No More Heroes $33.99 @ Amazon - Going Doooown!


Nintendo Fangirl
241 (100%)

I want this game, but I want it at $29.99 or less. It should drop in price just for me. ;)

Honestly, though, I'm surprised the game is already being offered for this price-point, considering it started as a full-priced game. But if I recall right, the sales haven't been great.

Edit: Checked this morning and the price dropped a couple dollars. How long before we see $29.99?
This is easily one of the most fun games of this generation in gaming. The overworld stinks, but that's totally forgettable when you're actually fighting's a total throwback to old-school beat-'em-ups, except in 3D, and way more satisfying because of the gesture controls.
I picked it up as well. It may very well come down in price again in a month or so, but I couldn't resist the opportunity to support one of the few decent third-party games to hit the Wii now.
I rented it and dug it for the most part. The overworld was a hassle, but I loved playing the levels. I think 29.99 is the magic number for me.
I got this game with in-store credit when it came out with discount cost me about $40 bucks. The game is totally worth it. About one of the only games that I still play on the Wii (which collects alot of dust). I have SSBB, Galaxy,and all the other high profile games like that but they just dont keep my interest compared to other PS3/360 games.
Ehh...I'll bite. I've been hearing a lot of good things about this title. I was planning on getting it at BB with a $5 RewardZone coupon and a $10 gift card, so this snags me that title and frees up my discounts for another purchase.

And, if Amazon does drop the price within the next month, I'll call to have them credit back the difference.

In for one -- thanks for the tip, Op.
Sales weren't that bad from what I heard. Not Zack & Wiki bad, at least. Glad the price is dropping quickly though. Waiting for a better price before I grab it myself.
[quote name='guyinga']I would get it, but I will wait until it's below $30 or $25.[/quote]

tempting but with a backlog of games right now, this can wait til it drops to a lower price :whistle2:#
Perfect timing, since I'm in a spendy mood. :) Ordered one for myself, might flag some friends to tell them about the deal. I almost bought this used at EBStop for the same price yesterday, so this way at least I get a new copy.
[quote name='NJMane']I got this game with in-store credit when it came out with discount cost me about $40 bucks. The game is totally worth it. About one of the only games that I still play on the Wii (which collects alot of dust). I have SSBB, Galaxy,and all the other high profile games like that but they just dont keep my interest compared to other PS3/360 games.[/quote]

I'm in the exact same scenario. Galaxy looks amazing I just don't have time to sit down with it. SSB is my only multiplayer game on either my PS3 or I am awaiting some excitement.
remember if the price drop in the next 30 days amazon will price adjust. But seeing this is Ubi i can wait till it drops to $15
[quote name='62t']But seeing this is Ubi i can wait till it drops to $15[/QUOTE]

me too, alot their Wii games hit $20 after a few months
Man, I really need a new game to play to tie me over until Okami and GTA IV come out. I thought Killer 7 was crazy, but interesting to play. Damn, I think I will buy this.
Got it for $29.99 at TRU a while ago during their Buy 1 Wii Game Get $20 Off 2nd Wii Game promotion, then I returned the one I paid full price on.
$20 is the price for me.

I rented it a while back, and am a little more than halfway done with it. It was much better than what I expected.
I paid full price for it. Loved it and beat it in 3 days. Then resold it on ebay for $40 (should have just rented the thing). For free shipping and no tax, it's worth it at this price.
This is on the list of Wii games worth paying full price for. Waiting for this to hit $20 is only doing a disservice towards people who want quality third-party games on the Wii.
I just went & grabbed a used copy at GS for basically the same price after Edge, 10% coupon & tax. But I got to use my store credit instead of actual money. ;) Looks like it's mint anyway, so it's all good.
[quote name='imacgod']Sales weren't that bad from what I heard. Not Zack & Wiki bad, at least. Glad the price is dropping quickly though. Waiting for a better price before I grab it myself.[/quote]

Heh, yeah. Guess which website praised Zack and Wiki in droves.

Yup, it's
[quote name='nflsonic']Man, I really need a new game to play to tie me over until Okami and GTA IV come out. I thought Killer 7 was crazy, but interesting to play. Damn, I think I will buy this.[/quote]

If you have a PS2, buy Okami for that. Nintendo Power review the Wii version of Okami and only gave it a 7.5 (and they're usually generous), saying that the Wii controls didn't work well at all.
In case people are on this thread instead of the newegg has this game for $27.99 plus free shipping. (plus tax if you live in CA ,TN , or NJ)
[quote name='Masterkyo']I really want this game but i don't feel like dropping $35 for it. It'll drop down $20 or less someday !!![/quote]

Its called Ebay. Amazon price drops = lower used copy value on Ebay within a week or two.
[quote name='imacgod']Sales weren't that bad from what I heard. Not Zack & Wiki bad, at least.[/QUOTE]
100K US, 300K worldwide, last I heard. Easily the best-selling Suda51/Grasshopper title ever.

And I hear rumors that Z&W sold around 250K-350K worldwide, so it wasn't that bad. Apparently Europe was the big market for that game.

[quote name='SuperFox']This is on the list of Wii games worth paying full price for. Waiting for this to hit $20 is only doing a disservice towards people who want quality third-party games on the Wii.[/quote]

This. Truthfully, this is the only Wii game that has been keeping Brawl out of my console. And for anyone has has played a Super Smash Bros title should know that that is quite the challenge. Perhaps the biggest downfall is that for those who like to beat a game in record time then never touch it again, they will not be very happy.
[quote name='Chronis']Perhaps the biggest downfall is that for those who like to beat a game in record time then never touch it again, they will not be very happy.[/quote]

This is why I'm not paying full price (or anywhere near it). It has no replay value for me.

I got more than halfway done in a one night rental, and I didn't even play *that* much while I had it. (I rented it the night before Brawl came out.)
$20 is the sweet spot for me. It's Ubi, so it will be there this summer. Hopefully eBay prices can bring that down to $18ish shipped.
Ehh...I'll bite. I've been hearing a lot of good things about this title. I was planning on getting it at BB with a $5 RewardZone coupon and a $10 gift card, so this snags me that title and frees up my discounts for another purchase.

And, if Amazon does drop the price within the next month, I'll call to have them credit back the difference.

In for one -- thanks for the tip, Op.
Sales weren't that bad from what I heard. Not Zack & Wiki bad, at least. Glad the price is dropping quickly though. Waiting for a better price before I grab it myself.
[quote name='guyinga']I would get it, but I will wait until it's below $30 or $25.[/quote]

tempting but with a backlog of games right now, this can wait til it drops to a lower price :whistle2:#
Perfect timing, since I'm in a spendy mood. :) Ordered one for myself, might flag some friends to tell them about the deal. I almost bought this used at EBStop for the same price yesterday, so this way at least I get a new copy.
[quote name='NJMane']I got this game with in-store credit when it came out with discount cost me about $40 bucks. The game is totally worth it. About one of the only games that I still play on the Wii (which collects alot of dust). I have SSBB, Galaxy,and all the other high profile games like that but they just dont keep my interest compared to other PS3/360 games.[/quote]

I'm in the exact same scenario. Galaxy looks amazing I just don't have time to sit down with it. SSB is my only multiplayer game on either my PS3 or I am awaiting some excitement.
remember if the price drop in the next 30 days amazon will price adjust. But seeing this is Ubi i can wait till it drops to $15
[quote name='62t']But seeing this is Ubi i can wait till it drops to $15[/QUOTE]

me too, alot their Wii games hit $20 after a few months
Man, I really need a new game to play to tie me over until Okami and GTA IV come out. I thought Killer 7 was crazy, but interesting to play. Damn, I think I will buy this.
Got it for $29.99 at TRU a while ago during their Buy 1 Wii Game Get $20 Off 2nd Wii Game promotion, then I returned the one I paid full price on.
bread's done