Nunchuck attachment getting loose like the N64 analog?


So I'm browsing the Wii store trying to decide if I need to buy anything and I start moving my analog stick just because I can. I noticed that using very little force I am able to move the analog nub around a little bit, and when I try these same exact movements on my extra controller that I haven't used much at all the analog holds stiff and firm.

Are we to expect the same crap with N64 controllers? I'm only 15 hours into Zelda, I'd hate for this to get worse.

Do any of you have the same results with one controller being used frequently and a second one being hardly used at all?
Ah crap don't tell me. I absolutely hated that BS for the gamecube. It never affected me on N64 but for GC it completely took 1 controller and has halfway taken another. I'm also careful with my controllers so I dont know wth happened...I guess 5 years of play though...
bread's done