Nintendo Wii/Wii U/3DS eShop Code Trading Thread

I'll have one code tomorrow for either
Pikmin 3
Wind Waker HD
Wii Party U
Super Mario Bros. U

You choose 20$ paypal
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Have: Choice of one of the following codes

Pikmin 3
Wind Waker HD
Wii Party U
Super Mario Bros. U

Want:$15 Paypal

Have for sale:

Kirby's Adventure Wii U Code

Mario Party 2 Wii Code

PM with any offers


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Mario (Target Exclusive) Nintendo eShop $10 card

Princess Peach (Target Exclusive) Nintendo eShop $10 card

Goomba (Target Exclusive) Nintendo eShop $10 card



Have: Mario Kart 8 Club Nintendo Code

Want: $16 paypal or gift card

Zelda Wind Waker HD (Wii U) (Offer 12$ Paypal Gift)
Pikmin 3 (Wii U) (Offer 12$ Paypal Gift)
50$ Nitendo Eshop Code (Offer 40$ Paypal Gift
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I have 2 Club Nintendo Codes for Mario Kart 8 to redeem any game you want. I would trade one for a Retail copy of The Wonderful 101.

I will also take paypal. pm me a price.

Still have digital zelda wind waker hd digital and a Mario kart cn code to redeem another game

Want 15 each pay pal gift pm me with offers
Have: 3DS Kirbys dream land GB re-release code

Want: $5 xbox currency code or 3ds Kid Icarus classic remake code

Shovel Knight 3DS code

TwinBee 3D Classics 3DS Code

Urban Champion 3D Classics 3DS code



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Have mario kart 8 club nintendo code, want $18 paypal/amazon or we can work out a trade for a physical pikmin 3. PM me if interested.

bread's done