Next Wii Zelda Game speculation.



It's important to remember that the development team making Twilight Princess wanted to enhance the visuals for the Wii version, but that Miyamoto declined because it would delay the release of the game, which had already missed its ship date, even further. So we're confident that that given the time to work exclusively on a Wii Zelda, the team will be able to improve the look considerably. And yet, at the same time, we find ourselves surprisingly accepting of the prospect of another cel-shaded game -- again, simply because the style works so well. We're not suggesting that we would want to return to child Link form, but what if an adult Link could be brought to this cel-shaded design complete with an aged-up presentation to suit him? We think there's a lot of potential with something like that.

Imagine the swordplay in Wii's next Zelda, now with MotionPlus controls.

And Just to be Clear, a Recap
Nintendo can absolutely afford to rest on its laurels. Twilight Princess introduced a fun wolf mechanic and the ability to drop between two dimensions, but by and large it played like every 3D Zelda before it. And it was still amazing. So we're not going to lie -- sure, Nintendo could do exactly the same thing all over again and the end result would probably still be fantastic. Yet, as Zelda fans, we want to see the franchise taken into a bold new direction -- one that doesn't just follow the bar, but raises it. We would be disappointed if Nintendo diluted the power of the franchise with another spin-off like Link's Crossbow Training, an excuse to forgo a long development cycle. It would be unfortunate if the company didn't up Zelda's production values -- injecting the experience with a deeper storyline, multi-faceted characters, orchestral music, voice-acting and well-choreographed cinematics. And it would be a missed opportunity if the next game didn't fully utilize the Wii remote's pointer and Wii MotionPlus for a better gaming experience than ever before. The Zelda team has been reunited for a long time and we know that something major is beginning to take shape back in Japan. Here's hoping the game exceeds our wildest expectations when Nintendo finally unveils it.

Pretty sure it will be about Ganondork or somebody under his control kidnapping Princess Zelda. While Link, an outcast of sort, will be forced from his home to embark on a journey that results in him saving Hyrule.

I will also venture to say that it will use Motion+.
Maybe Link should get a optional girl friend character that should go adventuring with him. She must be controllable by another player and be able to wield a sword. She should also go shopping for link so he gets home cooked meals.
They should give all the characters voices except Link of course. The whole thing with text boxes is getting old. Up until the GC, Zelda games had hardware limitations but now they have no limitations. So orchestrated music and voice work is a must.

If they made TP look this good with GC hardware, I would expect it to really shine using the Wiis small but noticeable upgrade specs. As much as possible anyway. Higher resolutions, bump mapping, better textures and bloom lighting effects...

If they opt for cellshaded, a la Prince of Persia, then do it right but there is really no need with the available resources.

and a LEFT handed Link (like myself) or I will not buy. Or at least an option to switch hands.

What's important are completely new gameplay mechanics. Good luck with that one nintendo. It will make or break the game.
Just played TP today, and it's still my least favorite Zelda game by far. I hope Nintendo can rebound on the next one... whenever that may be.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Phantom Hourglass is great except for the the dungeon you have to do over and over again.[/quote]

And that was 50% of the game, effectively killing it.
It would be unfortunate if the company didn't up Zelda's production values -- injecting the experience with a deeper storyline, multi-faceted characters, orchestral music, voice-acting and well-choreographed cinematics. And it would be a missed opportunity if the next game didn't fully utilize the Wii remote's pointer and Wii MotionPlus for a better gaming experience than ever before.
This kind of melodrama and bullshit expectations are why I keep my distance from IGN.

First of all, voice acting and cinematics are baloney and would contribute very little. In fact, I'd go so far as to say that the addition of voice acting has a much higher chance of going VERY wrong than it does of succeeding marginally. It's the kind of suggestion made by somebody who either: a) doesn't appreciate the Zelda games for what they are or b) couldn't think of anything better to say.

Second, why is a deeper storyline necessary? Again, this is the kind of thing suggested by somebody who doesn't appreciate Zelda and has to create a laundry list for another lame-ass article. I think TP was as convoluted a story as has been in Zelda, and I don't see the point of making it deeper and more sophisticated. I far prefer a simpler story like LttP: play the simon sez of dungeon fetches to allow you the opportunity to bust ganon's ass. I guess I should note Majora's Mask was an awesome departure from the norm, but Nintendo should leave it as the only departure IMO. Or create a simpler "bust ganon's ass" story in a larger world that could include the fun MM sidequests. I'm not going to get into that here.

Finally, WTF does "multi-faceted characters" mean? This isn't high fiction. We've learned something about the main characters over the series: we've seen Link and the relationships he's developed at various ages, we've discovered Zelda's duality, we appreciate Ganondorf for what he's become. As far as the other characters, I think there's been a lot of fun, interesting characterization there, and I think it will continue that way. I don't see the need to make it better as it's already very, very good.

Let Zelda alone. Make it better, but keep it Zelda. I like the orchestral suggestion if that means make the music even better. For me the only improvement going from TP to whatever's next is the play control. Hopefully everyone's settled down and can now see the addition of waggle for what it was: tacked on and imprecise. Nintendo should take the play control back to the precision and quality of WW. That doesn't mean make the game GC control only, it just means make an effort to have the next Wii Zelda's control be sharp in every respect.

If it's true that they're going to return to Celda for the next Wii Zelda, that's freaking AWESOME news. Give me something with WW's character, whimsy, and play control but with more dungeons and difficulty and I'll be in heaven.
[quote name='VioletArrows']And that was 50% of the game, effectively killing it.[/quote]
I got my copy of PH from Toys R Us so I got the guide for free, which allowed me to get through that dungeon as quickly and painlessly as possible.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Phantom Hourglass is great except for the the dungeon you have to do over and over again.[/QUOTE]

This was hashed out in the several PH threads, but I didn't see the problem with the dungeon. I enjoyed it and it was very easy with zero outside help. The ability to write notes on the in-game map made it a breeze.
[quote name='crystalklear64']Hell, just remake a link to the past in 3D. Instant win.[/quote]
They did. It's called Ocarina of Time.
[quote name='dothog']This kind of melodrama and bullshit expectations are why I keep my distance from IGN.

I mostly agree with what you said, but if it's done well, why not do it?

Personally, I find Zelda to be at a bit of a crossroads. I think TP was supposed to be the "true" sequel to OoT, a more mature game, as well as usher in the new Wii controls. At the same time, it was supposed to be more accessible for the casual gamer. So I think it tried to do too much and never really established itself in the Zelda franchise. Are TP's criticisms fair? Yes and no. Zelda is such a big name in the video game industry that everyone who's played it has an opinion. Half of them want cel-shaded, half of them want realism. Half want GC controls, half want waggle. Half want voice acting, half don't.

In conclusion, I just want another Zelda, because there's one thing that Nintendo's always gotten right, and that's giving a phenomenal game experience: whatever new feature they come up with, they always do it really well. To me, Zelda = quality, and I think that's something everyone can agree on.
TP was relatively 'hardcore'. Somewhere in the article they state they want to make this wii game really casual, easy and accessible to all audiences or something along those lines. So the game will likely disappoint hardcore fans in favor of sliding the scale to casual gamers who are likely just getting into playing zelda or playing games in general.
[quote name='Casiotech']Somewhere in the article they state they want to make this wii game really casual, easy and accessible to all audiences or something along those lines.[/quote]
I kinda blitzed through that article, but who's "they"? IGN? The fuck control do they have over Nintendo?

Also, text-only = totally fine by me. It's not like this is fucking Grim Fandango here, it's Zelda.

EDIT: Wow, never read the comments on IGN.
[quote name='dothog']This kind of melodrama and bullshit expectations are why I keep my distance from IGN.

It's the kind of suggestion made by somebody who either: a) doesn't appreciate the Zelda games for what they are or b) couldn't think of anything better to say.[/QUOTE]

Among the other stupid things in this article, which you pick apart well, is the following:

[quote name='IGN']We would be disappointed if Nintendo diluted the power of the franchise with another spin-off like Link's Crossbow Training, an excuse to forgo a long development cycle.[/quote]

A breakdown of the facts here:
1. Link's Crossbow Training is a spin-off of the Zelda franchise.
2. The development cycle was short.

So, using those two facts they argue that . . . what? Nintendo will continue to produce shooting minigames for the Zelda franchise and that these minigames are in fact the new direction for the franchise because it has shorter dev cycles? Shut the hell up, IGN.

Oh wait, they're only saying that they'd be disappointed if that were the case. The case being a fictional one they pulled out of their ass. Yeah, shut up, IGN.

Anyway, I'd love for a return to the WW style as it's my favorite Zelda, heck, maybe my favorite game of all time. I think WiiMotion+ could be a nice addition, so long as they don't make it 1:1. They should only use the increased sensitivity to tighten up the current TP controls.

Also, I think voiceacting is not essential.
You know what I think?
I think they want to put all the cel-shaded zelda games series on the DS/GBA series (minish cap, phantom hourglass, 4swords) while wind waker was the exception. But I wouldn't mind if they made another WW-like game on the Wii. Of course, it will most likely be young Link
bread's done