Nintendo Switch Console Stock Thread - Mario Odyssey bundle announced

Ferrari Racer

4 (100%)
The Switch is here! And some of us are still struggling to find one D:

Let's help each other out!

Keep in mind if the price in these links are over retail it's a 3rd party seller.

NowInStock and Brickseek are options for finding info on stock, but it's not very accurate sometimes-


Gamestop -

Best Buy -

Amazon -



Splatoon 2 Bundle -















Toys R Us

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Lol, showing a game logo and yet another Mario game was far from "slaying" E3. The Switch is going to need real 3rd party support, or no matter what Nintendo releases on their own, it'll end up just like the Wii U. Core Nintendo fans aren't enough to carry the system alone.
That "yet another Mario" game will be better than anything else that releases in the fall and will still be selling well at full price long after most 3rd party games are fetching about $2.50 at Gamestop.

The Neon Yellow Joy-Con is back available for pre-order from Best Buy. I saw that most stores are only getting 3-6 of them (a few "bigger" stores are getting up to 12). Might want to get in an order now in case they become impossible to find like the other neons.
Well I ordered those but they still haven't shipped. Says delivery by Wednesday of next week unfortunately.

I doubt I'll find any in store though so I guess it was my best option. I had a gift card so I wanted to buy at BB
I hope you're not saying everyone that doesn't want a Switch right now or wasn't impressed by their E3 showing is a troll.
I believe that is exactly what he is saying. If you did not wet yourself watching the video of a new Mario game or the Metroid symbol with nothing else, you are a troll and your opinion is invalid.

I believe that is exactly what he is saying. If you did not wet yourself watching the video of a new Mario game or the Metroid symbol with nothing else, you are a troll and your opinion is invalid.
LOL, so true^

Honestly, I thought "N" had a better showing this year than most, but nothing new was shown to change my mind personally. I knew Mario was going to be great from the first time they showed it, but that's one game, and not much else really. What was shown is a solid line up for the remainder of the year, and should keep the numbers up for the rest of 2017, no question.

I'm still much more interested in getting a PS4 this holiday for $200, along with a great line up of cheap high level games in the $20-$30 range. I still don't see the need to get an NS at it's current asking price, as I'm playing Zelda on the Wii U currently, and while Mario may be better than the Galaxy games(time will tell), I can't shell out damn near $400 for a system with little to much else outside of Mario.

The 3DS is still a much better buy IMO, and also has some decent titles showing up throughout the year, and I already own one, so I'm good. Don't get me wrong, "N" did what they needed to do, by showing enough current things, along with some future hype, but nothing is really any different than it was when they showed stuff in January. I'm still looking forward to getting one in the future, just not soon at it's current price and offerings.

I believe that is exactly what he is saying. If you did not wet yourself watching the video of a new Mario game or the Metroid symbol with nothing else, you are a troll and your opinion is invalid.
I figured he was a shill troll. I just tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. Lol!

That said Mario looked damn good. Can't wait to play that. Xenoblade 2 is back to the style of the original and looks great. I'm a Koei warriors nut so Fire Emblem is also a day one buy. I'm on the fence about the Mario/rabbits game it's on my radar, but not quite sold on it.

Also Lithia Springs GA Walmart has 3 neon Switch consoles, 8 pro controllers & 1 neon joycon set instock as of 5pm.
Most sensible people agree Nintendo won E3, there's always that loud minority snorting as they type out rage fueled retorts.
If you weren't a infamous Gamefaqs shit poster (Ive personally modded you multiple times) People might actually take you seriously. All you do is post rage fueled retorts.
Finally got a Switch. Used a 10% off coupon at Meijer. Plus im getting $8 off my next shopping trip thanks to their reward program in mperks.
I figured you had one already Ferrari. You pretty much keep this thread alive. What all did you get with it?
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If you weren't a infamous Gamefaqs shit poster (Ive personally modded you multiple times) People might actually take you seriously. All you do is post rage fueled retorts.
Thanks for proving my point, all rage & no substance. :rofl:

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Nintendo won E3 and it wasn't close really.  The same old Nintendo hating bigots on CAG simply can't help themselves.  They especially sound like cave dwellers when they show how ignorant they are to Switch sales and popularity.  It's also sad how they look for affirmation by posting the same cynical drivel over and over again.  The insecurity is painful to watch at times.  You just have to feel sorry for old people. 

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Over the years i've gotten tired of the "X WON E3!" narrative, considering "winning" is purely subjective anyways.

Honestly every one showed off some good games and I can at least pick 1 or 2 from each showing that i'm personally interested in.

That's what matters, not winning at some made up contest.

Thanks for proving my point. :rofl:
What point? I don't care about who "won" E3. I just pointed out the hypocrisy in your passive aggressive flaming. Especially with your reputation of trolling, flaming & rage filled posting. You have a bad reputation on honestly one of the most toxic sites around. So I find it funny seeing you here doing the same stuff. Even your moderation disputes were rage filled from what I remember. Lol!
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Over the years i've gotten tired of the "X WON E3!" narrative, considering "winning" is purely subjective anyways.

Honestly every one showed off some good games and I can at least pick 1 or 2 from each showing that i'm personally interested in.

That's what matters, not winning at some made up contest.
Exactly...Forum fanboys are the only ones who care about winning E3. My friends and I have been texting since Sunday about all the cool games coming out on all systems. It's a good time to be a gamer.
Anyone else picking up the neon yellow Joycons along with Arms tomorrow? Yellow is my favorite color (I know, shocking it's not orange), so my stupid brain decided that I absolutely needed to own these ones. Haven't heard much buzz about them, but I also haven't really been in these availability threads lately either.

Finally got a Switch. Used a 10% off coupon at Meijer. Plus im getting $8 off my next shopping trip thanks to their reward program in mperks.
I finally got one too but I didn't use any coupons I'm trying to figure out my best move. I secured one, I figure I have options until the return time. Any Best Buy discount options?
I've been waiting for these yellow joycons. Something about black and yellow that I just like. Just ordered a set for in store pickup at bestbuy. No arms for me though.

Anyone else picking up the neon yellow Joycons along with Arms tomorrow? Yellow is my favorite color (I know, shocking it's not orange), so my stupid brain decided that I absolutely needed to own these ones. Haven't heard much buzz about them, but I also haven't really been in these availability threads lately either.
I've been waiting for these yellow joycons. Something about black and yellow that I just like. Just ordered a set for in store pickup at bestbuy. No arms for me though.

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Anyone else picking up the neon yellow Joycons along with Arms tomorrow? Yellow is my favorite color (I know, shocking it's not orange), so my stupid brain decided that I absolutely needed to own these ones. Haven't heard much buzz about them, but I also haven't really been in these availability threads lately either.
I jumped on them at Best Buy the other day when preorder reopened briefly, but they still haven't shipped and show next Wednesday as delivery. Kinda bummed because my local store has them available for pickup now and I can't change my order
I hope you're not saying everyone that doesn't want a Switch right now or wasn't impressed by their E3 showing is a troll.
Why would people that aren't ready to buy the system yet or those not impressed by the E3 showing be trolls?

Trolls are people that post consistently negative comments about a product without any intention of actually buying the product. It would be like me talking smack about Chipotle in a thread dedicated to favorite Chipotle meals without ever even having been to or eaten any chipotle. There are a lot of people who do this with the Switch. They stand out more here because we are in a thread dedicated to people looking to buy the system. If you aren't looking to buy the system, or help people find the system, what value do you bring to the thread? Are you only here to troll?

Was super excited to see Arms DLC announced. Has there been any E3 news if it will get Splatoon level post launch support? The reviews indicated the game is a bit shallow but characters and a couple more modes could really give it legs.

Why would people that aren't ready to buy the system yet or those not impressed by the E3 showing be trolls?

Trolls are people that post consistently negative comments about a product without any intention of actually buying the product. It would be like me talking smack about Chipotle in a thread dedicated to favorite Chipotle meals without ever even having been to or eaten any chipotle. There are a lot of people who do this with the Switch. They stand out more here because we are in a thread dedicated to people looking to buy the system. If you aren't looking to buy the system, or help people find the system, what value do you bring to the thread? Are you only here to troll?
Of course people can not be interested in a systems offerings, but yeah the few people spouting hate in this are just here to stir the pot. There was a lot to like for a Nintendo fan this E3. With the casual fans buying Switches, those big games will reach wider audiences than their Wii U "equivalents" ever did.

No the Switch won't get all of the same games, but the PS4 won't either. Even Sony themselves said that they see the Switch as something to be bought alongside a PS4. A few people here may read that as "LOL 2ND FIDDLE CONSOLE" but it actually means that Sony believes that they can't stop people from buying a Switch. So Sony will accept the Switch in the least damaging way possible. It might not totally be a show of respect, but they acknowledge the Switch as the real deal.

Why would people that aren't ready to buy the system yet or those not impressed by the E3 showing be trolls?

Trolls are people that post consistently negative comments about a product without any intention of actually buying the product. It would be like me talking smack about Chipotle in a thread dedicated to favorite Chipotle meals without ever even having been to or eaten any chipotle. There are a lot of people who do this with the Switch. They stand out more here because we are in a thread dedicated to people looking to buy the system. If you aren't looking to buy the system, or help people find the system, what value do you bring to the thread? Are you only here to troll?
Everybody can see what you said. That's exactly what you were trying to say too. You made a dumb blanket statement and got called on it. It's as simple as that.

It's funny that your only recent posts are just you complaining about other people being critical of Nintendo. You haven't added anything to the thread. I post regular in stock updates for people in my area & what i'm looking to get to on the Switch. All you've done is get angry & try to play thread cop. So are you a troll? We have mods so let them do their job. Valid criticism is good for discussion. Especially for people on the fence about buying the console.

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Was super excited to see Arms DLC announced. Has there been any E3 news if it will get Splatoon level post launch support? The reviews indicated the game is a bit shallow but characters and a couple more modes could really give it legs.
Yeah the rest of the game will be rolled out for free over the first year. Splatoon/Street Fighter 5 style.

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It's funny that your only recent posts are just you complaining about other people being critical of Nintendo. You haven't added anything to the thread. I post regular in stock updates for people in my area & what i'm looking to get to on the Switch. All you've done is get angry & try to play thread cop. So are you a troll? We have mods so let them do their job. Valid criticism is good for discussion. Especially for people on the fence about buying the console.
First off, no we don't have mods. Don't be silly.

Second, yes calling "EVERYONE" a troll is of course wrong, but I think that limiting the claim to this thread is pretty valid. I do feel there is a point about someone posting in a thread that they have literally zero positive connections too. I do find it odd that chimp liked one of your posts that had you praising Switch games, lol. I think he saw you calling out night and didn't read the rest. :D/ Remember, he has said multiple times that he literally wants the death of Nintendo as a company. Probably not a good source for valid criticism...

First off, no we don't have mods. Don't be silly.

Second, yes calling "EVERYONE" a troll is of course wrong, but I think that limiting the claim to this thread is pretty valid. I do feel there is a point about someone posting in a thread that they have literally zero positive connections too. I do find it odd that chimp liked one of your posts that had you praising Switch games, lol. I think he saw you calling out night and didn't read the rest. :D/ Remember, he has said multiple times that he literally wants the death of Nintendo as a company. Probably not a good source for valid criticism...
We do have good mods. Lol! They cleared out all of that Neo guys posts from yesterday :whistle2:

Well if people have a problem with Chimp report him or throw him on ignore. Seriously I don't remember him saying Nintendo should die though. The mods probably cleared the thread of those posts. All in all crapping on everyone because of one person you don't like is wrong.

Switches in store today for arms?
Nintendo wanted them held for this past Sunday at Best Buy but didn't send any more midweek for Arms. They probably saw the preorder numbers and knew it wasn't going to be a system seller like Mario Kart and Zelda.

Nintendo wanted them held for this past Sunday at Best Buy but didn't send any more midweek for Arms. They probably saw the preorder numbers and knew it wasn't going to be a system seller like Mario Kart and Zelda.
Arms is going to be a slow burn, the game is fantastic and I think once people start to get into it they will realize how great it is and fun to play. It looks so simplistic on the surface, but that hides some serious complexity. My son isn't a fighting game fan, but he had his alarm set for each of the Test Punch events he was having so much fun.

They cleared out all of that Neo guys posts from yesterday :whistle2:
2 Posts of me calling out the trolls just like night1c has, they stand out and it reeks.

Meanwhile they erased Whodoneits meltdown, which was epic. Wish I had screencapped it, It's one for the ages.

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2 Posts of me calling out the trolls just like night1c has, you guys stand out and it reeks.

Meanwhile they erased Whodoneits meltdown, which was epic. Which I had screencapped it, It's one for the ages.
You mean him exposing you for the troll you really are. :rofl:

Please share the screen cap for those who missed it :pray:

Do you always make stuff up? You did say me & Deader were Nintendo haters that only post here to trash them. Still waiting for you to back that up :whistle2:

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You mean him exposing you for the troll you really are. :rofl:

Please share the screen cap for those who missed it :pray:
Throwing a bunch of labels with no proof is now exposing someone?

I'll refer to yesterdays post, All insults and no substance. It's almost as if allergic to facts.

I also said I don't have a screencap, but that would require reading on your part.

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bread's done