No Gameboy/Gameboy Color support on DS STILL pisses me off


I've ranted about this, but never on here, so...

The GBA uses the GBC hardware for part of it's sound, which means at least some of it must be in the DS. There do seem to be minor sound issues in some GBA games on DS, and maybe that's because it's somehow being faked since the DS doesn't have the GBC CPU.

Okay, supposedly that CPU is getting expensive or something (since nothing uses it anymore except the GBA). But how about doing software emulation on the DS for GBC games? It should be powerful enough to emulate a GBC.

Heck, sell a DS card with the emulator software on it (I know this won't work now since the DS dosen't physically accept GB/GBC games).

Anyway this really pisses me off, because the Gameboy and Gameboy Color have such great game libraries. Off the top of my head:

-Monopoly-this is the best version of Monopoly I've ever played on any platform. I used to play it regularly until the DS came out. I feel pretty stupid buying the same game again (in a version that's probably not even as good).
-Kirby 1 and 2-IMO these are WAY better than the Gameboy Advance Kirby games. The new games don't play the same or as well IMO.
-Saga/Final Fantasy Legend 1-3-aka the GOOD Saga games. All still hold up well
-Final Fantasy Adventure (ie the first "Secret of Mana" game whose Japanese name I can't pronounce or even remember)
-Dragon Quest 1 & 2, 3-I *STILL* love the original Dragon Quest. And the GBC remake looks and plays even better than the original (plus it's portable)
-Wario Land 1, 2, 3. 4's great too, but 3/4 the series is unaccessible
-THREE Zelda games
-Super Mario Bros deluxe
-Kirby's Block Ball-the best breakout type game ever IMO

I'm barely scratching the surface with that. With some thought I'm sure I could keep going.

I would have kept a Gameboy Advance (or two) just to retain access to these games, except that the lithium batteries don't last all that long in storage, and the system probably won't work even plugged in to the wall if the battery is completely dead (I checked before selling my GBAs, and they don't work with the battery removed).

Now I'm somewhat nervous that the DS 2 or whatever it's called will drop GBA games-in which case I'll be in the same situation with those. No long-term solution for retaining access to them.

The situation just pisses me off, because all three versions of the Gameboy have such strong libraries.
i have a solution. take your thumb, now stick it between your butt cheeks... wait for about 20 seconds... wait for it... wait for it... now smell your thumb. now try playing the games on the ds, it should work now, if not try the other thumb.
Then you should kept you should have kept a GBA around. It's not like they surprised us with the fact that you couldn't play pre-GBA games on the DS. Thats why I kept my GBA and GBC handy just incase I would like to play some older games.
I have no idea on the technical side of things (and don't really care truthfully) but I also was disappointed that it doesn't play the old GB games. I have a stack of a couple dozen GB and GBC games I had always planned to get to at some point. But since the lite doesn't play them and I don't see myself ever getting an SP (just can't play the non backlit GBA after playing a lite) I'm probably going to just eBay them off before they lose all value.

I would be surprised if a new DS revision dropped GBA support. Maybe if it's not released for several years. But there are still pretty big name games being released for the GBA and I think the massive GBA catalog is a selling point for the system frankly. Why chop that off without a very good reason?
[quote name='iheartmetal']i have a solution. take your thumb, now stick it between your butt cheeks... wait for about 20 seconds... wait for it... wait for it... now smell your thumb. now try playing the games on the ds, it should work now, if not try the other thumb.[/QUOTE]

what is your problem?
This guy wants to vent.
He even stated that multiple times in the begining of the first post.
If you don't give a damn, you should of stop reading after the 1st sentence.
So get LOST.
The op has a valid point.
There are a lot of great GB Color games out there (such as The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages / Seasons + the stuff the op listed etc) and it would have been great to be able to play them on the DS. I know most gamers at this point in time don't care about GB Color games but it shouldn't be too difficult for Nintendo to incorporate this feature (emulation?) if they really wanted to without adding too much to the cost (if any).
I agree that it's annoying the DS can't play GB and GBC games. I still have my GB Color and GBA for those games but I hate that they both take batteries where my GB Micro and DS are rechargeable systems yet both won't play those games.
Just get an SP. I kept mine around for the sole purpose of playing GBA/GBC/GB games.

no batteries is also a +.
I can understand why it would upset you, but there gets to be a point where backwards compatibility loses its usefulness. Most of the people who would play GB/GBC games will have some incarnation of a GB/GBC/GBA. I never got a GBC, but I have a GB to play the few games I have for it, and also have a GBA SP (for now, anyway) that I could play them on if I felt the need.

For comparison, doesn't the SNES have a strong enough library that it would be awesome if you could throw your old carts into the Wii and play them? Yes. Does it make sense? Not really.
GB/GBC games are the only reason I keep my PSP :) Nintendo should make DS cards with like all the classic Gameboy games on them. There could be a Zelda pack, a Mario pack, a Pokemon pack, ect.
[quote name='Magehart']Just get an SP. I kept mine around for the sole purpose of playing GBA/GBC/GB games.

no batteries is also a +.[/QUOTE]

I specifically sold mine though because of the battery issue. Once that battery is completely dead (and Nintendo doesn't make them anymore), the system will just be a brick-same for the DS unfortunately. I just tested the PSP, and it actually DOES work without the battery, which is cool.

While pulling the battery on my DS Lite, I just noticed it's a 1000mah. That's up from 850 on the original. Nintendo sells those for SO CHEAP compared to cell phone companies!
Forgot to mention, I'd probably buy an original GBA or GBC just to have a spare GBC player if they were still available.
[quote name='Chris in Cali']GB/GBC games are the only reason I keep my PSP :) Nintendo should make DS cards with like all the classic Gameboy games on them. There could be a Zelda pack, a Mario pack, a Pokemon pack, ect.[/QUOTE]

That's a good idea but knowing Nintendo, they would put 1 or 2 games on each one and charge $20 for each card, just like how the Classic NES Series games were originally $19.99 each.
I fully expected Datel or some company to make a GB/GBC emulator for the GBA that would plug into the GBA port on the DS.... I guess they didn't. :(
if you have a blank DS card, you can actually put the ROMS on the card and they'll play perfectly. (Don't ask me how. Me doesn't know)
I thought that the GB carts wouldn't work because it just wasn't worth the effort.
[quote name='Wolfpup']I specifically sold mine though because of the battery issue. Once that battery is completely dead (and Nintendo doesn't make them anymore), the system will just be a brick-same for the DS unfortunately. I just tested the PSP, and it actually DOES work without the battery, which is cool.

While pulling the battery on my DS Lite, I just noticed it's a 1000mah. That's up from 850 on the original. Nintendo sells those for SO CHEAP compared to cell phone companies![/quote]

They do still sell them from their website. $15. And you can get the later model SPs with the brighter backlit screens. I haven't had a problem with my battery since launch. Same one.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']That's a good idea but knowing Nintendo, they would put 1 or 2 games on each one and charge $20 for each card, just like how the Classic NES Series games were originally $19.99 each.[/QUOTE]

Yeah... that's why I'm not going to make such a suggestion.

Can the GB Player play GB/GBC games? I wonder if they'll release a GB player type dealy for the Wii...
[quote name='Ziv']They do still sell them from their website. $15. And you can get the later model SPs with the brighter backlit screens. I haven't had a problem with my battery since launch. Same one.[/QUOTE]

Yeah I know, but I mean later on at some point they'll quit making them. Then you've got a couple of years on your current batteries tops, and then it's a brick.

[quote name='akilshohen']if you have a blank DS card, you can actually put the ROMS on the card and they'll play perfectly. (Don't ask me how. Me doesn't know)
I thought that the GB carts wouldn't work because it just wasn't worth the effort.[/QUOTE]

Is that legal? (If you can somehow transfer off your own games?) It literally just runs them with no emulator? That would be insane if it actually does contain the full GBC hardware but they randomly changed the shape of the cartridge connector.

I liked the idea about the GB/GBC emulator.

I do still have my Super Gameboy, but of course that doesn't run GBC games, and plus my SNES is in the same predicament so I don't want to use it unnessisarily (if I had it to do over, I would have bought a spare NESTwo and SNESTwo.)
I'm not saying there aren't some good Gameboy and Gameboy Color games but...I think the time was right to cut the BC for them. The DS was taking a different path than that of the gameboy line. They stuck in GBA support because if the DS wasn't a success well at least it could still play familiar GBA games. On top of all of this the Gameboy and Gameboy Color games at this point are really showing their age. The GBA SP 2 is pretty much the perfect way to display these games and I can't imagine needing the use for a newer device to carry their legacy when so many systems play these games including the gameboy player for the Cube. The DS screen is bigger than that of the SP where any screen streching wouldn't quite work the way it did on the GBA. I would agree its a mild annoyance but looking at it now I really don't miss it.
I think it's very annoying, because I kept my SP2 around just for those games.. and found I never touched them, because I always have my DS with me. I sold the SP2 eventually.. Still want to play the GBC Zeldas someday..
They should make an attachment or something. I own Super Mario Land - Wario Land 3 and well sometimes I would like to play them on the DS (I have the original GBA with no lighting of course :cry: and an SP just isn't worth it).
[quote name='Wolfpup']

Is that legal? (If you can somehow transfer off your own games?) It literally just runs them with no emulator? That would be insane if it actually does contain the full GBC hardware but they randomly changed the shape of the cartridge connector.

no it's not legal, I don't do it either. I just read about it. But if you have a flash cart and ROMS it'll perfectly run.
I wholeheartedly agree that it sucks not being able to play all GB/GBC games on the DS, but you have to remember that the DS was originally meant to be a "3rd pillar" to Nintendo's home consoles and Gameboy line. I'm pretty sure the GBA slot was only included as a fail-safe, in case the DS tanked (which it SO didn't).

I currently have a GBASP and original DS over here in Japan and I intend to pick up both a DSLite AND a GBASP2 as soon as I get home for the holidays.

I'm sure the market is pretty bleak over there for GB/GBC games but over here in Japan you can walk into almost any used game store and find TONS of GB/GBC games for under 800 yen, or roughly $7.

I picked up a bunch of games that never came out in the US and was able to pay for each with ONE COIN (500 yen).
Here's just a few gems I've discovered:
-King of Fighters 96 for GB
-Yoshi No Panel De Pon for GB (AKA: Tetris Attack! I think I have every version of every Tetris Attack game now :)
-PICROSS 2 for GB! A Japan-only sequel to my favorite GB game ever!
-Pokemon de Panepon for GBC (another Tetris Attack variant, one of the best IMO)
They probably kept it out so you would buy their gameboy micro or something.

I was extremely gutted. I had to say goodbye to smurfs worst nightmare (unbelieveably awesome, satisfying game, that took me 18 months on and off to beat) but more sad was having to let go of my precious zelda: seasons and zelda: ages cart.
While I agree that it blows, the revised GBA SP2 is amazing, and really if you have any legacy GB software, you should own one. The screen is bright and colorful and make all your GB games look brand new again. :)

It's probably just as well that the DS Lite doesn't support the legacy carts. They'd be even easier to knock out, lock up, etc. than the carts are in a GBA SP. ;)
[quote name='Wolfpup']

I would have kept a Gameboy Advance (or two) just to retain access to these games, except that the lithium batteries don't last all that long in storage, and the system probably won't work even plugged in to the wall if the battery is completely dead (I checked before selling my GBAs, and they don't work with the battery removed).

Here's a thought, maybe you should be thankful you can play GBA games on the DS?

And another thought, how fucking dumb was it for you to sell your GBA?

And one more, they make a GBA system that doesn't have a biult in battery.

Look I'm full of thoughts, something you seem to be lacking.
[quote name='Windmill']They probably kept it out so you would buy their gameboy micro or something.[/QUOTE]

uhhh... the Game Boy micro only plays GBA games as well... it doesn't play GB/GBC games at all.

And to answer a previous poster, yeah, the Game Boy Player plays GB/GBC/GBA games.
[quote name='David85']Here's a thought, maybe you should be thankful you can play GBA games on the DS?

And another thought, how fucking dumb was it for you to sell your GBA?

And one more, they make a GBA system that doesn't have a biult in battery.

Look I'm full of thoughts, something you seem to be lacking.[/QUOTE]

Wow. As usual a thought provoking response from you. Are you capable of not randomly insulting people?

If you had READ this thread, you'd know I sold my GBA because of the battery issues.

If you read this thread, or knew the game market, you'd know the original GBA hasn't been produced in years.
[quote name='David85']Here's a thought, maybe you should be thankful you can play GBA games on the DS?

And another thought, how fucking dumb was it for you to sell your GBA?

And one more, they make a GBA system that doesn't have a biult in battery.

Look I'm full of thoughts, something you seem to be lacking.[/quote]Wow. I actually thought you were done trolling / being a jerk on here. I guess I was wrong.

Maybe try labeling the sides of your bed so that you know which one to get up on tomorrow morning so you can be nice to people. :)
[quote name='daroga']Wow. I actually thought you were done trolling / being a jerk on here. I guess I was wrong.

Maybe try labeling the sides of your bed so that you know which one to get up on tomorrow morning so you can be nice to people. :)[/QUOTE]

So THAT'S the problem. Well, I expect tomorrow to be much better for him :)

He's back in the Deals forum letting us know that Amazon is selling the PS3 and Wii for retail. We wouldn't have known that otherwise.
Buy an SP. Problem solved. I'm happy paying $129.99 for a DS Lite instead of an additional cost to play worthless old GBC games. Should we be mad Nintendo for not letting us play NES games on the GameCube or N64? Just because Nintendo chose to make GBA backwards compatible with GBC/GB does not mean it has to be that way forever. I still have my NES system to play NES games. I still have my SNES system to play SNES games. I still have my GBA SP to play GB/GBC games. I applaud Nintendo for atleast making the DS backwards compatible with the GBA games.
[quote name='Wolfpup']Wow. As usual a thought provoking response from you. Are you capable of not randomly insulting people?

If you had READ this thread, you'd know I sold my GBA because of the battery issues.

If you read this thread, or knew the game market, you'd know the original GBA hasn't been produced in years.[/QUOTE]

I have read the thread dumbass and I know this. If you knew anything you would be looking for a regular GBA, but you most likely just sit on your ass all day bitching.
[quote name='David85']I have read the thread dumbass and I know this. If you knew anything you would be looking for a regular GBA, but you most likely just sit on your ass all day bitching.[/quote]

Stop insulting people for no reason. It's not cool.
[quote name='gizmogc']Buy an SP. Problem solved.[/quote]

As I've already said, that does NOT solve the problem. The SP and DS don't function without a battery. Nintendo won't always make batteries.

I'm happy paying $129.99 for a DS Lite instead of an additional cost to play worthless old GBC games.

What additional cost? Even if they include the CPU (if they don't already) they wouldn't pass that on to us. And they could just emulate the games at this point.

Should we be mad Nintendo for not letting us play NES games on the GameCube or N64?

Actually yes. It's insane that games just get cut off-that entire works of art just become inaccessible because no one has a (legal) method of brining the games forward.

That said, the GBC was on the market until a lot more recently than any of those other systems save the N64.
How difficult would it be for Nintendo to develop some sort of Memory Cartridge for the GBA slot on the DS that could store Virtua Console versions of Gameboy and Gameboy Color games downloadable from the Wii?

I think that would be rather easy to develop, but ... would anyone buy any of these games? You'd end up getting people complaining about having to purchase all this hardware just for a decade or two old gameboy game.

hmm.. maybe if you could transfer over your NES and SNES vc roms as well....
See, while you may or may not have a valid point, OP, when you title your thread "No Gameboy/Gameboy Color support on DS STILL pisses me off", it makes you sound more than a little petulant and your priorities just an eensy-weensy bit out of whack. It invites the antagonism. Of course, I see this all the time with gaming boards, so your overreacting to the issue at hand is apparently the standard decorum, I guess.
Do original GB/GBC games use battery saves? If so, they'll be dead long before your SP/DS battery, I would imagine, considering they've already got a 10 year lead. If that's not the case, nevermind.
[quote name='dyreschlock']How difficult would it be for Nintendo to develop some sort of Memory Cartridge for the GBA slot on the DS that could store Virtua Console versions of Gameboy and Gameboy Color games downloadable from the Wii?

I think that would be rather easy to develop, but ... would anyone buy any of these games? You'd end up getting people complaining about having to purchase all this hardware just for a decade or two old gameboy game.

hmm.. maybe if you could transfer over your NES and SNES vc roms as well....[/QUOTE]

I've been thinking that as well-or at least just transfer stuff over to use until you shut the DS off.

Of course then we get into the VC issues. I won't touch it as long as it's tied to a single console with no user change possible.
[quote name='gizmogc']Get a normal GBA then, which uses normal batteries. Whats the excuse for that one? There must be one.[/QUOTE]

Read this thread. Already answered several times.
Wolfpup, when the time comes that your GBA:SP lithium battery dies, and Nintendo no longer makes/sells them, will you still care about your GB/GBC games? I personally probably wouldn't. However, if these games are that important to you, then you'll find a solution that works for you. You could get an original GBC or GBA. You could even get the Gameboy Player for the Gamecube. It may be a bit more pricy overall, but it seems like a viable and fairly robust solution.

All in all though, I think you (and we, as gamers) have been spoiled by backwards compatibility. There was never any between NES->SNES->N64->GCN, or SMS->Genesis->Saturn->Dreamcast. If you wanted to play the older generation games, you kept the older generation hardware around.
I don't even understand the relevancy of the battery discussion. Or is that a whole different complaint from the GBC backwards compatibility thing?
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']I don't even understand the relevancy of the battery discussion. Or is that a whole different complaint from the GBC backwards compatibility thing?[/quote]

They're a bit related... The "best" platform to play GB/GBC games would be one of the newer, backlit GBA:SPs. The screen is wonderfully bright, and has the backwards compatibility the OP desires.

However, he rejects this as a solution, because the rechargable battery in the GBA:SP will eventually die (probably years in the future). Also, since Nintendo will eventually discontinue replacement batteries, he is concerned that (many years) in the future, he will no longer be able to play GBC games on his spiffy, bright, backlit GBA:SP.
If the battery concern is such an issue, then get an extra one. More than likely, you are not going to outlast them both when playing through your GB/GBC library.
[quote name='yayece']However, he rejects this as a solution, because the rechargable battery in the GBA:SP will eventually die (probably years in the future). Also, since Nintendo will eventually discontinue replacement batteries, he is concerned that (many years) in the future, he will no longer be able to play GBC games on his spiffy, bright, backlit GBA:SP.[/QUOTE]But so will the DS, so why would he even want it to play GBC games?
[quote name='judyjudyjudy']But so will the DS, so why would he even want it to play GBC games?[/QUOTE]

He wants a super-duty battery that last forever. Anything that uses rechagrable ones will not. Nintendo is known to support systems well into their death (Still supports the NES and Virtual Boy for example), yet he still finds a reason to whine and cry like a 5 year old. Do us all a favor, BUY A GAMEBOY COLOR AND USE IT.

Edit: Reading through the thread again, you just need to not buy anything that uses power. You won't use your SNES too much because it may wear it down? Do you just buy electronics and use it once a month? Damn.
[quote name='Wolfpup']As I've already said, that does NOT solve the problem. The SP and DS don't function without a battery. Nintendo won't always make batteries.[/QUOTE]

While the SP/DS may not work without a battery in it, what's to say the unit wouldn't work with a battery in it that just won't hold a charge (plugged into the wall, of course)?
[quote name='Gameboy415']
-PICROSS 2 for GB! A Japan-only sequel to my favorite GB game ever!

:drool: Don't taunt me so! :(( I can't believe you got it that cheap! Totally agree about Picross being the best GB game ever... *sigh* memories...

I don't quite understand the problem OP talks about re the GBASP and battery...I suppose it will die at some point... but that's on down the line... why worry about it now? And why unload a GBA now when it has "some value" ($30? $40? what?)... isn't it worth that relatively small amount of money to enjoy your oldschool GB games for a couple of years?

Or you could buy a GBC on ebay, since it takes regular batteries...?
bread's done