Nintendo wanted to make $100 Wii's


18 (100%);title;4

I got a kick out of this particularly stupid quote my Miyamoto:

"Our goal was to come up with a machine that moms would want--easy to use, quick to start up, not a huge energy drain, and quiet while it was running...Also we thought a low-cost console would keep moms happy."

Oh, he also said this as well:

"Too many powerful consoles can't coexist. It's like having only ferocious dinosaurs. They might fight and hasten their own extinction."

Speaking of dinosaurs, if Nintendo keeps marketing their video game console to people who don't play video games, their console will become extinct.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']
Speaking of dinosaurs, if Nintendo keeps marketing their video game console to people who don't play video games, their console will become extinct.[/QUOTE]

Speaking of dinosaurs... you're pretty much using archaic thinking there. Kudos.

Marketing a game system to the people who have played games before but don't play them now?!?! They'll never survive. Oh the humanity.....
Well if you market all 3 systems to the same people with similar prices so they can't afford them all, how are all those systems supposed to survive?
actually it's a pretty appropriate analogy. Three gigantic forces fighting over the same size pie gets messy. Go after a new pie, and you've got none of that to worry about.

It's a shame you didn't understand it, gorilla.
I don't get why that quote is stupid. You might not agree with the strategy, but I'm unsure how making a console that moms don't like would help.

Strangely, something that's easy to use, quick to start up, quiet, low cost, and isn't an energy drain appeals to me as well. I must be an old lady!
Yeah, some basic familiarity with concepts taught your first week in business school might go a long way towards having those quotes make sense to you, VG.
[quote name='jer7583']actually it's a pretty appropriate analogy. Three gigantic forces fighting over the same size pie gets messy. Go after a new pie, and you've got none of that to worry about.

It's a shame you didn't understand it, gorilla.[/quote]
Great job misunderstanding Miyamoto's quotes and Nintendo's strategy.

jer^ in this quote basically got it right. The gaming market is currently in a power vacuum. Everybody is vying for the same market and with such great competition, consoles selling at similar prices could never coexist. By coming out at a lower price point, Nintendo is giving the consumer not only a great product, but great competition for your money and the other two companies. They're trying for a different demographic, and yet at the same time for you and me; thsoe hardcore or people that go should be doing other things, but are posting on video game discussion boards.

[quote name='trq']Yeah, some basic familiarity with concepts taught your first week in business school might go a long way towards having those quotes make sense to you, VG.[/quote]

Yup yup. Nintendo is attempting to undercut the competition. Just look at how well Apple has done with the Ipod. Simple, ease of use, quite, standard, looks great, plays great. Only thing it doesn't have which the competition does is a greater amount/more function and features such as the ability to play .ogg files and others.
My Wii just got shipped from Amazon, so I'm not bashing here.. but VG has a point. Just because McDonalds offers vegetarian specials, doesnt mean vegetarian are gonna go to McDonalds.

The Marketing team has flatout failed 2 times already with the N64 and the Gamecube towards the 8-14 age group with being the "Fun" system. Now they've decided to jump to the other end of the spectrum and market to the 40+ crowd? They said that old people would be playing the DS, but other than some minor brain age crap, I still dont see old people kicking out the DS.

Nintendo saying that they're going for a different pie, is a pretty way of saying they cant compete in the market anymore. Stop kidding yourselves. Nothings changed since they spun this shit over the DS, and its not changing anytime soon.
I would've bought one at $100, but at $250 it's way overpriced. They say they wanted to make a $100 Wii, but they're selling the system at a significant profit so I can only imagine how pathetic the system would be if they were selling it for $100 and still making a profit.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']My Wii just got shipped from Amazon, so I'm not bashing here.. but VG has a point. Just because McDonalds offers vegetarian specials, doesnt mean vegetarian are gonna go to McDonalds.

The Marketing team has flatout failed 2 times already with the N64 and the Gamecube towards the 8-14 age group with being the "Fun" system. Now they've decided to jump to the other end of the spectrum and market to the 40+ crowd? They said that old people would be playing the DS, but other than some minor brain age crap, I still dont see old people kicking out the DS.

Nintendo saying that they're going for a different pie, is a pretty way of saying they cant compete in the market anymore. Stop kidding yourselves. Nothings changed since they spun this shit over the DS, and its not changing anytime soon.[/quote]
Finally, some sense in this thread, besides what the OP said ;)

Seems like the PS2 and Xbox survived and thrived pretty easily, fighting over that same piece of pie. Shoot, that PSOne/N64 battle was pretty decent as well, no problems with those 2 systems competing! And it also seems to me that, back when Nintendo actually knew what they were doing with their consoles, they had a good little battle with the SEGA Genesis. So why, suddenly, is Miyamoto saying that all these consoles competing with each other are just going to speed up their deaths? I guarantee you if the GameCube were #1 or #2 this last console generation, Nintendo wouldn't be going this bold new direction, they would be doing what Sony and MS are doing right now: giving people what they want, based on what consumers have told them they want, and not telling them what they think they, their mother, their grandparents, and that kid with the huge mohawk want.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']
Speaking of dinosaurs, if Nintendo keeps marketing their video game console to people who don't play video games, their console will become extinct.[/QUOTE]
like the nintendo ds?
[quote name='62t']like the nintendo ds?[/quote]Completely different scenario. In the handheld world, Nintendo is #1. Their name and brand recognition in the handheld market is probably stronger than the Playstation brand name in America and Japan combined. If you ask 10 people on the street to name a handheld gaming device, 10 out of 10 will give you a Nintendo product. On the other hand, if you ask 10 people on the street to name a video game console, I guarantee you most of them will say "Playstation" or "Xbox". Of course, you could ask 10 old people, and they'll probably say "Nintendo", so that explains why The Big N is marketing those people. Too bad those people don't spend most of their disposable income on games, like the crowds Sony and MS are going after.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Finally, some sense in this thread, besides what the OP said ;)

Seems like the PS2 and Xbox survived and thrived pretty easily, fighting over that same piece of pie. Shoot, that PSOne/N64 battle was pretty decent as well, no problems with those 2 systems competing! And it also seems to me that, back when Nintendo actually knew what they were doing with their consoles, they had a good little battle with the SEGA Genesis. So why, suddenly, is Miyamoto saying that all these consoles competing with each other are just going to speed up their deaths? I guarantee you if the GameCube were #1 or #2 this last console generation, Nintendo wouldn't be going this bold new direction, they would be doing what Sony and MS are doing right now: giving people what they want, based on what consumers have told them they want, and not telling them what they think they, their mother, their grandparents, and that kid with the huge mohawk want.[/quote]Then what you should be doing is buying a 360 or a PS3 and ignoring the Wii. If the consumer base agrees with you, then the Wii will not sell, and you will be validated. If it does sell, then congratulations, you were incorrect, and life goes on.

I don't understand your goal. Are you attempting to convince us that what we are anxiously awaiting is not what we actually want, it's actually some horrible thing that if it does well, will negatively affect your well-being?
[quote name='Mookyjooky']My Wii just got shipped from Amazon, so I'm not bashing here.. but VG has a point. Just because McDonalds offers vegetarian specials, doesnt mean vegetarian are gonna go to McDonalds.

The Marketing team has flatout failed 2 times already with the N64 and the Gamecube towards the 8-14 age group with being the "Fun" system. Now they've decided to jump to the other end of the spectrum and market to the 40+ crowd? They said that old people would be playing the DS, but other than some minor brain age crap, I still dont see old people kicking out the DS.

Nintendo saying that they're going for a different pie, is a pretty way of saying they cant compete in the market anymore. Stop kidding yourselves. Nothings changed since they spun this shit over the DS, and its not changing anytime soon.[/quote]

My cousin's teacher owns a DS as does half the teachers at his school. I know this teacher personally and he actually bought Brain Age and a DS for his father who is 60 because he loved the game so much. And actually, they own a whole list of DS games, but I'm not going to start listing DS games. So yaeh, I've seen the DS in the "older" market.
[quote name='botticus']Then what you should be doing is buying a 360 or a PS3 and ignoring the Wii. If the consumer base agrees with you, then the Wii will not sell, and you will be validated. If it does sell, then congratulations, you were incorrect, and life goes on.

I don't understand your goal. Are you attempting to convince us that what we are anxiously awaiting is not what we actually want, it's actually some horrible thing that if it does well, will negatively affect your well-being?[/quote]

[quote name='botticus']Then what you should be doing is buying a 360 or a PS3 and ignoring the Wii. If the consumer base agrees with you, then the Wii will not sell, and you will be validated. If it does sell, then congratulations, you were incorrect, and life goes on.

I don't understand your goal. Are you attempting to convince us that what we are anxiously awaiting is not what we actually want, it's actually some horrible thing that if it does well, will negatively affect your well-being?[/quote]It won't bother me at all if they succeed. I just get a kick out of Nintendo's "We Know What's Best for You" PR machine, and their arrogant way of thinking. Videogames have reached critical mass, if people aren't playing them now, they never will, no matter what new gimmicks they see advertised on TV. Do TV studios make shows and programming, thinking they are finally gonna get viewers who have never in their life ever watched much TV? Is there a movie studio out there so pompous, that they believe THEIR movie is gonna be the one that finally gets all those non-movie watching people interested?
nintendo is being incredibly smart withthe business plan. i stated before in a separate thread that the wii is like an interim showing of what nintendo can do. this system will rule but what they are really doing is prepping for the next system. They even said that once HD is the standard or way more accepted and used by consumers they will worry about insanely realistic graphics and all that rot. They are releasing a badass system now(the wii) and it's going to generate some money and get them back on the map, then i have a feeling they'll knock us on our asses with the next system! they are business men in the gaming industry and if you don't have a smart business plan you go the way of the phantom game system, or any pile of others.

T. Foolery
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']It won't bother me at all if they succeed. I just get a kick out of Nintendo's "We Know What's Best for You" PR machine, and their arrogant way of thinking. Videogames have reached critical mass, if people aren't playing them now, they never will, no matter what new gimmicks they see advertised on TV. Do TV studios make shows and programming, thinking they are finally gonna get viewers who have never in their life ever watched much TV? Is there a movie studio out there so pompous, that they believe THEIR movie is gonna be the one that finally gets all those non-movie watching people interested?[/quote]

If nobody has watched tv in their life, then that means they don't have one ergo your point is moot. In regards to movies, just look at what The Passion of the Christ did or at the very least Titanic.

Video games are not at critical mass by the way. The market is still growing and burgeoning.
[quote name='botticus']I don't understand your goal. Are you attempting to convince us that what we are anxiously awaiting is not what we actually want, it's actually some horrible thing that if it does well, will negatively affect your well-being?[/quote]

Maybe he's just tired of this type of shit. I know I am.

[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Nintendo should hurry up and lose $4 Billion USD, as that guarantees them at least 2nd place.[/quote]


I love nintendo, but the rabid nintendo fans are worse than even the Playstation fans. Christ. Every thread requires some dumbass without common sense and blinders pointed straight to Miyamoto spouting bullshit backhanded comments. Then they like to bust out the BS about obviously you dont have a business degree.

It doesnt take a business degree to smell bullshit. Plain and simple. Just because I dont believe every word a old japanese business man in a Zelda shirt tells me... doesnt mean I hate Nintendo. I think Reggie, is a business man, he's not cool, and you're not cool cause you think he is... he's here to make your money. Nothing more. He was brought in, because Nintendo stopped making it.

Nintendo is great, and they'll live on because more people visually reconize Mario than Mickey Mouse now... but stop acting like they're the greatest and most innovative business ever. They took a massive gamble on the DS and lucked out, thats not business, thats a gamble. If the DS would of flopped, no doubt the Wii would of never happened.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']It won't bother me at all if they succeed. I just get a kick out of Nintendo's "We Know What's Best for You" PR machine, and their arrogant way of thinking. Videogames have reached critical mass, if people aren't playing them now, they never will, no matter what new gimmicks they see advertised on TV. Do TV studios make shows and programming, thinking they are finally gonna get viewers who have never in their life ever watched much TV? Is there a movie studio out there so pompous, that they believe THEIR movie is gonna be the one that finally gets all those non-movie watching people interested?[/quote]Hmm... there's some other kind of PR machine besides that?

And if you're actually interested in arguing your metaphor... every demographic watches TV. There are shows built around said demographics to keep them watching TV. This is not the case with video games. Lots of untapped potential out there. As long as Nintendo can handle that without sucking the life out of games along the lines of Zelda, more power to them.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Seems like the PS2 and Xbox survived and thrived pretty easily, fighting over that same piece of pie. Shoot, that PSOne/N64 battle was pretty decent as well, no problems with those 2 systems competing! And it also seems to me that, back when Nintendo actually knew what they were doing with their consoles, they had a good little battle with the SEGA Genesis. So why, suddenly, is Miyamoto saying that all these consoles competing with each other are just going to speed up their deaths? I guarantee you if the GameCube were #1 or #2 this last console generation, Nintendo wouldn't be going this bold new direction, they would be doing what Sony and MS are doing right now: giving people what they want, based on what consumers have told them they want, and not telling them what they think they, their mother, their grandparents, and that kid with the huge mohawk want.[/quote]
If you follow the history you've already drawn out you'll see that it's easy for two competitors to fight over the gaming market, but whenever there are three one of them gets fucked (at least comparatively).

Nintendo is trying to supplement sales to the market of the 360 and ps3 (which they'll obviously already get part of, though not the majority) by selling their system to another market as well. That way they can be profitable and survive without even needing to entrench on the established userbases of sony and microsoft. Aside from that, by pricing their console lower and making it have a unique interface, people can afford to buy both the Wii and 360 or PS3 to get different types of games. That way they can get a larger part of the market by selling it as a second system rather than directly competing for the same consumer.

Get it yet?
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']It won't bother me at all if they succeed. I just get a kick out of Nintendo's "We Know What's Best for You" PR machine, and their arrogant way of thinking. Videogames have reached critical mass, if people aren't playing them now, they never will, no matter what new gimmicks they see advertised on TV. Do TV studios make shows and programming, thinking they are finally gonna get viewers who have never in their life ever watched much TV? Is there a movie studio out there so pompous, that they believe THEIR movie is gonna be the one that finally gets all those non-movie watching people interested?[/QUOTE]

That's absolutely absurd. How can you even compare video games to television or even movies? Games are far from "critical mass," if you're going to use that route of comparison.

I'm glad Nintendo is going a different route--if they'd listened fully to "teh massez" we'd just have a million more sports titles and Halo and GTA clones with all them purty pichers.
$250 Wii lets Nintendo make a profit on the Wii and keep the GC priced at $100 allowing even more profit for cheapass parents who buy a GC. I think the Wii really isn't going to make a big don't but will be a wiipete of it's previous generation brothers. I'm a little bitter that they had the nerve to take a GC game and reliable it a Wii game to have a actual AA launch title and then on top of it delay the actual GC version till Dec. I now they are a business but that's really taking a shit on loyal customers of GC.
[quote name='defiance_17']That's absolutely absurd. How can you even compare video games to television or even movies? Games are far from "critical mass," if you're going to use that route of comparison.

I'm glad Nintendo is going a different route--if they'd listened fully to "teh massez" we'd just have a million more sports titles and Halo and GTA clones with all them purty pichers.[/quote]Yeah, and without those "million sports titles and Halo and GTA clones", the industry wouldn't be nearly as big as it is right now. Those games are the reasons why people buy the systems, you dolt. I love "anti-mainstream" comments like these. And you just proved me right, videogames are now critical mass, since, just like movies, there's plenty of Arthouse Goons running around here and other places, shaming the "mainstream" games, while hyping *Silly Japanese Rythm Game With Crazy Soundtrack and Limited Edition Packaging*.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']It won't bother me at all if they succeed. I just get a kick out of Nintendo's "We Know What's Best for You" PR machine, and their arrogant way of thinking. Videogames have reached critical mass, if people aren't playing them now, they never will, no matter what new gimmicks they see advertised on TV. Do TV studios make shows and programming, thinking they are finally gonna get viewers who have never in their life ever watched much TV? Is there a movie studio out there so pompous, that they believe THEIR movie is gonna be the one that finally gets all those non-movie watching people interested?[/QUOTE]

"If you only see one movie, see ________."

I thought marketing people always assume that they know what's best for you.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Yeah, and without those "million sports titles and Halo and GTA clones", the industry wouldn't be nearly as big as it is right now. Those games are the reasons why people buy the systems, you dolt. I love "anti-mainstream" comments like these. And you just proved me right, videogames are now critical mass, since, just like movies, there's plenty of Arthouse Goons running around here and other places, shaming the "mainstream" games, while hyping *Silly Japanese Rythm Game With Crazy Soundtrack and Limited Edition Packaging*.[/QUOTE]

oh snap! QFT
[quote name='Michaellvortega']oh snap! QFT[/quote]Please don't ever do that to one of VG's posts again. First you agree with him on video game-related topics, next thing you know you'll be lookin for love at Arby's.
[quote name='tomfoolery']nintendo is being incredibly smart withthe business plan. i stated before in a separate thread that the wii is like an interim showing of what nintendo can do. this system will rule but what they are really doing is prepping for the next system. They even said that once HD is the standard or way more accepted and used by consumers they will worry about insanely realistic graphics and all that rot. They are releasing a badass system now(the wii) and it's going to generate some money and get them back on the map, then i have a feeling they'll knock us on our asses with the next system! they are business men in the gaming industry and if you don't have a smart business plan you go the way of the phantom game system, or any pile of others.[/quote]
I've had to take some business classes in college and anyone with a degree will tell you that Nintendo is not a good business. Good business grow slowly, and mature. Nintendo has had console flop right after another, and they're too big to downsize and withhold this marketshare... so they have to take major chances and some gambits like the Nintnendo DS payoff... others like the eReader do not.

The chances they're taking, while innovative, is spread to thin to take flight. I understand what you guys are saying... we dont need a million WW2/GTA/Halo clones... but if thats what sells, then thats what sells. My favorite kind of movies are wierd mental flicks like Eternal Sunshine/Fight Club/Clockwork Orange. Those movies were box office flops for the most part. I love them, and I hate to see them get dropped to green light "elf 2, or "Santa Clause 4"... but if I saw a company start up and create only those movies I wouldnt say they were going to corner the market. I'd say, "I really hate to see it, but it's gonna fail".

Now back to the Wii, its great, its really got a chance... but if Nintendo screws it up like the N64 and Gamecube, they're going the way of SEGA. This is their last chance on a console market, and thats not business, thats flying by the seat of your pants.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I've had to take some business classes in college and anyone with a degree will tell you that Nintendo is not a good business. Good business grow slowly, and mature. Nintendo has had console flop right after another, and they're too big to downsize and withhold this marketshare... so they have to take major chances and some gambits like the Nintnendo DS payoff... others like the eReader do not.

The chances they're taking, while innovative, is spread to thin to take flight. I understand what you guys are saying... we dont need a million WW2/GTA/Halo clones... but if thats what sells, then thats what sells. My favorite kind of movies are wierd mental flicks like Eternal Sunshine/Fight Club/Clockwork Orange. Those movies were box office flops for the most part. I love them, and I hate to see them get dropped to green light "elf 2, or "Santa Clause 4"... but if I saw a company start up and create only those movies I wouldnt say they were going to corner the market. I'd say, "I really hate to see it, but it's gonna fail".

Now back to the Wii, its great, its really got a chance... but if Nintendo screws it up like the N64 and Gamecube, they're going the way of SEGA. This is their last chance on a console market, and thats not business, thats flying by the seat of your pants.[/quote]What flopped? The N64? No, that still made them money. The GC? No, that STILL made them money.

What flops are you talking about? The Virtual Boy maybe I could understand. But what company doesn't have that kind of thing happen to them?
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I've had to take some business classes in college and anyone with a degree will tell you that Nintendo is not a good business. Good business grow slowly, and mature. Nintendo has had console flop right after another, and they're too big to downsize and withhold this marketshare... so they have to take major chances and some gambits like the Nintnendo DS payoff... others like the eReader do not.

The chances they're taking, while innovative, is spread to thin to take flight. I understand what you guys are saying... we dont need a million WW2/GTA/Halo clones... but if thats what sells, then thats what sells. My favorite kind of movies are wierd mental flicks like Eternal Sunshine/Fight Club/Clockwork Orange. Those movies were box office flops for the most part. I love them, and I hate to see them get dropped to green light "elf 2, or "Santa Clause 4"... but if I saw a company start up and create only those movies I wouldnt say they were going to corner the market. I'd say, "I really hate to see it, but it's gonna fail".

Now back to the Wii, its great, its really got a chance... but if Nintendo screws it up like the N64 and Gamecube, they're going the way of SEGA. This is their last chance on a console market, and thats not business, thats flying by the seat of your pants.[/quote]
Nintendo will never go the way of Sega, for the same reason that Nintendo is a good business: they're profitable. Sega was bleeding money for nearly a decade, which is why they indeed "went the way of Sega".

Look at Nintendo's fiscal reports. Read the headlines. "Nintendo stock reaches record high." "Nintendo DS dominates Japan." "Wii to be profitable from the start."

Nintendo's doing just fine.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Yeah, and without those "million sports titles and Halo and GTA clones", the industry wouldn't be nearly as big as it is right now. Those games are the reasons why people buy the systems, you dolt. I love "anti-mainstream" comments like these. And you just proved me right, videogames are now critical mass, since, just like movies, there's plenty of Arthouse Goons running around here and other places, shaming the "mainstream" games, while hyping *Silly Japanese Rythm Game With Crazy Soundtrack and Limited Edition Packaging*.[/QUOTE]

It wasn't meant to be "anti-mainstream." And it doesn't prove you right in the least; you're just jumping to conclusions.

Wanting variety does not necessarily imply elitist attitude. Look at my collection--I have dozens and dozens of million-sellers. A good game is just that, and I understand titles like Madden, GTA, and Halo are responsible for much of what the market has become. I'm not bashing those games at all, I'm just saying that the game industry needs innovation (other than graphical) to truly evolve. Just because I'm not a moron doesn't mean I'm an "Arthouse goon."

To play along with your film industry analogy (which I still strongly disagree with in terms of "critical mass"), look at the highest-grossing pictures throughout the year (or better yet, on a weekly basis). A good movie can spawn shit sequels (or clones) that will go on to make millions of dollars. Or better yet, shit movies will spawn shittier sequels, and make even more money. Thankfully, there are individuals out there who want better, and are willing to take risks to provide that, rather than going the "safe route." And the industry is better because of that.

The point is, the industry has to give the consumers not only what they "want," but offer something new at the same time.
Let Vanilla be bitter.

He's afraid all the fine geriatric honeys will start playing the Wii instead of hanging out at Arby's so he can get into their white cotton stretch pants.

I'm sorry all the polident mamas are about to find a Wii far more exciting than yours, VG.
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I've had to take some business classes in college and anyone with a degree will tell you that Nintendo is not a good business. Good business grow slowly, and mature. Nintendo has had console flop right after another, and they're too big to downsize and withhold this marketshare... so they have to take major chances and some gambits like the Nintnendo DS payoff... others like the eReader do not.

The chances they're taking, while innovative, is spread to thin to take flight. I understand what you guys are saying... we dont need a million WW2/GTA/Halo clones... but if thats what sells, then thats what sells. My favorite kind of movies are wierd mental flicks like Eternal Sunshine/Fight Club/Clockwork Orange. Those movies were box office flops for the most part. I love them, and I hate to see them get dropped to green light "elf 2, or "Santa Clause 4"... but if I saw a company start up and create only those movies I wouldnt say they were going to corner the market. I'd say, "I really hate to see it, but it's gonna fail".

Now back to the Wii, its great, its really got a chance... but if Nintendo screws it up like the N64 and Gamecube, they're going the way of SEGA. This is their last chance on a console market, and thats not business, thats flying by the seat of your pants.[/QUOTE]

A good business makes money. And Nintendo has been around for what, almost 125 years? I would say they're a great business. They're profitable, they have incredible brand recognition (and loyalty), and they're not likely to go anywhere anytime soon. I don't think those business classes had too much of an impact on you (but don't worry, they rarely do).
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Finally, some sense in this thread, besides what the OP said ;)

Seems like the PS2 and Xbox survived and thrived pretty easily, fighting over that same piece of pie.[/QUOTE]

Were they profitable?
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Yeah, and without those "million sports titles and Halo and GTA clones", the industry wouldn't be nearly as big as it is right now. Those games are the reasons why people buy the systems, you dolt. I love "anti-mainstream" comments like these. And you just proved me right, videogames are now critical mass, since, just like movies, there's plenty of Arthouse Goons running around here and other places, shaming the "mainstream" games, while hyping *Silly Japanese Rythm Game With Crazy Soundtrack and Limited Edition Packaging*.[/quote]

So wait a minute… There are sports titles, shooters, AND silly Japanese Rhythm Games?! It’s almost like different people enjoy different things. How dare the video game market attempt to appeal to the various tastes and interests of the gaming public! It’s positively scandalous! :roll:
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Yeah, and without those "million sports titles and Halo and GTA clones", the industry wouldn't be nearly as big as it is right now. .[/quote]
Without nintendo the industry wouldn't be nearly this big today either. Despite all of the halo's and gta clones a believe that the original mario is still the best selling game of all time. And really I don't think most of us would be that interested in video games if sports games, gta clones and halo where the only options.
For $100 then I would have bought one. And what did they add that made it cost $150 more? A shity demo game and SD card slots?
[quote name='David85']For $100 then I would have bought one. And what did they add that made it cost $150 more? A shity demo game and SD card slots?[/quote]

Didn't read the interview eh?

In short, they added reality to make it cost $150 more.
[quote name='defiance_17']A good business makes money. And Nintendo has been around for what, almost 125 years? I would say they're a great business. They're profitable, they have incredible brand recognition (and loyalty), and they're not likely to go anywhere anytime soon. I don't think those business classes had too much of an impact on you (but don't worry, they rarely do).[/QUOTE]

QFMFT. Everyone knows Nintendo is the only one to have a profitable video game business.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']Finally, some sense in this thread, besides what the OP said ;)

Seems like the PS2 and Xbox survived and thrived pretty easily, fighting over that same piece of pie. Shoot, that PSOne/N64 battle was pretty decent as well, no problems with those 2 systems competing! And it also seems to me that, back when Nintendo actually knew what they were doing with their consoles, they had a good little battle with the SEGA Genesis. So why, suddenly, is Miyamoto saying that all these consoles competing with each other are just going to speed up their deaths? I guarantee you if the GameCube were #1 or #2 this last console generation, Nintendo wouldn't be going this bold new direction, they would be doing what Sony and MS are doing right now: giving people what they want, based on what consumers have told them they want, and not telling them what they think they, their mother, their grandparents, and that kid with the huge mohawk want.[/QUOTE

I somewhat call bullshit on them spending a lot of money if GC was #1 or 2 last time. Why? They can't AFFORD to sell the system at that kind of a loss though I think Nintendo could've had a chance to bag both the hardcore and casual gaming audience they want if they JUST would've priced the Wii at $200.
For me $250 is a turn off, especially without the Component Cable included. Nintendo might as well be tell me to "Go fuck myself.". I really wanted to buy it around launch or get it at Christmas but $250 WITHOUT Component is too much for me. I'm also a bit glad because now I'll wait to bag one of those Red or Green one's and I still plan to buy "Sadness" whenever it launches, whichever version stays uncensored, be it Japanese, English or whatever.
Wow, I thought we were done arguing about this. This is not an argument that anyone's ever going to win because there's no true definition of success and failure.

One may argue the PS2 a success. It sold over 100 million systems and is still selling strong. One may argue the PS2 a failure. The hardware was unreliable and buggy (and yes, for everyone one of your "I've had a PS2 since launch" stories there are about 30 people who've had their crap out on them.

One may argue the Xbox a success. Microsoft came out of nowhere and snatched up a large portion of the system sales, created a brand new name in the industry, and has gone on to launch a second consoles. One may argue the Xbox a failure. Microsoft lost four billion dollars on the thing. That's a lot of zeroes. And the failure rate, while not as notorious as the PS2, is still nothing to sneeze at.

One may argue the Gamecube a success. Nintendo made a handsome sum of money on the system, the hardware is rock-solid with a very low failure rate, a great number of games that people really enjoy. One may argue the Gamecube a failure. Nintendo, the once king of the industry, is not bottom-feeding in terms of total systems sold. Third-party support, while better than in the past, was still poor.

The issue here isn't who will win, but it's who will win by your standards. What's important to you (i.e., what is success to you)? A company being profitable, number of systems sold, hardware reliability, *gasp* the games?

How about you buy what you want, I'll buy what I want, and as long as we're all having fun, we just stick to that and stop this pointless bickering?
[quote name='PenguinMaster']I would've bought one at $100, but at $250 it's way overpriced. They say they wanted to make a $100 Wii, but they're selling the system at a significant profit so I can only imagine how pathetic the system would be if they were selling it for $100 and still making a profit.[/quote]

For all those that say $250 is overpriced, there would have been just as many people saying it was inferior because it was "only" $100. Things that are too cheap are easily dismissed, and Nintendo saw that and decided to add more things to create value (Wii-mote, online, packed-in game). You may not agree, but it was a sound marketing decision to avoid appearing "cheap" (even if I would have preferred a $199 price point, which I am sure is coming).
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']It won't bother me at all if they succeed. I just get a kick out of Nintendo's "We Know What's Best for You" PR machine, and their arrogant way of thinking.[/QUOTE]

How is that different from Sony? They know YOU need a Blu-Ray player.

Nintendo's stance doesnt seem arrogant, maybe defiant, and maybe even a little fearful. But lets be honest, they cannot compete on a hardware war with two companies that have other divisions to bury R&D costs. IBM may make the chips, but Sony, MSFT, and Nintendo all foot a good bit of the R&D.

Plus the Wii has the potential to change the game market the same way the NES and DS did (introduce new control schemes to the masses).
[quote name='Mookyjooky']I love nintendo, but the rabid nintendo fans are worse than even the Playstation fans. Christ. Every thread requires some dumbass without common sense and blinders pointed straight to Miyamoto spouting bullshit backhanded comments. Then they like to bust out the BS about obviously you dont have a business degree.

It doesnt take a business degree to smell bullshit. Plain and simple. Just because I dont believe every word a old japanese business man in a Zelda shirt tells me... doesnt mean I hate Nintendo. I think Reggie, is a business man, he's not cool, and you're not cool cause you think he is... he's here to make your money. Nothing more. He was brought in, because Nintendo stopped making it.

Nintendo is great, and they'll live on because more people visually reconize Mario than Mickey Mouse now... but stop acting like they're the greatest and most innovative business ever. They took a massive gamble on the DS and lucked out, thats not business, thats a gamble. If the DS would of flopped, no doubt the Wii would of never happened.[/QUOTE]

I'll keep my response focused, because others have already pointed out where you're off base about profitability and so on, though I will add that your comments about Nintendo only innovating because it was in financial trouble and that the DS came out when Nintendo was at the top of the hand-held market are completely contradictory.


VG doesn't get the quote about dinosaurs. Fine. But it's called "growing the market," and it has been around since the first person decided that he could trade mammoth meat to more than one neighbor at a time. Trying to make it sound like Nintendo is somehow talking out the ass and making up this concept is asinine. Further, giving a crap about simple business principals is the height of fanboyishness. You want to complain about a monopoly or whatever, fine. But who gets worked up about this stuff except people who have an unhealthy, negative, vested interest? I look forward to the threads VG creates about what Nintendo offers by way of a matching 401k plan, or the "OMGWTFNintendo just split its stock!!!111!!1!" posts.

I don't care about what company anybody likes; nor should anyone care who I like. But if you don't understand b-school basics like the importance of expanding your consumer base, you really shouldn't comment about them, bottom line.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla'];title;4

I got a kick out of this particularly stupid quote my Miyamoto:

"Our goal was to come up with a machine that moms would want--easy to use, quick to start up, not a huge energy drain, and quiet while it was running...Also we thought a low-cost console would keep moms happy."

Oh, he also said this as well:

"Too many powerful consoles can't coexist. It's like having only ferocious dinosaurs. They might fight and hasten their own extinction."

Speaking of dinosaurs, if Nintendo keeps marketing their video game console to people who don't play video games, their console will become extinct.[/QUOTE]

nintendo tries to save the masses from spending multiple paychecks on consoles and you think thatsa bad thing. Your opinion is near worthless as ive seen you attempt (and fail) to constantly bash nintendo on every insignificant thing. Im a fanboy myself however i keep my negative feedback for real issues, not interviews in which a company states that it first aimed to create a console for $100.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']It won't bother me at all if they succeed. I just get a kick out of Nintendo's "We Know What's Best for You" PR machine, and their arrogant way of thinking. Videogames have reached critical mass, if people aren't playing them now, they never will, no matter what new gimmicks they see advertised on TV[/quote]

"We Know What's best For You" PR machine? Are you sure you aren't thinking of Sony? :lol: Nintendo has said they'e doing something revolutionary that they think will draw in all sorts of gamers... how exactly is that arrogant? On the other hand, I've seen Sony shove their heads so far up their arses during this release, I'm not sure we'll ever see them again...

As far as critical mass, you couldn't be more wrong... perhaps its because you're male, and you can't understand where I'm coming from... I'm a 25 year old married woman... no kids yet, but know plenty of women my age with them. A lot of us don't have TIME to sit down with an involved RPG or action game, as much as we might like to, which is why the Wii and the DS are so brilliant... easy to pick up and put down 15 inutes later if needed. I can't speak for the older market, but they are hitting the mark for busy 20 or 30 somethings who grew up with games and long to revist them, but just don't have the time.

When you throw in the movement factor with Wii, and women being body concious (and men too, apparently... as a result of video games! According to a recent study. I don't know if I buy it, but it cracks me up - welcome to our hell, guys), I really think you're going to have a hit. I'm waiting for all the exercise type games to hit sometime next year... I know they'll be there!

Perhaps they're not catering to Halo 3 hardcore gamers who play 6 hours a day... so? When you come right down to it, a game is a GAME... a frivilous waste of time, something for fun! So what the hell does it matter, as long as people are enjoying themselves? Wii definitely won't be some people's thing... so don't buy it if ya don't like it, simple as that ;)
[quote name='jer7583']actually it's a pretty appropriate analogy. Three gigantic forces fighting over the same size pie gets messy. [/quote]

That's what happened to UPN and WB - fighting over the same teenage audience & went bankrupt.

It is wise for Nintendo not to take on Microsoft & Sony.

They'l lose.
bread's done