pm sent bump
Rhett CAGiversary! Feedback 85 (100%) Jul 4, 2011 #213 Return bump... Didn't see anything for FEAR 3. Sorry. #
icp_00_111 CAGiversary! Feedback 76 (100%) Jul 8, 2011 #223 Sorry I didn't see anything, thank you for the interest though.
baz8771 CAGiversary! Feedback 33 (100%) Jul 8, 2011 #225 I didn't see anything for me, sorry. Thanks for the offer though.
F fsecreast CAGiversary! Feedback 15 (100%) Jul 9, 2011 #227 I have F3AR for Xbox 360. Mint condition. Will sell. Shoot me a PM with an offer.
tiggerkiddo CAGiversary! Feedback 81 (100%) Jul 9, 2011 #228 Chrono Trigger soundtrack seems very tempting...
Nightfox31 CAGiversary! Feedback 128 (100%) Jul 9, 2011 #229 Let me know if you want to work something out tiggerkiddo
mr_bungle Banned Jul 9, 2011 #231 How would you trade that NGS Special Edition with anything you were interested in?
Ashesinfall CAGiversary! Feedback 58 (100%) Jul 9, 2011 #233 No thanks. Thanks for looking though. Free bump!
Ashesinfall CAGiversary! Feedback 58 (100%) Jul 12, 2011 #243 I'll try to get them out today. If not, probably Friday. Free bumpage!
Stormedtrooper CAGiversary! Feedback 303 (100%) Jul 13, 2011 #248 Thx for the offer on Metro 2033 and Earth Defense Force (please note this is the original game). There were a few titles on your list that peaked my interest, would you entertain any of the following: Demon Souls, Dungeon Seige III or Sacred2?
Thx for the offer on Metro 2033 and Earth Defense Force (please note this is the original game). There were a few titles on your list that peaked my interest, would you entertain any of the following: Demon Souls, Dungeon Seige III or Sacred2?