New to PS3 - help me find some games


14 (100%)
Sorry, I know these threads are done all the time, but I haven't played a video game in probably 2 years and I'm out of the loop. I'm picking up a PS3 soon and would appreciate some suggestions. I don't have a load of free time, so I would prefer to avoid RPGs. Shorter games would be great. Thanks!
No video games in the past two years? NUTS! Anyway, if you're looking for shorter experiences I'd recommend Vanquish. Took me 7 hours to beat on Hard Mode according to the in-game clock (though I'm pretty sure it doesn't count cutscenes and always resets to your checkpoint time when you die). Hands down my favorite shooter of all time, and probably the most intense video game ever made. The action just never stops. Chances are once you start playing you won't wanna quit until you've beaten it, and afterwards you're gonna be completely exhausted -- both mentally and physically. Seriously, just go grab it already (should only cost you about 20 bucks I'm guessing). I simply can't fathom how anyone could not like this game.
Infamous and Little Big Planet are good and cheap. Depends what you like to play really. Can't go wrong with any of the sports franchises, Bad Company 2 as someone mentioned above. Dragon Age and Mass Effect series are both great RPGs as is the Fallout series.
Mirror's Edge. You can probably finish the main game in under six hours and it is one of the best innovative games this generation.
Start with Uncharted 1 and 2, you will realize right away how good of a purchase you just made. (note you could jump to pt 2 since it's superior but I loved the first as well)

Then consider any of the following:

Killzone 2 - so-so story, but hot damn the visuals are amazing and gameplay is decent

Bioshock - my favorite game this gen. Haunting atmosphere, really cool gameplay elements, excellent storytelling

Mass Effect 2 - My second favorite game this gen. This one is a shooter/RPG hybrid though and it will probably take around 30-40 hours to complete, but it's worth playing eventually.

Heavy Rain - The most unique game I've played this gen. Most either love it or hate it. I felt immersed in the story, and I really liked the QTE (quick time event) gameplay. Try the demo and see if it's your thing
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']Mirror's Edge. You can probably finish the main game in under six hours and it is one of the best innovative games this generation.[/QUOTE]

You might want to try the demo for this one first! While the gameplay was innovative it was the first game I ever played that gave me motion sickness. I was glad I was able to figure this out without having to spend money on it first.
[quote name='TctclMvPhase']Mirror's Edge. You can probably finish the main game in under six hours and it is one of the best innovative games this generation.[/QUOTE]


Also, Bayonetta is short if you're just going for "beat it" not completing it. It's like Devil May Cry if you played that.

Uncharted 2 is great if you like third person action games.

Demon Souls, holy shit get this game. I'm not gonna lie, it's a long RPG, but it's hard(kinda) and worth it.

Batman is fun, I don't recall if it came out more then 2 years ago though.

Modern Warfare 2 has a decent campaign and the online community is still active.(unless the PSN down time changes that...)

Red Dead Redemption is god damn awesome. Go for that if you're into action third person shooters.

Just some great ones I thought of in certain genres.
I generally recommend Borderlands to just about anyone. I'm not a huge FPS fan, but really like RPGs and it was the perfect combination of em.

The fact you can get the GOTY for $30 makes it even sweeter.
I am going to take some of these suggestions and play the demos when PSN gets up thanks for the thread and info CAGs.
[quote name='ssjmichael']Start with Uncharted 1 and 2, you will realize right away how good of a purchase you just made. (note you could jump to pt 2 since it's superior but I loved the first as well)

Then consider any of the following:

Killzone 2 - so-so story, but hot damn the visuals are amazing and gameplay is decent

Bioshock - my favorite game this gen. Haunting atmosphere, really cool gameplay elements, excellent storytelling

Mass Effect 2 - My second favorite game this gen. This one is a shooter/RPG hybrid though and it will probably take around 30-40 hours to complete, but it's worth playing eventually.

Heavy Rain - The most unique game I've played this gen. Most either love it or hate it. I felt immersed in the story, and I really liked the QTE (quick time event) gameplay. Try the demo and see if it's your thing[/QUOTE]

good taste. but i say kz3 instead of kz2. its probably the most gorgeous looking game 3d or not right now besides u2.
[quote name='cRodz']Buy Bioshock 1
The atmosphere of the game is amazing.
i love that game.[/QUOTE]

I agree, Bioshock was the best atmosphere for any FPS I've ever played. Great gameplay being able to use weapons in one hand and powers in the other, makes for enjoyable kills.

Also, like others have mentioned, Uncharted is great. Borderlands is awesome if you like a FPS with co-op or leveling up. And I'd also recommend Resistance 2, cool story, didn't take very long to beat.

Also, most people hate on Call of Duty games but if you like online multiplayer, I still think Black Ops is fun and easy to pick up and jump into a match any time of day (when PSN is actually up and running of course). Just mute the voice chatters and you won't realize you're playing with a bunch of dbags. ;)
Uncharted 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, this game is great & online MP is still very active (tho glitchers r annoying).
If you are looking for some cool exclusives that fall outside the mainstream check out Valkyria Chronicles, Heavy Rain, and Cross Edge.
Wow, thanks for all of the replies everyone. I think I'll start with Uncharted 2 and work from there. I don't know how much time I'll have to dip into other stuff right away, so that looks like a good choice.

What about MGS 4 and GTA 4? I've heard good things in the past but obviously those aren't exactly on the newer end of things. I'm assuming they are a little long too.
I went a long time out of the video game loop too (besides WoW and Dragon Age I hadn't bought a new video game since Kingdom Hearts 2) and finally decided to jump back in recently when I finally got a job and had some extra money. I got a PS3 and stumbled across the Uncharted 2 demo on PSN and was instantly hooked, it was the first game I bought and now I LOVE the series and my PS3. The game is fun, smooth, gorgeous, and the main character is extremely likeable. I know a billion people already recommended it, but I wanted to toss my vote into it as well. :roll:

As for other games, I'd highly recommend Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect 2, as others have suggested (though I played them on PC so the experience may be different). Infamous and Enslaved: Odyssey to the West are two others well worth playing that I've bought since Uncharted 2.

Hope you enjoy your system once you get it :D
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