no more 4 game trade in at


-1 (0%)
damn!!! i guess a few too many of us took advantage of the 4 for 1 deal. theyve gotten rid of final fantasy XI, added halo 2 and changed the game number to 5!!! bastards!
I brought in some of the $10 and $5 from the CC blowout to trade in for the 4-for-1 Star Trek: Shattered Universe, and every one of them was not acceptable. *sigh* Something like $1.35 trade in credit for the four of them.

There's probably an EB exec on the boards here at CAG now.
Actually, my friend just did the 4 for 1 deal to get the HDD and Final Fantasy XI for half price deal today. But that was at the store. Apparently, it hasn't changed for in-store at least not yet anyways.
Dang, I was just looking at that FFXI deal the other day and it seemed as if they were going to accept my copy of smugglers run as one of the games so I was very pleased with the situation. Curse them for closing my window of opportunity!
probably all the crap games everyone was sending in caused them to up the ante, which makes sense when alot of people are sending in 5-10 dollar shit games...
Darn, I was going to send in another set of 4 games for the Ninja Gaiden deal.

Even though they raised the amount of games you need to trade in, it's still a good deal to get Halo 2 for $25 if you send in, 5 games that cost $5 each
Thank God I traded in my other four for Ninja Gaiden a few days ago.

A shame, I was gonna scrounge up another 4 for DOA: Online, oh well. Happy I was still able to get in on FF:CC and NG.
I just gathered up my games last night and was going to take them by Gamestop today since they have the trade in 3 and get an extra $10 deal and then see where I would have got the most store credit. Looks like the best bet is to try retail EB stores till they change that policy as well.
*threads merged here*

they made it trade in 5 now.......i had just gotten 4 games..of course i came in at the wrong this isnt much of a deal..just thought id let everyone know ......bleh..girlfriend is going to be pissed at me now too ..i made this big deal about how i could get a new game for cheap and we dont have m uch money and now this..bleh x 5
If you got the COUPON say Trade-in 4 games for Free game is OKZ

i am going trade-in 12 games tomorrow for 3 NEW games

I got the coupon on my hand... i don't think they refuse !!!

Pokemon GC w/ Free bonus Disc.
Dead or Alive Online (2 copy)
I just traded-in 12 games for FF&HDD, Driver3, and Halo 2. The only problem is I'm at my brother's house and I have to pick them up here at my bro's ebx. I traded in games that my local eb wouldn't accept.
Ooopps...I meant I traded-in 16 games for the above 3 and NFL Street. I'm about to go back tomorrow for DOA Online and another copy of Halo 2.
Masterkyo, is English not your first language or do you just speed-type? (Not meant to be offensive at all, I'm just curious)

And I'm sorta mad about this as I was gonna get Harvest Moon: AWL for 4 games... oh well, I guess $39.99 really isn't too bad.
I'd just preorder Harvest Moon, get ya Free Cow, ebay teh cow if you don't want it or trade it to someone else. I'd use this deal on $49.99 games, it's less of a deal if you trade for new games for a $39 game, ;)

Depending on the games you might could get $40 just buy ebaying..well maybe not that haven..
I was in EB today and saw a list of POXed games that they've compiled. Starting tomorrow (Feb. 1), they will NOT be allowing a ton of games. So, all of you on the West Coast, head out NOW and turn your games in!
Well, most people aren't giving up top quality games I'm sure. Me, I am sucker for the 5 and 10 dollar games, when they first drop that low I buy one or two, then play them for about 10 minutes before I figure out I hate them then toss them aside. I kinda have my collection of games and then a smaller collection of garbage games. So for people like me, this deal is pretty good.
bread's done