Nintendogs limited supply!!!!!

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I heard from a reliable sorce at my local eb that they received in the "daily EB" that Nintendo is only making a limited supply of Nintendogs. So preorder as many as you can so you can stock up on this "rare" game, so to speak. LOL i already have all 3 preordered
LOL this is total bullshit. I'm sure they'd limit a game that's likely to be one of the top sellers of 2005.

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And I really hoped they'd be making an unlimited amount... of course, they'd have to use matter from other universes since ours at least only has a finite amount.

Oh, and if you want the new Zelda, preorder now - they're only making eight of them.
[quote name='eldad9']
Oh, and if you want the new Zelda, preorder now - they're only making eight of them.[/QUOTE]
What? I heard that there was only going to be one copy and I was going to get it. That cashier lied to me :cry:

[quote name='birdman']I heard from a reliable sorce at my local eb that they received in the "daily EB" that Nintendo is only making a limited supply of Nintendogs. So preorder as many as you can so you can stock up on this "rare" game, so to speak. LOL i already have all 3 preordered[/QUOTE]

Wait a second! A retailer telling you a game is going to have a limited production run thus hoping to increase their preorders/sales? Unthinkable!:roll:
[quote name='eldad9']And I really hoped they'd be making an unlimited amount... of course, they'd have to use matter from other universes since ours at least only has a finite amount.

Oh, and if you want the new Zelda, preorder now - they're only making eight of them.[/QUOTE]

I saw the sheet of paper, ask them about it. And its my old high school buddy who is the manager that should it to me. What it could be is EB posting that so the employees tell the customers about the limited supply. EB and their evil, EVIL marketing ploys
Well, like I (almost) said, of course it's a limited amount - if nothing else, it would take an unlimited amount of money to produce an unlimited amount of any physical item.

The question, as always, is supply vs. demand. It is not in Nintendo's best interest not to meet demand here. And they're not very likely to underestimate demand too much.
[quote name='eldad9']Well, like I (almost) said, of course it's a limited amount - if nothing else, it would take an unlimited amount of money to produce an unlimited amount of any physical item.

The question, as always, is supply vs. demand. It is not in Nintendo's best interest not to meet demand here. And they're not very likely to underestimate demand too much.[/QUOTE]

Well i understand that, but the way i understood it was that there are only going to have a few hundred thousand copies of each available. Kind of like how games NCAA 2005-gc and Spikeout-XB were. But now thinking about it, they might have a short supply from now till Christmas time. Come christmas time there will be alot
[quote name='birdman']So i take it around christmas time we are going to see a ton of them[/QUOTE]

Like most every other high profile videogame, of course the answer is yes.
i dunno, he's got a point. If i preorder 5 now, i will have more than people who don't have it until Christmas, and even then!

even then, I will have 5 more than the people who don't buy the game and never will.

wise words, indeed.
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']i heard they're going to have a limited run and then they're going to make reprints exclusively for gamequestdirect[/QUOTE]

I bought 18 copies, ebay here I come! :lol:
Yeah and they also said that if you didn't preorder San Andreas or Halo 2, you wouldn't be getting one till like March 2005. It's really a load of crap. The only games I bother to preorder are the obscure ones (Atlus games and the like) unless I get some kinda cool swag for preordering, like an artbook or something.
[quote name='ZForce']Yeah and they also said that if you didn't preorder San Andreas or Halo 2, you wouldn't be getting one till like March 2005. It's really a load of crap. The only games I bother to preorder are the obscure ones (Atlus games and the like) unless I get some kinda cool swag for preordering, like an artbook or something.[/QUOTE]

same here...ill pre-order a game only if its something along the lines of Atlus which is known to have low print runs...or if it has a limited/collector's edition....or if its really cheap brand new (just ordered graffiti kingdom for $24.99 shipped at outpost)
Clerks in a retail store always try to market their new products so as to maximize inital sales when the product is most expensive. If this means telling you "it's teh rare" and other such sentiments, they're not really pulling your leg. Many popular new releases can be difficult to come by when they first come out (unless you preorder).
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']i heard they're going to have a limited run and then they're going to make reprints exclusively for gamequestdirect[/QUOTE]

I heard that too!! But the UPC is going to be printed on backwards hence rendering the game useless on ebay.
[quote name='The Successful Dropout']i heard they're going to have a limited run and then they're going to make reprints exclusively for gamequestdirect[/QUOTE]

LOL. Nice one.
Well, to be perfectly honest, if we look over the infinite horizon, Nintendogs *will* be a limited run. Really, how many sealed copies of "Super Mario Bros." do you come across these days?

So, with that in mind, the clerk was right. If you wait 20 years, the game's gonna be really damned hard to find brand new.
[quote name='birdman']I heard from a reliable sorce at my local eb that they received in the "daily EB" that Nintendo is only making a limited supply of Nintendogs. So preorder as many as you can so you can stock up on this "rare" game, so to speak. LOL i already have all 3 preordered[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the heads up... I'll grab 10 of each...
Wait, wait. So an EB employee said you HAVE to preorder a game, otherwise it'll be sold out. SHOCKING!!!! I also heard, if you buy Nintendogs you can get the strategy guide for 20% off.
I find it very hard to believe that Nintendo would limit one of its most hyped games. They might limt a breed/collection but not the entire game series. And it could just be refering to the number per breed. Look at it this way - say a "normal" game sells 1 million copies. So, Nintendo desides to make 333,333 copies of each breed. For most games that would seem low but not for a game that has 3 versions. Most people would not buy 3 copies of the same game - just different breeds

Or another possiblity is that you just don't want to be the only kid in school that walks in with 3 Nindendogs lunch bags.
[quote name='robwhit1']Look at it this way - say a "normal" game sells 1 million copies. So, Nintendo desides to make 333,333 copies of each breed.[/QUOTE]

I'm willing to bet that one breed will be more popular than the other two and sell more copies as a result. Nintendo can probably make an educated guess as to which version will be the biggest seller stateside based on their sales in Japan, so each version probably won't see the same number of copies manufactured.
You'll never happen but a part of me wants this game to be in limited supply, just so you all feel stupid ;)
This is total BS.... Just another one of those scams that EB and GS employ to make you preorder. My manager once told someone that they had over 100 preorders in the first week for a new wrestling game.... Yeah right. Don't believe ANYTHING they say.
I agree with the OP I mean think how many people on the earth they are all potential buyer. If everyone wants it then I wont be able to get it all. Thanx OP

It also has given me the idea to use that line at the bars. "hey baby I'm limited edition one of a kind" and they will get all excited and take me home cause I am a collectors item. Thanx again OP

I'm suprised no other EB employees have set the record straight yet.

The email we got said "Nintendogs will be allocated by Nintendo, so be sure customers interested pre-order" or something to that effect. Basically it means the first week or two, we'll only be getting as many copies as we have preordered. That's all it means.

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