Nintendo Power T-Shirt for $3.18


29 (100%)
Dunno if you guys care or not...

But, Kohl's has red t-shirts with the Nintendo Power logo (official Nintendo swag) marked down to $10.60 and then 70% off that, bringing it to $3.18. YMMV.

They might also have some other shirts at your local store since they don't seem to be carrying any game related clothing anymore. I got a green Zelda shirt there a while back.
Actually I do kinda care. I've got a Kohl's less than a mile away, I'll stop by mine tomorrow and see if I can pick up a Zelda shirt for cheap.
[quote name='Eric467']Actually I do kinda care. I've got a Kohl's less than a mile away, I'll stop by mine tomorrow and see if I can pick up a Zelda shirt for cheap.[/quote]

I knew I wasn't the only one. :p
I picked up a Nintendo hoodie for $10 a few weeks ago at JC Penny, I enjoy the retro swag myself, I'll have to check out the Kohl's that opened not that long ago.
[quote name='WebScud']Dunno if you guys care or not...

But, Kohl's has red t-shirts with the Nintendo Power logo (official Nintendo swag) marked down to $10.60 and then 70% off that, bringing it to $3.18. YMMV.

They might also have some other shirts at your local store since they don't seem to be carrying any game related clothing anymore. I got a green Zelda shirt there a while back.[/quote]

Thanks OP. I'll have to check this out.
I got a few of these shirts (Pac Man and 1up) there a month or so ago. They too, were cheap. I may go looking again.
those shirts are sweet, but they don't come in xxl. I'm not huge-fat, but i'm a bigger guy and those shirts are for teenagers. Hot topic is much better. But, $3 is a good deal.
Thanks OP. Definitely going to go and check this out especially since the Kohl's is near my house. I love the game shirts. They're just cool :cool:. Besides, for $3, you can't go wrong even if they are just for gifts.
I got one of these a few months ago. I think mine had these 70% off back then. I also picked up a poison mushroom shirt even further back then that. I'll have to check again, maybe this weekend.
Am gonna have to tell the wife they have 70% off on woman's clothing so I have an excuse to go. My Kohls is kinda out of the way (Yonkers)...
I have the same problem Lucky13, but there is a khols near best buy so i might check it out... gifts!
Couldn't find the shirts at mine but I did find a lot of other deals and bought a bunch of junk for the house I probably don't really need.
I also am into this type of stuff and I bought a nintendo shirt from Target a while ago saying "Know your roots!" depicting a NES controller. I will hope to have the time to check this out. Much gratitude OP, thanks!
I got a shirt for $5.50 at mine. Most of the clothes are gone or something.. and Mmmm JCPenny .. I think I'll stop by there.. I'm hopeing to find some hoodies.. and a Nintendo one would be nice ^^.
Well I found a L & XL Zelda shirt and a L Nintedo Power at mine. If anyone wants the XL Zelda let me know as I'm only keeping the L one.
Damn I wish I could go to one. $3 for a t-shirt is good, mine always get wrecked, so I can buy severl for real cheap and have the retro feel. :)
[quote name='Doylerulez']I picked up a Nintendo hoodie for $10 a few weeks ago at JC Penny, I enjoy the retro swag myself, I'll have to check out the Kohl's that opened not that long ago.[/quote]

Picked up one 2 weeks ago for $4.77! Pwned!!! J/K
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