NYT: Xbox 360 Out of Order? For Loyalists, No Worries


34 (97%)
August 13, 2007
Xbox 360 Out of Order? For Loyalists, No Worries

SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 12— Imagine your blender breaking down twice. The vacuum cleaner giving up the ghost three times. The espresso maker repeatedly going kaput. Then imagine replacing the item with the same model over and over while keeping your brand loyalty and sanity.

Stephano Nevarez can. Since he first bought his $400 Microsoft Xbox 360 in 2006, it has failed three times. Each time, he sent the game machine back to the company and waited weeks for a repair or a replacement.

“There’s nothing in the house that breaks down as much,” said Stephano, a 15-year-old high school student from Salem, Ore.

Yet he remains a devotee of his 360 console, the more so because he wants to play Halo 3, the latest iteration of a violent space epic due in stores on Sept. 25; it is available only for that game machine.

The game, published by Microsoft, could redeem the company going into the holiday selling season. Untold numbers of 360 owners have watched their machines break down, and then, in many cases, watched the replacement consoles do the exact same thing because of a severe and widespread manufacturing flaw.

But if the Xbox players keep coming back because of Halo 3, and if other gamers buy the console just for the game, then Microsoft could markedly improve its standing in its battle against rivals Sony and Nintendo.

“Halo 3 is Microsoft’s most important game,” said Dan Hsu, editor in chief of Electronic Gaming Monthly, a magazine for enthusiasts. Mr. Hsu, who has seen the game, said it delivers in spades, with one caveat: “Assuming your machine does work, it does what it sets out to do.”

The bar is high. Combined, Halo and Halo 2 have sold around 15 million units, making the series one of the most successful game franchises of all time. The game has spawned novels, comic books and a possible movie.

The $12.5 billion console and video game business is up for grabs this year. On the console side, Nintendo is off to an unexpectedly strong start with its Wii, a game system that makes its players get up off the couch and move their bodies to direct action.

It has well over 28 percent of the American console market, according to NPD Group, a market analysis firm. The Wii is currently selling at a faster pace than the 360, and the company is releasing its big games this fall, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros. Brawl, though neither is as popular as Halo.

Sony, with about 14 percent of the market, was hurt when the release date of Grand Theft Auto IV, a game it was counting on to increase console sales, was pushed back from October into the second quarter of next year.

Microsoft, which has 57 percent of the market, has declined to say what is causing some of its Xbox 360 to stop working, or how many machines have been affected. It has set aside $1.1 billion for repairs, a figure that suggests to industry analysts that the problem could affect a third of the 11.6 million 360s already in the hands of consumers.

Microsoft has said that it will fix any faulty Xbox 360 free of charge.

The most likely explanation of where the engineers went wrong is that the 360s are poorly designed to deal with the intense heat generated by game play and that computer chips and other electronics may be popping off the motherboard, said Richard Doherty, an analyst with the Envisioneering Group, a technology assessment and market research firm.

Mr. Doherty said he thinks that Microsoft, in an effort to put is machine into the market a year ahead of the Sony PlayStation 3, had skimped on product testing. He said that the failure rate among 360s is almost unheard-of among consumer electronics, where having even 1 percent or 2 percent of machines fail is considered a major problem.

He has been doing surveys of video game consumers, and results suggest that their patience is waning and that news of the problems is dissuading some potential buyers, he said.

Even die-hard users, he said, are wondering why they cannot take their machine to a store to have it checked out, rather than wait for it to break.

“It’s dissipating a tremendous amount of momentum they built up prior to July,” Mr. Doherty said, referring to when Microsoft first publicly discussed its $1.1 billion repair fund. “This is going to get worse before it gets better.”

But some financial analysts said that the eventual damage to reputation and revenue may not be so profound. Evan Wilson, an equity analyst with Pacific Crest Securities, said he thought that Microsoft’s fix-it-free policy had mollified many avid game players who have been among the first to purchase the 360.

Aaron Greenberg, group product manager for Xbox 360, said the repair campaign is aggressive and that the company, while it is not discussing what has gone wrong, is not taking the failures lightly.

“It’s our equivalent of the Blue Screen of Death people talk about with Windows,” he said, referring to the derogatory vernacular used to describe what happens when a PC running Microsoft’s operating system mysteriously stops working.

In the case of the Xbox 360, affected users have taken to calling the problem the Three Red Rings of Death. That’s because when the 360 dies, three lights on the front of the console blink red.

“It started getting really loud,” said Michael White, 27, of Montreal, a high school teacher, who said his system died in April. “You expect somebody’s expensive product to be more durable than that.”

Is he infuriated? Not really. “I’m a happy customer,” he said, given it only took three weeks to repair and he likes the games on the system.

Others are feeling slightly less generous — or, at least, their spouses are.

“My wife told me she didn’t want me to buy anymore Microsoft consoles,” said Joshua Bridges, an accountant in Spring, Tex. “But I told her I’m a huge fan of the games that come out for this platform.”

Chief among his interests is Halo 3. He said he likes the fast-twitch action, but particularly the story, which involves soldiers battling against an alien race called the Covenant for control of a destructive force called the Halo. Halo 3 is the last in a trilogy. When it comes out on Sept. 25, the avid fans will be waiting in line at video game retailers across the country. More than one million units have already been ordered.

For the last three years, a team of 250 full-time and part-time designers and engineers at Bungie Studios, the development house that is owned by Microsoft, have been assembling Halo 3, said Frank O’Connor, the game’s head writer. (He declined to say how much money they spent on the game).

Developers felt enormous pressure, he said, and he hopes this version will be the most popular ever, particularly given new features, like the ability of players to record and make short movies of the action they just played.

“Instead of being able to say: remember the time I did that one thing? Now they’ll be able to save it and show it,” Mr. O’Connor said.

One question is whether it can help Microsoft sell more consoles to mainstream consumers, or to those who may be concerned about the reliability of the 360 systems.

But there is little doubt the faithful will be there in force, and thrilled about it, having forgiven Microsoft for the flaws in its console.

“I’m on my third 360,” said Benjamin Lin, an 18-year-old Halo enthusiast from Seattle, “and it’s working great for me.”

Good news for MS, if indeed true. It certainly seems to be the case (that most gamers are willing to forgive Microsoft for their consoles). The article is a tad underresearched, due to lacking any information on the changing makeup of the console so as to avoid hardware failures in the future.

Also, marketshare numbers seem off, esp when comparing MS/Nintendo. Lastly, the "Microsoft has said that it will fix any faulty Xbox 360 free of charge" line is going to get a lot of laughs or a lot of groans.
If it was a $400 blender, I wouldn't mind getting the company replace it for me a couple times. I'd never be able to do it 12 times like that guy from the 1up article, though.
good to hear that the general populace is still supporting the console even given its issues. I"ve been fortunate in that my orginal 360 only had an issue with the internal components once and then the harddrive went. Once I gave the working core unit to a friend and got an elite I have had 0 issues so far *knocks on wood*. I'm excited for the holiday season for all consoles this year its going to be a great year for gamers :).
[quote name='slickkill77']Another pointless article.[/QUOTE]

? Not all people read 1Up, EGM, or CAG. This may not be news to you, but it certainly is to those who aren't following the industry.

Moreover, the article was placed the the "technology" section via the front page of this morning's "business" section. It wasn't aimed at gamers, it was aimed at nongamers and businessmen alike. The kinds of people who see this and think that their investment in MS is safe, because there is no backlash against MS rushing an inherently flawed console to market, as might be expected.

Forgive me for posting news, since you clearly know it all already. :roll:
My PS2 died on me 3 times before I went out and bought the Slimline. Why? Because it had fucking awesome games. I feel the same way about my 360. Sure, it's gonna be out of commission 2 weeks out of the year, but for those other 50, it's gonna provide me hours and hours of ridiculously great gaming entertainment.
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I feel the same way about my 360. Sure, it's gonna be out of commission 2 weeks out of the year, but for those other 50, it's gonna provide me hours and hours of ridiculously great gaming entertainment.[/QUOTE]

you gotta be dreaming, its 4-6 weeks for repairs now. So 2 broken consoles in a year could be about 3 months if you include shipping times.
[quote name='slickkill77']Another pointless article. As for 12 360's breaking...Im calling bullsh*t. Theres no way[/QUOTE]

that's not unbelievable at all. all the systems have a problem that could cause them to break.

cool article, good points all around, and just like VG said, I'll replace mine gladly (but I'll bitch about the poor build quality every step of the way ;) )
[quote name='Apossum']I'll replace mine gladly (but I'll bitch about the poor build quality every step of the way ;) )[/quote]

Yeah that sounds about right, at this point if mine dies I'd probably buy a new one with the HDMI port and Falcon chipset then send my other one off to MS and trade it in when it's fixed.

The build quality is rubbish, but the games are excellent as is Xbox Live, that vastly out-weighs the build issues for me.

On a side note, Colossal Cool-Aid man is back- OH YEAH :)
[quote name='Ikohn4ever']you gotta be dreaming, its 4-6 weeks for repairs now. So 2 broken consoles in a year could be about 3 months if you include shipping times.[/QUOTE]
Uh huh. And did you actually have one break recently, or are you just parroting what you heard elsewhere?

Mine RRoD'd a few days into July. From the time it crapped out to the time I got the fixed console, it was less than 3 weeks. So maybe some people are having month-long-plus waits, but not everyone.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Uh huh. And did you actually have one break recently, or are you just parroting what you heard elsewhere?

Mine RRoD'd at the beginning of July. From the time it crapped out to the time I got the fixed console, it was less than 3 weeks. So maybe some people are having month-long-plus waits, but not everyone.[/QUOTE]

I don't think that 4-6 weeks is that unheard of. Mine took 4 weeks several months back (in March?). Now, getting RROD twice in a year? I'd be more skeptical of that.
[quote name='benjamouth']Yeah that sounds about right, at this point if mine dies I'd probably buy a new one with the HDMI port and Falcon chipset then send my other one off to MS and trade it in when it's fixed.

The build quality is rubbish, but the games are excellent as is Xbox Live, that vastly out-weighs the build issues for me.

On a side note, Colossal Cool-Aid man is back- OH YEAH :)[/QUOTE]

yeah, I'm actually going to go use my BB PRP and trade my premium for the falcon Elite (honestly, it's mostly for the color black, but the HDD is nice too, heh.)

the kool aid colossus is here to stay :)
[quote name='vinhjdao']If it was a $400 blender, I wouldn't mind getting the company replace it for me a couple times. I'd never be able to do it 12 times like that guy from the 1up article, though.[/quote]

What else will you do though? I mean, unless they give you a full refun for the original value for everything with the 360 that you own, you're taking a loss. I'll gladly send my 360 in for repair as long as i am under warranty.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Uh huh. And did you actually have one break recently, or are you just parroting what you heard elsewhere?

Mine RRoD'd a few days into July. From the time it crapped out to the time I got the fixed console, it was less than 3 weeks. So maybe some people are having month-long-plus waits, but not everyone.[/QUOTE]

mine broke like the 25th of June I got mine back July 25th, looks like 4 weeks to me and the 4-6 was what msoft told me
I cross my fingers and say a little prayer that my 360 hasnt broken every time I read a thread like this. I even bought it used and it still works fine *knock wood*.
[quote name='Puffa469']I cross my fingers and say a little prayer that my 360 hasnt broken every time I read a thread like this. I even bought it used and it still works fine *knock wood*.[/QUOTE]

me 2 dawg

my PS2 and orig. XBOX both worked great too until I sold them both on Ebay for about 85% of what I paid for them.

i have only moved mine two or three times, and i keep it in the standing up position.. which everyone says not to do. but so far. so good
*knocks on own head*
Yet he remains a devotee of his 360 console, the more so because he wants to play Halo 3, the latest iteration of a violent space epic...

Journalism: Subtly including the journalist's opinions since 1939.
These kinds of articles are made all the time. honestly if people dont know about this then I would be amazed. I still dont believe one person having 12 360's break.
[quote name='Chuplayer']Journalism: Subtly including the journalist's opinions since 1939.[/QUOTE]

It's not violent? Hell, the most "nonviolent" aspect of the game I've ever seen involved one Master Chief teabagging another. :lol:
bread's done