new The Batman cartoon!...


As most of you guys know i am very...aware of batman.

So, I saw the new show that came on this Saturday! The animation was top of the line... it was a good way to put Batman in "this day and age" but... i just didn't hit me the way the old batman did (the one that was on Fox during the 90's) or even as good as batman beyond (which is F**kin awsome!).

Now..I was wondering if anyone saw it? And feel the same way I do..cuz other ppl are just going crazy over it.!!!!

They gonna repeat the episode on Friday..if you guys didn't get to watch it.
I saw it. It looked good, but nowhere near the cool-factor of the Batman animated series of a few years ago, with all the airbrush shit.

That new Joker design is awful though.
I liked the new joker... But this has almost no connection to the old show aside from familiar villain names... Rupert Thorn looked like a porn producer. :D

To me this is more like the Ninja Turtles remake, they took the characters, updated their look, gave them a little more of an edge and a higher budget and used electric guitars to make a theme song.

Batman's technology was a lot more impressive 3 years ago than it was by the time he joined the JLA? no. this is like an alternate universe , a new director a new set of adventures, the only differance is the old batman is still a viable character unlike the old turtles show they shold have waited another 5 years to do this version.
think batman beyond tops it all.. there wasnt much story..really... but i just love the action and the way terry's charater was made.
Any images? I'm going to search right now for some...

I loved the Fox WB cartoon and the later WB 11 episodes, Batman Beyond and Batman on JL.

I can't believe I missed this.
Just imagine a slightly younger batman as designed by the guy who did the designs for Jackie Chan adventures...because thats what it is. Jeff Matsuda is the character designer and he came a long way from drawing comics huh?
The voices actors are pretty good, although I really don't like the character designs. The story and writing also seems much more simpler than the old Batman cartoon or Batman Beyond.
Well After watching a few episodes of it, I have finally made a judgement onthe show: it's alright at best.

I say this because I did not enjoy the style of animation of this Batman and the plots seemed simpler and didn't take a lot of thought. Just place a villain and say he wants to rob a bank type of hting. The new Joker looked horrible if you asked me.

Overall I feel that this show is not to impressive and that Batman Beyond, the original Batman, and even the Batman character on JLU is a better batman. What I believe the original Batman that this one doesn't have is that the original had an edge to it, it just seemed darker and edgier. The same can be said for Batman Beyond.
I thought their Penguin last week was much better than the one from the original show. That episode was just as good as an old episode from the 90's. It was truly impressive if you guys caught that one.

The other episodes have been okay though. Not as great as the original series.
Well I think there trying to go for a younger and less deppresing batman with this show. Trying to update his image if you will,deviate from the angsty loner he becomes in batman beyond.
The animation. aaah, i think it's a grow on you type of thing. It's different so it's easy to jump on it because your just not used to it.
I'l watch it because I love Batman. And because given a season or two to establish some deeper charecterizations and back story to build upon it will get better. I think it has serious potential if people give it a shot. Plus I think the whole mean, emotionless, loner Batman angle has been beaten to death. About time it was updated if you ask me.
Saturday morning cartoons are on too early for me. I might watch it on Friday. What channel and what time is it going to be on?
[quote name='j.elles']... Plus I think the whole mean, emotionless, loner Batman angle has been beaten to death. About time it was updated if you ask me.[/quote]

That's who Batman is. It's not updateing him, it's changing him. If you change him he's not Batman. That's like "updating" Superman and making him a mean, emotionless, loner.
I think the animation looks awful, the faces are distorted. I prefer the series from the 90's with Dana Delaney as Lois.
[quote name='j.elles']Plus I think the whole mean, emotionless, loner Batman angle has been beaten to death. About time it was updated if you ask me.[/quote]

Batman will always be a mean, emotionless loser. Spider-Man will always be a geeky, socially awkward smartass. And Mr. Fantastic will always be one of the smartest men in comics. You can't change the character's personality.

The cartoon wasn't bad, but something about the animation bothered me. I'm not sure why, but I think that it looked cheap. It wasn't terribly drawn or animated, and it's worlds better than other Saturday morning cartoons, but it still looks like it was done with a relatively low budget.

That said...the show isn't terrible, and they could have some fun with the younger Batman, but they've got a hell of a lot of work to do if they want to be as good as the 1990s Batman cartoon.
[quote name='jediman'][quote name='j.elles']... Plus I think the whole mean, emotionless, loner Batman angle has been beaten to death. About time it was updated if you ask me.[/quote]

That's who Batman is. It's not updateing him, it's changing him. If you change him he's not Batman. That's like "updating" Superman and making him a mean, emotionless, loner.
I think the animation looks awful, the faces are distorted. I prefer the series from the 90's with Dana Delaney as Lois.[/quote]

j.elles, that's who batman is, an emotionless, mean, loner... and that's part of what I don't see in this show. All the episodes I have seen have been more as if he needs friends and depends on them, sort of how Pokemon and Yu-HGi-Oh and Jackie Chan Adventures are.

Akbar, you are correct the Penguin episode was the best so far. I don't know why I keep giving the show chances.
Anyone see the Bane episode this morning? I think he was too big, at times he looked a story tall. And BatBot? Come on... :roll:
In terms of characters, they are not as good as the 90's cartoon except for Penguin, he seems a lot like the 60's TV show version. Just so I dont sound like a hypocrite, I only have the new Joker as my avatar because I just like the Joker.
Throughout the history of Batman there have been different levels to his personality. I'm not saying we should go back to the 60's and swing (no pun intended) with Adam West.

Batman is a complex character. I think the new show reflects that well. Also, he does lead a double life. At times the two merge.

I don't think the new Batman is all bright and cheerful. In some ways this Batman may be a more fully developed character and not some cliche. One where he's conflicted between leading a normal life and his obsession with avenging his parents.

I think todays episode reflected that well when he was severely injured by Bane and how Alfred reacted.
I agree admiral.
I'm not saying the show is great, just give it a chance. The Animation on the previews I thought was bad, but after watching it I think it might eventually grow on me. It's not that bad.
As for the batbot, hell that shit's always around. TOYS, they are forced to put that shit in there so they can sell toys. But I think the gadgetry and batbot as they were introduced could have been worse. This show has to appeal to a lot of kids remember not us late teen's, and adults.
As for the loner thing and angst. I don't entirly agree. There hav been many charterizations of batman, reading the comics from the Adam West era comics all I can do is shudder in disgust. But the Murderer, and fugitive lines, the line where rash's succesor comes in, his grand daughter, nessie or something I forget. And quite a few others have had batman in the end putting his demons behind him, like his parents, his inability to accept help, and show emotion.
In the bat comics in fact that seems to be the general trend. Not the horrible grinning dorky bat of the past, but one that when push comes to shove will accept the help of nightwing, superman, etc... And not get his back broken by Bane again or something. And I applud this direction. No one wants bats to end up alone and old do we. Besides that was alt. universe anyway. Anyone who keeps up with the main universe knows that.
Also even when batman was a mean loner, Bruce Wayne was never that way. You've been watching those horrible Batman movies repeatedy haven't you. Bruce has always kept up his image as a happy, party, women loving, socialite, playboy.
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