noob employees suck!!!


so I go into Target to return a factory sealed gamecube game. The girl working checks it and says "hey theres no seal on this game". I replied to her that those seals are only on movies, PS1 ps2, and xbox games. I guess it was her first time working so she asks the guy next to her working since she tells me she doesn't know a thing about games. So the guy working at the next station to her says" yea I got a gamecube and I'm pretty sure there's no seal, I mean its unopened just refund his money" She wanted to be careful so she lets him do the transaction instead obviously shes a noob! The guy is about to do the transaction then goes on saying let me double check on this he calls up the security person telling him to go back into electronics to check up on the gamecube games wheater or not they have sticker seals. Took a while most horrible Target experience I've had... any stories to share???
Not putting security seals on Gamecube games was a very stupid decision by Nintendo IMO. And because many Gamecube games come from the factory with the thin shrinkwrap and some Gamecube games come from the factory with the thicker shrinkwrap used in PS2 and Xbox games, it makes it almost impossible to tell if the game you are buying is new or resealed.

Nintendo putting security seals on the games would have also avoided the problem at Target and other problems.
I really dont know what the big deal is. I mean, she was just making sure. Can't blamer her!! I dont own a cube, but that is pretty crazy there not sealed.
The gamecrazy near me has the WORST employee's

Me: How much is that Pokémon Crystal?
Guy: *hands it to me*
*I see the price is $11.99*
Me: I'll take it, oh and I have a cupon here

I hand the guy the cupon which says BLATENTLY:

Guy: *in stoned voice* Uuuuuuh......... sure, jus gimme a sec......
Me: Okay

I wait 4 fucking minutes and the guy obviously doesn't know what he's doing, he then starts checking the cupon for info to make up some excuse to not use it because he's such a fucking retard

After 10 minutes (I got bored and played Jungle Beat for a while) I come out with my game

Few days later, my friend needs a GBA Link Cable so I go with him to Gamecrazy and notice the same dude working, I quickly convince him to go to Wendy's for a while until somebody else takes over......
I had the same experience with a return of a gamecube game from WalMart... like I was trying to pull something over on them... it was factory sealed with the thicker material that is wrapped over the top and bottom that way you would wrap a present... there was no way i could have resealed THAT type of seal

Had to sit in line as customers behind me became agitated, only to find out I was correct... not a horrible experience to lose sleep over, got my money
As long as you got your money back, it shouldn't be a big deal. Take heart in the fact that the next time someone returns a GCN game they might not have to deal with the same amount of garbage that you did.
My opinion is if that is your most horrible experience with store employees consider yourself lucky.

That's just one man's opinion....
[quote name='forty9er']I really dont know what the big deal is. I mean, she was just making sure. Can't blamer her!! I dont own a cube, but that is pretty crazy there not sealed.[/QUOTE]

Because nowadays anyone who doesn't get it perfect the first time is a n00b and the all-knowing customer must get on the internet and bitch about said n00b to share their misery with all of us. Any questioning of this reason will result in you being on the other team and you shall be flamed.
Survey says: OP has his panties on a little too tight today. I know it is hard to beleive that the first thing Target employees are trained in is not what games do and do not have seals, but it's true!
It's not that big of a deal. Most people don't know that Gamecube games are not sealed. I own a gamecube and didn't really realize it until you pointed it out.
I'm with Yoshi. Nintendo made a bad (and baffling) decision to not put seals on their games. The DVDs in Wal-Mart's $5 bin all come with seals for crying out loud.

That's going to lead to a ton of fraud down the road (like 10-20 years from now) with people selling 'sealed' copies of everything. How can you know?
[quote name='Apossum']Because nowadays anyone who doesn't get it perfect the first time is a n00b and the all-knowing customer must get on the internet and bitch about said n00b to share their misery with all of us. Any questioning of this reason will result in you being on the other team and you shall be flamed.[/QUOTE]

:applause: Agree'd. I mean everything worked out in the end anyways :roll:
WAAH! WAAH! I had to wait a few minutes while a new employee figured out how to do something new and had enough sense to ask somebody instead of just trying it and potentially making a mistake. My day is ruined! WAAH! WAAH!
you suck, give the guy a break, hes a new employee, it takes time to learn things, im sure that you just walked into your job and new everything, cmon
[quote name='Apossum']Because nowadays anyone who doesn't get it perfect the first time is a n00b and the all-knowing customer must get on the internet and bitch about said n00b to share their misery with all of us. Any questioning of this reason will result in you being on the other team and you shall be flamed.[/QUOTE]

Hmmm, now I'm beginning to wonder what game it was.


. . . uhhhh, nevermind! ;)
bread's done