Nintendo = Slick bastards


41 (100%)
So has anyone else have this happen to them today?

Have some of your family come over your house for Thanksgiving, and you played Wii with a few of them and now they want it?

My sister and cousin also want the system.

Oh Nintendo, you are slick bastards for shipping this out BEFORE Thanksgiving. So now everyone will ask for it for Christmas!!

Ahhh. I love this system.
wow i never thought of that.. genius

and yes my cousin played it for like 2 hours.. that bastard haha
Except most won't find it for Christmas.

And no shit they ship it before Christmas. Did you think they would ship it in May?
[quote name='David85']Except most won't find it for Christmas.

And no shit they ship it before Christmas. Did you think they would ship it in May?[/quote]

PS3 = launch before Thanksgiving but very very few and won't be able to find for Christmas

Wii = launch before Thanksgiving a reasonable amount and you will be able to find it for Christmas

See the difference?
No because you still will have a very hard time finding one.

But remember when the PS3 was supposed to come out in March?
[quote name='David85']No because you still will have a very hard time finding one.

But remember when the PS3 was supposed to come out in March?[/QUOTE]

I don't think it will be that bad to find these before X Mas.

To the OP. I'm in the same boat. My sister and nephew came over and played a bunch. They want one now.
[quote name='David85']No because you still will have a very hard time finding one.

But remember when the PS3 was supposed to come out in March?[/QUOTE]

The difference is that Nintendo's sending out healthy weekly shipments...
Yeah that happened to me too at my mom's today. Everyone loved it and is really considering getting one. They even took the time to make their own Mii to use on Wii Sports!
[quote name='David85']No because you still will have a very hard time finding one.

But remember when the PS3 was supposed to come out in March?[/quote]

You won't have that hard of a time getting one. There will be plenty of shipments before Christmas. As for the PS3, they probably should have waited.
The point I was trying to make was that they shipped this out BEFORE Thanksgiving so that the 1 gamer in the family can use THAT person to play the Wii with their family, thus, having them want one.

I think that's how they are marketing towards the non-gamer crowd; through us.

Because when you think about it: If you are a NON-GAMER and you see an ad/commercial for a video game, you won't care nor really pay attention.

It's so genius.
One of my cousin brought over his system and my mom and dad started playing it o_O what scary my mom always hated video game in all shapes and forms lol but she love the wii :p lol I just can't wait to get mine in the mail ^_^
that's bad sign for SONY & MS. Sadly, i still waiting till tomorrow & hope CC have WII holding for me. I had complained yesterday cuz another employee he sold my wii while i drive back home get my wallet. the manager will offer me extra 10% off (they false for selling my wii) + $40 off $200 coupon and guaranteed they'll hold wii when it instock. Ofcourse i never trusted store manager so he endup wrote it on paper w/ his autograph & witness of his supervisor & the employees who hold my will when i be back + the idiot guy sold my wii (i hated that guy).
[quote name='Masterkyo']that's bad sign for SONY & MS. Sadly, i still waiting till tomorrow & hope CC have WII holding for me. I had complained yesterday cuz another employee he sold my wii while i drive back home get my wallet. the manager will offer me extra 10% off (they false for selling my wii) + $40 off $200 coupon and guaranteed they'll hold wii when it instock. Ofcourse i never trusted store manager so he endup wrote it on paper w/ his autograph & witness of his supervisor & the employees who hold my will when i be back + the idiot guy sold my wii (i hated that guy).[/QUOTE]

You're drunk aren't you?
Remember that article posted here from TIME and that editor said that Wii Sports is like the greatest game ever? LOL

I think I understand where he's coming from. Where this may be one of my favorite games right now on Wii, this is in no way in my "top 10 of all time". I don't think a "greatest game ever" has to be a favorite, per say.

I think it can be called a great game simply because it's easy to follow and EVERYONE understands how to play these games, therefore, making it more enjoyable to play.

Again the only game we played today after dinner WAS Wii Sports, simply because it's easy and fun.

Anyone else agree or see where I'm coming from ?
[quote name='lilboo']So has anyone else have this happen to them today?

Have some of your family come over your house for Thanksgiving, and you played Wii with a few of them and now they want it?

My sister and cousin also want the system.

Oh Nintendo, you are slick bastards for shipping this out BEFORE Thanksgiving. So now everyone will ask for it for Christmas!!

Ahhh. I love this system.[/quote]


My nephew and niece must've played Wii sports for about 4 hours today. Their Dad, my bro in law, was asking me about pricing and all that stuff.

and my Mom actually tried it out and had fun...I think the last time she played a game was when we first got our NES back in the day :lol:

[quote name='David85']Except most won't find it for Christmas.

And no shit they ship it before Christmas. Did you think they would ship it in May?[/QUOTE]

Can always count on you to crap in a thread.
Ya and its kind of the system that can do that kind of thing. PS3 won't have close to the same effect as theres no way parents are going to sit down and get into Resistance.
Nintendo absolutely bullseyed this thing, save for the price of extra controllers, which I'm still more than happy to raise an eyebrow about.

Wii Sports turns out to be worth every penny extra building up to that $250 price of admission, and the motion control works incredibly well. I read an opinion somewhere (IGN?) that basically said that going back to a "standard" controller feels like a huge, clunky step backwards.

Once the kiosks get out in full force and people get to try this thing, they're gonna want it. The Wii is going to be absolutely *huge*. Nintendo needs to keep pumping out pick-up-and-play titles for the casuals and they're gonna sell double what the 'Cube sold.

Can't wait for Wii Play! :)
What also made them so damn slick is the fact that they released it two days after the PS3 launched. The PS3 sent gamers nationwide into a frenzy. Since people were going so nuts for the $600 system and couldn't get them because of Ebay hoarders, Nintendo likely knew that all of these people would turn to the Wii for their gaming goodness. I just don't think Wii's sales would have been NEARLY as good without the PS3, also the fact that they released TP only on the Wii for a month. PURE Genius!!!! Nintendo is playing this gen EXTREMELY smart thus far.

I get my Wii tomorrow from I'm SO fucking pumped.
My family came over and had a lot of fun playing it.

More importantly, my brother waited out with me for 8 hours to buy one because he wanted to flip it on ebay. After playing Wii Sports with me for the last few days, I can tell he's thinking about keeping it instead (when I go back to college, the Wii is coming with me). He's not much of a gamer, but we've been having a lot of fun playing Wii Sports.
[quote name='bil4ltool']What also made them so damn slick is the fact that they released it two days after the PS3 launched.[/quote]
QFT. I remember all Nintendo fans were enraged that day they released the launch date. They felt Nintendo was fucking themselves up the ass by not releasing before the PS3 as a preemptive strike. Turns out Nintendo are geniuses in marketing. PS3's hype would have overshadowed the Wii's launch. By releasing it after, people were like, "PS3 is sold out...WTF now? Hey there's a Wii."

And the Wii was also a hit at my Thanksgiving dinner. Once again, packing in Wii Sports was genius. To a gamer, it is "meh, cool pack-in, better than nothing." But to the non-gamer, Wii Sports is in the words of my cousin, "cool VR shit." They couldn't believe the motion controls of the Wii.
Wii Sports has convinced three relatives of mine to get a Wii. I have to go out with 2 of them this morning to try to get 2 systems from one of the BF retailers (probably Best Buy or Gamestop).

I thought I was done with this shopping craziness when I got my own Wii, but no, now I have to help others get their own.
My sister and dad loves wii sports. It's a good thing I brought this back for Thanksgiving. Also, I agree Nintendo launched this thing quite brilliantly.
How many threads do we need about how non gamers are getting into the Wii?

That this was going to be something different from the main page.
Sorry Roufuss ;), but to add to the anecdotes here - not really a Thanksgiving thing as that was just us this year (due to my youngest having a nasty case of pink-eye - fucking preschool). My inlaws were over on Tuesday and we showed my father-in-law the Wii. Keep in mind this is just about the LAST person in the U.S. that would ever buy a video game of any type. My mother-in-law asked my wife yesterday how much one of those "Wiggles" was :rofl:, as my father-in-law had apparently said he was impressed. Not that they will go through any trouble to get one, but if these things become easy to get they might just pick one up. That would astound me...
[quote name='Scobie']Nintendo absolutely bullseyed this thing, save for the price of extra controllers, which I'm still more than happy to raise an eyebrow about.


It's the only controller on the market for any home console that supports vibration, motion control, and a built in speaker. I think the pricing is fair (I didn't say good).
[quote name='Apossum']yes!

Can always count on you to crap in a thread.[/QUOTE]

Thank you both I haven't blocked someone in awhile, now two in one shot. THANKS!
[quote name='fenderhutz']It's the only controller on the market for any home console that supports vibration, motion control, and a built in speaker. I think the pricing is fair (I didn't say good).[/QUOTE]

Meh, we've been through this all before, but if Nintendo could've gotten the pricing down to $50 for the full set (and you better believe they'd still be making tons of money), it would be a heck of a lot nicer for the "mass market" consumer.

At the rate this system and all accessories and games are selling, I doubt we'll be seeing price drops any time soon... absolutely no need to do so. At least we'll get a pretty cheap Wii-mote with Wii Play next year if all goes well.

Anyway, I was able to score two additional Wii-motes today -- TRU got in a couple dozen of them. Still no flippin' nunchuks or classic controllers. Shocking. Also, why the heck is TRU selling the 2000 Wii Points cards for $25??? I got one at Target for $20 and ordered a couple more through Amazon for the same.

Any luck finding nunchuks/classics out there?
I've gone to a few stores in the area. No Nunchuks. I need another!!!

That makes no sense if they are selling the 2000 pt card for more than $20. That's more expensive than getting them in the wii's store channel.
Heh I dont know I guess it depends on which type of glasses you want to look out of. This is the same company that cant release better cables then composite for a 2006 console launch though. They really could have wanted this abit more if you ask me. Plus I get feeling of cube-itis with Mario likely summer and Metriod likely Fall, its cube all over again. 3rd parties could be abit iffy too, lackluster reviews already with a brand new controll setup that should have us frothing on opposite side of the review spectrum not 5.0-7.0s. Even DQ and RE titles down the road sound like they could be very limiting and uninspired. Fingers crossed but likely will e two years before this baby really gets a steady library.
Yep, my sister's boyfriend brought his over, and they played bowling and tennis for two hours. Three of them asked me what the name of the console was, and how much it was (an uncle and two cousins asked, that is)
[quote name='madara']Heh I dont know I guess it depends on which type of glasses you want to look out of. This is the same company that cant release better cables then composite for a 2006 console launch though. They really could have wanted this abit more if you ask me. Plus I get feeling of cube-itis with Mario likely summer and Metriod likely Fall, its cube all over again. 3rd parties could be abit iffy too, lackluster reviews already with a brand new controll setup that should have us frothing on opposite side of the review spectrum not 5.0-7.0s. Even DQ and RE titles down the road sound like they could be very limiting and uninspired. Fingers crossed but likely will e two years before this baby really gets a steady library.[/QUOTE]

You want to talk about third parties? Trauma Center and Rayman are two of the best launch titles for the system.

Call of Duty 3 is an amazing experience that shows how to do FPS games on Wii.

That's not even mentioning Madden 07- The first Madden I've actually ENJOYED despite my overwheliming hatred for the series. The motion controls on that one make the game, and it's been reviewed more favorably than the PS3 version in nearly every way. (graphics and online being the obvious PS3 advantages)

I don't think ANY nintendo console ever has had this kind of quality 3rd party support at launch. We should definetly not be complaining.
[quote name='bmarquardt']Xbox Launch -- Thu, Nov 15 2001

Gamecube Launch -- Sun, Nov 18 2001

Nothing new here. Been there, done that.[/QUOTE]

...except, I was the only person in my family playing the Gamecube...I don't think you get the point..
[quote name='lilboo']Why is he such a bitch?[/QUOTE]

I guess he can't handle the truth.

at least now he's a banned bitch :)
Here's the gamble, will the excitement of the one game be enough for them to go to a store and buy it? Much less come back multiple times until the system is in stock? Who knows.

Also, the dogshit, buggy, PS3 is still outselling the Wii by 200,000 almost. So we'll see if one moment during thanksgiving is enough to convert Granny the non-gamer to wait 3 weeks for a Wii to come into stock, or if she'll just buy that dooney and burke purse she's been wanting.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']Here's the gamble, will the excitement of the one game be enough for them to go to a store and buy it? Much less come back multiple times until the system is in stock? Who knows.

Also, the dogshit, buggy, PS3 is still outselling the Wii by 200,000 almost. So we'll see if one moment during thanksgiving is enough to convert Granny the non-gamer to wait 3 weeks for a Wii to come into stock, or if she'll just buy that dooney and burke purse she's been wanting.[/QUOTE]

I don't understand. I thought Wii shipped more units then PS3 and the Wii is sold out. So wouldn't that mean the Wii sold more..?
[quote name='Mookyjooky']

Also, the dogshit, buggy, PS3 is still outselling the Wii by 200,000 almost. [/QUOTE]

Source...? That seems pretty unlikely given fewer than 400,000 PS3s were shipped...
There has to be something WAY off on those numbers.
Wii to PS3 #'s for local stores:
51 - 4 Target (got my Wii here)
19 - 6 Wal mart
10 - 3 kmart
220 - 15 Target
30 - 10 Gamestop
330 - 38

There was not one store that got more PS3's than Wii's, let alone in any large number.
I don't think is based on anything more than analyst predictions and whatnot. Unless they have better reporting tools than NPD which takes a month and some estimation to get anything approximating accurate sales numbers. If it ends up being accurate, great, but don't hold your breath.
bread's done