New Years Gaming Resolutions?


CAG Veteran
Spent way too much money last year on purchasing games and bought some that I wish I never did. Golden Axe, Leisure Suit Larry to name a few. Plan on doing much more renting this year, hopefully save some money and dodge the crap game bullet. I don't want to play less, I just want to spend less. Even with buying some used games I spent around $1000 last year, I can't do that again.

Figured the cost of one new game will just about pay for 3 months of Gamefly 2-game plan. Added it up and one year with Gamefly costs $250. But I've got 5 months left on 6 gift certificates I used to sign up again and am going to upgrade to the 2-game plan. I'll probably still buy a few games that I know I really want but won't be spending anything close to what I did last year.

Nongaming Resolution - Exercise more (need to lose about 10 lbs of fat and hopefully add some muscle).

Anyone else have any gaming resolutions? (play less, play more, whatever)
I decided a long time ago to rent first, buy later. That right there has saved me a small fortune. I gamefly everything I play and then, if it's so bad ass I have to own it I'll just do the keep it thing.

With gamefly and game purchases last year I came in right around $500/$600 for the whole year. $275 of that was for gamefly (2 game plan) and the rest was on "keep it" games. Needless to say, I didn't end up buying a whole lot.

I don't really have any gaming specific resolutions other than to keep things on budget and play as much as possible so I guess that amounts to more of the same for 2010.
I don't really have any gaming resolutions. I used to have tons of games sitting around doing nothing, but now I just sell games once I beat them unless they are super awesome and I know I'll be playing them again and again. This gives me extra money each year to use towards games, or makes the games cost less, however you want to look at it.

Although I guess I should make a better effort to tackle my backlog, especially with all of my recent Steam purchases.
I don't really have one this year. The past couple years mine were to not waste time trying to get into games I'm not digging after a few hours, and to try not to buy new games until I'm ready to play them to avoid having a backlog. Spending less money on games has been achieved with Goozex and getting most games from their.

I've stuck to both of those. So the only thing I could think of is to maybe make a bit more time with gaming in my other hobbies. I didn't game much over the summer till November or so with being swamped with work and spending more time on other hobbies. Been gaming a bit more since then, and hope to keep it up.
I think i'm going to try to break myself from buying new releases that are on sale. I've got a small, but respectable backlog. Even if I get something on sale, I don't usually get around to playing it for a while and what I paid at release is the current retail price (I'm looking at you, Ultimate Alliance 2)

Also- i'm going to spend some time playing my PSN games that I abandoned for the next best thing.
I was only able to finish 5 games in 2009, so I think I'll go with just purchasing 5 games in 2010.

this ought to keep that insane backlog 'library' from growing out-of-control.
my main resolution is simply to complete games. i have so many games and so many games unfinished from all across the board. PS2,X360,PC,PSP,DS and my games are starting to take up alot of space so once i actually start beating my games im going to sell or trade most of them.
I'm pretty OCD about playing and finishing a game before I get too involved in the next game unless it completely sucks. There is only a couple games that I didn't finish, so I don't have that one as a resolution. But like everyone else, it seems I have a large backlog, so I think I'm going to add getting rid of my backlog to my original resolution. I've got games stuffed everywhere.
My gaming resolution for the new year is give more games a shot. I usually don't really buy downloadable titles and just play disc-based games, but some of the releases on the PSN store made me rethink that at the end of last year.
My gaming resolution is to play more real games.2009 was the year of casual,pick up and play games(ie Tetris,Pac-Man,Canabalt,Drop 7).I bought Mirrors Edge during the last Gamefly sale and it's still sitting on my desk.
I've made a bet to not buy any games- no retail, no downloads until May 16th (running a marathon that day)

I can buy DLC for games I already have. It's been great so far. I've been focusing on finishing my backlog.
2 I can think of off the top of my head:

1-Finish all the games I own:
Dragon Age: Origins
Grand Theft Auto IV Episodes from Liberty City
Guitar Hero Metallica
Mass Effect
Resident Evil 5
Red Faction Guerilla
Valkyria Chronicles
Zelda Twilight Princess
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Mario Kart
Little Big Planet PSP
Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon
Dungeon Siege Throne of Agony
Justice League Heroes
Syphon Filter Logan's Shadow
Star Ocean Second Evolution
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth

which brings me to #2...

2-Quit buying fucking video games.
I am working on some very specific lists for 2010 that I will most likely blog about on CAG.

In general terms:

  • I want to finish more games than last year (keeping track in the 2010 Completed Games Tab)
  • I want to spread out my gaming to all of my systems (2009 saw more 360 gaming by far)
  • I want to finish some of my backlog
  • I want to play more handheld titles (I barely played any in the years past, yet that backlog continues to grow)
  • I want to spend some more time on retro titles (I'm thinking Dreamcast and older, I know some people don't consider the DC retro but it is a throwback to a fun time for me)
  • I want to 100% more games than in past years (all Achievements or Trophies unlocked, I only did this for 2 games in 2009)

Full list and blog is forthcoming.
my new years gaming resolution is not to buy a single game this year, but instead get it from other means ( friends, relatives you name it )
Spend less, generally. Money seems to be getting tighter and tighter, and I have a practically insurmountable backlog anyway, so I'm going to try and go easy on new releases and focus on my backlog for a while. I'll try to spring for a new release only if it is something really special or I found a truly remarkable deal.
bread's done