Nintendo closed due to "local conditions"?

Hollow Man

I just tried to call Nintendo at 1-800-255-3700 to check the status of an order, and it said they were closed due to "local conditions". Any idea what's going on over there?

[quote name='Hollow Man']I just tried to call Nintendo at 1-800-255-3700 to check the status of an order, and it said they were closed due to "local conditions". Any idea what's going on over there?


They have everyone in the factories... either that or they are all partying down.
[quote name='AHEADAMUS']Well it was snowing in Seattle last night for the Seahawks/Packers game...[/quote]

QFT. I'm looking at 6 inches in my yard, and I can't even see the road I live on.
[quote name='marten']QFT. I'm looking at 6 inches in my yard, and I can't even see the road I live on.[/quote]

Yep, Seattle can handle a little bit of snow but too much shuts everything down. Atlanta is the same way only much worse since it only takes a light dusting to make everybody freak out and run to the grocery store to get bread and milk even though it always melts off in a few hours, tops.:lol:
Atlanta I can understand. But you figure those people in WA are used to snow and they wouldn't have to close. My place here in the Northeast never closes for snow.

[quote name='Hollow Man']Atlanta I can understand. But you figure those people in WA are used to snow and they wouldn't have to close. My place here in the Northeast never closes for snow.

Yup. Up here in New England you need to have like 20 feet of snow before they even think about closing anything down.
I need to move to Washington.

[quote name='Hollow Man']Atlanta I can understand. But you figure those people in WA are used to snow and they wouldn't have to close. My place here in the Northeast never closes for snow.


The thing is that it doesn't snow as much here as you'd think. It rains like hell usually but the conditions don't always go right to have snow more than 2 times a year.

On topic; I would assume that it would be the snow that shut the Nintendo in Redmond down.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Yup. Up here in New England you need to have like 20 feet of snow before they even think about closing anything down.[/quote]

Yep most everything around the Seattle area here is closed. Seattle very rarely gets snow so people are never prepared when it hits. Plus, with all of the hills and lack of plows and resources it makes it impossible to get around. People also don't know how to drive in the stuff. Some asshole tried passing me on the shoulder yesterday in the snow and almost slid into me.
It is good to know that Nintendo doesn't out source to India like MS.

[quote name='neocisco']Yep, Seattle can handle a little bit of snow but too much shuts everything down. Atlanta is the same way only much worse since it only takes a light dusting to make everybody freak out and run to the grocery store to get bread and milk even though it always melts off in a few hours, tops.:lol:[/QUOTE]

That is odd I know down south if they get an inch or two they closes down the city but I thought Seattle was used to snow. The funny thing though when I turned on the MNF game last night it took me about five minutes to figure out that the game was in Seattle I just assumed it was in Green Bay since it was snowing. It has been a crazy fall so far around here. Hell it is 61 degrees here and tomorrow it is supposed to be 67 degrees.
[quote name='spoo']It is good to know that Nintendo doesn't out source to India like MS.

That is odd I know down south if they get an inch or two they closes down the city but I thought Seattle was used to snow. The funny thing though when I turned on the MNF game last night it took me about five minutes to figure out that the game was in Seattle I just assumed it was in Green Bay since it was snowing. It has been a crazy fall so far around here. Hell it is 61 degrees here and tomorrow it is supposed to be 67 degrees.[/QUOTE]

Nope, nowhere along the West Coast at sea level do you expect snow (well, not counting Alaska). Go up a few thousand feet, though, and sure, tons of snow. Here in OR we had our first snow in nearly 3 years in my town - middle of the night and it was gone by AM. 3 years ago, though, we had a bunch and it shut down Portland International for a week. It sucked because I was stuck in DC and couldn't go home ;).

Anyway, supposed to be freezing rain here tonight, but not quite cold enough for snow.
bread's done