nintendo wii for sale 21 games many accessories


CAG Veteran
well this is a list of everything if your interested contact me at [email protected] for pics and if you have a ps3 with oblivion and some games ill trade:) because thats what im going to get anyways if i sell this
wii system
wii nunchuck and controller
power cables/av cables
wii sports
red steel
legend of zelda twilight princess
driver parlellel lines
marvel ultimate allaince
resident evil 4
mortal kombat armmeggedon
metroid prime 3 corruption
trans formers the game
nyko wirless sensor bar
gamestop afterglow fan stand
2.0 memory card
gcube controller
metroid prime 1
simpsons road rage
megaman collections 7 games 1 disc
metroid prime 2 echoes
zelda windwakers
pokemon xd and more games and accesories
so contact me if intersted
There's a reason you can't make a tradelist in the trading forums yet. And it isn't so you can post it in the wrong forum.


Wait your 30 days like everyone else or go home.
also your suppost to be one of those high and mighty people look at me ive traded yaaaaaaaa
actually he's just trying to keep the forums clean and how they are supposed to be, and im a newbie too...and im waiting, cause thats what people do...wait...dont get mad homie.
I'll get right on that, because, you know, there's nothing like throwing money at brand new anonymous people to raise your confidence that absolutely nothing can go wrong.
Can the video game community please come together and collectively declare that Wii Play and Wii Sports are ONE game each?

To the newbie - the more you argue, the more you're going to get beat down. Say you're sorry and move on. "Me against the world" only works in big-budget action movies.
i didnt count the wii sports i counted the megaman collection which has the first game all the way up to megaman x8 beatdown hahahaha and duh im not in the right forum and most of you people can do is just go aroumd the message board saying ope thers a wrong post let me tell him in my own little way your not all that your just idiots that have some time to kill do your self a favor jump off a building with your video games
well actually i am a polite trader its just theres all ways those little groups of people that i generally just dont like who just come here and bash on you and other people and actually i have the wii posted on myspace,craigslist,google,sell,had it on ebay didnt work out,amazon wont let people due to a shortage of wiis,usfreeads,classified ads and know here
Did you read the other posts at all? No one bashed on you. I didn't see anything negative but you started getting defensive. Ppl are informing you that since you're new (aka Newbie. It's not really a negative since it's in "your" title) you can't post in the CAG Traders. It's in the FAQ that everyone is supposed to read and everyone who has a list, waited their 30 days. It's just part of this forum's rules. Generally, CAGers are pretty welcoming and friendly to new ppl as long as you don't came back swinging when "you're" in the wrong. Just my .02 cents. Oh and welcome to CAG. :)
hey limpbizkit, i remember theres something similar like that but much funnier. im sure its by the same ppl who made that comic. can u post the other one also?
Loud Noises!

OP. Do yourself and read the forum FAQ and rules before making another post. This isn't SlickDeals, FatWallet, IGN, GameFaqs or any other forum over run by 6th graders.

You neglected to follow the rules. You got called on it and now feel the need to bash others, despite being the only one to blame.

How do we know you're not here just to scam someone? You just joined. Based on my experience, the scamming-type are usually new members who quickly make a post to 'sell' their merchandise. You made not one, but two for sale/trade posts in improper forums, both of which were your only posts on Cheap Ass Gamer, aside from your assaults on other members. This spells potential scam to me. Whether or not it's true, it doesn't matter. You're displaying a mentality of someone that NOBODY would want to deal with.
bread's done