount of waste and mind-boggling level of consumerism in the western world, shaving this amount of plastic off of video game cases is like people turning off the water faucet while brushing their teeth. It's an atom in a haystack, if that.[/QUOTE]
Agreed. And its not like the plastic manufacturer themselves are going to be making less plastics because of this. They'll still make the same amount or more and make some other product with it to extend there profits as well.
I don't think anyone thinks this will make any huge difference.

It's just one of those "every little thing helps a tiny bit" kind of things. Cutting a little bit of plastic out of game cases is miniscule. But if it can start a trend of cutting plastic out of everything that can have some plastic easily removed it starts making more of a dent.

Little things add up. One person turning of the water while brushing their teeth, or turning the thermastat up/down a few degrees in the summer and winter makes little difference. But if billions of people around the world do that, then it does have a pretty good impact.
[quote name='limelight022']Its helping the environment so im all for it. Now if they would focus on all those plastic attachments for the Wii...[/QUOTE]

The point a lot of people are making is that they could have made the cases half the size (jewel case sized), saved more plastic and kept the disc protected.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Little things add up. One person turning of the water while brushing their teeth, or turning the thermastat up/down a few degrees in the summer and winter makes little difference. But if billions of people around the world do that, then it does have a pretty good impact.[/QUOTE]

I am being generous with this number, but if you add up the population of all the countries that are likely to have the luxury of a thermostat, you get approximately 1.5 billion people. That's 1.5 out of almost 7 billion people on earth. So, no, it isn't making much of a difference. I'd bet that the companies leeching off of public aquifers to produce useless shit like Dasani bottled water are consuming far more water than those 1.5 billion people leaving the water running for two minutes while they brush their teeth.

The best way to reduce our impact on the environment is to stop consuming these types of goods in the first place. ;)
The best way is to do everything you can IMO.

Don't run the water while brushing your teeth. Get a Brita filter and don't buy bottled water. Recycle everything you can. Use reusuable grocery bags, and recycle the plastic or paper ones when you have to use them. Switch to energy saving light bulbs. Etc. etc. etc.

Every little bit helps.
Saying that "we should only do stuff if it's a big thing" is sort of like telling everyone who only gave a few bucks to Child's Play to use the money elsewhere, don't come back until you can put in a few hundred.
bread's done