Obama and ACORN

Don Chubo

21 (100%)
Looks like the Obama campaign paid agood chunk of money to an ACORN front group.


An article about ACORN from 2003 :


There's a lot of info floating around about ACORN, mismanaged taxpayer funds, voter fraud, etc. With their reputation, why would the Obama campaign work with them at all?

EDIT - Because he's worked with them before. From his own website:

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So Obama paid for a liberal "get out the vote" group, and a conservative journal (City Journal) opines about how horrible ACORN is, and that ties into

- and let's be quite clear here -


- and then -


- then -


Or is it?

It would be if someone ELSE caught the campaign, the campaign hemmed and hawed, and lied about it - then was caught again.

It's not when someone catches their own error.

There was one time I turned in a paper in high school where I used the word "cunt" where I should have used "count." Did I get in trouble?

No. Heavy Hitter wasn't my teacher. My teacher understood the error was commonplace.

But, hey, what do you expect? This same poster thinks that Obama is an elitist snob. And not, of course, the guy who jokes that "rich" is $5 million earners and higher, that met his wife (which number?) and honeymooned in Hawaii, that - like conservatives maligned John Kerry - he married into a fuck ton of money, and, of course, the guy who doesn't know how many homes he owns.

HE'S NOT ELITIST AT ALL. I forget how many homes I own all the time. Twice a day on Sundays.

Get real, Heavy Hitter. This is a scandal in your mind because Rush Limbaugh told you about it.
I honestly think there is more scandalous story in the Ayres type stuff than this, and that isn't saying there is one.

This whole campaign is really becoming headache inducing. The daily headline watching to see which side does which controversial fauxpaux next, and alters the polls half a % is mind numbing. I more and more wish that all possible candidates are just suddenly "taken out" somehow, so we can start a bumper sticker/internet campaign for writing in William Shatner on our ballots.

Edit: Yes, I am saying I believe William Shatner would make a better president than both candidates. :)
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This stage of the election always is a headache to me, its when the attack ads come out and each side is frothing at the mouth to find dirt on their opponent.

I'm so sick of hearing "I'm so-so and i support this message."
[quote name='thrustbucket']

Edit: Yes, I am saying I believe William Shatner would make a better president than both candidates. :)[/quote]

please, theres no chance that a Jew could be elected president and anyway, Nimoy would be a better option
Looks like you missed the point I was making. As dirty as ACORN is, shouldn't Obama distance himself from them?

As far as the article about ACORN, yes, it was in a conservative publication. Does that mean that it's wrong? You do realize that you cite liberal sources quite often, don't you?

As far as the bullshit you spewed in your post - isn't it a bit early to be ragingly drunk? I mean, really. You come off like I'm a McCain fan and to counter my point about Obama, instead of addressing my point you have to trash "my guy" back? That doesn't address the issue, and besides - I'm no fan of McCain, so you can drop that. I think he's a complete loser - a RINO that can only hurt the party.

Finally, I rarely listen to Limbaugh and I certainly did not hear about all this from him. Sober up.

[quote name='mykevermin']So Obama paid for a liberal "get out the vote" group, and a conservative journal (City Journal) opines about how horrible ACORN is, and that ties into

- and let's be quite clear here -


- and then -


- then -


Or is it?

It would be if someone ELSE caught the campaign, the campaign hemmed and hawed, and lied about it - then was caught again.

It's not when someone catches their own error.

There was one time I turned in a paper in high school where I used the word "cunt" where I should have used "count." Did I get in trouble?

No. Heavy Hitter wasn't my teacher. My teacher understood the error was commonplace.

But, hey, what do you expect? This same poster thinks that Obama is an elitist snob. And not, of course, the guy who jokes that "rich" is $5 million earners and higher, that met his wife (which number?) and honeymooned in Hawaii, that - like conservatives maligned John Kerry - he married into a fuck ton of money, and, of course, the guy who doesn't know how many homes he owns.

HE'S NOT ELITIST AT ALL. I forget how many homes I own all the time. Twice a day on Sundays.

Get real, Heavy Hitter. This is a scandal in your mind because Rush Limbaugh told you about it.[/QUOTE]
[quote name='thrustbucket']I honestly think there is more scandalous story in the Ayres type stuff than this, and that isn't saying there is one.

This whole campaign is really becoming headache inducing. The daily headline watching to see which side does which controversial fauxpaux next, and alters the polls half a % is mind numbing. I more and more wish that all possible candidates are just suddenly "taken out" somehow, so we can start a bumper sticker/internet campaign for writing in William Shatner on our ballots.

Edit: Yes, I am saying I believe William Shatner would make a better president than both candidates. :)[/QUOTE]

I've been waiting to use this jpg for ages.

[quote name='SpazX']I hear he didn't earn his medals in 'nam either.[/QUOTE]

The Shat? Nah, they hand out those things by the fistful at Starfleet.
[quote name='thrustbucket']
Edit: Yes, I am saying I believe William Shatner would make a better president than both candidates. :)[/quote]

You Commie.
bread's done