Nintendo DS Preorder Bonuses?


With the DS fifteen or so days away, I'm kind of shocked that I haven't heard a lot of news yet about preorder bonuses. I thought for sure that with the recent trend, someone would be giving out t-shirts, or glowing stylus pens, or something. I was waiting for the news on that, but now I'm hearing that preorders are really starting to tighten up on the portable.

Are there any preorder bonuses planned anywhere, or should I just go ahead and reserve the portable tommorow at the first shop I can?
quite suprised myself... apparently nintendo hasnt realized that pre-order bonuses work

when that gave OOT away with WW for the zelda pre-orders... sooo many people pre-ordered.

Why dont they do this more often?! imagine getting super mario 64 with mario sunshine.. or marioi kart 64 with double dash. the list goes on

dumb asses
With most systems, especially when they are new, they are going to sell well even if there are no preorder bonuses. I really do not see anything being thrown in unless a store adds a cheap $5 GBA game to the mix.
Well the system itself comes with a Metroid Prime Hunters demo. But that's all I've heard.
[quote name='davidmt']Is it because they are selling so well that they don't need to include any bonus items? Not sure.[/quote]

True, but I figured stores would still be fighting between eachother for the preorder money, but if it sells out most everywhere, they don't need to, I guess.

Maybe I'll see if Media Play takes preorders, so I can use my Replay card there. That's at least something, maybe $5 back.
You didn't have to pre-order it, but Target has had the best *bonuses* when buying Game Boys at launch (while supplies last):

GBA = Special Nintendo Headphones
GBA SP = Free Copy of Driver GBA

I was able to get the GBA colors I wanted and the bonuses on the day of launch no problem.
It appears the pre-orders are so numerous already there simply isn't any incentive to provide additional temptation. Already two of the major game retailers have stopped taking further orders due to supply limitations. I may pick up a DS on launch day if I'm in a good mood and TRU has any but it won't ruin my season if I have to wait until after New Year's to get one without standing in a lengthy line. A strong launch will provide publishers with the motivation to make my eventual purchase worthwhile.
Wow. I consider Metroid Prime: Hunters: First Hunt and Pictochat pretty good bonuses for buying the system. Yes, they come in all, but still... They are very cool. I'll still prolly wait to get my copy till next year, when the PSP comes out. Hopefully Nintendo will do something when that comes out, either lower the price or something like that.
Systems usually sell themselves, without need for preorder bonuses. Personally, I think that being able to get the system on Day 1 without having to run around looking for it is bonus in and of itself. I preordered mine, although my grandmother is actually the one who is buying it to give me for christmas (I put down the preorder so we would be sure to get one)
I went ahead and preordered mine yesterday at my BB's Gamerush. They said they were preordering about 25 so if you still wanna guarantee your copy i'd suggest you look there too.
[quote name='bmarquardt']You didn't have to pre-order it, but Target has had the best *bonuses* when buying Game Boys at launch (while supplies last):

GBA = Special Nintendo Headphones
GBA SP = Free Copy of Driver GBA

I was able to get the GBA colors I wanted and the bonuses on the day of launch no problem.[/quote]

Launch day for the S&P, I had my heart set on guilty gear x , which was being given away at CompUSA with purchase. I was there the day before and they assured me there were plenty. I get there early morning and there's none left. {I would later that day pickup this game online brand-new for [email protected]}

Coincidentally, this being Nassau Park Boulevard Mall in Jersey, best buy did have them, but they had to order the giveaway S&P case that was supposed to be there with purchase. I got one of the last 2 there, and this is still very early in the morning.

On to target across the street, where my mom wanted to get some paper towels and such. She dragged me in to get this stuff off the high shelves {her entire side of the family is tiny and I was taller than my grandmother by the time I was five :)

Anyway, target didn't have anything left to giveaway , and this was definitely well before noon.

Seeing as the guarantee of actually being able to pick up the giveaway bonus on the day of launch slim, who wants to get early on purpose if you don't have to?

With my DS preorder I'm not paying tax or shipping and I'm getting 2 obscure games without having to fight the crowds.

I don't have to listen to clerks make fools of themselves like I did with the xbox launch {they were lecturing people in line for about an hour before the store opened and part of the lecture included how the gamecube could play DVDs and CDs! And yes, in my rather naturally loud voice, I called them on it , having had enough at this point. Priceless reaction ;-)

I don't have to listen to people at the counter at target fight over the remaining colors as I did with the GBA launch, nor is there the price matching scandal with Kmart there was that year {the people without fliers didn't get the price matching even if the person in front of them with a flyer did and people were naturally pissed considering it was a five dollar price difference in some games and people were buying multiple copies:whistle2:(

Even if you leave the world of videogames, launch day can be particularly vicious, as exemplified by the horror of the latest Harry Potter book launch. {A lot of little kids were screaming and crying as their parents dragged them away equally ticked off because the stores were refusing to sell this stuff they clearly had in stock before midnight and the kids couldn't stay out that long. Adding to the chaos was the ridiculous ticket system, where parents would pick a five or six of these tickets to guarantee a copy and then leave the store to return the next day at their leisure -- leaving the ones who actually showed up for the midnight launch stuck with nothing. Fortunately, I just wanted a couple of Japanese books that day, so this became a spectator sport at the two bookstores I was at.}

Given my experiences with the above, I can't imagine a giveaway bonus that would be financially worth dragging myself out bed for fighting the masses. Ordering online is so simple in comparison :)
...So that would a "I don't know of any t-shirts either," then? :p (Yeah, I've been in several launch lines in my time. Gamers tend to be the most civil, actually.)

I'll see how bad it is at my local EB Games (I'm a bit out in BFE, so hopefully it won't be too bad) tonight or tomorrow, then, and just drop the dosh. Considering there's been so little promotion by the stores for preordering the portable, I'm surprised that stores are already running out of allocated units.
Whats the latest date you can pre-order a DS at gamerush? I live on a college campus and there are not gamerushes around here. I was planning to go home next week and pre-order one at a gamerush near my house. Will I still be able to that late?
bread's done