Newegg $9.99 and up ps3/xbox 360 games sale

[quote name='foreverjoe20']
Any other good, "scary", Halloween-esque, video games I can play (more centered around the 360/PS3 than the PC)?[/QUOTE]

There's also House of the Dead Overkill Extended Cut for the Move. I'm not sure how scary it is though since I still need to play it.
[quote name='barrit']There's also House of the Dead Overkill Extended Cut for the Move. I'm not sure how scary it is though since I still need to play it.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't call HotD:EC very scary, but it is a fun game.

goHastings has Deadmund's Quest (New I think) for 8.23 shipped.
Ordered Asura's Wrath 360. I figure its short enough that if I finish it, I can trade it into Best Buy for 20 if I don't want to play it again.
[quote name='Gosha']Ordered Asura's Wrath 360. I figure its short enough that if I finish it, I can trade it into Best Buy for 20 if I don't want to play it again.[/QUOTE]

You probably will. I basically rented it from GS and regretted it ever since. I didn't get the full ending or anything like that.

If you enjoy DBZ it's hilariously amazing just like anything that would happen on that show. The story is actually somewhat well concieved, although ludicrious(as I'd expect from an anime style storyline) and the gameplay mechanics change up often enough that it stays fairly fresh for the bursts of gameplay you actually control. It also does a great job of making you feel nigh invincible against most types of enemies.
[quote name='foreverjoe20']

Any other good, "scary", Halloween-esque, video games I can play (more centered around the 360/PS3 than the PC)?[/QUOTE]

Great question - you've inspired me to play some creepy games.
It's controversial in these CAG parts, but I find the Alan Wake atmosphere to be perfectly creepy, especially if you liked the Twin Peaks series and you find dark forests scary.

RE4 is of course the best game in history, and it does have a few scary parts though its mostly action. Still gets me even after 20 playthroughs.

If you've never played Half Life 2 + ep. 1&2, there are a couple of great scary parts -- the town that's infested with zombies, and the underground parking garage infested with zombies in total darkness spring to mind. And defending Alex in the mine where you have the alarms telling you when the bugs are coming is a great moment.
[quote name='pasolini']Great question - you've inspired me to play some creepy games.
It's controversial in these CAG parts, but I find the Alan Wake atmosphere to be perfectly creepy, especially if you liked the Twin Peaks series and you find dark forests scary.

RE4 is of course the best game in history, and it does have a few scary parts though its mostly action. Still gets me even after 20 playthroughs.

If you've never played Half Life 2 + ep. 1&2, there are a couple of great scary parts -- the town that's infested with zombies, and the underground parking garage infested with zombies in total darkness spring to mind. And defending Alex in the mine where you have the alarms telling you when the bugs are coming is a great moment.[/QUOTE]

Totally forgot I have the DLC of Alan Wake to get through. Loved Alan Wake, and you're right, it does have a creepy atmosphere. Loved that about it.
[quote name='Friend of Sonic']Shit. I missed out on Shinobi.[/QUOTE]

It's a crap game, I just checked on Amazon and they have it for $12.21 free shipping with prime.
Really tempting prices.. but I have the feeling BestBuy will probably have these all for $4.99-7.99 at some point between November and February. I really need to stop spending right now.
[quote name='dgwillia006']Ugh have a 10$ code and nothing I really want. Wish I hadnt missed DMC HD Collection, guess I'm getting Sonic Generations[/QUOTE]

It's still in stock for 360 and at $15.99 unless you like me and want to play it for the brand of system it originally came out for which is PS3.
Thanks OP, I picked up Shinobi a few hours ago with ShopRunner 2-Day Shipping. It looks like old-fashioned fun, and if I don't like it, I can just trade it in to BBY for $14.70 after bonuses. :)
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[quote name='skiizim']It's a crap game.[/QUOTE]

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is all you need to know about the games in this list.
[quote name='Nintendonly']And this, ladies and gentlemen, is all you need to know about the games in this list.[/QUOTE]

What in particular don't you like about each of the games?
[quote name='skiizim']It's a crap game, I just checked on Amazon and they have it for $12.21 free shipping with prime.[/QUOTE]

I would say the game is good, but it's just on a level of difficulty that I do not miss from my NES days. I never use cheats in games, but I wish there were some good ones for Shinobi.

It's worth $10, but I paid $20 or so for it and wish I got it for cheaper.
[quote name='opportunity777']I would say the game is good, but it's just on a level of difficulty that I do not miss from my NES days. I never use cheats in games, but I wish there were some good ones for Shinobi.

It's worth $10, but I paid $20 or so for it and wish I got it for cheaper.[/QUOTE]

I paid $20 for it months ago too, I tried to get into it but I guess I was hoping for something else.
[quote name='KryllFood']In response to these two comments....first the graphics. If you're a long-time Castlevania fan, you will have goosebumps and loss of breath when you see the typical "Dracula's Castle" portion of the game. There's one moment (no spoilers) where you're getting to the castle and all you see is it and the moon. It makes you think of the beginning of SotN (or end of Rondo of Blood) when you are Richter entering the final chamber vs Dracula...but in great graphics.

As for why people hated it...believe it or not, there are a lot of Castlevania-ites out there and the biggest complaint is that it is a Castlevania REBOOT. They've totally undone the entire story of Castlevania, the Belmonts, and Dracula and retold the story with a VERY unwanted spin on it. Those who've beat the game will know what I mean by final boss.

The game is definitely worth 10 bux...hell it's probably worth close to 30 in my book but be ready to rethink Castlevania if you're going in thinking it's another simple tale of a Belmont going into a castle to defeat Dracula...that's not at all what it is about nor does it even live in that same universe of Castlevania.[/QUOTE]

Agree Castlevania is an excellent game. Graphically, it's pretty but a few notches down compared to perhaps another certain Kojima game.

That aside, those who are into the story should be aware that you get set up for a sequel ... which will be released only on the 3DS ... yeah, you heard right.
There is also a full console sequel coming.

I want to try the game but I'd rather get it on PS3. I have this weird dislike for multi-disc 360 games.
[quote name='aaronrodgers']I like that for Asura's Wrath it says "Save 34.00 Dollars" lol. I can see this being the normal price for the game soon.

Remember, the game is incomplete, you need the DLC for the real ending, plus the cool Street Fighter battles.[/QUOTE]

Ummm if that is true I am crossing this off of my "To Buy" list.
People really need to stop with the complete ignorance of Asura's Wrath's DLC. They didn't sell you the real ending as DLC. The game was complete as it was and the DLC chapters are essentially a second "season" of the game that was released because it was the only way they could ever release more for it as it was never going to be greenlit for a sequel. It was all made well after the game was finished and none of it is on-disc.

People also need to stop bitching when Capcom releases DLC that extends past the original ending. Unless you all did it when Bioware released more DLC after Mass Effect 2's ending. I mean hey, they're selling you the "true ending" to ME2 by doing that right? Right? So yeah, don't be a hypocritical bitch. The Asura's Wrath DLC is just fine and fans were never going to get more of the game in any other way so shut up.
Still cant find anything to use my $10 code on. And it expires on the 30th. Already have Castlevania for ps3.

Are Deathsmiles, Mindjack or EL Shaddai any good? Also considering Sonic Generations but i hward it was short.
[quote name='Eggman']People really need to stop with the complete ignorance of Asura's Wrath's DLC. They didn't sell you the real ending as DLC. The game was complete as it was and the DLC chapters are essentially a second "season" of the game that was released because it was the only way they could ever release more for it as it was never going to be greenlit for a sequel. It was all made well after the game was finished and none of it is on-disc.

People also need to stop bitching when Capcom releases DLC that extends past the original ending. Unless you all did it when Bioware released more DLC after Mass Effect 2's ending. I mean hey, they're selling you the "true ending" to ME2 by doing that right? Right? So yeah, don't be a hypocritical bitch. The Asura's Wrath DLC is just fine and fans were never going to get more of the game in any other way so shut up.[/QUOTE]

Yeeaahhhh.... So the problem with you saying "They didn't sell you the real ending as DLC" is that they actually describe it as "its epic four episode conclusion" in the description, and the episode numbers match that. So,.......yeah. People are entitled to their opinion, you are the one who seems to have the problem. Especially since you see fit to start saying people are a "bitch" for expressing that opinion. Be gone Troll.
Thank you OP! I guess I'm the only one on here to actually get Child of Eden. Always been curious of this game but not at the original price of $50, and most recently $29. $9.99 is a nice price!
[quote name='JaylisJayP']Still cant find anything to use my $10 code on. And it expires on the 30th. Already have Castlevania for ps3.

Are Deathsmiles, Mindjack or EL Shaddai any good? Also considering Sonic Generations but i hward it was short.[/QUOTE]

Is it a unique code or one that everyone can use?
[quote name='walkonshadows']Yeeaahhhh.... So the problem with you saying "They didn't sell you the real ending as DLC" is that they actually describe it as "its epic four episode conclusion" in the description, and the episode numbers match that. So,.......yeah. People are entitled to their opinion, you are the one who seems to have the problem. Especially since you see fit to start saying people are a "bitch" for expressing that opinion. Be gone Troll.[/QUOTE]

Why is he a "troll" when he says something you don't like? That's not what a troll is.

As for the games in this safe: Child of Eden is amazingly good and worth far more than $9.99. Asura's Wrath was worth it as well - just think of it as an extended animated movie instead of a game, which is basically what it was designed to be, and you're bound to love it.
Just order a copy of Asura's Wrath for 360. Wanted to get one copy for both systems (one was for a friend) but newegg sold out of the ps3 version. So I was gonna order another 360 copy for him but I guess I grabbed the last one in stock because the site wouldn't let me change the quantity in the cart before checkout. I did however see that Tales of Vesperia was sell again and I managed to snag one!!
[quote name='Hunter Hybrid']Is it a unique code or one that everyone can use?[/QUOTE]

It's a unique code tied to my e-mail. There was a thread a week or so ago, they sent them to a bunch of people who haven't bought from them in a while.
[quote name='Schildkrote']Why is he a "troll" when he says something you don't like? That's not what a troll is.


Read the definition of troll you linked. Guy begins by talking like his opinion of the matter is a fact, throws in a bitch in there for no valid reason, then decided to spice up his closing arguments with "shut up" if you don't agree. That grammar school type of behavior has troll signs all over it.
[quote name='JaylisJayP']Still cant find anything to use my $10 code on. And it expires on the 30th. Already have Castlevania for ps3.

Are Deathsmiles, Mindjack or EL Shaddai any good? Also considering Sonic Generations but i hward it was short.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='JaylisJayP']Anyone?[/QUOTE]

Shaddai is a gorgeous game, that from what I understand, is a bit on the short side. Deathsmiles is a shoot em up that's fun, but you have to be into the genre I think. And Mindjack, from everything I know, isn't worth any amount of money. I feel like it's probably the Neverdead of like 2 years ago.
[quote name='CaoPi']Asura Warth back in stock[/QUOTE]

Sweeeeet, thanks! Hesitated for a bit yesterday and missed it, so I snatched that gravy up!
Awesome! Glad it came back in stock. I ordered a copy for the PS3 version. I played the demo and thought it was pretty fun. I think this game is good for anime fans too. Sadly Only bummed about paying tax, but free 2day shipping is great.
[quote name='tuffguycore']Shaddai is a gorgeous game, that from what I understand, is a bit on the short side. Deathsmiles is a shoot em up that's fun, but you have to be into the genre I think. And Mindjack, from everything I know, isn't worth any amount of money. I feel like it's probably the Neverdead of like 2 years ago.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the feedback. After some further research and you tubing, I went with White Knight Chronicles 2 for $3.99 no tax or shipping.
So glad to heat about Asura's Wrath being in stock for ps3 again. I better hurry and buy a copy before newegg sells out of copies again while it's on sale
[quote name='retrad']updated op thanks Chunli[/QUOTE]


I searched this site, through Google, to try and not create a repost. Then, I copied and pasted your OP and made tiny adjustments. Not sure if it's a 72 hour sale, though.
[quote name='ChunLiBarbie']YW!:)

I searched this site, through Google, to try and not create a repost. Then, I copied and pasted your OP and made tiny adjustments. Not sure if it's a 72 hour sale, though.[/QUOTE]

yeah if i knew how to adjust the thread title i would do so lol

edit: nm figured it out, its in go advanced options and I also wikified thread
I was wondering, do Best Buy price match newegg?

Traded in some games earlier this week and it'd be nice to use it for Child of Eden.
bread's done