New PS3 owner here. [Use PS3 101 Thread]

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Hey guys, just took the plunge, and now I own all 3 platforms (not very CAG-like, I know.)

Mostly I'm going to be playing Exclusives on the system (as well as some awesome PSN games like PixelJunk Monsters) - but I was more or less if I had to buy one game for the system, which would it be? I was kind of thinking between Stranglehold CE (Free HD Movie and pretty good game for cheap), Ratchet, and Uncharted.

Heavenly Sword looks good, but seemed a bit too "meh" when i played it at a friend's, and i'll definitely be getting Eye of Judgment soon.

Also, being an owner of a new HD Player, rattle off a few can't miss blu-rays.
I have had a PS3 for 7 months now and I own none of those games and I have done just fine. And to my knowledge, the movie on Stranglehold isn't HD. But someone who actually knows may be able to correct me on that.Heavenly Sword is really fun. But I have never been able to pull the trigger for $40 or more on that one. I spend most of my time on GRAW2 and Rock Band. CoD4 is fun too. I know these aren't exclusives, but IMO Sony doesn't have any kick-butt exclusives yet. One game to try is Lair. People either absolutely love it or despise it. I feel like the games you named are loved by people only because nothing better has come along yet. But 2008 is going to change that. MGS4 is definitely a first day buy, among a few others later in the year.

I actually play more PS2 Karaoke Revolution games and watch Blu ray movies than play PS3 games so far. But that has been great for me. As far as BD to get, Planet Earth was $50 at this week. You can get $10 off of Enchanted, Dan in Real Life or No Country for Old Men with the coupon in the thread thatI don't want to go find a link for right now. I Am Legend was $18.95 at Amazon this week. And Cars, Ratatouille and the Pirate movies look great in HD.

Sorry I can't be more specific about exclusive games though.
Just check at the DVD section of CAG for Bluerays. There are sales all the time. As for games I have enjoyed Ratchet and Clank the most out of all the ps3 games I have played. Haven't got to play Uncharted, but from what I have heard it is also a great game. Heavenly Sword was a good rent, but the story was really short. There are a variety of great PSN titles, I would say Super Star Dust HD and both Pixel Junk games are good.
uncharted, rachet and clank, folklore, resietnece are all great games IMO and the CE version of Stranglehold!
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune would be my top PS3 game as far as exclusives go. Ninja Gaiden Sigma if you've never played Ninja Gaiden or Ninja Gaiden Black for the Xbox.

Since the 360 was my last purchase out of all the three systems, I haven't had time to play either Ratchet or Sigma...
I didn't know what to expect from Uncharted, but it has blown me away. Such a great game. Ratchet is fun, but it's more of the same, so you know what to expect if you played it before. Either way you can't go wrong.
I too just got a PS3 fairly recently, thanks to the Gamefunk thread, and so far I have Uncharted and Warhawk.

Uncharted is addicting and has a nice story line, but unfortunately it's very short. It has an achievement-like system though so you get some replay value there.

I'm still not really sure if I enjoy Warhawk a whole lot yet. The online experience is flawless (I experienced no lag and getting in to games was quick and easy), however without a single player campaign or tutorial mode, it's really hard to get used to the controls, especially when I got so used to the bumper jumper control scheme on Halo 3 (although Halo 3 didn't bring much to the table with innovations, the bumper jumper control scheme is something that should be a standard on console games!). Controlling the Warhawk itself is even more ridiculous and takes a lot of tweaking controls and getting used to.

I also played a bunch of demos, and some that stuck out were Folklore, Heavenly Sword, and Ratchet and Clank. Folklore felt like the most unique out of them all and it seemed to have an intriguing story from what the demo lead me to believe. There's also some Sixaxis controls that actually seemed to work for the game.

Heavenly Sword seemed like a really fun button masher, similar to God of War, but I've heard, like Uncharted, it's a very short game. Ratchet and Clank seemed fun, but I could see it getting really repetitive - it's supposed to have the most replay value though with all of the weapons you can unlock and what not.

I would stay away from Lair for the time being - at least until the announced patch is released which lets you play the game without being forced to use Sixaxis functionality. More people seem to hate the game than like it, so I wouldn't say it's a case of love it or hate it.
i got my ps3 not too long ago myself and i picked up ratchet, uncharted and ridge racer 7. i've already taken advantage of the sales on planet earth and i am legend an also picked up meet the robinsons an order of the phoenix off ebay. i've got stranglehold ce on the way from goozex so think i've just bout go all thats worth getting so far game wise til msg4
The movie is really just slightly better than being upscaled, but that's not a bad thing at all, it still looks pretty good for being a free movie.

And Stranglehold is a great game, and its gotten pretty damn cheap recently too.

And what kinds of movies are you interested in? Disney, Action, Comedy, other? Pixar ones are really notably amazing looking, so look for Ratatouille and Cars if you're into that.

Final question, which model PS3 did you get?

And the PS3 was an awesome purchase for me, for my own reasons: Blu Ray player, PS2 upscaler, and hopefully a good PS3 game machine later on.
I'll throw in a nod for Uncharted. R&C if you're not caught up on "adult" games, resistance and warhawk drew me in even though I'm not a console FPS gamer at all.

Just go to the Playstation Store and download a crap load of demos. You'll figure it out from there.
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