Octoplet mother UPDATE - Grandma Calls Daughter 'Unconscionable', more


4 (100%)
UPDATE 2/9/2009
The grandmother of the California octuplets calls her daughter Nadya Suleman's decision to impregnate herself again after giving birth to six children "really unconscionable" and says the 33-year-old single mother has "no means to support" 14 children.
Angela Suleman says her daughter is not capable of raising 14 children.Angela Suleman said Sunday that she's been housing and supporting her daughter Nadya Suleman and her six grandchildren by a previous in vitro fertilization procedure in a "cramped" apartment for years.
Angela Suleman said that her daughter "spent a lot of money on toys" but never contributed rent or food money and failed to tell her mother about more than $167,000 that records show she received from worker's compensation claims.
"I did hear that she received money from her insurance,'' Angela Suleman told Radaronline.com in an interview that was aired on "GMA." "She never told me. But I've never seen any money, not for house payments or for feeding the kids."
Angela Suleman filed for bankruptcy in March 2008, according to court documents.
"Unless [Nadya] starts working, earning money, I don't know, she may have to go on welfare, which she said she never would do,'' her mother said.
Though Nadya Suleman said that she intends to return to school to complete a master's degree in counseling this fall, she also told Curry that she loves her children "unconditionally" and will "stop my life for them and be present with them. And hold them. And be with them. And how many parents do that?"

Just gets better and better. My welfare money paying for this lady and her brood, while she buys toys for her kids and plays media queen. It's like some bad scifi story where human society turns into a bee hive, you get queens sitting around popping out tons of kids while the rest of us drones struggle under more and more tax burden to support their irresponsible decisions.

(CBS) CBS News has learned that the family of the octuplets born this week outside Los Angeles filed for bankruptcy and abandoned a home a little over a year-and-a-half ago.
Early Show national correspondent Hattie Kauffman says the mother is in her mid-thirties and lives with her parents.
There's been no mention of the octuplets' father, Kauffman observes.
The grandfather, she adds, is apparently going to head back to his native Iraq to earn money for the growing family. He told CBS News he's a former Iraqi military man.
Kauffman reported Thursday, and the octuplets' maternal grandmother now confirms to the Los Angeles Times, that the babies' mother already had six young children.
And a family acquaintance had told Kauffman that two of the six other kids are twins, and the six range in age from about two to about seven.
The mother's name is still being kept under wraps.
But her mother, Angela Suleman, also tells the newspaper her daughter conceived the octuplets through a fertility program.
Suleman told the Times her daughter had embryos implanted and, "They all happened to take."
"And it's unfortunate, because the media pick up on this and seem to go, I think, Arthur Kaplan from UPenn (University of Pennsylvania) said the media tend to go goo-goo gaga over this and, in fact, it's really a bit of a medical disaster."

The best part - Joe taxpayer is going to financially support the raising of this crazy lady's fourteen kids. You have to be missing an arm to get attention in the emergency room, but if you want a second litter in your mid-thirties then step on up, no questions asked!

Thank god someone finally had the balls to call these situations what they really are - medical disasters.
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She was also taking fertility meds or something like that. I saw this on Fox this morning. Also would'nt disclose her age, most likely pretty young.
Number of offspring increases as the stability of the environment goes down. Thats why people in the lower classes as well as children of broken homes end up spitting out more kids.

Its the strategy best symbolized by the turtle. If you cant invest in any of your offspring, the best evolutionary strategy is to have a shitload of them and some of them are likely to survive on their own.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']she a moron no doubt.[/quote]

[quote name='Dead of Knight']What the fuck is wrong with women? She already had six kids and wanted MORE? fuck her.[/quote]
fuck Yeah!:applause:
Pics. Finally. Finally.

It's not suhhbad a few photos in considering this bitch has fucking wrecked her uterus sideways. In that first photo she looks more like a two-dollar trannyshop of horrors than Ava Devine does. Lads, she's still single.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Pics. Finally. Finally.

It's not suhhbad a few photos in considering this bitch has fucking wrecked her uterus sideways. In that first photo she looks more like a two-dollar trannyshop of horrors than Ava Devine does. Lads, she's still single.[/quote]


What's up with the blood all over that sign. Is there more to this story then meets the eye?


[quote name='camoor']:whistle2:k

What's up with the blood all over that sign. Is there more to this story then meets the eye?[/quote]
I'm pretty sure it's just rain that hit the red posterboard.
[quote name='cochesecochese']I'm pretty sure it's just rain that hit the red posterboard.[/quote]

Yeah but it sure isn't doing him any favors in the "looking sane" dept
Miss Suleman has a degree in child and adolescent development from California State University, where she was studying for a master's degree in counselling when she became pregnant with the octuplets.

Oh yeah, and it looks like she's had a nose job and collagen in her lips. She using that disability to pay for cosmetic surgery?
Nothing good is going to come of this. On some news channel this morning, there was a clip of the babies, and the anchor excitedly talking about how "we finally have pictures of the babies!"

So here's what is going to happen. Pictures are going to come out, subsisting entirely on how small and cute the kids are (even though EVERY baby is small and cute according to the average person, unless it has tank treads or some other deformity, in which case it is cute and special). Conservative fuckbags will come out saying HOW COULD YOU HATE A BABY, ITS SO TINY AND FRAGILE. A fringe minority of feminists will join them, citing that it's totally a woman's decision whether or not she, like, totally like, wants to have babies, r some junk. Oprah or some other bigwig talk show host will take it further, delivering the message to the rest of the idiot soccer moms of this nation, saying that our world has been blessed with eight new wonderful souls, and we must all take part in taking care of them.

By the time its all over, she'll have book deals, her own TV show on TLC, a line of baby accessories called "Bunches of Babies," and show up five years down the line in a very I TOLD YOU SO manner when its revealed she's pregnant again. Once again, America will reward being a totally selfish piece of shit with money, fame, fortune, and cushy plush comfort, while the lot of us sluggishly push on in a bland, horribly demoralizing environment. This is most because we're all - for reasons I can't understand - either too guilty about ourselves that we think we're being altruistic when there's no need versus being condemning, OR because we're simply all idiots and assume that we're all entitled to some bullshit nonsense without the need to substantiate it.

Meanwhile, sanity takes another hit, intelligence is further diluted, my balls will continue to hurt, and I'll slowly realize that I - as a white male - will be targeted even further down the social chain when it comes to light that - gasp - I'm a white male, and somehow to blame for all of this bullshit. Somehow. Mostly likely really badly non-sequiter'd.

Thanks, universe.

The only way this will make me happy is if the babies get kidnapped by aliens, and the aliens look exactly like babies, and so they are forced to take on the roles of the kidnapped babies until their home planet can send a rescue ship, and then they attack Invader Zim, and the leader is named SCHNOOKY, a proud warrior of the fierce race of the Nar-Gh'ok.

That is the only way.
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[quote name='Strell']
Meanwhile, sanity takes another hit, intelligence is further diluted, my balls will continue to hurt, and I'll slowly realize that I - as a white male - will be targeted even further down the social chain when it comes to light that - gasp - I'm a white male, and somehow to blame for all of this bullshit. Somehow. Mostly likely really badly non-sequiter'd.

Thanks, universe.[/quote]

lool, See what happens to people that like Jolie. Shoulda stayed with someone else overrated like Alba.
Wow... fuck the donation, but I'll gladly leave a comment.

Christ, so... how is see able to afford a PR Firm? or is it Go daddy in disguise,
[quote name='VipFREAK']Wow... fuck the donation, but I'll gladly leave a comment.

Christ, so... how is see able to afford a PR Firm? or is it Go daddy in disguise,[/quote]

PR firm jumping the moment to make more in the future?

what a joke..... can't beleive this.
Reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Quikie mart guy had a bunch of kids and the redneck Texan set up a zoo like display for them and their family...
I'm sick of people who already have kids getting this invetro shit or whatever you call it. You had kids. Maybe not as many as you wanted, but tough crap. You can't always get what you want. Most of them are bible-thumping Christians who claim it's a 'miracle from god.' No, it's miracle from Pfizer. If god wanted you to have more kids, he wouldn't have made you so fridget and ugly.

There are people out there who would crawl on shards of broken glass to have kids. They are the ones who need these types of programs. Not nutty ass women who aren't satisfied with the six kids they have already.

I heard this woman with 11 kids give an interview. "How many kids do you have?" And the bitch used the same line I use when people ask how many video games I own. "More then I need but not as many as I want." You can't apply the logic of baseball card collecting to children. They're living, breathing, shitting, crying, screaming little people. They're not collectors items.

And the fact that she's not equipped to support them, by her mother's own account... I'm sorry, I don't feel bad for her. She should have to give all eight of them up. By force if necessary. This is wrong. Those kids don't have a shot at life as long as they're with her. The state needs to get involved and take them away from her.
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']INot nutty ass women who aren't satisfied with the six kids they have already. [/quote]

That's the thing though... Who, who in their right mind would LET her do this?

Sadly, I know the answer and it's $$...
As much as I'm sure we'd love to heap the blame on this batshit woman or batshit cunt if you prefer. I prefer the latter to add insult to injury. Anyway, let us not forget to heap a ton of it on the piece of shit doctor who implanted all 8 in her to begin with when it was a huge violation of protocol.
Sooo... is there (obviously not...) or will there be laws put in place to tell these doctors "hay ya know what this batshit cunt is delusional maybe it's not a good idea to do this for her"?
The numbers are staggering:

Nadya Suleman has 14 children, including newborn octuplets. She has no job, no income and owes $50,000 in student loans.

Still, the 33-year-old Whittier woman said she's confident that she can afford to raise her huge family, insisting she can do it without welfare.

But Suleman faces what are likely to be millions of dollars in medical bills alone, and it's increasingly likely that taxpayers will foot many of those bills.

Her family is eligible for large sums of public assistance money. Even before she gave birth to the octuplets Jan. 26, Suleman was receiving $490 in monthly food stamps, and three of her children were receiving federal supplemental security income because they are disabled.


If Suleman's disabled children received the maximum payment, she would get nearly $2,900 a month in state and federal assistance, including the food stamps.


Using the 2007 average as a low estimate, Kaiser would be eligible for a combined $9,584 per day in Medi-Cal reimbursement. The babies, who are 16 days old, have already racked up a conservative $153,344 in Medi-Cal costs, not including their delivery. Kaiser doctors have said they will remain hospitalized for seven to 12 weeks. If they stay for seven weeks, the cost would be $469,616. If they stay 12 weeks, the cost would be $805,056.

Kaiser gathered 46 doctors, nurses and other medical professionals together to perform the delivery. It's unclear how much that cost and who will pay.


I hate the fact that I'm going to have to pay for this. I hate it more then I hate giving the wall street fatcats big bonuses for failing, and you know how much I hate that! F all these people making money off the govt for being absolute failures at life.
Her family is eligible for large sums of public assistance money. Even before she gave birth to the octuplets Jan. 26, Suleman was receiving $490 in monthly food stamps, and three of her children were receiving federal supplemental security income because they are disabled.
...and she decided to have more kids?

[quote name='cochesecochese']...and she decided to have more kids?


Unfortunately logic and reason obviously left the party a long time ago.
And another update, as this just keeps getting better and better:

[quote name='CNN.com'](CNN) -- Nadya Suleman, the single mother of newborn octuplets, is using the Internet to help support her family of 14 children. She's started a Web site seeking donations.

Nadya Suleman, a single mother of 14 children, has set up a Web site asking for donations.

The Web site features pictures of a rainbow, child's blocks and all eight of Suleman's newborns. Also prominently displayed on the Web site is a prompt for visitors to make a donation, noting that the "proud mother of 14" accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and PayPal.

Suleman, 33, had the octuplets through fertility treatments, despite already having six young children and no clear source of income.
In recent television interviews, Suleman has rejected suggestions that she might not be able to care adequately for all 14 of her children.
"I'm providing myself to my children," Nadya Suleman told NBC in her first interview. "I'm loving them unconditionally, accepting them unconditionally, everything I do. I'll stop my life for them and be present with them and hold them and be with them. And how many parents do that?"

Suleman said she plans to go back to college to pursue a degree in counseling, NBC reported. She also said all 14 children have the same biological father, a sperm donor whom she described as a friend.

Joann Killeen, a spokeswoman for Suleman, has told CNN that she is being deluged with media offers, but disputed any suggestions that Suleman may have had a monetary incentive for having so many children.

Killeen, told CNN's "Larry King Live" that Suleman "has no plans on being a welfare mom and really wants to look at every opportunity that she can to make sure she can provide financially for the 14 children she's responsible for now."

Suleman's publicist did say that Suleman gets $490 every month in food stamps.[/quote]

It's quite hilarious how they make it sound like money isn't a big issue like the government playing down a gazillion deficit... :roll:
I think the media needs to stop.

With the fear mongering of the falling economy to now giving Octopussy air time well past her 15 minutes....
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