Official 2009 Yard Sale Thread

Here are my scores from this weekend. I went down to a neighborhood/community wide yard sale in my bro and sis in law's community in Lake Forest down in the OC.

I got there a bit later than I wanted to in the morning, around 7:30 or so, and holy crap it was a total zoo already. Very little parking and the buyers were already out in force.

I figured anything decent game-wise would already be long gone, but I figured I'd give it a shot anyway. Took my nephew with me around the community and asked for video games new or old, DVDs, old toys and comic books at every house that had a sale going. Not many had anything on my list to sell. Lots of people had overpriced crap, as is quite the norm.

First score was Sim Ant and Sim Earth for PC complete in CD case for $.50 total.

Second score was a tub of old Barbie dolls and clothing/accessories (for my 2 year old daughter if she gets interested in them, or for resale) that I had to practically fight off a fat chola to win. I had the tub in my hand asking about price and she was trying to pull the Barbies out of the tub! I told her to back on up because she could consider these "BOUGHT". The seller wanted $.50 a doll, I figured there were 20+ dolls in there not including the clothes and crap and CiF'ed her 4 singles, she accepted.

Last score was a beauty for me. Came across a house with a bunch of short boxes of comics, with a sign saying "Comics, $1 each". Yeah, right. But figured I'd take a look at what they had for sale.

Woman was selling them on behalf of her husband. He had them all arranged alphabetically, and they were virtually all DC comics. So I started to skim through to see if anything worthwhile was in the boxes (initial box had dimmed my hopes since it was filled with crap) while my nephew stood over and looked through the other boxes. Found some serious winners, so I just started pulling out what I wanted and by the end I had a stack of at least 80 comics. I CiF'ed her a $20 for the pile and she accepted immediately. Boy did I cherry pick some good stuff. Nothing very old (mostly around the mid 80's/Crisis on Infinite Earths), but a lot of noteworthy issues including (all are first print and in near mint/mint condition):

- Watchmen 1-12 (complete set)
- Crisis on Infinite Earths 1-12 (complete set)
- Various Batman issues from the late 300's (including first Jason Todd as Robin - issue 366 or something) and issues 404-407 (Batman Year One). All first print, all in minty condition.
- Green Arrow (Kevin Smith relaunch) issues 1-10...not worth anywhere near what it used to be though, LOL
- Superman Man of Steel #1
- Justice League of America #1 (1980's series)
- Batman a Lonely Place of Dying parts 1-5, gave this to my nephew since I already have plenty of copies of each of these.
- a bunch of various other DC comics, some of which is older- 60's and 70's. I will have to catalog it.

So at roughly a quarter a piece, it's not a bad score at all considering some of those Batman issues are worth upwards of $20 a piece, not to mention the value of the Crisis set and the Watchmen set.

I'm going to resell virtually all of it, since I already have complete minty sets of just about everything. But of course, I will compare each copy to what I have and keep the best one for my personal collection.
I looked like a goof at the flea market holding a big sega. If I bring a bookbag in there they might think i'm trying to steal stuff though.
Are there any sites or general rules to go by regarding the value of comics? I see them sometimes and never know what's worth anything, or for that matter even what's interesting to read.
[quote name='Ye0ldmario']I looked like a goof at the flea market holding a big sega. If I bring a bookbag in there they might think i'm trying to steal stuff though.[/quote]

why? people wear backpacks/duffel bags/etc. all the time around here. it's generally pretty common at flea markets. i mean, you gotta carry the crap you buy, right?

what you can do to save the bulk and stares, however, is to stuff a clean, intact (ie: check for holes in the bottom first) plastic grocery bag in your back pocket. no fuss, no muss, and you just bring it out when you finally buy something large enough to warrant it.
[quote name='Samus']Are there any sites or general rules to go by regarding the value of comics? I see them sometimes and never know what's worth anything, or for that matter even what's interesting to read.[/quote] is great for pricing, you have to sign up but it's free.

As far as what's good, it all depends on personal taste. Value wise, it all varies but for the most part as with everything the older it is, the more popular the character/series, and the quality of the condition = the more valuable/rare it is. Stuff from the late 80's on up, aka the "modern age" is generally worthless. But if you find issues for a dime or a quarter a piece, it may be worth it to give it a shot.

Greatest score of my life hands down was when I was about 9 or 10 years old, and this guy a little older than me was selling his personal collection at a flea market/swap meet out here in Los Angeles, his dad had a booth and he gave his son part of the stall to sell his toys, comics, etc. - he was asking A DIME A COMIC. And it wasn't like they were torn trash, they were in great shape and stuff I liked to read. He had all of the Uncanny X-Men from the 80's on up through the 150's or so (including Giant Sized X-Men #1, Uncanny 94-140 missing a few here and there), and a ton of Amazing Spider-mans and Daredevils from the same time period. All were read maybe once or twice and in excellent shape - no worse than VF condition and most solid NM. I ended up giving him like $10 and got all the X-Men, all the Amazing Spider-Man, and some of the Daredevil issues.

Even at the time (this was around 1984 or 1985) some of these were worth some money, and some are still the main copies in my collection. This was my score of my lifetime, although I really didn't realize it back then obviously. I knew I liked those characters, and found that some of those issues were worth some decent money. I kept them in great shape and now many of them are worth hundreds of dollars each, some over a thousand a piece. the highlights were Amazing Spider-Man 121 and 122, 129, some of those early 100's issues, the key Uncanny X-Men issues, and of the Daredevil issues I got a lot of the Frank Miller issues and the first appearance of Elektra (#168).

Looking back I wish I had bought everything he had that day, I'm sure he had some toys that would have been a great deal as well, can't remember what. But I know I left a bunch of comics behind, mostly DC stuff because I grew up a Marvel fan and at that point only liked Marvel stuff.
[quote name='Ye0ldmario']Whats best to clean the outside of these sega carts without ruining the labels? I don't wanna soak up the labels.[/quote]

Mr. Clean Erasers are great for general cleaning of the carts, just avoid using them on the labels. Soak the eraser, then wring it thoroughly so it is lightly damp. Also, use Goo Gone on a napkin lightly, then rub it on the cart avoiding the label once again. Or for a good 1 2 punch I put a little GOo Gone on the Mr. Clean eraser directly and that does wonders. I just avoid putting anything at all on the labels if at all possible.
[quote name='karkyco']Mr. Clean Erasers are great for general cleaning of the carts, just avoid using them on the labels. Soak the eraser, then wring it thoroughly so it is lightly damp. Also, use Goo Gone on a napkin lightly, then rub it on the cart avoiding the label once again. Or for a good 1 2 punch I put a little GOo Gone on the Mr. Clean eraser directly and that does wonders. I just avoid putting anything at all on the labels if at all possible.[/quote]

bear in mind though that those magic erasers are mildly abrasive, and will "bald" most plastic cartridges, if used aggressively enough -- using an SNES or Genesis cartridge as an example, notice that the plastic isn't completely smooth, but actually has a fine, matte finish -- this can be worn smooth with the erasers, and can sometimes be quite noticeable in the right light. unfortunately, sometimes it's the only thing that works.

i use the aforementioned erasers, Goo Gone, 409, water, cotton swabs, toothbrushes, and clean, lint-free cloths. paper towels/napkins (and even the cotton swabs) can leave material behind in the things you clean, so exercise caution if you decide to use them. also ensure that any electronics you're cleaning (cartridge contacts, systems, etc.) are completely dry and free of debris before applying power.
The Xmen 2 cart has a piece of scotch tape on it that says $3, i tried peeling it off and the label was ripping so i stopped immediately. Gonna have to pick some of those erasers up at walmart or the hardware store.

Some of my games aren't loading up either, gonna have to q-tip the boards with alcohol.
If they don't load up, you can open them up and clean them with a pencil eraser (sometimes alcohol doesn't work and you have to clean them a little better, this is when you use the eraser). The eraser works particularly well for those NES games that just won't come clean with alcohol. You can buy the tools to open them up at Dealextreme or on ebay and they are very cheap, probably a couple dollars. Some carts can be opened up with just an ordinary screwdriver. I am a girl and I open up games all the time, its really easy and makes them work.

I also got my 1981 Tandy Handheld to work by sanding down the battery contacts with a sanding brick (the kind that are used for painting). They were rusted but didn't have battery acid on them. A sanding brick is another good tool to have (I really don't know what to call them, but they look like sandpaper wrapped around a thick sponge) especially if you are taking in a lot of used stuff, you will no doubt find a use for it and they are only $1-3 each at a hardware store or walmart. I have used mine a lot since I got it.

I buy my cleaning supplies at the dollar store, I can get a gallon of windex or orange clean for one dollar and then I fill up my bottles as I need to with the gallons. I have also found goo gone for 1$ a bottle and stocked up when they had it, this is a good buy as well. Its cheaper to buy in gallons and pour it into your existing spray bottle then to buy the spray bottles every time you need a new one. Yes I am that cheap. This stuff works as good as brand name cleaners and is much, much cheaper.

Once you get the games clean you probably won't have to clean them again for a very long time, unless of course you are playing them a lot.
[quote name='Ye0ldmario']The Xmen 2 cart has a piece of scotch tape on it that says $3, i tried peeling it off and the label was ripping so i stopped immediately. Gonna have to pick some of those erasers up at walmart or the hardware store.[/quote]

well, the erasers won't help you remove the tape. in my experience, i've never found anything that can save the dreaded tape over the label, or pen/marker on the label (we're talking paper, unlaminated labels, like on the Genesis). sometimes, a gentle hand can get up the tape by peeling it mind-numbingly slow, but more often than not, it's there to stay. oftentimes the original marker or tape/sticker looks better than the resultant damage from attempting to remove it.

in your particular case, you might just use a magic eraser to buff out the price, leave the scotch tape behind, and wait until you find another, unmolested copy of the game.
It was hazy all saturday so a lot didn't have their yard sales

But i did manage to get:

Okami (Wii) + Guide $1 (she said she liked the PS2 version better)
Pikmin - $1
Tetris (GC)- $1
Final Fantasy Tactics -$2.50
Resident Evil Code Veronica (PS2)- $2.50
Resident Evil 2 (N64) - $2.50
Forsaken 64 - $2.50
ATV 3 - $1
Dreamcast- $10 (ok condition but for 10 bucks I couldn't complain since I never had one)
Star Wars Trilogy VHS (the Darth Vader box excellent condition, the vhs tapes didn't even look used once) -$1
I did a little yard saling this past weekend, and was surprised to see everything still out at one sale after it started raining Saturday afternoon. I had passed on their genesis with crappy games for $25, etc, but would have taken it if I could have had it for free, so I sent an email asking why it was all still sitting out. Here's the response that I got:

Well, If it's any of your business. We were packing up yesterday afternoon just when the storm came and it hasn't stopped raining since. I cannot pack things into boxes to take to goodwill in the rain. As soon as it stops I plan on packing it up then. Most everything out there is plastic and is not harmed. I cannot control the weather and am not about to risk my life in a thunderstorm picking up stuff I was just going to give away anyhow. Thanks.
[quote name='SaraAB']If they don't load up, you can open them up and clean them with a pencil eraser (sometimes alcohol doesn't work and you have to clean them a little better, this is when you use the eraser). The eraser works particularly well for those NES games that just won't come clean with alcohol. You can buy the tools to open them up at Dealextreme or on ebay and they are very cheap, probably a couple dollars. Some carts can be opened up with just an ordinary screwdriver. I am a girl and I open up games all the time, its really easy and makes them work.[/quote]

My secret weapon for cleaning dirty contacts without opening the cartridge is ordinary emery boards, like for filing your nails. They have a stiff cardboard base with abrasive on both sides. I stick the end into the cartridge and slide it across the contacts several times - on both sides of the board if it has contacts on both sides. This method is highly abrasive so you may want to reserve it for a last resort, but I have cleaned a LOT of carts this way and 99.9% of the time I can get them to work. I have bought supposedly "broken" carts for a song and got them to work in less than a minute with this method.

After cleaning, be sure to blow the dust out - canned air works well for this. Do NOT put the cart in your game system before you have blown out the dust or all of that abrasive junk will go right into your cartridge slot. If the contacts were highly corroded, you might want to wipe them clean with the corner of a towel moistened with Windex. I find I have to do this when the contacts have that heavy bluish corrosion on them.

After 2-3 uses, the end of the emery board will wear out. Just snap off the used-up part and keep going.
[quote name='recycledgamer']My secret weapon for cleaning dirty contacts without opening the cartridge is ordinary emery boards, like for filing your nails. They have a stiff cardboard base with abrasive on both sides. I stick the end into the cartridge and slide it across the contacts several times - on both sides of the board if it has contacts on both sides. This method is highly abrasive so you may want to reserve it for a last resort, but I have cleaned a LOT of carts this way and 99.9% of the time I can get them to work. I have bought supposedly "broken" carts for a song and got them to work in less than a minute with this method.

After cleaning, be sure to blow the dust out - canned air works well for this. Do NOT put the cart in your game system before you have blown out the dust or all of that abrasive junk will go right into your cartridge slot. If the contacts were highly corroded, you might want to wipe them clean with the corner of a towel moistened with Windex. I find I have to do this when the contacts have that heavy bluish corrosion on them.

After 2-3 uses, the end of the emery board will wear out. Just snap off the used-up part and keep going.[/QUOTE]

Emery boards are essentially fine grain sandpaper on a board, so yeah that would probably work. I have a bunch of them here but I will reserve this method if a cart absolutely does not work after the eraser method. The eraser method seems to be slightly abrasive too but it gets the black stuff off the contacts when alcohol cannot. I know there are solutions out there that get the black stuff off without alcohol but they are very expensive compared to the cost of conventional cleaning methods and well, most of the games I bring home aren't worth all that much.
[quote name='Ye0ldmario']is the gum hard as a rock? I recall seeing some wax pack baseball cards at an antique store and the gum was so old it felt as hard as steel lol.[/QUOTE]

I haven't chewed any of the gum yet but this set came out in 2003 so it's a safe bet I'm sure that the staleness isn't as epic as it would be if you were chewing on gum today from an old pack from any of the series for the original Garbage Pail Kids :D
[quote name='FOnewearl']I haven't chewed any of the gum yet but this set came out in 2003 so it's a safe bet I'm sure that the staleness isn't as epic as it would be if you were chewing on gum today from an old pack from any of the series for the original Garbage Pail Kids :D[/quote]

i tried to chew some 3rd series gum about 5 years ago, and once i got it to break into pieces, it just crumbled into a gritty powder/sand and it took a minute or two of spitting and rinsing to get it all out.

oh, the things we do when we're bored.
I hit up a few yardsales this weekend, all I found were two shirts for .25 each. No signs of anything technological, really, outside of a copy of Frogger for the PSOne that was laying on a wooden table in no case... black side down... for $1.50.

Today, I hit up a Rummage Sale. I passed on Zoo Tycoon 2 (my dad has it and if I wanted it, I could get it from I then saw the holy grail... the Pac-Man Board Game. Sadly, when I lifted the lid I saw all the pellets were missing, so I set it back down. They looked on the bos like they were just marbles, but eh. I'm still holding out for the Happy Days Board Game. My aunt had a copy and used to baby sit us... best game ever!

As for the gum... I've chewed on gum that was like 7 years old or so from the old baseball cards. It started when my dad bet me a dollar I wouldn't. From there, others would pay me $1 and I would.
[quote name='erehwon']My finds today all come from one sale I found on craigslist.

$21 spent

This sale advertised games from nes to ps2. I picked up stuff that interested me. I was amazed to find so many games with boxes. I passed on a lot of boxed N64 games since I'm not really into collecting for it and I'm getting really short on cash. I am rather happy to have got these since it's so hard to find snes and dreamcast games in my area. The lady had the games priced a $2 each, but gave them to be for $1 each since I got so many.[/quote]
I just tested on all the snes games I found on the mint condition snes I found 2 weeks ago. They all worked and without doing any cleaning. The carts were in excellent condition. I was even able to test the snes import game. I need to test the Dreamcast games, but it will be difficult to get to that console.

If I had to clean them, I use DeoxIt contact cleaner or que tips with alcohol. The contact cleaner stuff works pretty well.
[quote name='erehwon']I
If I had to clean them, I use DeoxIt contact cleaner or que tips with alcohol. The contact cleaner stuff works pretty well.[/quote]

DeOxit works great; i'm a big fan. if anyone here is new to it, be sure to apply the product to a cotton swab, cloth, or other applicator, rather than spraying directly into the cartridge. DeOxit can deteriorate internal components over time if it isn't cleaned up completely after use. and, as with any other liquid cleaners, be sure everything is completely clean and dry before powering up.
I'm going back to the flea to see if there's any new people with tables out. I think different people go on sunday so I'm gonna have to try going on a sunday sometime. If no new people are out and only the same then it won't matter as much.

I was talking to a pawn shop guy this morning on the phone and he told me once you find a place with good stuff, keep going, stay connected to the source. Focus on the places that you find stuff, cross the dry places off your list.

So I can devote one day to the flea, and the remaining day to yard/garage sales.
Friday finds!


Mario Tennis "3D" puzzle: $0.50

PS2 with Disc Read Error: $2

The first two sales I went to had a bunch of game-related but not game things. I picked up the puzzle at one, then at the other saw Super Mario Bros show DVDs, Sonic comics, Pokemon books, and strategy guides. Got the PS2 in a neighborhood that's having a huge sale tomorrow, but three sales were open today. The sale where I got the PS2 had a $20 Genesis, overpriced computer parts ($20 for 1GB of DDR2? Come on!), and $2 Atari games. I was expecting them to ask $30 for the system, but I was pleasantly surprised with $2. I then headed to the other sales in the neighborhood... Found an overpriced GBA at one, then at the next one found...



2 PlayStation consoles w/ Hookups, 1 Dual Shock, 3 Controllers, Multitap
Performance Carrying Bag
41 Games
Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone
T.J. Lavin's Ultimate BMX
Rugrats in Paris The Movie
102 Dalmatians Puppies to the Rescue
Rosco McQueen Firefighter Extreme
Demolition Racer
NCAA March Madness 99
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy XI
Legend of Mana
N2O Nitrous Oxide
Medal of Honor
Test Drive 5
Michelin Rally Masters
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
ATV: Quad Power Racing
Namco Museum Vol. 3
Guardian's Crusade
Jade Cocoon
NHL Faceoff 99
Shadow Man
Tiny Tank
Interactive Samper Disc CD Vol. 8
Digimon World
Digimon World 2
Jeremy McGrath Supercross 98
Syphon Filter
Madden NFL 98
Slam Scope
Alien Trilogy
ECW Anarchy Rulz
Ridge Racer
Persona Revelations

Dr. Mario
Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt / World Class Track Meet
Donkey Kong Classics
Snake Rattle 'n Roll

Total: $25

The bad news is, all these games are pretty beat up. At first I saw the system, controllers, and the first few kids games up through the Final Fantasies, marked at $20. I think "These are scratched, but maybe if FFVII works, it'd be worth it." The guy and I start talking about games, and he grabs another system from another table and says "This is the same thing, right? I should put it with all these." Then the guy said "I swear we had more of these" and opened the front pocket of the carrying bag. Hmm, Legend of Mana, Digimon World 2, Persona... Yes I think $20 is a fair price for all this. Want to throw in the other system too? Sure! I start carrying the bag off, then notice a small stack of NES games on another table, marked at $1 each, and paid him the $5 for those.

Now, time to see if any of these actually work...
crappy week here. Not much for sales and I haven't been feeling well. To make things more difficult (had I actually found anything) My voice is almost gone, which would make haggling a bit of a challenge. But my wife found a mint complete black label silent hill at goodwill for $8. More than I'd like to pay, but it'll sell for plenty more.
[quote name='theGrue']Friday finds!


Mario Tennis "3D" puzzle: $0.50

PS2 with Disc Read Error: $2

The first two sales I went to had a bunch of game-related but not game things. I picked up the puzzle at one, then at the other saw Super Mario Bros show DVDs, Sonic comics, Pokemon books, and strategy guides. Got the PS2 in a neighborhood that's having a huge sale tomorrow, but three sales were open today. The sale where I got the PS2 had a $20 Genesis, overpriced computer parts ($20 for 1GB of DDR2? Come on!), and $2 Atari games. I was expecting them to ask $30 for the system, but I was pleasantly surprised with $2. I then headed to the other sales in the neighborhood... Found an overpriced GBA at one, then at the next one found...



2 PlayStation consoles w/ Hookups, 1 Dual Shock, 3 Controllers, Multitap
Performance Carrying Bag
41 Games
Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone
T.J. Lavin's Ultimate BMX
Rugrats in Paris The Movie
102 Dalmatians Puppies to the Rescue
Rosco McQueen Firefighter Extreme
Demolition Racer
NCAA March Madness 99
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy XI
Legend of Mana
N2O Nitrous Oxide
Medal of Honor
Test Drive 5
Michelin Rally Masters
Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee
ATV: Quad Power Racing
Namco Museum Vol. 3
Guardian's Crusade
Jade Cocoon
NHL Faceoff 99
Shadow Man
Tiny Tank
Interactive Samper Disc CD Vol. 8
Digimon World
Digimon World 2
Jeremy McGrath Supercross 98
Syphon Filter
Madden NFL 98
Slam Scope
Alien Trilogy
ECW Anarchy Rulz
Ridge Racer
Persona Revelations

Dr. Mario
Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt / World Class Track Meet
Donkey Kong Classics
Snake Rattle 'n Roll

Total: $25

The bad news is, all these games are pretty beat up. At first I saw the system, controllers, and the first few kids games up through the Final Fantasies, marked at $20. I think "These are scratched, but maybe if FFVII works, it'd be worth it." The guy and I start talking about games, and he grabs another system from another table and says "This is the same thing, right? I should put it with all these." Then the guy said "I swear we had more of these" and opened the front pocket of the carrying bag. Hmm, Legend of Mana, Digimon World 2, Persona... Yes I think $20 is a fair price for all this. Want to throw in the other system too? Sure! I start carrying the bag off, then notice a small stack of NES games on another table, marked at $1 each, and paid him the $5 for those.

Now, time to see if any of these actually work...[/QUOTE]

Persona alone made that a score. Personally I got skunked yet again(has no yard sale luck).

My finacee actually called in this mourning saying she had an emergency(we pretended my heart was screwed up and that it was my blood pressure medicine acting up)just so we could go to a huge 48 family sub division sale. Most of the sales wernt up at the advertised time and 95% of the sales were either baby stuff or old people crap(knick nacks, statues etc). The other 5% were still just junk. I only saw video games at 2 sales, one was all football/basketball games and the other junky kid games. I was tempted to offer the lady $1 each for the games just to add to my collection and not leave empty handed but just when I did someone else made her the same offer. Wouldn't you know the lady was "knowledgeable about games" and informed the inquirer that she could get at least her $5 asking price per game at gamestop.

I enjoy watching this topic and it makes me jealous, but seriously unless your very lucky and work really hard I think that yard sales are just dead anymore.
hunting for games in the wild will just keep getting difficult as these years pass, lots of people are turning to ebay too.

i'm still main focus right now is Genesis games. I was always a genesis guy when I was younger. Sonic 2 was my first game back in 1992. :)
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Bam! finally today a community sale with some finds...having withdraw being snowed in all winter...

BGate (GHits) mint/complete $5
Xenosaga sealed $5
Dark Cloud 2 SEALED $5

Mario Party 5,6,7
Mario DDance with mat
Sonic Heroes
all complete but discs are rough

2 Gameboy SPs (no chargers but in great shape) with pokemon games $20

Twilight DVD $1
The Secret Life of Bees blu ray $1
couple Disney DVDs $1-$2

bunches of houses and started early...but someone(s) were definitely ahead of me ... kept finding their remnants...
found the PS2 games at a sale that featured ladies body care items! Found the SPs buried...and passed on a black label FF7 for $35 (young man was firm! lol)
[quote name='donut']...and passed on a black label FF7 for $35 (young man was firm! lol)[/quote]

Go back tomorrow around 11 and see if he is still isn't budging on price. The majority of yard salers don't even know what that is, much less paying $35 for it. I'd say you got a better chance when he sees no one is interested at that price.

As for me, hopefully I'll have some better luck tomorrow than last week...didn't even see anyone who looked like they'd even heard of video games.
Friday's Finds
Rockband PS3 drums - $2
NES with advantage and 6 games - $3.50

I picked up the drums since I thought that was a good deal, even though the pedal was broken. The nes was pretty dirty. I picked it up just to sell. I'll clean it up and put in a new connector. I also passed on a halo xbox for $25. The collector in me wanted it, but I didn't feel like spending that much on something I'm not going to play much.
Well piss...wash out today for me. Managed to hit two but found nothing before the rain opened up. Hope the rest of yall have some good finds!
Not a lot, but found a few things:


Far Cry (PC) - $0.25 (All discs in good shape)
Sports Car GT - $0.25 (Disc in awesome shape, but came in wrong case. All cases were sealed in Ziploc bags, so I thought it was F1 2000. No biggie, really.)
Superman Returns - $2.00 (Complete, box a little banged up, scratches on disc.)

I know some of you will probably say I overpaid on Superman Returns. :lol:
PS1 with no games 2 controllers all hook ups 3 bucks
Clear Gameboy Pocket $1
A Tiger LCD Mega Man 2 game .25 (I hate the Tiger LCD games, but I just had to have it)
Kind of a crappy day, I went to a big Block sale and only found the gameboy.
I saw a Netgear wireless router (a hackable one) but the old lady was staying firm on 25 I walked.
Holy crap, had an amazing score today. I spent three hours out yard sailing, and really didn't get anything other than this awesome score.

I went to this sale where this dude was selling a bunch of sealed action figures and stuff. We were talking and he mentioned how he was a fanatic about Final Fantasy XI (he had his character tattooed on his chest! HxC), so I told him I had a few sealed FFXI's that I needed to get rid of. I went back home and got one, then brought it to him and traded it for:

Sealed Beast Wars Transmetals Optimus Primal
Sealed Beast Wars Transmetals Megatron
Sealed Beast Wars Transmetals Rattrap (G2 or something, different colors)

But the real score:

Complete, mint copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga.


I am a happy boy.
[quote name='ddrisgood137']Complete, mint copy of Panzer Dragoon Saga.[/quote]
Was that part of the trade, or did you find it somewhere else? How much?
I've hit many sales in the last few weeks with very little results.

Yesterday I spotted a Dreamcast with hookups, 3 controllers, and 16 games (many disc only). It was marked $30 . . . so I offered $15.

I've hit at least 50 sales in the last two weeks and mostly have seen baby clothes and Danielle Steele books . . . ugh.

Yesterday I spotted a Dreamcast system with games . . . marked $30 so I offered $15 and the offer was accepted.

At another sale this morning, I saw some Gamecube games. After picking out 3, I found the woman in charge and she pointed out her son . . . I said how about $10 for these? I had the cash in my hand and I saw his eyes dart between the games and the cash . . . SOLD.
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[quote name='theGrue']Was that part of the trade, or did you find it somewhere else? How much?[/quote]

It was part of the trade. And the best thing was I got that copy of FFXI for like $20. It's not like I ripped the guy off, though. He knew the values of these things and just wanted to get rid of them without putting them on ebay.

And please, let's try to keep the comments like "pics or it didn't happen" off of any sites that aren't If you want pics, no need to be rude! ;) I'm tellin' you, CAG just isn't as friendly or polite as it was a few years back.

Anyway, here are some pics to prove it.


Heh, sorry, Optimus ain't comin' out of the box to mount anything just yet.

Nice scores guys. Way to go on the Transmetal figures.

I didn't find anything in town this weekend. There were only 3 sales, and they were really far out. Passed one and it looked like crap.

Did go earlier in the week in St. Peters, MO and found a set of book cases (3x2). They aren't anything fancy (probably from WM or Target) and they had $10 each on them. All I had was a $20 so I just payed for them and left.

My wife didn't think I got a good deal, but she quieted down when I told her she could have one.

3 Garbage Pail Kids & 6 Trash Can Trolls - .25

Got these at a sale on Friday, had a ton of non sports cards (a few hundred) guy said he'd sell them all for $5 but I only really was interested in these. Told him I had 9 cards, he said how about .90 which I countered with .25. It's funny that I mentioned GPKs just a few days ago then buy some just afterwards at a yardsale for the first time. Sorry no gum around either :D, I though the asking price was funny as IIRC that would have been 2x per what a card costed in a pack back in the day (.25 for 5 cards).

American McGee's Alice Cased (PC)
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind Cased (PC)


American McGee's Alice said $3 so it would have been $4 for both at IAP, offered $2 which was taken.

Game Genie (Sega Genesis) - $1

NES With 2 1st Party Controllers & Game Genie

NES Games

Blades of Steel
Donkey Kong Jr.
Double Dragon
Final Fantasy
Ice Hockey
Iron Sword: Wizards & Warriors II
Legend of Zelda, The (Gold)
Little League Baseball
Major League Baseball
R.B.I. Baseball 3
Remote Control
Road Runner
Super C
Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt (x2)
Super Spy Hunter
Track & Field
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Win, Lose Or Draw
Wizards & Warriors

SNES Games

Contra III: The Alien Wars
Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past, The
Super Mario All*Stars + Super Mario World (Really Bad Label!)
Super Mario Kart
Super Metroid

Sonic The Hedgehog (Genesis)
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)
Sonic Chaos With Case (Game Gear)

Resistance: Fall of Man (Playstation 3) (Complete)


This stuff was actually from a yardsale downtown that I've been to a few times in the last few years that always advertises "video games" got to the sale kind of late (about 8:10-8:15) but I wasen't too worried as not many people seem to go yardsaling around that area, kind of a run down part of town so I guess most yardsalers want junk from people in nicer areas.

This was at the same house that I got Shadow of The Colossus & Neverwinter Nights at last year and I don't think I mentioned it but I left my number at this house last year as I asked about older games & the girl mentioned her boyfriend who was at work and had a NES, SNES & Dreamcast which he forgot to bring down that he was going to sell. I got her cell phone number and called 2 or 3 times and even left a message with my number the last time and as always never heard back. I'm thinking maybe part of the reason they were lazy about getting back was the missing cords on the NES & no SNES system but who knows lol.

When I noticed what house this was I figured fuck it I'll just pass remembering them not getting in touch with me last year but since the only new sales today (Saturday) around my town were a community sale which I went to last year (and asked about video games at every house!) that is very popular with people crawling all over the place and a few street sales near this community sale that I've been to all of in previous years I figured I'd try my luck at what was out at this sale advertising video games as they always have at least a little something good (Suikoden III a few years back for example) and figured at best they'd have mentioned games from last year for sale and maybe even something RPGish for the SNES judging from some of the other games I've seen for sale before at this house.

I got to the sale to see all three systems out, the Dreamcast was marked $20 and only had about 6 games, Sonic Adventure & Evolution 2 being the only decent ones and IIRC both were missing manuals. The NES stuff was in a box and was marked $30, Resistence was marked $5, Sonic Chaos on the table .50, Genesis & SNES carts in a box marked $1 each. I grabbed what I did and asked about the NES offering $10 for it since it was missing the hookups. The guy was thinking about my offer figuring it out in his head with everything I had (which was close to $45 with all the IAPs). I offered $25 for everything which he countered with $30. I paid $30 instead of trying to be any cheaper and shaving off another buck or two since I was already doing good. I ended up grabbing the Genesis Game Genie as I left out of the $1 box for the hell of it. I passed on an NBA Jam or two which I already owned and a few 16-bit sports games.

I was happy about finding Donkey Kong Jr. as I have been hoping to find that or Donkey Kong for the NES but figured I'd try my luck at finding them in the wild instead of resorting to buying online since I already have Donkey Kong Classics.

After this sale I decided to call it a day instead of running around to a few of the street sales going on nearby since I figured I used up all of my luck at this sale and since the same community sales end up being (mostly) all of the same houses every year around here. I figured that I'd be better off saving the time today to clean the contacts on these games.
wasn't being rude, just hard to believe a story without actual proof when we are talking about something that is as rare as PDZ. I hope you have a Saturn and put that game to good use. Congrats on the find by the way.
[quote name='ddrisgood137']It was part of the trade. And the best thing was I got that copy of FFXI for like $20. It's not like I ripped the guy off, though. He knew the values of these things and just wanted to get rid of them without putting them on ebay.

And please, let's try to keep the comments like "pics or it didn't happen" off of any sites that aren't If you want pics, no need to be rude! ;) I'm tellin' you, CAG just isn't as friendly or polite as it was a few years back.

Anyway, here are some pics to prove it.


Heh, sorry, Optimus ain't comin' out of the box to mount anything just yet.


Pics with your CAG name or it didnt happen. :lol::lol:
I went to about 20+ sales today and didn't find crap for games except an NBA 2k7 for $10 for 360 I passed on and a PS2 controller for 50 cents I didn't really want. I did, however, find some cds cheap. I got all 10 of these for $3.50 total. All look brand new.

Rush - Chronicles
Rush - Roll the Bones
Rush - A Show of Hands
Stone Temple Pilots - Tiny Music...
Stone Temple Pilots - 12 Gracious Melodies
The Doors Soundtrack
RHCP - What hits!?
George Thorogood - Live
Jane's Addiction - Ritual De Lo Habitual
Smashing Pumpkins - Siamese Dream
Not a bad haul today:

34 different PSX games, some complete, some disc-only, mainly Disney/kids stuff, no RPGs or anything. - $10 for the stack.

Bust A Move 99
Banjo-Tooie (complete with box+instructions+strategy guide)
$5 for both

CraigsList Find:
NES Original Top Loader (no cords, tested, works)
SNES (Yellowed, no cords, haven't tested yet)
11 NES Games - Ninja Gaiden II, Black Bass, Jaws, Robocop, Mario, Milton's Secret Castle, and some sports games
$20 for all

Charlotte's Web DVD (complete) - Free with something g/f purchased.

Stack of complete kid's DVDs (Power Rangers, etc.) - 25 cents each

Box of 500 or so Magic the Gathering cards (Ice Age/Unlimited, some decent rares in there: Serra Angel, Birds of Paradise, etc.) - $3
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yea, I'd hook my saturn back up to play that one... I ebayed dragon force and shining force III for like $150-200 each back in college around 2001 or so cause I needed money. I'm surprised they have declined in value so much.
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bread's done