November NPD US Hardware/Software Sales

[quote name='StickyWaffles']November 2004 has to be one of the best selling months for the original Xbox, as that's when Halo 2 launched. Not that Modern Warfare 2 wasn't hyped to death and didn't help PS3 sales, but it isn't an exclusive.[/QUOTE]

That doesn't really matter. The 37 month mark is totals sales through those months--a boost from Halo 2 wouldn't have that much impact on the total 37 month sales.

Sony choose their fate by deciding to foresake video game market dominance to win the HD movie format war by launching at $500-600 with a Blu Ray included. They won the format war, but lost their top spot in the video game arena.

No bias in that. Loved the PS1 and PS2. Love my Sony TV. Have a Sony Receiver that's ok (but outdated)....and a Sony Blu Ray Player. But the launch price kept the PS3 from being an option for me. And now that prices are reasonable I have no interest in one as I don't game that much and already have a BR player.
[quote name='dmaul1114']That doesn't really matter. The 37 month mark is totals sales through those months--a boost from Halo 2 wouldn't have that much impact on the total 37 month sales.[/QUOTE]

You need to look at the figure again.
[quote name='mykevermin']Nintendo: where people come to buy Nintendo titles, a bare smattering of third-party titles, and nothing else.

Lego RB and Band Hero's sales ratios are anomalies. HUGE anomalies, in fact.[/QUOTE]

Nothing else. What else is there besides first and third party games? lol
bread's done