NiGHTS Wii to be revealed in the next ONM?

Taking bets now.

I'm going with "no."

You would be wise to do the same, but we shall see.

Besides, we all know the Wii can't handle the mighty Saturn's graphics.
that would be cool if it were true, but with April issues coming out, I wouldn't trust it either. I hate how magazines drag the April Fools crap out. It's not even APRIL 1 and we are possibly getting false information. Annoying.
If it's an April's Fool joke, that would be one twisted joke to pull.

Matt from IGN did mention in his blog that there are games in the Wii pipeline that would blow our minds if we knew about them. A game of this caliber definitely fits that bill.
[quote name='Strell']
Besides, we all know the Wii can't handle the mighty Saturn's graphics.[/QUOTE]
Thats right, it's all about the gigaprocessors and megarams. Both of which the Wii is severely lacking when compared to the Saturn.

Oh, and I vote probably not and I hope not. Besides VF5 when was the last time Sega did something right?

Seriously. They aren't funny ever.

Edit: And good, (relatively) recent Sega games are Yakuza, Sonic Rush, the Sega Genesis Collection, and not Condemned. Some might want to argue that Sonic and the Secret Rings, Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz, and PSU are good games too.
[quote name='whoknows']Thats right, it's all about the gigaprocessors and megarams. Both of which the Wii is severely lacking when compared to the Saturn.

Well the Saturn did have the second version of blast processing, which I like to call "megaton processing," which is an idea so amazingly awesome I'm still surprised I even conceived of it.

Seriously. They aren't funny ever.

Edit: And good, (relatively) recent Sega games are Yakuza, Sonic Rush, the Sega Genesis Collection, and Condemned. Some might want to argue that Sonic and the Secret Rings, Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz, and PSU are good games too.[/QUOTE]

Condemned wasn't made by Sega, they merely published it... please give credit where credit is due, I'm sick of seeing Monolith get shafted time and time again.

Sega Genesis Collection is just roms on a disc, that really couldn't be considered a good recent Sega game, and Sonic Rush isn't so recent. I haven't played Yakuza, so I don't know.

If Sega re-did or had a sequel to Nights, it would be absolutely abysmal, and would tarnish the entire franchise. They pretty much butchered Sonic and Phantasy Star, and probably some other franchises I can't really think of at the moment.
The franchise you're thinking of is the god awful Shining Force games which make anyone cry. I didn't know about Monolith so it's been noted. Additionally, I like to make excuses for Sega even though they've done shit recently.
I pray that it would be great, but I worry.

BTW, if I'm correct, it would be unveiled in the May issue, but talking about an unveiling in the April issue is fishy enough for me
[quote name='Roufuss']Condemned wasn't made by Sega, they merely published it... please give credit where credit is due, I'm sick of seeing Monolith get shafted time and time again.

Sega Genesis Collection is just roms on a disc, that really couldn't be considered a good recent Sega game, and Sonic Rush isn't so recent. I haven't played Yakuza, so I don't know.

If Sega re-did or had a sequel to Nights, it would be absolutely abysmal, and would tarnish the entire franchise. They pretty much butchered Sonic and Phantasy Star, and probably some other franchises I can't really think of at the moment.[/quote]

The thing about Sega Genesis Collection is that Sega didn't just fill up half the disc with filler crap like most other retro compilations. Nearly all of the 28 games are ones that people actually want to play. I applaud Sega for giving us a compilation worth our money and not one with a handful of games that are good.
[quote name='Roufuss']Condemned wasn't made by Sega, they merely published it... please give credit where credit is due, I'm sick of seeing Monolith get shafted time and time again.

Sega Genesis Collection is just roms on a disc, that really couldn't be considered a good recent Sega game, and Sonic Rush isn't so recent. I haven't played Yakuza, so I don't know.

If Sega re-did or had a sequel to Nights, it would be absolutely abysmal, and would tarnish the entire franchise. They pretty much butchered Sonic and Phantasy Star, and probably some other franchises I can't really think of at the moment.[/QUOTE]

Just doing what Sega did to "Nights" in SA would be fine to me, just leave everything but the graphics alone. Frankly both "Nights" and "Burning Rangers" both need to be cleaned up and the gameplay could be left alone.
It's hard to believe... but if true, it will be awesome.

The evidance is pretty much assurance that it's true but I'm not getting my hopes up- a lot times 'big news' turns out to be nothing but a setup for disappointment.
There was that poll at asking what franchise people wanted to see continued. Nights was winning last I saw.
[quote name='spmahn']Official Nintendo Magazine? Did they change the name of Nintendo Power?[/quote]It's a European magazine.
NGamer is saying they have an exclusive story for their next issue(which hits first) and their teaser image is also of space. I'm not saying that it is NiGHTS(whether a sequel or Saturn coming to VC) but at least we know this entire thing isn't an April Fool's joke. ONM has been known to hype things in their next issue that never come to fruition (Remember the RE fiasco?)
[quote name='furyk']Edit: And good, (relatively) recent Sega games are Yakuza, Sonic Rush, the Sega Genesis Collection, and not Condemned. Some might want to argue that Sonic and the Secret Rings, Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz, and PSU are good games too.[/QUOTE]

I'm going to have to disagree there. The last Sega game that was released that I personally enjoyed was Shinobi...that was December 2002. The most recent prior to that, one that I think is more widely loved, is Panzer Dragoon Orta, which was January 2002.
As someone else stated, Matt C. from IGN stated that there were some really big games coming for the Wii that hadn't even been announced yet. NiGHTS was an awesome game and I think it would be a perfect fit for the Wii.
[quote name='OzCatter']I pray that it would be great, but I worry.

BTW, if I'm correct, it would be unveiled in the May issue, but talking about an unveiling in the April issue is fishy enough for me[/QUOTE]
If the April issue is already out, then this may be great news. They wouldn't create a mere announcement of an "unannounced" game for the April Fools joke. They would have gone a little further. Can anyone else confirm this?

Oh, and as always, I WANT PILOTWINGS! (I always have to tell people this). :)
Now that we know it isn't an April Fools joke we can all either be ready for a Wii Nights announcement or some left field game that does not warrent hype of this magnatude. Ahh... pessimism.
[quote name='Foolman']Early damage control. So there is a high chance that it isn't NiGHTS 2.[/quote]That or they're throwing out bullshit to keep people guessing as long as possible.
[quote name='daroga']It's actually going to be a "Wii Hunter" game where you have to find Wii consoles at retail... in outer space.[/QUOTE]

Phbhbt. They'd be releasing a game no one could win.
Okay, looks like ONM might have some credibility after all. I was looking at the GoNintendo comments and Paul Gale posted:

he Official Nintendo Magazine next month is going to be huge, as is the next issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly. Wii fans everywhere are going to have an awful lot to be happy about during Spring 2007 as far as sweet announcements go.
Paul Gale

So it looks like there will be a series of announcements coming from plenty of magazines. So far we have EGM, ONM, and Ngamer(which sounds like the same story as ONM).
Here's a quote from somebody at ONM


I'm very aware how much coverage our Next Month page is getting across the globe right now. I have to admit -- I thought it was a cool little teaser when we did it -- but I didn't anticipate it blowing up quite so much! I've seen everything from Family Guy to Woody Woodpecker fitting perfectly in that star cluster!

Anyhoo, I'm here to iron a few things out. This is not an April Fool. I remember once I did an April Fool on CUBE with Gannondorf Photoshopped into Soul Calibur II and people got really upset when they found out it wasn't true so we don't do those kind of things anymore. I think they're just a bit of a laugh but obviously other more sensitive people don't. . .

Also, we do have respect for our readers and we don't set out to purposely mislead people. The whole point of the Next Month image is to be a teaser and to get people guessing. It's just A BIT OF FUN. There are no lies in there. Innevitably the situation might change between the time of the mag going to print and the release of the next issue (it is a good six weeks after all). The game may end up being announced online before we hit the shelves. Ocassionally these things happen and it's completely out of our control. However, the point is that we are not misleading you -- there is a new game due to be announced.

In summary then, please take a deep breath and count to ten when you're thinking about this. There are quite a few images that perfectly fit into that star cluster. We've never mentioned any names -- it could be anything."
I'm hopinbg for NiGHTS 2. Yeah, SOnic Team is a horrible shell of it's former self, but they do crank out the occasional surprise. Besides, sega has released two Wii games to date, and both aren't that bad (though, truthfully, they aren't outstanding either).
I remember playing Nights at a Sears display with the Saturn. It was quite fun. Still I couldn't get the best experience as you know how it is when you play at displays in a retail store. Anyone can describe how Nights really is? I mean for the most part I really hear it's a lot of people hyping it, but the game itself as fun as it was, well, it wasn't a big deal.

Still I love hearing that next month magazines are going to make Wii owners happy. Things always keep sounding better.
[quote name='D4rkewolfe']I remember playing Nights at a Sears display with the Saturn. It was quite fun. Still I couldn't get the best experience as you know how it is when you play at displays in a retail store. Anyone can describe how Nights really is? I mean for the most part I really hear it's a lot of people hyping it, but the game itself as fun as it was, well, it wasn't a big deal.
My experience is just a touch beyond yours: I played the demo and played it a few times at my neighbor's place. I remember a lot of flying in circles and boredom.

My unsupported theory is that about 70-80% of the Nights fans out there who cream jeans at any mention of sequels, ports, etc. haven't actually played Nights. They just really, really enjoy the thought of genderless jesters/clowns.
I bought NiGHTS on launch day, I still own it. It's not that great of a game. In fact, I would call it mediocre. I think it has a lot fans because it was one of the last Sonic Team games for the Saturn (maybe the last?), and so few people have played it, people want to act like it's the hottest shit no one has ever seen.

If we ever do see a new NiGHTS, I hope it's a lot different than the original. I'd love to see the director of Katamari Damacy do something with the IP. If the Sonic Team we have now works on it, it'll be a racing game with high school band rock n' roll music blaring at a fucking 11 and the NiGHTS will have plenty of 'tude.
[quote name='zewone']I bought NiGHTS on launch day, I still own it. It's not that great of a game. In fact, I would call it mediocre. I think it has a lot fans because it was one of the last Sonic Team games for the Saturn (maybe the last?), and so few people have played it, people want to act like it's the hottest shit no one has ever seen.[/quote]

I'll disagree with this somewhat.

NiGHTS is a fun little game. I bought it not soon after launch, and eventually tracked down Christmas NiGHTS.

For those who have never played it, it's a weird hybrid of a game. You fly around a course that is itself 3D, but you fly within a 2D plane and don't have much of a choice where to go. You collect sparkly things and get rewarded for chaining tricks and collections.

The worst thing I can say about it is that it's often confusing. The courses are mostly on rails, though you have some decision points, but it's sometimes difficult to figure out how to get there from here. This interferes somewhat with the enjoyment of flying around, doing tricks, and speeding through levels.

When it works, it's brilliant. It gives the speed sensation of Sonic without all the running into enemies or diving off cliffs. It's also a very distinctive game -- it has its own look and feel and, and while it's a very strange concept and execution for a game, it works.

I think people are fond of it because it was something genuinely new and fun, and while it doesn't always work, it was at least creative and they aimed high and attempted something ambitiously without being horribly broken or un-fun. It was one of the last Sonic Team games you can honestly say that about.

[quote name='zewone']
If we ever do see a new NiGHTS, I hope it's a lot different than the original. I'd love to see the director of Katamari Damacy do something with the IP. If the Sonic Team we have now works on it, it'll be a racing game with high school band rock n' roll music blaring at a fucking 11 and the NiGHTS will have plenty of 'tude.[/quote]

I'll agree with this because I don't see how they're going to make a new NiGHTS without it being either crap or without all it's NiGHTS-ness. The 2D/3D stuff isn't going to work now.

I imagine it could be somewhat like Sonic and the Secret Rings, and that may not be a bad thing.
[quote name='zewone']I bought NiGHTS on launch day, I still own it. It's not that great of a game. In fact, I would call it mediocre. I think it has a lot fans because it was one of the last Sonic Team games for the Saturn (maybe the last?), and so few people have played it, people want to act like it's the hottest shit no one has ever seen.

If we ever do see a new NiGHTS, I hope it's a lot different than the original. I'd love to see the director of Katamari Damacy do something with the IP. If the Sonic Team we have now works on it, it'll be a racing game with high school band rock n' roll music blaring at a fucking 11 and the NiGHTS will have plenty of 'tude.[/QUOTE]

LoZ OOT is fucking ugly, Halo is a bland FPS that stole all of it's ideas from other games, Super Mario Bros is too short, Super Mario 64 has a shitty camera, FFVII has the worst graphics of all time, GTAIII is boring, NFL 2k5 is too realistic, LoZWW is kid-ish.

EVERY GOOD GAME SUCKS. There, I said it. Now no one else has to.
[quote name='The Crotch']You forgot: there's too much backtracking in Metroid, and too much level-grinding in any Final Fantasy.[/QUOTE]

Well there are certainly too many vampires in Castlevania. I don't know why I have to keep killing those fuckers.

Why can't I have robots, Konami? Or pirates? And the obvious pirate robots?
I got Nights when it came out way back when, and I simply loved the game. I loved playing the Mystic Forest level or whatever it was called because it had cool music and atmosphere. The whole game did!
When I heard about this news I was elated but then reality set in. As many have already stated, Sega has butchered just about every good franchise they had. I'm really concerned that Nights is next...

EDIT: You know, I just thought of something that frightens me to death. Has anyone here thought about the similarities between the Nights level layout (3D maps on a 2D track) and those of the Sonic Adventure series? The SA levels function in essentially the same manner except the rails have been expanded to allow some Z-axis (3D) movement. While the Nights implementation worked well, if Sonic Team decides to use the SA engine for Nights, then it is safe to say that this franchise is screwed!

Dear God! Say it ain't so!
[quote name='-Never4ever-']LoZ OOT is fucking ugly, Halo is a bland FPS that stole all of it's ideas from other games, Super Mario Bros is too short, Super Mario 64 has a shitty camera, FFVII has the worst graphics of all time, GTAIII is boring, NFL 2k5 is too realistic, LoZWW is kid-ish.

EVERY GOOD GAME SUCKS. There, I said it. Now no one else has to.[/QUOTE]
I'm not one of those guys who tries to be cool by saying popular games suck (does NiGHTS even count as a popular game?). I just think people remember the game being better than it is (like the Simpsons arcade game). Go play it now and tell me you wouldn't rather be playing something else.
bread's done