New Legend of Zelda Wii


20 (100%)
C'mon Nintendo - You've given us some great updates of our beloved NES/SNES franchises (DKCR, NSMBW, etc.). Now is the time to deliver on a top-down Zelda. Huge overworld. Pseudo 3D graphics (like DKCR). 12+ massive dungeons. Tons of side quests. New weapons. Multiple towns.


Just make sure its more in-tune with A link to the Past and move away from the abused Wind Waker style!
But that doesn't fit the ideals of a 2D Zelda in 3D. Basically a new Four Swords Adventure but with an overworld is what he is asking for. Co-op not necessary of course.
[quote name='Altanis']Skyward Sword is coming out in a couple months.

All I'm going to say.[/QUOTE]

While I'm sure I'll like Skyward Sword I really don't care about it - it seems like it is going to be the same 3D Zelda we have been playing since OoT. It's time to switch it up.

[quote name='KingBroly']But that doesn't fit the ideals of a 2D Zelda in 3D. Basically a new Four Swords Adventure but with an overworld is what he is asking for. Co-op not necessary of course.[/QUOTE]

I actually never played Four Swords Adventures because I assumed it was designed for four players and that's not happening.
Skyward Sword sounds like crap. The Giant Bomb guys were totally unimpressed with what they've seen so far, and it sounded like crap even before I heard them talk about it. I'm leaving open a 10% chance I'll like it, but I didn't even like the last one (or any Zelda for that matter since Wind Waker).

I'd take what the OP is describing, or just another solid Wind Waker esque entry. With the latter I wouldn't mind even that same style on a next gen Nintendo console that can do it with better graphics or something.

Hmm...really though I'd like some new IP, and I'd LOVE a new 2D Metroid game. Metroid 5 :)
I'd like a new 2D Zelda that isn't so touch-screen happy like PH and ST.

Also I would love a new Four Swords, or even a port for the Wii (using DS as controllers maybe?)

And you wish Skyward Sword was coming out in a couple months. ;) I say holiday 2011.
Ugh, I HATE touch screen controls for anything. My new monitor even has them, which means I have to press the button just right, multiple times, not accidentally hitting the other button to get it to register...versus just having a fucking button on there.

I haven't liked ANY portable Zeldas since the very first one, so obviously Phantom Hourglass quickly got sold. Against my better judgement I bought the train one since it was $15 like a couple of months after launch.

I think I must not have been the only person who felt burnt on Phantom Hourglass because I've never seen a Zelda game drop as fast as the train one. Might be the same reason the DS Castlvania series stopped-I was burnt on the first two, and no way was I trying the third (which was even supposed to be HARDER than the first two!)
[quote name='javeryh']I actually never played Four Swords Adventures because I assumed it was designed for four players and that's not happening.[/QUOTE]

It was, but it was a lot more manageable in single player.
[quote name='KingBroly']It was, but it was a lot more manageable in single player.[/QUOTE]

Was it a full game? Like with a story and dungeons, etc.? Worth playing?

[quote name='Wolfpup']I haven't liked ANY portable Zeldas since the very first one, so obviously Phantom Hourglass quickly got sold. [/QUOTE]

The Oracle of Ages and The Oracle of Seasons are awesome. The other portable Zeldas.... not so much (though I do like them - they just aren't great). If I had to rank them:

1. Link's Awakening
2. Oracle of Seasons
3. Oracle of Ages

4. Phantom Hourglass

5. Minish Cap

6. Spirit Tracks
Doesn't N generally only do one game per franchise per system.

We've never had more than one new Mario Kart game per system.
[quote name='javeryh']Was it a full game? Like with a story and dungeons, etc.? Worth playing?[/QUOTE]

Think of it like this: Take a classic Zelda overworld, and break it down into Mario-style level chunks.

It has a story, dungeons, bosses. I think it's worth playing just because it's different. Whether you'll like it or not is another story. I definitely liked it, but it's nothing special. But I never played it with other people.

Nintendo released two Zeldas and two Metroid games for GC and for Wii [well SS will be the second]. They also released two Zeldas for the Sixty Four.
[quote name='2DMention']Doesn't N generally only do one game per franchise per system.

We've never had more than one new Mario Kart game per system.[/QUOTE]

Sometimes. The NES had three Mario games and two Zelda games. The GBA had...maybe 1.5 Metroid. Gamecube had two Pikmin and if you count them, two Metroid Prime games. Zelda on the DS and three on the Gameboy.

And of course THREE Mario games so far on the Wii!
Not going to happen for the Wii, I'd guess that Skyward Sword is likely the last release we'll see from Nintendo's AAA franchises. So, I'm calling it now, we'll see a 2D Zelda for the 3D. Mindblowing, isn't it?
While it was better on the Wii than the GameCube, the Phantom Princess was still just a last-minute port, so the Skyward Sword is technically the first true Zelda title for the Wii, IMO.
Almost everything I've heard was that the Gamecube version was much better. rlse...that would be somewhat amusing at least :lol:
I'd personally love to see original games for WiiWare done in the style of NES and SNES games. Something like a new 8-bit Mario or 16-bit Zelda
[quote name='Wolfpup']I'd like to see those, but absolutely not on WiiWare.[/QUOTE]

Same here - I'll never buy something off of WiiWare but I would welcome a disc based game.
bread's done