No Place for Lust in True Love?

[quote name='The Don']I don't think I ever want to fuck the girl. Your ex probably just wanted sex and only sex. Why would you fear if I turn into a psycho and an abuser? Wouldn't you fear for the girl instead.[/QUOTE]

Yes, I would fear for the girl... please learn to read English properly, I just said "I fear that..." not "I fear for you that..." That means that I just fear if that happens in general.

And no, he didn't just want sex and only sex. I don't want to go into details here because that's fucking stupid on an internet message board, but I know this for certain.
[quote name='Graystone']Am I the only seeing this? its looking like paco sexz DoK very nice :applause:

Yes that was my horrid attempt to bring some light to this thread.

OP you have to understand this one single fact, you like a girl. You have a crush on her, that doesn't constitute love. If you love her so much why are you waiting to ask her out. The sooner you ask her out the sooner you can "be" together. In that weird creepy eating her flesh while in a coffin way you love her.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='The Don']She embodies the perfect ideas which makes her perfect. Yes, people are flawed and once I get to know her, I will discover her flaws, but those flaws would not deter me from restraining my love.[/quote]

Your statements directly contradict each other.

A. She embodies perfect ideas, Thus she is perfect
B. She is flawed.

By definition, that which is perfect is without flaw.

If A is true, B cannot be true.
If B is true, A cannot be true.
and referring to her as "my love" is a bit creepy as well. You honestly know her not at all, she may make you feel all warm inside and bubbly and all that gooey nonsense, but to her, you are just another guy she happens to go to school with.

You probably need to prove your love to her... Like by painting her name in the football field inside a giant heart. Actions speak much louder than gifts.
[quote name='JSweeney']Now, at the very basic level, everything, even charity, can be viewed as an inherently selfish action.

You donate money... why? Because it makes you feel good. Yes, there are philantropic things that add into it, an can be more noble reasoning, but at it's base level, you do it because it makes you feel good.

All of this foolish imagining and pedestal creation you're doing is to make you feel good... to bolster your ego, and to make you feel important. By creating this false image of a goddess, you're giving yourself importantance and stroking your ego all at once.

You're singlemindedly selfish, to the point where you probably aren't even going to talk to her because you're more in love with the idea of her and how it makes you feel.[/QUOTE]Yes, you're right. Every action that humans do is selfish, and many people know this, but we still go on with our lives no matter how selfish they many be. We do whatever makes us happy. If we were to just stop and punish ourselves for everything we do though, we mind as well kill ourselves. I will talk to her, because love hurts. I want her to be mine. She's the only thing that can fill the hole in my heart.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I did this in the third post. And look where we are now.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, I was a little unsure at first, didn't want to call it prematurely.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Alright, that's enough, I'm calling Shenanigans...[/quote]

If he's causing said shenanigans, wouldn't he have given up already? I think he means what he says. How many people have their head so far up their ass to this degree? Besides day time talkshow hosts.....
[quote name='Paco']If he's causing said shenanigans, wouldn't he have given up already? I think he means what he says. How many people have their head so far up their ass to this degree? Besides day time talkshow hosts.....[/QUOTE]
I dunno, I've seen some pretty bizarre message board antics in my day. I think this is just one of those giant joke threads that started with "just" enough plausibility to start reeling in the posts, then hilarity ensued.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']I dunno, I've seen some pretty bizarre message board antics in my day. I think this is just one of those giant joke threads that started with "just" enough plausibility to start reeling in the posts, then hilarity ensued.[/quote]

I thought about that possibility too, but he writes with that creepy emo touch that just leaves a sort of dark recess in your mind. It's like you want to see it as fake but there's that after thought in there that keeps saying "IT"S REAL fucker. ALERT THE POLICE!"

But he has brought a night of splendid amusement has he not? I can't wait to see what happens next with this girl. If he holds her hand he can go OMG! I JUST HAD THE MOST AWESOME THING HAPPEN TO ME! GUESS WHAT GUYS?! M I RITE? But by the powers of Fernando, he's too much of a twat to get the balls to ask her the simple rudimentary things such as this.
[quote name='Graystone']Am I the only seeing this? its looking like paco sexz DoK very nice :applause:

Yes that was my horrid attempt to bring some light to this thread.

OP you have to understand this one single fact, you like a girl. You have a crush on her, that doesn't constitute love. If you love her so much why are you waiting to ask her out. The sooner you ask her out the sooner you can "be" together. In that weird creepy eating her flesh while in a coffin way you love her.[/QUOTE]I'm waiting for the right moment. She doesn't know me very right now. I want her to get to know me better first, because from experience, a guy asking a girl out who doesn't know the guy very well does not go in the guy's favor. I don't know if she has a Myspace or an AIM. She has any of those things I would try and contact her and talk to her. I looked her up on a directory and I got like 10 entries.
[quote name='The Don'] She's the only thing that can fill the hole in my heart.[/quote]

Have you tired a Cheesy Gordita Crunch from taco bell? Those sir, can fill the void of any mans heart...
[quote name='The Don']I didn't tell her friend that I loved her friend. I told her that I want to go out with her friend. Why should I be sick at school next week just because I told her friend?[/quote]

If you have to ask, then, its hopeless.

[quote name='The Don']Yes, you're right. Every action that humans do is selfish, and many people know this, but we still go on with our lives no matter how selfish they many be. We do whatever makes us happy. If we were to just stop and punish ourselves for everything we do though, we mind as well kill ourselves. I will talk to her, because love hurts. I want her to be mine. She's the only thing that can fill the hole in my heart.[/quote]
All I got out of this blob of text was that The Don's postion is:

"There's a hole in my heart that can only be filled by poon". (Give my regards to Extreme, they probably want royalties, or a sandwich. I mean, when's the last time you heard of them?)
[quote name='JSweeney']All I got out of this blob of text was that The Don's postion is:

"There's a hole in his heart that can only be filled by poon".[/QUOTE]

If this wins thread of the year, he gets a hooker instead of a trophy. We all pitch in a couple bucks. Deal?
[quote name='The Don']She embodies the perfect ideas which makes her perfect. Yes, people are flawed and once I get to know her, I will discover her flaws, but those flaws would not deter me from restraining my love.[/quote]

The more of this crap I read, the more I think the restraining order will definately keep you from getting to know her.

[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']Yeah, I was a little unsure at first, didn't want to call it prematurely.[/quote]

Yes. Calling Shenanigans is serious business, and shouldn't be taken lightly ;)
[quote name='Dead of Knight']If this wins thread of the year, he gets a hooker instead of a trophy. We all pitch in a couple bucks. Deal?[/quote]

Yep. Sounds like a plan. I mean, we're cheapasses, so it will probably be a local crack whore, but I'm sure that could be done.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']If this wins thread of the year, he gets a hooker instead of a trophy. We all pitch in a couple bucks. Deal?[/quote]
I'd be in. Can we call it "charity"?
This is just plain odd.

OP, go and rent the 1967 movie "Bedazzled." You seem an awful lot like the main character in the movie, "in love" with somebody who probably doesn't even know you exist.

Will the movie help you? Probably not. I doubt The Devil will appear and give you seven wishes, but you'll get some nice laughs out of the movie.

In all seriousness...

Nobody is perfect. It doesn't matter if you love them and even if they love you back... nobody is perfect. Stone cold truth.

Also, it seems like you don't even know this girl, or haven't spoken to her much, if at all. How can you be in love? A crush, quite possibly, but love... not possible by a longshot.

Anyway, if you seem to care about her that much, go up to her and try to be friendly. If she shoots you down, then you can just move on with your life.
[quote name='Paco']I thought about that possibility too, but he writes with that creepy emo touch that just leaves a sort of dark recess in your mind. It's like you want to see it as fake but there's that after thought in there that keeps saying "IT"S REAL fucker. ALERT THE POLICE!"

But he has brought a night of splendid amusement has he not? I can't wait to see what happens next with this girl. If he holds her hand he can go OMG! I JUST HAD THE MOST AWESOME THING HAPPEN TO ME! GUESS WHAT GUYS?! M I RITE? But by the powers of Fernando, he's too much of a twat to get the balls to ask her the simple rudimentary things such as this.[/QUOTE]I'm not going lie. My friends don't really know if they should label me as emo or not, because I don't have a complete emo look, but I am emo at heart, and I love it. I love how people at school think I am mysterious because they don't really know what is going on inside of me. People used to think that I'm just a wallflower that just wants to do well in school, but they wonder why I know so many punks, emos, stoners.
[quote name='The Don']I'm not going lie. My friends don't really know if they should label me as emo or not, because I don't have a complete emo look, but I am emo at heart, and I love it. I love how people at school think I am mysterious because they don't really know what is going on inside of me. [/QUOTE]

Oh, they know what's going on, all right. I'm sure they're all thinking you're just as fucked up as we think you are, if they know anything about your love life, both past and present, like we do.
[quote name='Saucy Jack']This is just plain odd.

OP, go and rent the 1967 movie "Bedazzled." You seem an awful lot like the main character in the movie, "in love" with somebody who probably doesn't even know you exist.

Will the movie help you? Probably not. I doubt The Devil will appear and give you seven wishes, but you'll get some nice laughs out of the movie. :lol:[/quote]

Not the point you were getting to, but Elizibeth Hurley was pretty hot in the remake of that. :)
they dont think its mystery.... they are scared your backpack is full of grenades and bullets etched with the name of each of your loves...

[quote name='Dead of Knight']If this wins thread of the year, he gets a hooker instead of a trophy. We all pitch in a couple bucks. Deal?[/QUOTE]I thought I told you guys that I don't want sex, poon, etc. I would reject the hooker, because I don't need or want it.
[quote name='The Don']I'm not going lie. My friends don't really know if they should label me as emo or not, because I don't have a complete emo look, but I am emo at heart, and I love it. I love how people at school think I am mysterious because they don't really know what is going on inside of me. People used to think that I'm just a wallflower that just wants to do well in school, but they wonder why I know so many punks, emos, stoners.[/QUOTE]

so in other words, this whole thread was probably just for attention. congrats emo boy. now go make yourself an hero!
[quote name='JSweeney']Yes. Calling Shenanigans is serious business, and shouldn't be taken lightly ;)[/QUOTE]Who is Shenanigans?
[quote name='JSweeney']Not the point you were getting to, but Elizibeth Hurley was pretty hot in the remake of that. :)[/QUOTE]

The remake sucked royally, but she was indeed very hot in that. :D
[quote name='The Don']I thought I told you guys that I don't want sex, poon, etc. I would reject the hooker, because I don't need or want it.[/QUOTE]

You will once this girl breaks your heart... it'll probably happen Monday, considering her friend already knows you like her. The dominoes have already started to fall.
[quote name='The Don']I thought I told you guys that I don't want sex, poon, etc. I would reject the hooker, because I don't need or want it.[/quote]

Nope. You're right. A hooker wouldn't do you any good.
A trip to the psychiatrist and a few new scripts for meds, however, would likely work wonders.
[quote name='The Don']I thought I told you guys that I don't want sex, poon, etc. I would reject the hooker, because I don't need or want it.[/quote]

This is a bigger lie then Stedmen claiming to love oprah for who she is!
[quote name='Apossum']so in other words, this whole thread was probably just for attention. congrats emo boy. now go make yourself an hero![/quote]

I figured that out after his 2nd or 3rd post. This is just like that thread by that bag o' douche that was letting his girlfriend live with him and screw other guys at the same time.

He's using all this attention to fill the hole in his heart.
[quote name='JSweeney']He's the Irish patron saint of bullshit. :lol:[/QUOTE]

I thought you were talking about Robert Shenanigans... the famous serial killer who murdered his family in cold blood. Then, he crossed state lines and murdered 12 other people... because they reminded him of his family... and all this over a weekend. :lol:
[quote name='Saucy Jack']This is just plain odd.

OP, go and rent the 1967 movie "Bedazzled." You seem an awful lot like the main character in the movie, "in love" with somebody who probably doesn't even know you exist.

Will the movie help you? Probably not. I doubt The Devil will appear and give you seven wishes, but you'll get some nice laughs out of the movie.

In all seriousness...

Nobody is perfect. It doesn't matter if you love them and even if they love you back... nobody is perfect. Stone cold truth.

Also, it seems like you don't even know this girl, or haven't spoken to her much, if at all. How can you be in love? A crush, quite possibly, but love... not possible by a longshot.

Anyway, if you seem to care about her that much, go up to her and try to be friendly. If she shoots you down, then you can just move on with your life.[/QUOTE]Actually, I don't know if I'm really in love, but I'm pretty sure what I feel is love. People always say that love is hard to describe. I can say that a love for someone is a feeling when you can't stop thinking about the person, when you feel that you can never be complete without her/him, and you would be willing to do any thing for him/her.
ok I don't have time to read this whole thread but you can't love someone until you really know them, so please stop saying you love this girl since you don't seem to know her very well at all.
[quote name='JSweeney']Nope. You're right. A hooker wouldn't do you any good.
A trip to the psychiatrist and a few new scripts for meds, however, would likely work wonders.[/QUOTE]I want a psychiatrist to find out about me, because I feel like I'm a stranger to my own self. If the girl rejects me, I hope the psychiatrist can convince me that I don't love the girl, because the hole in my heart would just grow bigger and bigger.
[quote name='Apossum']so in other words, this whole thread was probably just for attention. congrats emo boy. now go make yourself an hero![/QUOTE]No, I created this thread to see if anyone has ever had a similar experience as I have. I know that guys think about sex a lot, but I wanted to know if they still have lust after they found love.
[quote name='The Don']No, I created this thread to see if anyone has ever had a similar experience as I have. I know that guys think about sex a lot, but I wanted to know if they still have lust after they found love.[/quote]
Yes you still lust after them, ok close the thread now.
[quote name='The Don']No, I created this thread to see if anyone has ever had a similar experience as I have.[/QUOTE]

You mean does anyone love a women they would never think of porking? Yes most people call her mom.

[quote name='The Don']Who is Shenanigans?[/QUOTE]

I am Shenanigans, but only after 30 killians Irish red
His eyes, sphere's that mirrored her image, watched her EVERY movement till she went to bed. THEN he climbed up the tree and pounced into her room, screaming out "You are my LOVE!". Not soon after he ran into one of the side bed posts and was knocked unconscious.
[quote name='The Don']No, I created this thread to see if anyone has ever had a similar experience as I have. I know that guys think about sex a lot, but I wanted to know if they still have lust after they found love.[/QUOTE]

Hells no! Jerkin becomes more a nuisance once your single and have already had sex. I get in a relationship, I bide my time. Sex comes (and so does she). When I fell in love? Wanted it multiple times a day. Part of the thing to me. Want to be with her (and WITH her) all the damn time.

Then I figured out she was still kinda hung up on her ex, and then slept around just before meeting me. So I did the Ray Liotta turn-around.
I love how people are attacking this guy for not choking the chicken for 2 weeks?

Who gives a fuck? Because someone doesn't love their hand as much as you?

Call him a loser when your concered with how much he's stroking... real cool
[quote name='Mondo']I love how people are attacking this guy for not choking the chicken for 2 weeks?
Who gives a fuck? Because someone doesn't love their hand as much as you?
Call him a loser when your concered with how much he's stroking... real cool[/QUOTE]

Thanks for not reading the thread, please come again. douche
bread's done