[quote name='noisesquared']I thought both you and mhedden were really solid in goal last night - the game against the elite team was impossible. Those guys were too good at everything for us to have a chance. I like the idea of on a 4 man team lining up w/ 2F, 1D, 1G. I'm going to goof around with a defensive d-man build tonight and see how that looks.[/QUOTE]

Ya, I think that's good too. It seems like a defender with good checking is what is keeping us out of their zone so maybe that's what we need. I'm always trying to work on changing directions in there zone so I don't get plowed over so much.
Having at least one guy on the ice who can regularly knock down the other team seems to be something we're missing. It kills us regularly to skate into the offensive zone and our puck carrier gets flattened, the other team takes possession, and is off on an odd man break the other way while the original puck carrier is recovering :bomb: I've read on the EA forums of an Intimidation factor - getting knocked down and beat on can also decrease other skills effectiveness(shot accuracy, passing, etc.).

Check this out: http://www.operationsports.com/eashl/forum/showpost.php?p=200847&postcount=12

This makes a lot of sense now...
[quote name='noisesquared']Having at least one guy on the ice who can regularly knock down the other team seems to be something we're missing. It kills us regularly to skate into the offensive zone and our puck carrier gets flattened, the other team takes possession, and is off on an odd man break the other way while the original puck carrier is recovering :bomb: I've read on the EA forums of an Intimidation factor - getting knocked down and beat on can also decrease other skills effectiveness(shot accuracy, passing, etc.).

Check this out: http://www.operationsports.com/eashl/forum/showpost.php?p=200847&postcount=12

This makes a lot of sense now...[/QUOTE]

That is interesting. I've had my guy as a sniper for center but I never gave any thought into using XP on aggression or strength. Maybe I'll re-evaluate my stats and see what I can come up with. Also, that hustle button is nice to know. I never knew it existed. So I will definitely start trying to use that too. And getting our mics to work finally is really helpful.
It was good to get the first game under my belt tonight even though I wasn't a big help. I was getting a little lag sometimes so that threw me off a little, but more than that it was me not having played a "Be a Pro" style game in weeks. I have mostly been playing with my Ultimate Team so that was a bit of an adjustment. I was so used to holding the pass button down for bullet passes that it took me until the 3rd period to stop overshooting all you guys with my passes. Anyways it was fun and I will get better with more playing time. But we did get the win so that was nice at least.

Oh, I also wanted to mention I do have a mic but it was dead tonight when I tried to use it, I haven't had to use that thing in months. I will have it ready to go the next time I play with the team.
Seems like we're getting there - overall record is approaching .500, and in the games I've played this week, the improvement is hugely noticable. My +/- is finally creeping up, and even though I'm not scoring at all, I'm having a blast playing D. Forwards are scoring, AI team mates seems to be playing better (maybe the AI base ratings are based on their human team mates?), and the AI goalie seems to be much more consistent.

If EA could just fix the ^%$^&%$ mic's...

Anyway, I'm planning on getting on late tonight - 10-11 CST - if anyone's around.
[quote name='noisesquared']Seems like we're getting there - overall record is approaching .500, and in the games I've played this week, the improvement is hugely noticable. My +/- is finally creeping up, and even though I'm not scoring at all, I'm having a blast playing D. Forwards are scoring, AI team mates seems to be playing better (maybe the AI base ratings are based on their human team mates?), and the AI goalie seems to be much more consistent.

If EA could just fix the ^%$^&%$ mic's...

Anyway, I'm planning on getting on late tonight - 10-11 CST - if anyone's around.[/QUOTE]

Ya, I definitely think we are on our way! I'm glad we have you to be a defenseman now because we were really hurting with the computer playing it alone. And I think you're right, our teammates are playing much better. Ya, the mic thing sucks but we've been having much better luck lately with waiting until we start the game to turn them on. I'll be on tonight as well so I'll see you then!
After the whacking we received Friday night, I checked out the teams we played. Of the 7 losses we took, 5 were against Elite teams. I'm not sure if this is a timing thing - maybe there are more good teams on later on the weekend? Or maybe as they weren't season games, the matchmaking was more flexible? Anyways, the matchmaking is terrible when you have an 'amateur' rated team playing 5 of 8 against 'Elite' teams. I don't mind playing a much better team on occasion to gauge where you're at and to learn what the good teams do, but more playing than half your games against teams that are beating you 5-0/7-1/etc. is really rough. At least the season hadn't started :lol:

After tinkering with my builds, I'm going to stick w/ defensive d and work on getting that down. I should be on again quite a bit this week after 10 if anyone's around...
Looks like the patch went live today. Hopefully with the boost glitch shut down, maybe some of the top-end teams won't be quite so invincible. From glancing at the team page, it looks like we're still holding our own anyway. I've got 5 games til the Superstar card, but I need to get my overall grade up to a B from a B-, so I'll likely be playing a lot of defensive D until I get there.

I'll probably be on again a good bit post 10PM CST this week, assuming I don't get COD fever...
Bumping to let any CAG PS3 NHL 11'ers know that we're still looking for players - the more the merrier. We seem to get 2-4 of us together on a nightly basis, but getting to field a 5-6 player team regularly would be cool. All levels of experience and skill welcome...

And as a sidenote, as I approach the legend card games requirement without getting off of the damn B- overall rating to get the super star card yet, I ran across an interesting approach. I'm going to spend some time this weekend in drop-in games doing the following: setup an Enforcer build LW/RW, jack up all hitting/strength related attribs, play drop in games without any attention to scoring/winning - make quick passes, take no penalties(keep discipline high and no poke-checks/sticklifts), no offsides, play your position(follow the blue arrow), and hit everything you legally can. Some people over at Operation Sports swear by this approach as a quick way to rack up A's and get your cards. It seems the grading system is counterintuitive to doing things required to WIN games :lol:
[quote name='jaydepps']Nice plan Noises. Let me know if it works. I'm now at like 190 games with a B average.[/QUOTE]

here's a link to the technique:


I've got some time Saturday during the day to give it a shot. I'm actually at about 140 games, so maybe I can hit SuperStar and Legend in one sitting :cool: If this works, I might strongly recommend all of us doing it prior to the playoffs starting next week. I think with just a few attrib bumps to where we can get a little more physical, we're close to competing with most anybody. We still get beat up a lot by the high end teams though.

I also have a theory that the AI players mimic the attribs of the human players. It seems that the higher overall ratings we carry, the AI seems to follow even though they're supposed to be at low default attribs. I've never seen any verification of this, but when jay and i have been on with low-mid 80 overall players, it seems the AI (including the goalie) is better than when I've been on with the mid-upper 70's overalls (or when I've tweaked my player into the 70's). Anybody else notice that?
Anyone thinking about getting this game, definitely should. It will only be $35 on Black Friday. We really could use some more active people. We still don't have a goalie or right defenseman. It seems there is a core of 4 of us with the occasional other player.
[quote name='jaydepps']Nice plan Noises. Let me know if it works. I'm now at like 190 games with a B average.[/QUOTE]

Following up on the 'plan', parts of it work. I played a bunch of drop-in games last weekend, and it definitely is easier to get good grades there than in club games. The games seem much more evenly matched, and unless you get some complete goofs on your team, you're not likely to get blown out and have a stats grade catastrophe. Otherwise, play your position, take no penalties, no offsides, and get some hits. The main difference from the above posted plan is that scoring really helps. I put up some good point totals - including a couple of 4pt games and my 1st hat trick :D - and a couple of points almost assures an A stat grade. I moved my overall from a C+/B- to a B+, and i think i'm only a few good drop-ins from an A-.

Sorry I couldn't make it last night - i saw the playoff eleimination on the team page. I planned on getting on later, but I couldn't stay awake past 10...
[quote name='jaydepps']Good to here noise. Hopefully one of us can get Legend.[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately, after a couple nights of club games, my A-/B+/A- has regressed to A-/B-/B- :bomb: They've made it impossible for the defense to actually play defense and get good grades. No points = a C+ stats grade at best. No hits means you have to play a perfect game turnover wise to get a team B. Points are a secondary concern for d, and opportunities to hit w/out going out of position are few and far between...

I'm thinking I may spend the next few nights skipping out on club games to concentrate on getting that stupid card. If anyone wants to try to get together in some drop-in games that might be cool. I'm guessing if we enter drop in simultaneously, we can just leave and re-enter til we end up in the same lobby. Competition is generally much easier, and having any teamwork at all really gives you a leg up on the other team.
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[quote name='jaydepps']We had a good night last night. We went 5-1. It was pretty successful.[/QUOTE]

Good to hear. Saturday was ugly and a bit discouraging. It's weird how one night you can play great, and the next you're awful. Last night, I played 3 or 4 drop in games at either LW or LD, and probably put up 12-13 points. But I get in a club game, and I'm lucky to get 1-2 points across 4 games.

Anyway, I think we should give the private lobby boosting a try soon. I'm not so sold that getting legend cards will make that much of a difference anymore, but at least we'd always be on equal or better footing than our opponent.
Bumping thread again from the dead - finally got my Legend card, and ready to get back into some CAG games:bouncy:

I've played a LOT of drop in over the last few weeks, and I was making one stupid mistake - do not drop out of a game ever. I thought there was a 2 minute grace period where you could quit w/out penalty, but this is only in club games. Dropping out even before the initial face off gives you F's. Otherwise, I played mainly a PWF build at LW/RW and checked everything I could get to, stayed in position, and tried to pick up a point or 2 a game. Also stayed clear of human goalies - had a few games where I picked up an F for stats because the goalie had no interest or knowledge of how to play goalie in the course of giving everyone on the team a -10 :D

Anyway, in the course of my multitude of drop-ins, I've learned some good stuff:
- If your team loses a faceoff, the other teams center is immediately fair game to be checked. I ran up some huge hit totals in games where my center couldn't win a faceoff, but I ran over the opposing center as soon as he won the draw. Builds up the intimidation factor quick too, and helps your center start winning some draws.
- The speed attribute is useless. Saw this on the Operation Sports forums, and tried it for myself. Started running speed at 70-75 instead of the 80-85 I was running at, and jacking up endurance(99 gives unlimited hustle)/strength/balance. Noticed absolutely no difference in speed, and with the jacked up other attribs, a PWF becomes an uncheckable monster. Unlimited hustle button use beats high speed every time.
- High endurance, in addition to the extra hustle, also means later in periods you are stronger and faster than players without. Guys that you couldn't knock down early in the period can be rag-dolled in the later parts, and you feel faster as the period goes on.
- 99 rated attributes are way better than anything else. For some reason, when you get to 99 for most any attribute, it seems to go to a differnt level than even a 98. Slap shot power, strength, offensive and defensive awareness all seem to be much more effective at 99 than at any other setting.
I've been real busy with work and such, but tomorrow is my last day. I should be on more in the coming days until I return to college likely on Monday. Come Monday I will be on as much as I used to be. Grats on the legend card. I still need to get mine.
I would be intrested in being in your league. Been laid off from work recently so I've been playing GM Mode, but I could start building up my player.
[quote name='ncs115']I would be intrested in being in your league. Been laid off from work recently so I've been playing GM Mode, but I could start building up my player.[/QUOTE]

The more the better - the game is always much better with less CPU players, and the mic's seem to be better with more people on too. We're not very good and improvement has been slow over the holiday season, but we're in it for fun (thankfully:lol:) . My only recommendation would be to join as many drop-in games as you can early on to pick up a couple of cards and get some XP to spend. Positionally, although we've now got RW/LW/C/LD/RD all playing regularly, it's rarely at the same time so position's not a big deal.
[quote name='ncs115']I would be intrested in being in your league. Been laid off from work recently so I've been playing GM Mode, but I could start building up my player.[/QUOTE]

Hey, just let me know your PSN name and I will send you an invite and you can play with us anytime. As noise said, try to play drop-in games and get some cards as the XP will help a lot. And it's usually easier to get better grades in games in drop-in as the competition isn't usually as good. Let me know a position too. It doesn't really matter what you'd like to be, any will work.
We had a nice game earlier tonight. We were down 3-1 going into the third and scored two goals to tie it. CRH7386 ended up scoring in OT with .7 seconds left.
[quote name='jaydepps']We had a nice game earlier tonight. We were down 3-1 going into the third and scored two goals to tie it. CRH7386 ended up scoring in OT with .7 seconds left.[/QUOTE]

It was a great game! Jay, that was a good slap shot into his pads so I could get the rebound and score and also, nice 2 goal game for you! :applause: The team we beat was in the pro division too :D
Yea I took some of Brad's advice. My slapshot power is 99 now and my endurance is 95 now since I did not put any points in speed. My slapshot seems to give up rebounds a lot now if I can get it through.
Played a few nice ones last night too. We dominated in that last game, but just couldn't put one in the net.

We've came a long way, and as long as we keep working on smart positional play and moving the puck around we'll be in good shape. I've got to get better at getting the puck to an open guy before getting hit - I still turn the puck over too often entering the offensive zone. And I need to work on better shot selection and getting the one-timer down. Getting the one-timer off with 99SSP seems to be really beneficial, and looks cool too :D

Anyways, hoping to be on quite a bit this week. It'll be nice if we can get a steady 4+ online.
We were up till 5am last night playing. We beat some elite teams, as well as some pro teams and are now in the pro division. We beat one elite team 2-1, then played them again and were winning 6-0 in the 2nd period and they quit. It was fun! Then we got a challenge from the #11 elite league team. I'm not sure why but I'm guessing maybe that team we beat told them to but anyways, we ended up losing to them 5-2, which isn't bad considering they are ranked so well. And some of their goals were just a straight wrist shot with a little stick move and our goalie just stood there so I was pretty happy with our performance. I think we have improved a huge amount lately so lets keep it up! :D
First of all, congrats to Jay and Craig for getting the Legend cards :applause: - it's a pain to get there, but everything gets so much easier afterwards.

2nd, really nice games last night. We went 5-0 as 3 man team, outscoring opponets 15-3 across the 5 games, beating 2 Elite, 2 Pro, and an over .500 amateur team. Looking at the EA site, we've actually been 11-2 with at least 3 players on over the last few days. We've definitely earned the Elite division status.

And last, can we try to coordinate a night/time for our playoff run this month? I believe the playoffs start Thursday so we should have until Sunday to start our playoff run. I've managed to not be able to play in a playoff game in the first 3 runs, so I'd like to try and make sure I'm in this time, especially with how we're playing.
[quote name='noisesquared']First of all, congrats to Jay and Craig for getting the Legend cards :applause: - it's a pain to get there, but everything gets so much easier afterwards.

2nd, really nice games last night. We went 5-0 as 3 man team, outscoring opponets 15-3 across the 5 games, beating 2 Elite, 2 Pro, and an over .500 amateur team. Looking at the EA site, we've actually been 11-2 with at least 3 players on over the last few days. We've definitely earned the Elite division status.

And last, can we try to coordinate a night/time for our playoff run this month? I believe the playoffs start Thursday so we should have until Sunday to start our playoff run. I've managed to not be able to play in a playoff game in the first 3 runs, so I'd like to try and make sure I'm in this time, especially with how we're playing.[/QUOTE]

Thanks! It feels nice to finally get my legend card and have my speed and handling back :D

We have definitely been playing really well lately and being in the Elite Division is pretty awesome! I think it's a good idea to have us all play in the playoff games. I think we have a good chance to win. Anytime this weekend will work for me. Thursday I can't be on till a little later than usual, probably 10:30 eastern time. But Friday through Sunday, any time should work for me. Lets get Elite Playoff Champs on our ice for next month :D
That would be awesome. Thanks for the congrats. We were unstoppable last night. Something about it. Can't figure out what it was, but it was awesome. Hope we continue this type of play. I am probably able to play any night after 9 PM most likely.
[quote name='jaydepps']That would be awesome. Thanks for the congrats. We were unstoppable last night. Something about it. Can't figure out what it was, but it was awesome. Hope we continue this type of play. I am probably able to play any night after 9 PM most likely.[/QUOTE]

I agree - it's like a light bulb went on. I'd guess that in the pursuit of the legend card we all just learned to be better players. If there wasn't a noticeable difference in our play after 4 months, we probably should be looking for a different game :lol: The only thing I'm wondering about is with Craig's return to a sniper build, if that will eliminate one of the big advantages we've had in building up intimidation through hitting over the course of a game. I'd guess the added scoring offsets that, and having a speedy scoring forward adds a dimension we've been missing.

Anyways, I should be around most of the week after 10-11 CST.
Yea, but we can make up for that lost hitting. Between you, Mike, and I we can devastate the opposition. Craig's speed was noticeably helping us last night.
Bumping back to life - another good run last night. Those last 2 games were probably the most enjoyable NHL 11 games I've played so far. Coming back from down 3-0 for a 4-3 OT win was really unbelievable:applause:

A couple of things crossed my mind while playing on some things to maybe try:

- Jay and Mike are both super-defensive conscious. I've been making a big effort to try and be more conservative myself, and I still am often not the first man back. With Jay's PWF build in particular, I'd be curious to see how a more aggressive forecheck might work. I think some of our time in the offensive zone is limited due to the fact that as soon as the opposition takes it away, our forwards are exiting the zone and looking to establish defensive position. It probably depends on the opposition, as the conservative approach is needed against top-end teams. But being more aggressive and not giving the other team any breathing room getting out of their zone could really help against some equivalent or less experienced oppostion.

- When we enter the zone, it seems fairly predictable - cross the blue line, take the puck to the middle of the ice, and look for the shot regardless of the traffic in the middle of the ice. I thinkwe need to work on the puck carrier carrying the puck down low if there's too much traffic and either looking for someone to center to or sending the puck back to the point, where the D needs to get better at being in consistent position and making the shoot to score/shoot for rebound/pass decision. I have been occasionally falling in love with the slap shot regardless of the wisdom of taking it, and need to get better at being smart with the puck. I do think we're moving that way, as when we maintain puck possession in the o-zone, this type of movement is what we're doing and I think we did talk about it last night.

- And last, I really think everyone needs to add the one-timer to their arsenal. L2+Right Stick Up+Left stick aim when the pass is on its way. To learn it, I went into practice mode, set up for 2 on 0, and had my son just keep feeding me passes til I figured it out. The pass usually cannot come from from your left (for a RH shot) nor behind you. But the one timers are always ridiculoulsy hard slappers, and seeing as all of you guys are much better aiming your shots than me, I think you guys would have much better success with the one-timer than me (and I'm pretty happy with mine:lol:).
[quote name='noisesquared']Bumping back to life - another good run last night. Those last 2 games were probably the most enjoyable NHL 11 games I've played so far. Coming back from down 3-0 for a 4-3 OT win was really unbelievable:applause:

A couple of things crossed my mind while playing on some things to maybe try:

- Jay and Mike are both super-defensive conscious. I've been making a big effort to try and be more conservative myself, and I still am often not the first man back. With Jay's PWF build in particular, I'd be curious to see how a more aggressive forecheck might work. I think some of our time in the offensive zone is limited due to the fact that as soon as the opposition takes it away, our forwards are exiting the zone and looking to establish defensive position. It probably depends on the opposition, as the conservative approach is needed against top-end teams. But being more aggressive and not giving the other team any breathing room getting out of their zone could really help against some equivalent or less experienced oppostion.

- When we enter the zone, it seems fairly predictable - cross the blue line, take the puck to the middle of the ice, and look for the shot regardless of the traffic in the middle of the ice. I thinkwe need to work on the puck carrier carrying the puck down low if there's too much traffic and either looking for someone to center to or sending the puck back to the point, where the D needs to get better at being in consistent position and making the shoot to score/shoot for rebound/pass decision. I have been occasionally falling in love with the slap shot regardless of the wisdom of taking it, and need to get better at being smart with the puck. I do think we're moving that way, as when we maintain puck possession in the o-zone, this type of movement is what we're doing and I think we did talk about it last night.

- And last, I really think everyone needs to add the one-timer to their arsenal. L2+Right Stick Up+Left stick aim when the pass is on its way. To learn it, I went into practice mode, set up for 2 on 0, and had my son just keep feeding me passes til I figured it out. The pass usually cannot come from from your left (for a RH shot) nor behind you. But the one timers are always ridiculoulsy hard slappers, and seeing as all of you guys are much better aiming your shots than me, I think you guys would have much better success with the one-timer than me (and I'm pretty happy with mine:lol:).[/QUOTE]

Ya, those last couple games were awesome. Me and Jay played another game and won 5-2.

- I totally agree with your first point. I think we need to keep the pressure up in their zone and just trust the D to be where they need to. We have let up so many of our goals off the other team putting pressure on us in our zone and taking the puck away for a cross crease pass and easy goal. I think just has been upping the pressure lately as he's been getting some hits on the guy with the puck behind the net but then nobody else is there to grab the puck. I myself try to get back as soon as they get the puck but I can't really hit anyone so I'm think it would be a good idea if the two forwards pressured the puck and I'll drop to the blue line and try to not let a pass out of the zone. We just need to make sure the D gets back quickly.

- With regards to puck possession in their zone, I think it's hit or miss for us. Some games, we just rush the whole time and never pass around and other games we pass really well. I think it would be a good idea to get away from the rush unless it's a clear advantage to us like a 2 on 1. I think we can definitely turn into a possession team if we just all try to focus on it.

- I think I'll try to get the one timer down and see what happens. It would definitely be a nice weapon if everyone could do it.

One other thing I was thinking is that we need to use our mics more. I know they don't always work correctly but I've been noticing quite a bit of offsides or totally missed passes that could be avoided with a little more communication. If you have the puck and someone is ahead of you getting close to the blue line, I think it would be good if we warned them if a pass was coming so they know whether to turn away or not because a lot of times the guy who is ahead will turn away and the pass will go right where he was or they think the pass is coming and it doesn't and they keep going into the zone. Just something to think about. I think it would help us a lot.
[quote name='CRH7386']Ya, those last couple games were awesome. Me and Jay played another game and won 5-2.

- I totally agree with your first point. I think we need to keep the pressure up in their zone and just trust the D to be where they need to. We have let up so many of our goals off the other team putting pressure on us in our zone and taking the puck away for a cross crease pass and easy goal. I think just has been upping the pressure lately as he's been getting some hits on the guy with the puck behind the net but then nobody else is there to grab the puck. I myself try to get back as soon as they get the puck but I can't really hit anyone so I'm think it would be a good idea if the two forwards pressured the puck and I'll drop to the blue line and try to not let a pass out of the zone. We just need to make sure the D gets back quickly.

- With regards to puck possession in their zone, I think it's hit or miss for us. Some games, we just rush the whole time and never pass around and other games we pass really well. I think it would be a good idea to get away from the rush unless it's a clear advantage to us like a 2 on 1. I think we can definitely turn into a possession team if we just all try to focus on it.

- I think I'll try to get the one timer down and see what happens. It would definitely be a nice weapon if everyone could do it.

One other thing I was thinking is that we need to use our mics more. I know they don't always work correctly but I've been noticing quite a bit of offsides or totally missed passes that could be avoided with a little more communication. If you have the puck and someone is ahead of you getting close to the blue line, I think it would be good if we warned them if a pass was coming so they know whether to turn away or not because a lot of times the guy who is ahead will turn away and the pass will go right where he was or they think the pass is coming and it doesn't and they keep going into the zone. Just something to think about. I think it would help us a lot.[/QUOTE]

We're definitely getting there. Even tho Saturday night wasn't great record-wise, we really played well against some tough teams.

I'm making a concerted effort on D to try and make sure I'm always behind the puck when it's in our possession, and then try to make sure I'm always behind the deepest opposing player when they have the puck (or between them and the net). I'm getting better at this, but definitely still need to improve. As I get better at it, hopefully that makes an aggressive forecheck a little easier for the F.

And I agree - mic communication is a really important aspect that we need to use better. We're getting better at this, but still miss a lot of stuff. When we've got 3 on, the mic's are usually functional enough during the game where that shouldn't be an issue. We just need to keep Jay off the phone so he can use his mic ;)
Good games last night. Felt like we were starting to get back into form over the last few games. It seemed like our puck possession was better and we were just playing smarter on the whole.

Are we looking to try a playoff run tonight? I'll be on probably after 11 CST. One thing we should do - back out of any match where we're outnumbered. The opposition having less CPU players than us is usually a bad thing.
[quote name='noisesquared']Good games last night. Felt like we were starting to get back into form over the last few games. It seemed like our puck possession was better and we were just playing smarter on the whole.

Are we looking to try a playoff run tonight? I'll be on probably after 11 CST. One thing we should do - back out of any match where we're outnumbered. The opposition having less CPU players than us is usually a bad thing.[/QUOTE]

Ya, I think we were getting there too. I just hope we can stay in form for the playoffs and then next month's season. We need to win ourselves a playoff trophy! :D

I was also thinking tonight will be good. I'll definitely be on. Hopefully Mike will be on. I think making sure we have the same amount of players is a good idea. Our CPU players have been screwing us over a lot lately so avoiding that would be a good idea.
[quote name='CRH7386']Ya, I think we were getting there too. I just hope we can stay in form for the playoffs and then next month's season. We need to win ourselves a playoff trophy! :D

I was also thinking tonight will be good. I'll definitely be on. Hopefully Mike will be on. I think making sure we have the same amount of players is a good idea. Our CPU players have been screwing us over a lot lately so avoiding that would be a good idea.[/QUOTE]

I think if we match up 4 on 4 with most anybody, we're in good shape. There are so many ways a CPU d-man can be taken advantage of by a 5 man team it's ridiculous. They're easy to deke around, they hold the puck too long, they often turn it over in horrible position, etc. And in a playoff situation, we need to make sure the playing field is as level as possible.

BTW, Craig - I'm not sure which skate radius you use, but if you like the 99 agility, try using the 9" blades too. I think that gives a pretty significant agility boost, supposedly at the expense of speed. Seeing as speed really has no effect, it seems to me like it's a free agility boost with no penalty.
[quote name='noisesquared']I think if we match up 4 on 4 with most anybody, we're in good shape. There are so many ways a CPU d-man can be taken advantage of by a 5 man team it's ridiculous. They're easy to deke around, they hold the puck too long, they often turn it over in horrible position, etc. And in a playoff situation, we need to make sure the playing field is as level as possible.

BTW, Craig - I'm not sure which skate radius you use, but if you like the 99 agility, try using the 9" blades too. I think that gives a pretty significant agility boost, supposedly at the expense of speed. Seeing as speed really has no effect, it seems to me like it's a free agility boost with no penalty.[/QUOTE]

I'll have to try changing my blade. I forgot that you can even adjust it. Hopefully it does give a nice boost.
Okay so, I've found some info on the attributes in game today. I don't know if anyone has ever noticed this but if you're in any mode or menu after the main menu and hit select, it goes to the help screen. If you hit R1 twice, it goes over to player ratings info and explains what all the stats do. Or while you're editing your stats, just hit select and you can see what they do while you are changing them. I think we have a pretty good idea on what most of them do but I think it definitely made things more clear. There's a couple stats that I will definitely be adjusting after seeing this. I hope this can help everyone else out too.
Combine that info with this for figuring out how to build a player:

I'm of the opinion anymore that there so many variables at play, between attributes, player builds, and size, that there is absolutely no right way to do it. You can have a similar athletic attribute setup with a PF and TWF and a TWD all the same size, and each feels totally different. I think they have multiple attributes contributing to multiple actions - i.e. slap shot power could be a factor of shot power+strength+balance+hand-eye, as all of these things realistically factor in how hard a slapper is.

I think I'm sticking w/ 2WF on D, even though I'd really like to go back to OFD for the slapper (just not strong or physical enough though). 2WF on d lets you have the positional and physical d attributes up high, along with high athletics and core offense attribs. The shot attribs are bad though, but I'm an awful shot so it shouldn't be noticeable anyway :D
Sorry about the early drop out last night - I should be clear tonight though. Hope to be on after 10 CST for the playoff run, if we didn't try last night.

I'm thinking the rashes of disconnects were due to other teams making their playoff runs - so if they get a player numbers mismatch in the dressing room or get scored on in the 1st 2 min, they drop out and the game doesn't count.
[quote name='noisesquared']Sorry about the early drop out last night - I should be clear tonight though. Hope to be on after 10 CST for the playoff run, if we didn't try last night.

I'm thinking the rashes of disconnects were due to other teams making their playoff runs - so if they get a player numbers mismatch in the dressing room or get scored on in the 1st 2 min, they drop out and the game doesn't count.[/QUOTE]

It's no problem. I'll be online tonight at around 8 CST. I think Mike said he'll be on at about 9 CST and he can play till he has work at 12 CST. So the earlier you can get on, the better. But we will wait for you to start.
Bumping to issue a congratulations to the CAG PS3 NHL11 team for getting back to .500! 7 months and 909 games later, we're sitting at 411-411-87. To be honest I never thought it'd happen, as we dug ourselves a pretty deep hole early on. Persistence pays off, I guess...
bread's done