Not the best deal by any means, but how can you put a price on a classic!


ICO (PS2) is $14.99 @ BB. I know, it's not the best deal in the world of CAG. I bought this game prenowed back in the day at Gameslop and actually had to return it for another copy b/c the disk was so scratched. I was not daunted though. After I played through this wonderful game, I went through a frickin' box of Kleenex as I sat through the ending. Bottom line, if you don't have this game pick it up. If you do have this game, get another one. It's money well spent.
I've almost picked it up a few times. In fact I saw it tonight and grabbed it and walked around with it for a while.

But when Penny Arcade did those comics about it, it made me think twice about getting it. They complained about some chick not following you or something. I don't really remember much anymore.

Did you really cry? Is the story that sad? I think I'll get it then. I've never cried because of a game and I think I'd like to try that for once at least.
[quote name='satan0']I've almost picked it up a few times. In fact I saw it tonight and grabbed it and walked around with it for a while.

But when Penny Arcade did those comics about it, it made me think twice about getting it. They complained about some chick not following you or something. I don't really remember much anymore.

Did you really cry? Is the story that sad? I think I'll get it then. I've never cried because of a game and I think I'd like to try that for once at least.[/quote]

PA did a good comic about it, but in their posts and their yearly game ranking, Gabe and Tycho said they loved Ico.

Ico's a steal at $15. I paid $50 when it first came out and felt it was worth it. It's an interesting play dynamic, and it's just a beautiful game to see and hear.
[quote name='satan0']I've almost picked it up a few times. In fact I saw it tonight and grabbed it and walked around with it for a while.

But when Penny Arcade did those comics about it, it made me think twice about getting it. They complained about some chick not following you or something. I don't really remember much anymore.

Did you really cry? Is the story that sad? I think I'll get it then. I've never cried because of a game and I think I'd like to try that for once at least.[/quote]

um, part of the humor of Penny Arcade is that they mock the distinguishing features of great games. you need to start reading teh news posts, they always talk about the comic subject matter and you get their real opinions on it. like, if you went by their PSO comics, youd think it was terrible. i dont remember it exactly, but it was mocking the levelling up or something? i dunno.
Hmm...I guess I got a good deal when I got this at Sears for $6 about a year ago. ^_^ I got Okage: Shadow King for $10 there too the same day. Probably one of my better CAG days.
I too paid $50 for it when it first came out. $15.00 a great price for it. Still see it at walmart and or toys r us selling for $29.99.
If PA does multiple comics on a game, they probably loved it.. I know I thought it was amazing. Took a lil bit to grow on me, but after that I couldn't put it down until after I beat it.. then went back and played the final part of the game again. :D
[quote name='cruzincontrol']crying...crying...there's no crying in gaming...[/quote]

bread's done