New PSP, how long do these games take to beat?


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Hi, I'm on a 2 week break and am borrowing a friend's PSP until I pick up one of my own. However I've already spent a week on Jeanne Darc which was amazing but mnuch longer than I ever planned for. I thought I could easily get through all his PSP games that I want to play in a week but I guess not if they're all this long and engrossing ;) so help me pick the next thing I play. I would rather use this time for games that are best concentrated on and save the rest to take slowly.

So how long does it take to beat any of these?

Castlevania Dracula X (no SOTN, already beaten that on XBLA)
Disgaea (Ive heard this one is long and involves a lot of grinding, how much so? best to save for later?)
Kingdom of Paradise
Metal Gear Acid 1
Metal Gear Acid 2
Metal Gear Portable Ops
I had both Ac!d 1 and Ac!d 2 and I never beat them, they were too difficult for me. But I love the MGS series and enjoyed putting the time into them.
Castlevania Dracula X - You can beat this game in a few hours. The game isnt that long but you might die a few times at the harder parts, and there are alternative parts you can take.
Disgaea - 100+ hours easily
Metal Gear Portable Ops - I did beat the game but dont remember the exact time. I am pretty sure it is around the same as other MGS games (so about 10 hours)
You can beat KOP pretty fast for an RPG. I can't remember exactly what my time was though. I think it's in the finished games thread. You may be able to beat it around 10 hrs.
if it comes to playing one of the Ac!d games, play part 2. you don't need to play the first one, but if you do play the first, it makes part 2 slightly better.
I beat the two acid games with everything in about 25 hours. Took me about 30 to get everything in portable ops. Knock about 10 hours off each of those times to just beat them.
Its good to hear that there are long and engrossing PSP games as it just means that I have to buy less games because I spend more time on one!
Well I'm off the honeymoon high lol, I expected every game to be as good as Jeanne Darc but I guess not. I've found reasons to dislike just about every game on that list that I've tried since, except for Portable Ops which he will bring for me in the next few days.

Metal Gear Acid I'm finding really clunky, both of them. As much as I want to like them as an MGS fanboy I might give them a pass, for the first one I'm on the first mission but I already cant stand how much of a pain it is to move, and the general clunkyness with the cards. The second one *Seems* better but I'm stuck in the tutorial as I cant figure out how to shoot.

Kingdom of Paradise has a lot of nice things on the surface and a potential for a kind of "mini shenmue" but the one button combat system , non existent blocking + infinite spawning bad guys with no real AI ruin it. Since it's 10 hours long I might just power through it so thanks for the headsup

Dracula X might seem a likely candidate but I'm having trouble getting into that as well as I think SOTN is by far a superior game with the RPG elements + the wide variety of moves which helped get my interest and take a second look at the series as it never caught me as a kid. Rondo of Blood seems more like a traditional Castlevania game and not as exciting, and definitely not living up to SOTN so far.. Bonus game > actual game? lol

So... what do I like? so far Im really liking Disgaea but yeah the game is definitely grindy so I dont really want to involve myself to much with it for now. Jeanne Darc to me seems by far the best game on the PSP, if you dont own it you really need to get it if you have the system. The sheer amount of polish and fun that game had, while I was playing it every time I picked up the PSP or looked at it, it was like a bundle of fun in my hand and all because of that game lol. Sadly it still might be the one I keep playing if anything just to play the rest of the colloseum. Its the perfect example of a handheld game done right, text and presentation designed to be both pleasing and readable. Pity its more of a sitdown game than one you can really play on the go.
If you like Jeanne D' Arc, you will likely like Warhammer. To me it is the perfect amount of depth in an TBS game. Not to complex, but not simplistic either. Best TBS game on console I have played. Way better than field commander or Advanced Wars. Thought I have not played the gamecube one, battalian wars, nor Fire Emblem.

Anyone else tried warhammer? I am kind of surprised at the lack of hype/fanfare for it, especially after playing it.

[quote name='fathamburger']Well I'm off the honeymoon high lol, I expected every game to be as good as Jeanne Darc but I guess not. I've found reasons to dislike just about every game on that list that I've tried since, except for Portable Ops which he will bring for me in the next few days.

Metal Gear Acid I'm finding really clunky, both of them. As much as I want to like them as an MGS fanboy I might give them a pass, for the first one I'm on the first mission but I already cant stand how much of a pain it is to move, and the general clunkyness with the cards. The second one *Seems* better but I'm stuck in the tutorial as I cant figure out how to shoot.

Kingdom of Paradise has a lot of nice things on the surface and a potential for a kind of "mini shenmue" but the one button combat system , non existent blocking + infinite spawning bad guys with no real AI ruin it. Since it's 10 hours long I might just power through it so thanks for the headsup

Dracula X might seem a likely candidate but I'm having trouble getting into that as well as I think SOTN is by far a superior game with the RPG elements + the wide variety of moves which helped get my interest and take a second look at the series as it never caught me as a kid. Rondo of Blood seems more like a traditional Castlevania game and not as exciting, and definitely not living up to SOTN so far.. Bonus game > actual game? lol

So... what do I like? so far Im really liking Disgaea but yeah the game is definitely grindy so I dont really want to involve myself to much with it for now. Jeanne Darc to me seems by far the best game on the PSP, if you dont own it you really need to get it if you have the system. The sheer amount of polish and fun that game had, while I was playing it every time I picked up the PSP or looked at it, it was like a bundle of fun in my hand and all because of that game lol. Sadly it still might be the one I keep playing if anything just to play the rest of the colloseum. Its the perfect example of a handheld game done right, text and presentation designed to be both pleasing and readable. Pity its more of a sitdown game than one you can really play on the go.[/quote]

I think I underestimated, so it will be longer than 10. Sorry

I'm still not convinced that it's really worth your time anyway.
No worries, I beat Kingdom of Paradise today. Total play time was around 12-13 hours, about what I expected. Now that I've run through all the games quite a bit, Kingdom of Paradise turned out to be the #2 on my list. It's a pretty poor RPG as far as RPG's go, but as an extremely simplisitc scrolling beat'em up it's not bad lol. It has a lot going for it, i.e. peaceful and beautiful setting, lots of cool genuine kung fu moves and the whole wuxia vibe going for it. That's enough to make the game worthwhile for me. Later on when you have a good number of freestyle scrolls and the game starts forcing you to use a variety of styles, the repetition is alleviated a bit. Still the boss fights are too goddamn long and full of the same thing over and over especially if you don't level/sword grind up. I ended up piling on the skill essences for damage so I didn't fall asleep doing them.

I'm doing Dracula X now (just the first game) and I think that'll be enough for me until my own comes in via ebay. It's no SOTN but it is about the only game there that can actually be played in short sittings lol

I'm just looking forward to Harvey Birdman now in the near term, and then until Crisis Core and Chains of Olympus come out, my own PSP will be Disgaea and iPod. Onto the DS!
bread's done