(Not Quite Dead Yet) Shadow of the Colossus $29.99 (pre-order) @ Amazon/toysrus.com

[quote name='ragtop70']Games are games, people, they're not art. Games are meant to be played, not observed. As far as games go, Ico is terrible and I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy. If Shadow is "as good as" or "plays like" Ico, I wouldn't pick it up off the street. I wouldn't give $5 for it. I wouldn't trade a PSX copy of V.I.P. for it...[/QUOTE]

Taken another way, it's like you're saying graphics don't matter so long as the game plays well. So the Xbox360 and PS3 arn't really needed, and every other subsequent iteration.
i hate tax:

Order Total: $37.14

maybe i should consider not quitting EB for another month so that if it retails at $39.99, i could get the game for a buck less after tax...
[quote name='vietgurl']i hate tax:

Order Total: $37.14

maybe i should consider not quitting EB for another month so that if it retails at $39.99, i could get the game for a buck less after tax...[/QUOTE]

This is exactly why I didn't jumo on this right away. Shipping kills the deal for me.
No, I don't own V.I.P. I was looking through an old GameInformer the other day and I saw that it got a 1.5 or something. It was just to point out how bad I think Ico is and Shadow will be.
Yes, gameplay comes before graphics, but that is not the point. Graphics don't equal art. Madden 2005 has good graphics. I've never heard it referred to as art though. My point is this: don't call Ico art just because you have no answer when someone questions that gameplay. It's not art, it's a game. It has good graphics, yes, but it's a bad game. Why would anyone sit and watch a bad game just to see a pretty picture? I wouldn't, but I would play a good game regardless of graphics.
Ico is not underrated. Ico is not good. There have been hundreds of topics on this board alone stating how underrated Ico is. If that many people are talking about it, how could it possibly be underrated? It is OVERRATED. I would rate it lower than V.I.P.
Bottom line: You people who responded my post are using irrelevant, unintelligible arguments.
[quote name='ragtop70']No, I don't own V.I.P. I was looking through an old GameInformer the other day and I saw that it got a 1.5 or something. It was just to point out how bad I think Ico is and Shadow will be.
Yes, gameplay comes before graphics, but that is not the point. Graphics don't equal art. Madden 2005 has good graphics. I've never heard it referred to as art though. My point is this: don't call Ico art just because you have no answer when someone questions that gameplay. It's not art, it's a game. It has good graphics, yes, but it's a bad game. Why would anyone sit and watch a bad game just to see a pretty picture? I wouldn't, but I would play a good game regardless of graphics.
Ico is not underrated. Ico is not good. There have been hundreds of topics on this board alone stating how underrated Ico is. If that many people are talking about it, how could it possibly be underrated? It is OVERRATED. I would rate it lower than V.I.P.
Bottom line: You people who responded my post are using irrelevant, unintelligible arguments.[/QUOTE]

Now I am getting the impression that you never even played V.I.P for playstation. If that is the case, how could you objectively compare it to another game. For the record, I enjoyed both watching and playing ICO. It was beautiful and enjoyable. If you did not enjoy it, you are certainly entitled to your opinion, as others are entitled to theirs. I do agree that gameplay is more important than graphics, but that doesn't mean that I can't appreciate good graphics for what they are. What Ico had was not just good graphics, but an excellent artistic vision that was well executed. Just because it doesn't hang in the Louvre doesn't mean it isn't art.

There have not been hundreds of topics on this board claiming that Ico is underrated, but there have been several. When we state it is underrated, we mean by the gaming public as a whole, of which the members of this board are but a small portion.
[quote name='ragtop70']Games are games, people, they're not art. Games are meant to be played, not observed. As far as games go, Ico is terrible and I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy. If Shadow is "as good as" or "plays like" Ico, I wouldn't pick it up off the street. I wouldn't give $5 for it. I wouldn't trade a PSX copy of V.I.P. for it...[/QUOTE]
While you may not like Ico, there are scores of people that do. That doesn't make them any more or less wrong than you, either. If you don't like Ico, great, don't play it. I happen to think it was wonderful.

You haven't presented any valid points to support your argument that games can't be art, either. "Art" is subjective, not objective.
Chances are This game would probably go for 35 at outpost and 36 plus tax at most other oline stores. Ico's poor sales may have some thing to do with it not being a 50 dollar game (why risk scaring people off from buying it with a higher price point?) especially not being a super huge mass market title with a licenced character or something with cartoons and a comic already circulating.

For 37 I might pick it up from Amazon, I throughly enjoyed Ico and presentation wise it's visual/aural/gameplay quality was on par with many AAA titles. If this game is half what that game was it'll still be better than plenty of other titles I've paid more for.

The only thing stopping me is the Knowledge that I might possibly be able to get it in Chinatown for less than 37 with no tax included... but then again they might sell it for 39 and I'd have missed out... desisions, desisions.
Yes, I've played V.I.P. and it is honestly better, in my opinion, than Ico. I bought Ico as a result of all the hype on CAG about it being underrated. I got it at BB for $14 and I felt ripped off after playing it. I gave it an honest chance as I played it through to completion.
If you want Ico to be art, fine. Find the most beautiful scene in the game and pause it. How long are you going to leave that image on your screen before you get bored with your art? Sooner or later you're going to put a GAME in your PS2 GAME console and play that GAME. I've said it before in other topics, Ico was marketed as a game, not as artwork. If it had been sold as art, I never would have bought. I have nothing against art, but I was taking the word of my fellow CAGers that this is a great, underrated GAME.
The reason I'm stating my opinion so boldly is because it would appear to onlookers that Ico (and most likely Shadow) are undisputably excellent games. I'm sure there are just as many people who hate the game as there are who love it.
Opinions are like a$$holes: everybody has one. It just seems like everyone is trying to share the same a$$hole when it comes to Ico. I'm just making sure people know some of us have different a$$holes. ;)
Finally, I would never have even checked out this thread if it hadn't been on the front page. I don't go looking for Ico topics to crap in, though I have crapped on Ico before.
[quote name='ragtop70']If you want Ico to be art, fine. Find the most beautiful scene in the game and pause it. How long are you going to leave that image on your screen before you get bored with your art? Sooner or later you're going to put a GAME in your PS2 GAME console and play that GAME. I've said it before in other topics, Ico was marketed as a game, not as artwork. If it had been sold as art, I never would have bought. I have nothing against art, but I was taking the word of my fellow CAGers that this is a great, underrated GAME.[/QUOTE]
It's cute how you didn't seem to follow what I said at all. There are all different kinds of art; it can just as much be an experience as it can be a still-frame, or a sculpture, or any sort of creative form of expression that you (okay, maybe not you particularly, seeing as you've had such a difficult time wrapping your brain around things thus far) can imagine.. You also don't seem to understand that, just because you didn't appreciate Ico because it wasn't what you were looking for, that doesn't make it any less of an enjoyable experience for other people who've played it, or any less a game. Not only was it a game, but it was a damn fun, and *damn pretty* game.
[quote name='ragtop70']The reason I'm stating my opinion so boldly is because it would appear to onlookers that Ico (and most likely Shadow) are undisputably excellent games. I'm sure there are just as many people who hate the game as there are who love it.[/QUOTE]
Find me these numbers and I'll let it go, but right now you're just pulling fictional statistics out of your ass to support your non-arguement.
[quote name='ragtop70']Finally, I would never have even checked out this thread if it hadn't been on the front page. I don't go looking for Ico topics to crap in, though I have crapped on Ico before.[/QUOTE]
It's all well and good that you don't like the game, and there's nothing wrong with constructively sharing your opinion on it so that those looking to purchase either Shadow of the Colossus or Ico can make an informed decision for themselves, but you seem to have avoided every opportunity at tactfully presenting your point of view. Congratulations on looking like a fool.

... And until you actually play Shadow of the Colossus, I don't see what relevance *any* of your Ico-bashing has to this thread. If you've already "said it before" about Ico in other threads, as you stated, certainly your redundancy is not necessary.
[quote name='ragtop70']Yes, I've played V.I.P. and it is honestly better, in my opinion, than Ico.[/QUOTE]

My mistake, I apologize for the assumption.

[quote name='ragtop70']If you want Ico to be art, fine. Find the most beautiful scene in the game and pause it. How long are you going to leave that image on your screen before you get bored with your art? Sooner or later you're going to put a GAME in your PS2 GAME console and play that GAME. I've said it before in other topics, Ico was marketed as a game, not as artwork. If it had been sold as art, I never would have bought. I have nothing against art, but I was taking the word of my fellow CAGers that this is a great, underrated GAME.[/QUOTE]

Art is not just two-dimensional still images. There is no need to pause the game to appreciate it's beauty. Also, as I stated before, many people, myself included, enjoyed the GAMEPLAY of Ico.
Ragtop's opinion probably wouldn't seem so worthless if he actually stated a fact or two about what made the game so unejoyable, as it stands his rant just seems a hate filled bowel movement with no substance.
Even though it has little to do with Shadow of the Colossus I'll throw in my 2 cents about Ico as well...

Ico was a good game, but I'm always a little amazed at how much people like it. It basically defies the first rule of game design: that a game should be about its gameplay.

A game is comprised of 2 basic parts: it's gameplay, and it's aesthetic values. Ico has the latter in spades, but it's gameplay really is pretty basic and not entirely in a good way. The combat is overly simplistic and repetitive, but thankfully a very small part of the game. But since the core gameplay deals with having good puzzles I found Ico's to be slightly subpar. They weren't "bad" in the sense that Resident Evil has bad puzzles. But many of them were too straight-forward and hardly even puzzles. I liked that there was no inventory system or redundunt key finding excercises, but the "puzzles" certainly weren't as clever or devious as anything in the Myst series (which I find to be the pinacle of pure puzzles in video games). A lot of Ico's puzzles were merely pixel hunting excercises, and simplistic climbing.

That being said I did like Ico. I'm not sure exactly why as neither the combat nor the puzzles were anything special, but even though climbing a windmill or scaling a wall is neither a puzzle, not exactly platforming, it is strangely involving.

But I've ranted long enough about a 4 year old game. Shadow of the Colossus looks like it will have more interesting combat, and keep the strangely addicitve nature of exploring form Ico well enough alive, so I can't wait for this game. Shipping pretty much kills the deal, since I'm sure some place will have it on sale for $40, and you could price match it for $39 at CC which isn't a whole lot more, and pre-ordering stuff frightens me.
I'd buy framed stillshots of ICO. I often have ICO screenshots for my desktop image. I love the music too :). I've remixed it (plug).

Thanks for the deal. Got my preorder going!
[quote name='Starky27']Shadow of the Colossus $29.99 (pre-order) @ Amazon/toysrus.com.[/QUOTE]

How long does this sale last?

re: Ship + Tax. Check toysrus.com to see if they have a "free ship" coupon - Maybe you can use that?

TAX - When possible, I ship my stuff to a neighboring state, like work, because NC doesn't charge internet tax.

[quote name='ragtop70']If you want Ico to be art, fine. If it had been sold as art, I never would have bought. I have nothing against art, but I was taking the word of my fellow CAGers that this is a great, underrated GAME..... As far as games go, Ico is terrible and I wouldn't recommend it to my worst enemy. [/QUOTE]

Ico IS a game:
- Explore a vast castle (fun)
- Protect your friend (adds tension)
- Solve various puzzles (similar to Zelda)

If you're not interested in solving puzzles, than neither Ico nor Zelda would appeal to you. So just SAY that - "Good games, but I was bored 'cause I don't like puzzles."

I had the Preorder in my cart for a couple of days and now it seems the've moved it to my saved items list, I guess the preorder period is over. Saddness. I hope they're still selling at this price instore when it gets released.
The thing that intrigues me the most is how there aren't any minor enemies. The game is a series of 18 bosses (the colossi). Are there even puzzles. I'm definitely going to rent this game, but I'm worried that it would get boring without little guys to beat on.
[quote name='Greetard']The thing that intrigues me the most is how there aren't any minor enemies. The game is a series of 18 bosses (the colossi). Are there even puzzles. I'm definitely going to rent this game, but I'm worried that it would get boring without little guys to beat on.[/QUOTE]

That is the exact opposite of anything I would think someone would complain about.
[quote name='Greetard']Are there even puzzles.[/QUOTE]

The terrain that you navigate between battles is supposed to be similar to ICO, in that you must solve simple puzzles to continue.
people... if you really wnat to know what the focus of this game is and ICO, go pick up the latest issue of PLAY.

I think alot of gamers tend to forget, Gameplay factors in with a game's "art". not all art is visual or sound. I've seen alot of art focusing on the elements of interaction and/or smell. I hear too much debate over art in games... people tend to forget that art is art. leave it be. if you don't like it, too bad, but the artist/designewr who did it is the one who invisioned it into actuality... /end rant
ello from Amazon.com.

We are sorry to report that we will not be able to obtain the following item from your order:

"PS2 Shadow of the Colossus"

Though we had expected to be able to send this item to you, we've since found that it is not available from any of our sources at this time. We realize this is disappointing news to hear, and we apologize for the inconvenience we have caused you.

We have cancelled this item from your order.

Your credit card will NOT BE CHARGED for this item because you only pay for items when we ship them to you.

Your order is now closed.

Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.

Thanks for shopping at Amazon.com, and we hope to see you again.


Customer Service Department


Too good to be true, it was afreaking PRE ORDER, no wonder they could not get it. Are they really THAT STUPID?
[quote name='almostfamouser']ello from Amazon.com.

We are sorry to report that we will not be able to obtain the following item from your order:

"PS2 Shadow of the Colossus"

Though we had expected to be able to send this item to you, we've since found that it is not available from any of our sources at this time. We realize this is disappointing news to hear, and we apologize for the inconvenience we have caused you.

We have cancelled this item from your order.

Your credit card will NOT BE CHARGED for this item because you only pay for items when we ship them to you.

Your order is now closed.

Please note: This e-mail was sent from a notification-only address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please do not reply to this message.

Thanks for shopping at Amazon.com, and we hope to see you again.


Customer Service Department


Too good to be true, it was afreaking PRE ORDER, no wonder they could not get it. Are they really THAT STUPID?[/QUOTE]

Just got the same email too. Darnit...oh well.
Funny how a pre-release game is unavailable.


Why not admit to a pricing error?

How novel it would be to tell the truth!
Maybe Amazon discovered that the price would be a money-loser for them?

Disappointing, though.
ICO cost me $10 (NEW) and it worth every pennies. Also, i don't wanted to drop down $30 for Shadow of the Colossus. Thought it'll drop down $20 after 6-9 months. :)
[quote name='guessed']Could a mod mark this dead on the front page, please?[/QUOTE]

I PM'd CheapyD about it. I think he's the only one who can make changes to the front page stuff.
[quote name='shrike4242']I PM'd CheapyD about it. I think he's the only one who can make changes to the front page stuff.[/QUOTE]

Thanks. I was afraid that might be the case (well, not really afraid, but I had considered the possibility that it might be the case).
Amazon is a bunch of cocklicks.

The game looks to be hitting retail at $39.99? Couldn't Amazon have just honored the pricing error and shipped at $29.99. There couldn't have been THAT many orders placed.

Douches! Spoiled again!
What's to stop companies from abusing the "pricing error" excuse?

For example, advertsing "Levi's jeans - only $10!" and then customers drive to the store, and are told it's a pricing error. Then the next week, the ad says, "Dockers shirts - only $5!" w/ the same excuse. And on and on.

What's to protect the customer from such "pricing error" abuses?

Just to let all know that I ordered this game from amazon and they immediatley cancelled the order. Must of had alot of orders and then checked the price and chickened out. Oh well. Just buy the game when it comes out. There arent going to be more than a half a dozen PS2 exclusives worth buying next year anyway. LONG LIVE NINTENDOSOFT!!
Update: If you notice now, Amazon has this now back in stock but at the price of $39.99. If you happen to still know your old order #, call Amazon and ask if you can get this price reinstated for a new order as it was cancelled due to 'item shortages'. But you will need an old order to show the original $30 price. Also, if you add the game to your cart it shows the Free Saver Shipping, so be persuasive about that too... ;)
It worked! Having my old order number, I just got amazon.com to let me order it at the old $30 price...free shipping too! Thanks for the tip!
bread's done