No DS's to be found!


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My town is completely dry of DS goodness, and by the time I went online, all the stores I checked were sold out. Farking sucks, now I'll have to wait till after Christmas if I want to pick one up, and some ultra dootch on ebay has 30 of them listed at 205 a piece!
All things to those who wait.

Just be patient. It's just a game system. Remind yourself that when you do finally get one you'll have a better selection of games than those earliest buyers.
Actually ask around here. I still dont have one, but some nice people here have been kind enough to maybe pick one up for me. Really, I love this community. A bunch of really helpful fellow gamers.
Last I checked, my wally world had about 4 or 5, but thats the ONLY place I have seen them since black friday when they were ALL OVER the place
anyone willing to trade me one, cash of course, pm me please.

And Rig, how is ISU? Recently got accepted there, thinking about a college visit soon.
Hey guys, I'm from the same area as Blarr and our town has no DS's whatsoever. If someone can please pick up a DS it would be greatly appreciated. PM me if you want to sell one to me, but make sure Blarr gets his first (seeing how it is his topic).
Everystore I've been to lately has a plentiful stockload of DS's, and the people their said they've still been selling like crazy
There have been sporadic shipments here and there, so you should just keep checking. I really wanted to get my girlfriend one for Christmas, but I don't have the spare time to keep checking every few days.
Would someone with a surplus of Nintendo DS's please PM me, I'd really like to get one before I go away on break. I will pay for everything, no worries.
Check Walmart, Target and any other big store like that - they have tons of them around me. Why anyone would pay $200+ for one on eBay is a mystery to me...
[quote name='blackjaw']i believe i saw like 8 of them at a walmart the other day when i was driving around looking for ps2 slims[/quote]

It would be helpful to more people than just the OP if you could list the LOCATIONS where you saw surpluses. (or should it be surpli ?)

The south side Lansing (MI) Target on Edgewood just received a shipment on Monday of about 20 DS's. I don't know if they are still there but they might be(?)
hmmm... can people start posting up addresses of these places so someone (maybe me) can post locations that are carrying the DSs? It would help out tremendously!
The Ds is selling like hotcakes. I called Gamestop Saturday and they said they had five in stock. I got to Gamestop in five minutes and they already sold three! I was so happy to finally have the DS in my hands.
[quote name='Irnmk21']The Ds is selling like hotcakes. I called Gamestop Saturday and they said they had five in stock. I got to Gamestop in five minutes and they already sold three! I was so happy to finally have the DS in my hands.[/quote]

Be happy you have one, VERY happy! Down here I have a better chance of "making love" with 50 (Cloned) Natalie Portmans at once than finding a friggin DS... gahh... :cry:

Well, I guess I should start cloning... this DS thing is, well,... :x 'GAHH!' :x
Called up the EB near me a day ago and asked if they had it/when would a new order arrive, and they told me that if I didn't have it pre-ordered, I'd have to wait till March to pick one up. Is it just me or do employees just not even bother to check the computer anymore, I mean seriously, MARCH! You've got to be joking. And to Javeryh, I checked all these stores before posting, which is why I made the post. This town is literally sold out.
This is honestly becoming rediculous, Blarr and I have checked everywhere around us, still nothing. There are thousands of people on this site, can one person please try to get one?
[quote name='bmulligan']I was just at my Meijer in Brighton, MI and they had 4 DS systems in the e display case, FYI. Zero PS2's, though.[/quote]

oddly, here (in Miami... Plz people when you say a place has them dont just say "walmart has them"... say What Store and Where it is Located...) we have tons of PSTwo(s)... I wish it was the other way around but... jeeze I hate Miami :evil: ... no offense to anyone who loves Miami.... :cry:
You can place a special order @ any Circuit City. We're getting them 1-2x a week. There's still a good chance you'll get it before Christmas. If someone tells you they can't order it, find someone else. They don't know what they're talking about.
Ebay has no shortage of DS, just go on and check out all those auctions, look for people in your town so that when you can't find any, you know exactly where they went.
[quote name='xzafixz']Ebay has no shortage of DS, just go on and check out all those auctions, look for people in your town so that when you can't find any, you know exactly where they went.[/quote]

Is someone going to do a bit of egging tonight? :wink:
[quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='xzafixz']Ebay has no shortage of DS, just go on and check out all those auctions, look for people in your town so that when you can't find any, you know exactly where they went.[/quote]

Is someone going to do a bit of egging tonight? :wink:[/quote]

I have my DS right here with me, but it took a LOT of calling around town to acquire. And over 30 systems were sold in a matter of 2 hours, so absolutely no place within a 40 mile radius has any.
[quote name='xzafixz'][quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='xzafixz']Ebay has no shortage of DS, just go on and check out all those auctions, look for people in your town so that when you can't find any, you know exactly where they went.[/quote]

Is someone going to do a bit of egging tonight? :wink:[/quote]

I have my DS right here with me, but it took a LOT of calling around town to acquire. And over 30 systems were sold in a matter of 2 hours, so absolutely no place within a 40 mile radius has any.[/quote]

I see... I'm sorry my joke was so unfunny. :cry:
My local Best Buy has about 30 just sitting there, waiting to be bought.

BTW- How many 'No More DS's!!11!!12!!!one' thread's does one site need? Aren't there like 20 of them already?
I can't walk 3 feet without tripping over a DS. I don't know what you people are talking about! They're everywhere! I'm going DS crazy!
I've seen a ton of the damn things. If you really can't find any, just order them online. They're probably cheaper there anyway.
[quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='xzafixz'][quote name='zionoverfire'][quote name='xzafixz']Ebay has no shortage of DS, just go on and check out all those auctions, look for people in your town so that when you can't find any, you know exactly where they went.[/quote]

Is someone going to do a bit of egging tonight? :wink:[/quote]

I have my DS right here with me, but it took a LOT of calling around town to acquire. And over 30 systems were sold in a matter of 2 hours, so absolutely no place within a 40 mile radius has any.[/quote]

I see... I'm sorry my joke was so unfunny. :cry:[/quote]

I got the joke, I'm just far too tired to reply something witty to it, but if I was someone that couldn't get one and I knew where an Ebay hoarder was, I'd sure as hell be eggin' it up.
[quote name='the_gloaming']I've seen a ton of the damn things. If you really can't find any, just order them online. They're probably cheaper there anyway.[/quote]

haha...ha...ha :(

yeah, I did that for 8 hours straight + more....

No luck... so thanks..... :cry:
That's why stores have no stock. I just don't think, with a hot item like this, that stores should allow customers to purchase more than 1 or 2.
There are quite a few in SoCal, or at least there were about a week ago. After taxes here the units run about $161.61. DSs weigh a little over a pound so they'll have to be sent priority mail, I figure about $5 to ship. Help with gas and I'll hunt some down for y'all.
As I've said before, you guys really need to come to the boonies here in Illinois. I went to Target, BB, CC, EB, TRU, and Wal-Mart yesterday, and they all had some DS's.
[quote name='Rig']As I've said before, you guys really need to come to the boonies here in Illinois. I went to Target, BB, CC, EB, TRU, and Wal-Mart yesterday, and they all had some DS's.[/quote]

Please do not take any offense at the following question -- it is not meant to imply that I think you are stupid, bot merely that I don't know you, so I don't know how thouroughly you would have checked:

Are you sure they actually had the units in stock? The reason I ask is because each store I've been to has had at least a dozen display boxes, but no actual units.
[quote name='guessed'][quote name='Rig']As I've said before, you guys really need to come to the boonies here in Illinois. I went to Target, BB, CC, EB, TRU, and Wal-Mart yesterday, and they all had some DS's.[/quote]

Please do not take any offense at the following question -- it is not meant to imply that I think you are stupid, bot merely that I don't know you, so I don't know how thouroughly you would have checked:

Are you sure they actually had the units in stock? The reason I ask is because each store I've been to has had at least a dozen display boxes, but no actual units.[/quote]

:lol: I liked how you built up to that! No worries man, I don't take offense like some people here on the boards do. I am positive they were actual units. Hell, I even picked up a couple at a few of the stores. I'm thinking of getting one for my nephew. EB was the only place I didn't "see" them, but I am good friends with the guys in there, and they said they still had 20 for sale!
The toys r us I work at get 40-60 in at a time, and we got a shipemtn yesterday, and still have some left over, I can get anyone one if they wanted, but 160$ i alot to pay up front :(
I suppose ebay is always an option. For those of you who say you have plenty where you live, great! Good for you! You may not know this, but everyone does not live where you live and there is a shortage of DS's in many areas. If you are thinking about posting something like "I have plenty around me!" don't post it, honestly nobody cares how many you have unless you are willing to disclose the location or are willing to ship it out. Lastly, for those of you who say "buy it online" please provide a site or link, because I have searched online already.
bread's done