Nintendo 3DS $169.99 with $50 Gift Card at Target starting 12/8

Why all the 3DS GC from TRU, Target, BB and even GS?

1. 3D is being dropped entirely - see HP tablet fi-as-co. Not very likely but would explain.
2. 3DS Lite - we all now it's coming at some point, better battery and 2 knobs, only question is when.
3. Permanent price drop to $129 or $149 in Feb. or whenever they do these things. I know some of you have price drop timelines in your head like a religion.
4. Fear of Vita. - At $249 w/ expensive propitiatory memory it's still coming but $169 w/ 2gig SD card in box seems a fair deal.
5. $199 Kindle Fire - this is what I think is the real competition. Why spend $169 on a 3DS "toy" when $199 gets you an adult "toy" computer. GS also has a bunch of tablets but they all seem overpriced to me. And B&N has the $249 Nook Tablet as well, but the Fire is everywhere being sold in every store. And smartphones like I see the guy above me just posted. But i think the "Kindle Fire Hype" is a real threat. Sony must be sweatin' the Vita release next Feb.
Got sidetracked - anybody know if the DSi TIV deal from Thanksgivng will be working tomorrow w/ the new $179 3DS bundle prices at GS? There's a GS in the parking lot of Target and I will be buying a 3DS today or tomorrow, just not sure whether it's better to -
$169 Target w/ $50 and trade-in DSi to GS for whatever
$179 Gs bundle w/ game and trade-in Dsi for more if they are continuing the trade-in deal
About a week ago the trade was good, $80 for Dsi w/ deal, $40 no deal. That $40 would make a big difference. If ti's only $40 for DSi at GS I'm going Target.
[quote name='rjejr']Why all the 3DS GC from TRU, Target, BB and even GS?

1. 3D is being dropped entirely - see HP tablet fi-as-co. Not very likely but would explain.
2. 3DS Lite - we all now it's coming at some point, better battery and 2 knobs, only question is when.
3. Permanent price drop to $129 or $149 in Feb. or whenever they do these things. I know some of you have price drop timelines in your head like a religion.
4. Fear of Vita. - At $249 w/ expensive propitiatory memory it's still coming but $169 w/ 2gig SD card in box seems a fair deal.
5. $199 Kindle Fire - this is what I think is the real competition. Why spend $169 on a 3DS "toy" when $199 gets you an adult "toy" computer. GS also has a bunch of tablets but they all seem overpriced to me. And B&N has the $249 Nook Tablet as well, but the Fire is everywhere being sold in every store. And smartphones like I see the guy above me just posted. But i think the "Kindle Fire Hype" is a real threat. Sony must be sweatin' the Vita release next Feb.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for that enlightening post. I share the same sentiment as you. Unfortunately, it did not keep me from buying one anyway. :p
But just to humor you:
1. Yup, like you said, it's not likely; though rumors are circulating that in the revision, Nintendo will radically tone down the 3D effects. Reason: not many developers are willing to mess around with 3D, because it's SUPER expensive. (source)
2. I also wanted to wait for 3DS Lite (with better battery, 2 thumb sticks, and a coffee maker), but I couldn't anymore. Since there is no official statement from Nintendo, why hold onto hope? Besides, a $10 add on thumbstick is way cheaper. But hey, they DID make the Wii Remote Plus after releasing the Wii Motion Plus, so anything's possible.
3. Permanent price drop? Probably, but I'd say Not that soon. I mean, they already took a big hit when they dropped it from $250 to $180 a few months ago. Keep in mind they released this thing THIS YEAR. If it flew off the shelves at $180, why drop it further? I could be wrong, come February. :) Prove me wrong, Nintendo.
4. Though I feel that the Vita is geared toward a different age group (15+), 3DS is targeted for all age groups. But yes, I agree: Nintendo needs to play this console war safe, if they don't want to lose their market share to Sony in a year. The DS destroyed the PSP both in hardware and software sales this generation, but I'm sure Sony will try their best this time around to conquer their foe. And if Nintendo doesn't play their cards right, Sony just might win.
5. Now the DS may have won the victory over PSP, but it got demolished by iOS and Android. So I will agree wholeheartedly that, to all portable consoles, the tablet and smartphone markets are a looming threat to their sales. To many, casual games on an inexpensive device like the Kindle Fire is enough to satiate their appetite. I swear, everywhere I look, it's Angry Birds this and Angry Birds that! :p

So I found a post on SD very helpful.
For the savvy - Buy 3 $50 Target GC's using 5% off Red Card with 3 $10 Target GC coupons. Buy the 3DS + tax (6% for me) with $180 Target GCs + another $10 Target GC coupon. Use the $50 Target GC that came with 3DS purchase to get Kindle GC + $10 Target GC coupon

= 3DS for $142.50 + $50 Amazon credit + $20 Target GCs
Unfortunately, I'm not as slick as this person, so I didn't want to draw suspicion for buying up a bunch of GC's. Plus, when I went to the store, I only brought two $10 Target GC coupons, so for the ULTRA daring individuals, bring 4 coupons to try the above's method.
For us normal guys, here is my method: (I just got home from doing this)
- Buy 1 $50 Target GC with the $10 Target GC coupon. Do this at the front end, NOT in electronics (where you will buy the 3DS). Play it real smooth.
- Buy the 3DS + tax (7% for me) with $50 Target GC + another $10 Target GC coupon.

= 3DS for $117.69 (after $60 Target GC are used) + $60 Target GC

Note: the tax was calculated prematurely for me (7% on 109.99), so YMMV. Also, don't forget your Redcard if you have one, I didn't.

Good luck!
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Rje- Your list is missing the most important competing factor- the 8 gb iPod touch for 195, which has had a ton of sales/gc deals. More and more kids are asking for this instead of dedicated gaming handhelds.
[quote name='scblueeyedguy']I'm pretty sure the redcard 5% does not apply to gc purchases.[/QUOTE]

It does apply, at least in every store I have ever been to. I have read that some store don't though, but am sceptical of those reports.
[quote name='caltab']Rje- Your list is missing the most important competing factor- the 8 gb iPod touch for 195, which has had a ton of sales/gc deals. More and more kids are asking for this instead of dedicated gaming handhelds.[/QUOTE]
Good point. I don't know what kids want these days, Android or iOS, but for many parents, it seems the iPod touch is the cheaper option. Plus, it does a lot more than just play games, such as iTunes, Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking apps.
Kids don't know how good they have it these days...
So, is anyone else getting this 3DS deal?
Here's how mine went, ymmv on coupons.

-$10 off 100(coupon printed on an earlier purchase)
-$8 off 80(same as above)
$151.99 then taxed on 91.99, so $4.60= $156.59

$156.59 - $50 GC - $10 on $50 GC= $96.59 total

I had asked if all those coupons would stack and he said he didnt think so, but he tried anyway and they did. Heck yeah!
[quote name='Euripides']Nintendo is really making a push to sell these.

Just got mine Monday from BB deal and then used gift card on buy 2 get 1 deal.

Makes you think a redesign is coming or they really want to get a foot hold before Sony's new handheld comes out.[/QUOTE]

I don't think a redesign is coming. I think they are trying to do with Microsoft did with the Xbox 360. They need to get a lot of these sold so when people go to write games they say Nintendo has 3 million more systems than Sony so we should write a 3DS game.

Nintendo is pushing hard this year. The mall has a huge display of 3DS and Wii systems to play for free. They really want to be the systems of choice for christmas.
[quote name='Indiana']I don't think a redesign is coming.[/QUOTE]
This is Nintendo we're talking about, no facelift model for the 3DS? You must be high.
[quote name='caltab']Rje- Your list is missing the most important competing factor- the 8 gb iPod touch for 195, which has had a ton of sales/gc deals. More and more kids are asking for this instead of dedicated gaming handhelds.[/QUOTE]

That's funny that I forgot the iPod b/c I bought myself the 8gig iPod touch back in Aug. on Amazon for $199ish. I've also been seeing a bunch of ads for $20 GC on an iPod. I think Target even has a 10% of iPod coupon on their coupon website, not sure if ti would work w/ the GC offer though.

I think I forgot about the iPod Touch though in my list b/c it's been out there for so long now I don't really see it getting any hype. People are complaining that a 7" Kindle Fire is too small compared to a 10" iPad, who wants a Touch? I returned my PSP 3000 for an iPod to play games (way too many hours on Sea Stars), I rarely listen to music on it. I guess I didn't see the Touch as a thing Nintendo would currently be worrying about people buying instead of a 3DS (who doesn't have an"i"thing already?) but your probably right and I should have included it on the list. Though I suppose for many people it is a smartphone, just w/o the phone. Though I use mine as a phone all the time via Talkatone and Google voice, saves me a few bucks over Virgin Mobile.

Relevant question - why buy a $50 GC to get a $10 GC, can't you just get the $10 GC w/ the $50 GC when you buy the 3DS? And I'm jealous of the low tax payers, the NY 8.675% tax wipes out my 5% and then some. $169 3DS + ~ $15 tax - ~$8.50 = ~$177

Anybody else getting a headache w/ all these 3DS deals - $30 Kmart, $40 TRU, $50 Target, $50 BBY, whatever GS is offering tomorrow. Makes you wonder...
Qwikshake had a good link - reposted here as it's buried in the mess I made - though it's over 4 montsh old -
Reason: not many developers are willing to mess around with 3D, because it's SUPER expensive. (source)

BTW - the 2nd thumb they "rumour" is already for sale, though you probably all already knew that.
Article also says system won't be called 3DS, which would basically make it the DS successor, so no news there.
oh screw me - sorry for thread abuse - when you buy something w/ a GC and Target red card, does 5% come of entire purchase or just credit card amount. Easy math example - $100 purchase using $50 GC and $50 on credit card gives you $2.50 or $5.00 discount? I ask b/c my son has $156 GC total so we would only put about $20 on the credit card for 3DS. If we only save 5% on $20 I'll put the whole thing on my card, keep GCs myself for future use and pay the tax myself so I can imbue upon my son my hatred for NY 8.75% taxes.

My many thanks to whoever wades thru all my BS and can answer this for me.
[quote name='irishsoccermbw']I just hope Amazon matches one of these damn deals!!![/QUOTE]

Amazon doesnt sell the 3DS...pissing the shit out of me since I have 160 credit there...
The iPod touch is more parent friendly, there are tons of free games, and the games are cheap. Parents don't have to pay $40 for a game that their kid may be bored of in a month, or not even like. Ipod is good for young kids, Nintendo does not cater to the 2-5 year old market, the iPod and iPhone do. This market is booming right now as parents can hand their 2 year old their iPhone or iPod touch, and they will amuse themselves with the touch screen, not to mention the plethora of educational apps available for this age group. Nintendo also doesn't make educational games for the 2-5 year old market, which if they did, might garner them some sales. Even the good Nintendo games like Mario Kart and super mario can bore a kid in a month or 2 when they are done with them, the only good thing about mario games is they have resell value so you don't lose out that much on them if you are willing to resell on ebay.

I am not even thinking about buying a Vita as the memory card prices are absolutely insane, and I am not falling for the memory card scam in this day and age, when every other device comes with built in storage. Besides at this point I am completely oversaturated with electronics, and I simply cannot take on another device.

Even at $299 the 32GB iPod touch is cheaper than the Vita, because at least you get 32GB of storage.

With rumors of Iwata stepping down (somewhat), I am not investing in the 3DS until a newer model comes out and there are more than just 2 new games and 2 games that are remakes to play. The social features of the 3DS like streetpass are still not going to be useful for me no matter how much Nintendo pushes them.

There aren't any kids playing Nintendo here, just a handful if that, over here all I see are smartphones and iPod touch, and iPhones in the hands of kids. Its completely clear to me where the market is heading.
Im mostly buying a 3DS due to the DS games already out for cheap- never got to play so many of them, esp DQIX, the zelda games, castlevanias etc

Waiting until amazon sells them or I get my 100 dollar certificate from best buy. Hopefully there will be more big sales in january...50 dollar gift card would be great if i had certificate by now
[quote name='rjejr']
Relevant question - why buy a $50 GC to get a $10 GC, can't you just get the $10 GC w/ the $50 GC when you buy the 3DS? And I'm jealous of the low tax payers, the NY 8.675% tax wipes out my 5% and then some. $169 3DS + ~ $15 tax - ~$8.50 = ~$177

Anybody else getting a headache w/ all these 3DS deals - $30 Kmart, $40 TRU, $50 Target, $50 BBY, whatever GS is offering tomorrow. Makes you wonder...[/QUOTE]

Keep in mind that the Gift Card coupon excludes a purchasing a Target Gift card for your total. Meaning buying a $50 Target gift card and using the coupon is not what they intended. The register will do it.

Buy $50 gift card, get $10 GC. Buy $50 GC get $10 GC. BUy $50 GC get $10 GC. Purchase the 3DS with the $180 in gift cards and get a $50 GC back, put a $10 GC if you use the coupon again. $30 for "free" and you get $60 back.

The gift card policy on target states the 5% red card does not apply to target gift cards. I think the register doesn't do it. I do however know that I get the 5% off on PSN and kindle cards.

[quote name='rjejr']oh screw me - sorry for thread abuse - when you buy something w/ a GC and Target red card, does 5% come of entire purchase or just credit card amount. Easy math example - $100 purchase using $50 GC and $50 on credit card gives you $2.50 or $5.00 discount? I ask b/c my son has $156 GC total so we would only put about $20 on the credit card for 3DS. If we only save 5% on $20 I'll put the whole thing on my card, keep GCs myself for future use and pay the tax myself so I can imbue upon my son my hatred for NY 8.75% taxes.

My many thanks to whoever wades thru all my BS and can answer this for me.[/QUOTE]

The amount you are paying, not the total amount. So if you had $100 in merchandise and used coupons to get to $10, the discount would be $.50.
[quote name='qwikshake']
1. Yup, like you said, it's not likely; though rumors are circulating that in the revision, Nintendo will radically tone down the 3D effects. Reason: not many developers are willing to mess around with 3D, because it's SUPER expensive. (source)

Ugh. I am in favor of the redesign but NOT in favor of toning down the 3D. I mean, I don't care if every game supports it or not but I do want to see some more 3D games.
[quote name='rjejr']Qwikshake had a good link - reposted here as it's buried in the mess I made - though it's over 4 montsh old -
Reason: not many developers are willing to mess around with 3D, because it's SUPER expensive. (source)

BTW - the 2nd thumb they "rumour" is already for sale, though you probably all already knew that.
Article also says system won't be called 3DS, which would basically make it the DS successor, so no news there.[/QUOTE]
Yup, here is the link again to
I will kick myself if in a few months the inevitable redesign comes, replete with much needed improvements such as better battery, the 2nd thumb stick, 4G LTE support, 1080p LED 3D display, 1080p video recording, and a cure to cancer. :p
Until then, I'll be playing Mario Kart 7. Like, Right Now. :)

[quote name='rjejr']oh screw me - sorry for thread abuse - when you buy something w/ a GC and Target red card, does 5% come of entire purchase or just credit card amount. Easy math example - $100 purchase using $50 GC and $50 on credit card gives you $2.50 or $5.00 discount? I ask b/c my son has $156 GC total so we would only put about $20 on the credit card for 3DS. If we only save 5% on $20 I'll put the whole thing on my card, keep GCs myself for future use and pay the tax myself so I can imbue upon my son my hatred for NY 8.75% taxes.

My many thanks to whoever wades thru all my BS and can answer this for me. [/quote]
What EvilIA said, though a big YMMV on the scenario you described. If I were you, I'd put as much as possible on your Red card to get the maximum of 5% savings, and just pay it off ASAP. But I could be wrong; maybe take some time to figure it out, lol! It is too many numbers even for me, an engineering graduate.
But I don't have a son. :( Either way, you'll be your son's hero this Xmas!!
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I've been tempted to buy one because of this deal but can't because I keep reading Nintendo is redesigning the 3DS next year plus the battery life sucks.
Lets assume no tax.

if you buy $100 worth of stuff and pay $90 with a gift card, you savings would be 5% of $10, not 5% of $100.

Otherwise, everyone would just be like "partial pay 99$ with my visa and $1 on my red card."
Thanks EvilIA. I'll save my son the $8.50 and charge it and use his GC on future purchases. I spend over $250 per month on Target at average anyway.
[quote name='Javery']Ugh. I am in favor of the redesign but NOT in favor of toning down the 3D. I mean, I don't care if every game supports it or not but I do want to see some more 3D games.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='salty tbone']So ... Nintendo would want to market the 3DS, just without the 3D? .... I feel like we've been there before.[/QUOTE]
I think Nintendo will keep the 3D, but on the publisher's side, they will not be enforcing 3D like they did before. For example, Nintendo won't force THQ to make a Bratz 3DS game fully in 3D. Basically, Nintendo is changing their attitude; it's just more of an option now rather than a requirement. We all know the 3D is a gimmick in many games, but it is a darn good one. Just look at Super Mario 3D Land; without the 3D elements... you get the point. (In my personal opinion, I don't want to replay Super Mario Galaxy all over again. Because that's what it's gonna look like when I turn the 3D slider all the way down.)
Taken from
Nintendo is reportedly becoming nervous about the console’s major selling point – its 3D display. The source suggested fears of eye damage are still restricting sales, and the platform holder has reversed its position to welcome games without 3D elements.
Take this purely as speculation; this should in no way affect your decision to buy this deal this weekend. I mean, it's a $170 console for $110. That's what convinced me.
[quote name='salty tbone']So ... Nintendo would want to market the 3DS, just without the 3D? .... I feel like we've been there before.[/QUOTE]

yeah, that doesn't make sense to me. They want to create a bulkier DSxl with 2 sticks? No thanks. Just keep making professor layton games, nintendo and don't worry about that second stick. Or just move the power button to the base and put the stick on the current right side.


you guys are still able to buy TARGET gift cards using that $10 GC w/ $50 purchase?
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[quote name='confoosious']yeah, that doesn't make sense to me. They want to create a bulkier DSxl with 2 sticks? No thanks. Just keep making professor layton games, nintendo and don't worry about that second stick. Or just move the power button to the base and put the stick on the current right side.


you guys are still able to buy TARGET gift cards using that $10 GC w/ $50 purchase?[/QUOTE]
Word. Prof. Layton is da bomb.
And yes, it was super easy to buy Target GC's with the coupon. I wish I bought two more, so I could save $20 more on my purchase today. Oh well.
Any "Wait" time on the $50 3DS GC? I know TRU is 6 hours and Kmart is following Sunday, never tried GS or BB.

I'm thinking buy 1, get the GC, and $10 GC if the coupon works again, then buy another w/ said $50 and $10 GC. I'm not flipping them, I have 2 sons who are ready to upgrade from their DSi. I have 5 Targets w/in 5 miles so if I need to go to another store or wait a day no problem, w/ all the deals going on I'm not too concerned about these selling out.
There are no wait times on Target Gift Cards given in promotions. You could use them seconds later in a second transaction.
Very nice deal I would have gotten this over the BB deal but couldnt wait and obviously didnt know. Surprised this thread isnt more active. Quit waiting and just buy a damn 3DS.
[quote name='EvilIA']There are no wait times on Target Gift Cards given in promotions. You could use them seconds later in a second transaction.[/QUOTE]

Thanks again E.. Mine are in my wallet, probably until tomorrow, my 9 yr. old is getting impatient while his 6 yr. old brother plays.

For anybody interested, bought the blue one (told my son it's green, his favorite color; his brothers favorite color is red), came to $173.50 w/ 5% Redcard discount. There was no tax on the GC part - $50 and $10 from the coupon - so $9.01 tax (NY 8.625%) and $5.50 saved on $104.49. I was really surprised no 5% discount on the full $169.99 but not paying the tax more than makes up for it. So $173.50 minus $60 GC = $113.50. My kid is trading his white DSi into Amazon for $55.10 so $58.40 out of his pocket. Too hard to pass up. (Did I mention we have a 24 hr. round trip car ride over the holidays? Yes, I already have a car charger from the DSi. Thank you Nintendo for making the plug backwards compatible.)
Great success at Target today.

1) Got a Get $15 GC w/ $150 coupon in the mail randomly
2) Went to one target and they were sold out of red 3ds but bought a game and a soda. Got $8 off $80 coupon
3) Second target had the 3ds and the girl let me use both the $15 GC and the $8 coupon.

I shop at Target so much that GCs are good as cash and I don't have any issues with putting out cash so....

-$15 GC
-$8 coupon
-$50 GC
96 for a motherf'ing red 3ds! (+ about 7 in tax)

Hooo ah
[quote name='FlyingMonkey9']Im mostly buying a 3DS due to the DS games already out for cheap- never got to play so many of them, esp DQIX, the zelda games, castlevanias etc

Waiting until amazon sells them or I get my 100 dollar certificate from best buy. Hopefully there will be more big sales in january...50 dollar gift card would be great if i had certificate by now[/QUOTE]

There are so many cheap 3DS games now also. From BB got Nintendo dogs $7.99, Madden 3D $7.99, Frogger 3D $14.99, $27 B2G1 for Mario 3D, MK7, Zelda. From Amazon got Asphalt 3D for $7.99, Combat of Large Dinosaur $7.99, SSFIV $11.99 all lightning deals. From GF got Dead or Alive $14.99, Pilotwings $14.99 and Samurai Warriors $9.99.
Did anyone try this with a Pearl Pink 3DS? I know the ad only stated the three standard colors (red, black, blue) but I'd love to know if the $169.99 Pearl Pink 3DS + Nintendogs bundle is also eligible anyway.
[quote name='NeoGutsman']Did anyone try this with a Pearl Pink 3DS? I know the ad only stated the three standard colors (red, black, blue) but I'd love to know if the $169.99 Pearl Pink 3DS + Nintendogs bundle is also eligible anyway.[/QUOTE]

big sign said "pink ds does not get the $50 gc".
Good deal, but learned my lesson with the DS Phat. I'll wait however long for the 3DS Lite and improved 2nd thumbstick. For those on the fence. Get it, but those waiting probably won't have a 3DS Lite on sale till maybe late summer or fall next year, I'm guessing.
I doubt we'll see a 3DS lite within a year. 3DS sales have been improving, so I think they'll wait at least a year until they can launch another system. Plus, they'll be able to make some money by selling more Circle Pad Pros.
[quote name='blcklblskt']I doubt we'll see a 3DS lite within a year. 3DS sales have been improving, so I think they'll wait at least a year until they can launch another system. Plus, they'll be able to make some money by selling more Circle Pad Pros.[/QUOTE]

Why do you think they're offering these gift cards with the already (nearly) $100 price reduction? To move units. A 3DS re design will happen next year.
I can confirm neither holiday bundle 3DS works with this $50 gc. Computer at Target does not ring up the gc like the regular 3DS ones do. I even tried to talk with a manager, no go at all. There is no manual override to add a $50 gc. It will ring up with the proper 3DS sku, which is only the regular ones.
[quote name='poker360']Why do you think they're offering these gift cards with the already (nearly) $100 price reduction? To move units. A 3DS re design will happen next year.[/QUOTE]

moving units now is not a sign of a redesign next year. sometimes at the end of a life cycle, you do the gift card deals to move units. Unless there's a redesign in Jan, this is not one of those times.

Nintendo is trying to get their install base as high as possible for post christmas spending and to excite 3rd party developers. They are gonna make money on every 3ds game sold -- they can afford to lose money on the console. (or not make money).

Nintendo doesn't normally do this but times are tough.

Either way, it doesn't mean there's a redesign next year.
Even if there is a redesign next year, it won't cost less than this deal and resale values on Nintendo handhelds is usually better than larger consoles. If you sell a 3DS you bought now within a week or two of redesign pics hitting the major gaming blogs, there isn't going to be much risk of the value tanking.

If you wait until right before release or after, then you might be stuck with something that won't sell, but Nintendo probably won't release a revision until next holiday season ... maybe late summer/ early Fall but unlikely.
[quote name='confoosious']moving units now is not a sign of a redesign next year. sometimes at the end of a life cycle, you do the gift card deals to move units. Unless there's a redesign in Jan, this is not one of those times.

Nintendo is trying to get their install base as high as possible for post christmas spending and to excite 3rd party developers. They are gonna make money on every 3ds game sold -- they can afford to lose money on the console. (or not make money).

Nintendo doesn't normally do this but times are tough.

Either way, it doesn't mean there's a redesign next year.[/QUOTE]

I agree that they are trying to increase their install base, but they are doing so because they've got a backlog of inventory and they want to clean it out in time for the new design to show up later next year. If you think they aren't going to be releasing a redesign, well I got a bridge to sell you.

Don't buy the 3DS now thinking it won't be replaced next year. It will. Your 3DS will be uglier, last less time before it needs to be recharged, and will require you to add an add-on for both analog nubs. The model that will show up next year won't do that.

But if you think that PS Vita and iPhone 5 are going to show up without Nintendo trying to position the 3DS to keep this momentum... well, I think you're incredibly shortsighted. And yes, Nintendo throwing these things away with GC's and bundles en masse is nothing short of, "Panic, panic, panic!"

Go into buying one of these 3DS's with open eyes. You'll wind up with a device that lasts an hour or so on a full charge with 3D on. You get to play two games truly worth playing (Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7) with a bunch of crap and ports from prior systems. Next year, they might release more worth playing, but what those titles will be... well, they haven't done such a hot job of advertising that.

Is that worth $169.99 with a $50 GC? Not to me, maybe to you. Next year when the new model arrives possibly with another price drop, or at the very least pushing the price on these older less capable units down to rock-bottom prices on the second hand market, the same two games worth playing on sale at best during a B2G1 sale when you only need the two games to have every game worth playing... will be much more prone to sales because they'll be months old by then.

I think now is not the time to buy the 3DS. I typically look for 5 games worth buying before I jump in and far too many ports and remakes fill its roster currently.
[quote name='rexflexall']I can confirm neither holiday bundle 3DS works with this $50 gc. Computer at Target does not ring up the gc like the regular 3DS ones do. I even tried to talk with a manager, no go at all. There is no manual override to add a $50 gc. It will ring up with the proper 3DS sku, which is only the regular ones.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for confirming this, too, rexflexall. It's too bad the Pearl Pink system doesn't work with the deal as it's also $169.99 but heck, even with just the base systems this is a pretty good deal.
[quote name='HisDivineShadow']I agree that they are trying to increase their install base, but they are doing so because they've got a backlog of inventory and they want to clean it out in time for the new design to show up later next year. If you think they aren't going to be releasing a redesign, well I got a bridge to sell you.[/QUOTE]

Are you kidding? You are saying they have a huge backlog of inventory they want to get rid of before the redesign. (The redesign coming some time next year.)

Depending on the source, they've sold 3-6M units this year. I think 6 is WW. Even if they sell half that number between now and next fall, that's still 3M units.

Do you really think they have 3M units sitting in a warehouse somewhere they have to unload? Of course not. Nor do they have 3m units worth of parts. That would be the shittiest JIT inventory management ever and the japanese do not play that way. This isn't a "clean inventory out" reduction.

Will they redesign next year? Maybe. But this GC deal has nothing to do with "inventory reduction."
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[quote name='confoosious']Are you kidding? You are saying they have a huge backlog of inventory they want to get rid of before the redesign. (The redesign coming some time next year.)

They've sold 6m+ units this year. Even if they sell half that number between now and next fall, that's still 3M units.

Do you really think they have 3M units sitting in a warehouse somewhere they have to unload? Of course not. Nor do they have 3m units worth of parts. That would be the shittiest JIT inventory management ever and the japanese do not play that way. This isn't a "clean inventory out" reduction.

Will they redesign next year? Maybe. But this GC deal has nothing to do with "inventory reduction."[/QUOTE]

Amen.. this GC deal is to cash in on Rabid buy anything parents getting frantic with Xmas getting close..
[quote name='HisDivineShadow']And yes, Nintendo throwing these things away with GC's and bundles en masse is nothing short of, "Panic, panic, panic!"[/QUOTE]

So are all the giftcard and bundle deals with the 360 and PS3 nothing short of "Panic, panic, panic!" as well? Or are you selectively using "evidence" to support your theory of the 3DS as a failure?
[quote name='caltab']Everyone buying a 3ds from this deal should check out there downloadable game pushmo. It's a puzzler from the devs that made advance wars and paper Mario. It is easily the best non mario/Zelda game on the system and might be the best game period.

Ign review for more info:[/QUOTE]
Thanks didnt know about this game. Going to have to try it.
If the 3DS follows suit of previous Nintendo portables, then we will definitely be seeing a revised 3DS model next year, or Q1 2013 at the latest.
bread's done