Official (2015-2016) College Football Thread OSU#1

At this point Joe Paterno is getting hammered more about this than the grad assistant who actually witnessed the thing.

I think all of them should be held accountable including Paterno, but I think they are putting way to much on Paterno. I guess the man in his 70's at the time should have be more responsible then anyone else. Its probably wrong, but I think his health will start getting worse once he is gone from football either by getting fired or retiring.
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[quote name='perdition(troy']why didn't the GA stop it?
why didn't the GA report it to the police?
why didn't the GA remove the child from the situation instead of telling Paterno?
why didn't the head of Penn State's police department investigate it?
why didn't the AD take away his office?
why didn't the AD remove his access to the facilities?[/QUOTE]

I don't anyone thinks Joe Pa is primarily to blame.

He's just one of many people at blame in this case. Tons of people did the wrong thing by either not coming forward and going to the authorities to make sure the case was dealt, allowing Sandusky to continue to work around kids, or even actively trying to cover the case up.

Everyone involved should lose their jobs at Penn State over it IMO.

Besides, from a football standpoint I don't see why fans car. Joepa hasn't been worth a damn in years and should have retired long ago anyway. So just view it as an opporunity to move forward with a real coach rather than a fossilized figurehead of a coach a decade or two past being a great coach.
[quote name='docvinh'] My question is, why the hell didn't the grad assistant do anything?[/QUOTE]

The grad assistant in question was Mike McQueary, current assistant coach for Penn State. That incident may have made him more indispensable than your typical GA.

[quote name='Nate Nanjo']I think all of them should be held accountable including Paterno, but I think they are putting way to much on Paterno.[/QUOTE]

Well, yes and no. Yes because they're all accountable, No because he's built PSU up. He's the Man with the Plan in this, and he's made a point of preaching "do the right thing" to everyone.

It's hard for me to feel sorry for JoePa -- or his legacy, or PSU in the near term -- when they're sexually abused kids involved. I have a feeling most if not all of JoePa's defenders would tone it down if they had any experience with sexually abused children and the adults they become, how that abuse haunts them forever.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I don't anyone thinks Joe Pa is primarily to blame.

He's just one of many people at blame in this case. Tons of people did the wrong thing by either not coming forward and going to the authorities to make sure the case was dealt, allowing Sandusky to continue to work around kids, or even actively trying to cover the case up.

Everyone involved should lose their jobs at Penn State over it IMO.

Besides, from a football standpoint I don't see why fans car. Joepa hasn't been worth a damn in years and should have retired long ago anyway. So just view it as an opporunity to move forward with a real coach rather than a fossilized figurehead of a coach a decade or two past being a great coach.[/QUOTE]

Because you don't live in PA, you don't understand, he is an icon there.
I understand he's an icon. I also think it's silly to want to keep a coach just for that reason.

WVU had Nehlen stay for 21 years in football and Catlett for 22 or 23 in basketball. Both were local icons--though not on the level Joe Pa obviously. So I have first hand experience with my teams keeping coaches past their primes and having the program decline.

If I was a PSU fan, I'd hate the tarnish this is putting on his legacy, but be hopeful that they can hire a younger coach who can get them back to competing for national titles.

As a WVU fan, I hope they fuck up the hire and fall off the map! :D
[quote name='dmaul1114']I understand he's an icon. I also think it's silly to want to keep a coach just for that reason.

WVU had Nehlen stay for 21 years in football and Catlett for 22 or 23 in basketball. Both were local icons--though not on the level Joe Pa obviously. So I have first hand experience with my teams keeping coaches past their primes and having the program decline.

If I was a PSU fan, I'd hate the tarnish this is putting on his legacy, but be hopeful that they can hire a younger coach who can get them back to competing for national titles.

As a WVU fan, I hope they fuck up the hire and fall off the map! :D[/QUOTE]

Haha, well, I dunno if they'll ever compete for a national title, mainly because of Ohio State, but they've been somewhat competitive for a little while, so the coaching staff is strong.
[quote name='62t']Legally Paterno did what he was suppose to do. Morally he should have follow up when he realized that the school wasn't doing anything.[/QUOTE]


He did the bare minimum he was supposed to do. So maybe he shouldn't go to jail, but he certainly deserves to be out on his ass (and as they just announced, he is), and his legacy forever tarnished. Those of you arguing, "But you're not from PA! You don't UNDERSTAND!" make me throw up in my mouth a little. Get your damn priorities in order.
Man, I didn't realize the president had been president of Penn State since 1995. I was thinking, "Was the guy even president way back when it happened? What would he have to do with it?" Turns out he was indeed. They really like to keep their tenure at Penn State, I guess. Good riddance. Assholes.
Students rioting in favor of Paterno, Jesus people are dumb... Hey, look what Ashton Kutcher wrote on twitter...

“@aplusk: How do ya fire JoPa? #insult #noclass as a hawkeye fan I find it in poor taste”

It's absolutely unconscionable that people rally around someone who is ultimately so trivial in life - defending their cowardice and failure to do the right thing.

For someone who prided themselves on always doing the "right thing," Paterno failed to do so in the most important way.

In a way I'm empathetic. I was a huge fan of the pro wrestler Chris Benoit. But while even I can go back and watch his matches and enjoy them even today (somewhat), I can not defend anything he did. I never have, for that matter.

Paterno didn't kill his wife and child, yes. Perhaps it's a horrible parallel. Both are celebrities, both are involved in sports, yet neither deserve any compassion or defense simply because they provided us with meager entertainment.

If you want to defend Paterno, go read the grand jury report and defend him based on that. Good luck finding something worthy of defense.

But don't dare not read it and then come to his defense anyway; it demonstrates what a lack of knowledge you have - and a fear of gaining knowledge that Paterno is complicit in this.
Kutcher now claiming he didn't know the whole story until after tweeting that, saying he thought it was "just a football thing"... He can't be serious
[quote name='DestroVega']Kutcher now claiming he didn't know the whole story until after tweeting that, saying he thought it was "just a football thing"... He can't be serious[/QUOTE]

Wow. No wonder Demi Moore dumped his stupid ass.

"As of immediately I will stop tweeting until I find a way to properly manage this feed. I feel awful about this error. Won't happen again."

"As an advocate in the fight against child sexual exploitation, I could not be more remorseful for all involved in the Penn St. case."

And the original tweet was deleted. fuck off, Ashton, you worthless piece of shit. Now more than ever I wish that douche would just crawl into a hole somewhere and never come out again.
The grand jury report contains very little pertaining to Paterno, he is mentioned in a few paragraphs at best in the twenty-three page report. Page seven contains the most pertaining to him, in which it explains that the graduate assistant contacted Paterno at his home and then met with Paterno to report that he had witnessed Sandusky "fondling or doing something of sexual nature" to a young boy in the showers. Paterno reported it to his immediate supervisor, the athletic director, Tim Curley.

I do believe that Paterno should have reported this to the police; however, I also believe that there are multiple people involved that should have filed police reports.

Maybe the graduate assistant who caught Sandusky in the act? He did not report this to the police nor did he make any attempt to stop the abuse he walked in on, and make no mistake, we are talking about a graduate assistant who was a 28 year old man at the time, not some 18 year old kid.

What about the janitor who also witnessed Sandusky abusing a child and all the co-workers he told? His fellow co-workers were actually worried about losing their jobs if the crime was reported, and the janitor himself never made a report to the police on what he had witnessed despite saying it was worse than the haunting images of dismembered people he saw during his service in the Korean war.

What about Paterno's superiors who actually covered up the allegations made by the graduate assistant and failed to ever file a report with university police?

Am I suggesting that because other people did even less that Paterno should be forgiven for not reporting this to authorities? Absolutely not. But I do question whether or not it is right to place the majority of the burden from all of these failures to take action on the shoulders of one man simply because he is the face of the university.

Everyone is quick to forget that we have a very valuable tool that Paterno never had at the time: hindsight. It's easy for anyone to hop on an anonymous message board and start saying things like "I would have never let that happen on my watch" but the truth is we have a couple paragraphs in a grand jury report that vaguely describe his involvement in this whole ordeal. We weren't there and we don't really have an abundant amount of facts just yet. The extent of what he knew of the situation and/or how he understood what was told to him is somewhat unclear.

The only thing we have in abundance right now is sensationalist news segments that would basically have you believe that the most despicable person, and therefore the one worthy of the most attention, in this whole tragic situation is the guy who immediately informed his superiors of suspicious and inappropriate activity but failed to file a police report. You know, as opposed to focusing on the guy who used his role in an organization for children to sexually abuse multiple children.

If Paterno covered this up, he deserves it all. I just don't know how people are already coming to that conclusion based on what we have so far. There seems to be a lot of interpolation based on very few data points. That never yields good results.
[quote name='Tybee']This.

He did the bare minimum he was supposed to do. So maybe he shouldn't go to jail, but he certainly deserves to be out on his ass (and as they just announced, he is), and his legacy forever tarnished. Those of you arguing, "But you're not from PA! You don't UNDERSTAND!" make me throw up in my mouth a little. Get your damn priorities in order.[/QUOTE]

Relax man, I'm saying you don't understand how it is there in PA, didn't say he didn't deserved to be fired. Why don't you read before just reacting?
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Wow. No wonder Demi Moore dumped his stupid ass.
He cheated on HER. :roll: Though, who cares what he thinks. He is just a random person like you or I who happens to be an actor/producer.

To Paterno, he wasn't allowed to bow out gracefully instead he was thrown out (rightfully so). This is probably were the fans came from. He built their program and was a living legend. The All Time Winnest College Football coach. Let's be for real... if the scandel didn't come out, the guy would have died coaching there.

[quote name='dmaul1114']Besides, from a football standpoint I don't see why fans car. Joepa hasn't been worth a damn in years and should have retired long ago anyway. So just view it as an opporunity to move forward with a real coach rather than a fossilized figurehead of a coach a decade or two past being a great coach[/quote]
Strong words as he still was doing for the most part quite good there...
2009 - 2 losses including big win in bowl against SEC powerhouse LSU (Finished #9)
2008 - 1 loss season landed them in the Rose Bowl (BCS) (Finished #8)
Currently 2011 - 1 loss so far; ranked #12 (the team they lost to is #3 in the BCS)

[quote name='docvinh']Haha, well, I dunno if they'll ever compete for a national title, mainly because of Ohio State[/quote]
Ohio State... the same team that is unranked playing in a week B10 conference this year who escaped Toledo? Jim Tressel is gone (from scandals himself) so is the B10 dominance of Ohio St.
I think the best reason for dismissing JoePa now, instead of allowing him to hang around, was put on display last night in State College with the "riots." If JoePa were still around as HC, that upcoming home game would be a shameful display for PSU.

To the PSU fans who currently get worked up about JoePa's legacy and his being a supposed scapegoat, that home game would feature an outpouring of support from 100,000 people for JoePa...

To the rest of the college FB world, that display at the first home game would be a creepy, personality cultish display that ignores the 20+ victims of willful institutional ignorance. And again, it's not ignorance on shoe deals or tattoos. It's willful ignorance of kids getting raped in PSU football facilities by a former PSU coach/current PSU professor emeritus.

PSU fans may not realize it now, but their board just saved them a lot of embarrassment.
I certainly agree with Paterno ultimately being let go, but I do wonder if it wasn't all handled a little too quickly. I did read the grand jury report, and I certainly don't think Paterno comes off very well in it, but it doesn't really seem like he has been given much of a chance to clarify his role.

I think what it boils down to is this: People are incredibly angry (rightly so) and need an outlet for their anger. Yet strangely, Sandusky himself is pretty much the only person to whom they can't do anything right now. He'll see his day in court and spend the rest of his life in prison, but there seems to be an insatiable need for immediate and visceral justice, which is why Paterno et al are gone. If we lived in a society where they would just haul Sandusky out into town square and publicly execute him without a trial, I have a feeling Paterno would still be coaching. Again, I do agree with the firing ultimately because I can't imagine he didn't know much more than he's let on so far, but I do think there was a bit of mob justice mentality at play here.
[quote name='lordopus99']He cheated on HER. :roll: Though, who cares what he thinks. He is just a random person like you or I who happens to be an actor/producer.

To Paterno, he wasn't allowed to bow out gracefully instead he was thrown out (rightfully so). This is probably were the fans came from. He built their program and was a living legend. The All Time Winnest College Football coach. Let's be for real... if the scandel didn't come out, the guy would have died coaching there.

Strong words as he still was doing for the most part quite good there...
2009 - 2 losses including big win in bowl against SEC powerhouse LSU (Finished #9)
2008 - 1 loss season landed them in the Rose Bowl (BCS) (Finished #8)
Currently 2011 - 1 loss so far; ranked #12 (the team they lost to is #3 in the BCS)

Ohio State... the same team that is unranked playing in a week B10 conference this year who escaped Toledo? Jim Tressel is gone (from scandals himself) so is the B10 dominance of Ohio St.[/QUOTE]

Ohio State still recruits well, and always will. If Pryor doesn't get tossed, they would be doing okay, but yeah, Penn State has been doing okay for the last decade. Much better then WVU anyway.:)
Now new PSU HC Tom Bradley is saying McQueary will be coaching on Saturday. That's fucking crazy. Imagine being in a stadium full of 100,000 pissed off fans who blame you for their idol being fired. I hope they ramp up the size of their security force.
[quote name='docvinh']Ohio State still recruits well, and always will. If Pryor doesn't get tossed, they would be doing okay, but yeah, Penn State has been doing okay for the last decade. Much better then WVU anyway.:)[/QUOTE]

Penn State has been doing ok, but that's on the staff more than Joe Pa. He's been nothing more than a figure head for many years now.

And I'd say WVU and Penn State have been about equivalent over the past decade.

Since 2000 both have played in 2 BCS games. WVU won both of theirs (UGA in Sugar in 2005; Oklahoma in Fiesta in 2008), Penn State split theirs (beat FSU in the Oragne in 2005; lost to USC in the Rose in 2008).

From 2000-2010 PSU was 84-52. WVU was 95-43. Again, pretty much equivalent since WVU has weaker schedules most years since the Big East has mostly sucked since 2004.
[quote name='perdition(troy']Its ok thought dothog, they didn't fire the GA that saw the incident, didn't report it to the police, or stop it.[/QUOTE]

If they'd have done that before voting out the President and HC, it would have looked like a half-measure.

And again, that guy isn't a GA now. He's an assistant coach. The person who ultimately promoted him from GA to assistant coach is now gone. They're starting at the top and working their way down. PSU's FB staff will be significantly reduced by season's end, don't worry.

They're actually doing things the Right Way. It took them 13 years but they got there.
[quote name='DestroVega']McQuary needs to go ASAP he's more at fault than Joe, he actually saw it happen[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it could be that the board isn't in a position to vote him out. Maybe the contracts are structured so that they needed the HC or AD's approval to dismiss staff individually. And the HC/AD were and are kinda busy right now.

It's bound to happen, though I would imagine the guy will resign first (like JoePa should've done).
[quote name='dmaul1114']Penn State has been doing ok, but that's on the staff more than Joe Pa. He's been nothing more than a figure head for many years now.

And I'd say WVU and Penn State have been about equivalent over the past decade.

Since 2000 both have played in 2 BCS games. WVU won both of theirs (UGA in Sugar in 2005; Oklahoma in Fiesta in 2008), Penn State split theirs (beat FSU in the Oragne in 2005; lost to USC in the Rose in 2008).

From 2000-2010 PSU was 84-52. WVU was 95-43. Again, pretty much equivalent since WVU has weaker schedules most years since the Big East has mostly sucked since 2004.[/QUOTE]

I'm just messing with ya, I know JoePa hasn't really been involved for a while now. We'll see how the coaching staff is after people start leaving/get fired.
He was the one who saw it you moron. If you saw something like that don't you think you would do more? Try to stop it for one? Call the police for two? Sandusky wasn't even a part of the football/paterno at the time the rape took place.
[quote name='62t']Could McQuary done more? Sure but he was lowest in team when joepa was the
most important person at the school[/QUOTE]

Anyone can go to the cops to report a crime they witnessed. He apparently put his career interest ahead of doing the right thing.
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The first time I started hearing about the details of this scandal on Saturday this quote popped in my head:

“Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.” British statesman Edmund Burke

So, many questions are associated with this scandal....

Why didn't former DA of Centre county Ray Gricar choose to not follow through with persecuting Sandusky in 1998 after the first incident?

What happened to Gricar (he went mysteriously missing back in 2005 and has not been heard from since)?

Why was Sandusky still allowed unlimited access to PSU campus after the 1998 incident?

Who at Penn State knew about the 1998 incident?

How much did they know about the 1998 incident?

Why did Mcquery do nothing more than turn around and call his Daddy after witnessing Sandusky ass raping one of the victims in the team shower?

Why didn't he go to the police instead of just telling Coach Paterno?

What did he actually tell Paterno?

Why did Paterno just report the incident to his AD?

What did Paterno actually tell the AD?

Why did the AD not report the incident to the authorities?

Why did the AD only tell Sandusky he couldn't bring kids on campus?

Why didn't anyone try to find out the id of the victim and pursue the situation further?

Why didn't anyone take away Sandusky's unlimited privileges on campus including: an office, keys to the athletic facilities, parking space, etc?

Why was Sandusky now implicated in two incidents allowed to operate youth football camps on PSU campus and their satellite campuses?

Why was Sandusky able to go to practices sometimes with a boy after these events occurred?

Why didn't the janitor report what he saw to the authorities?

Why didn't the guy who caught Sandusky wrestling with a young boy in a work out facility on campus pursue anything?

Why didn't Second Mile oust Sandusky before 2008?

Second Mile was founded in 1977, how many more victims could there be?

Why was Sandusky reportedly seen working out a few weeks ago in an athletic facility on PSU campus?

Why is Mcquery now WR coach and a major recruiter for the program?
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The "journalism" in this entire case is horrendous. And I mean against the entire university, not just Paterno. Every "writer" is saying the most ridiculous things possible at this point to make sure they get read in this feeding frenzy. This story originally broke about a month ago. Sandusky was being investigated by a grand jury for molesting children. The major news outlets ignored it until now. Why? Because Sandusky is a nobody, and while it's a tragedy that children were molested, they determined it wasn't "newsworthy" until they could link it to a major name. The media doesn't give two shits that children were molested. If they did, this story would have been everywhere months ago. They care now because they can drag a major name through the mud and watch their ratings skyrocket. It's sickening. If Sandusky was a retired english professor and this was reported to the head of the English department and then covered up, it (unfortunately) wouldn't even make page 5 news.
[quote name='austenwithane']The "journalism" in this entire case is horrendous. And I mean against the entire university, not just Paterno. Every "writer" is saying the most ridiculous things possible at this point to make sure they get read in this feeding frenzy. This story originally broke about a month ago. Sandusky was being investigated by a grand jury for molesting children. The major news outlets ignored it until now. Why? Because Sandusky is a nobody, and while it's a tragedy that children were molested, they determined it wasn't "newsworthy" until they could link it to a major name. The media doesn't give two shits that children were molested. If they did, this story would have been everywhere months ago. They care now because they can drag a major name through the mud and watch their ratings skyrocket. It's sickening. If Sandusky was a retired english professor and this was reported to the head of the English department and then covered up, it (unfortunately) wouldn't even make page 5 news.[/QUOTE]

Sad, but 100% true.
I agree 100% with this - *every one* of those questions must be answered. It's just a bit shocking of how many things have happened without knowing those answers.

In the case of Shultz and Curely, it's a little less gray since they were arrested. One retired, the other was fired or put on administrative leave, depending on which news outlet you listen to.

For Spanier and Paterno, I believe they should have been put on unpaid leave until the answers were revealed and then dealt with fairly from there, however the media was howling the loudest for their blood - and the trustees delivered.

On the surface, the most confusing case here is McQueary. He has not been fired, put on leave, or even discicplined. Legally at least, he could be in more trouble than Paterno or Spanier since he has admitted to being an eye witness.

Thinking a bit deeper though, it's not as surprising. The board only immediately fired Paterno due to external pressure (with Spanier to boot). There is no external pressure from the media regarding McQueary because with the exception of those living in Pennsylvania, the headline "Mike McQueary Fired!" will mean nothing, sell no additional papers, or generate web traffic.

I think McQueary will be gone eventually because I think he did not do enough (nor did Paterno, Spanier, etc). However, that is only my opinion which should not matter until the questions listed below are answered. Unfortunately for some though, apparently the answers do not matter.

[quote name='evildeadjedi']The first time I started hearing about the details of this scandal on Saturday this quote popped in my head:

“Evil flourishes when good men do nothing.” British statesman Edmund Burke

So, many questions are associated with this scandal....

Why didn't former DA of Centre county Ray Gricar choose to not follow through with persecuting Sandusky in 1998 after the first incident?

What happened to Gricar (he went mysteriously missing back in 2005 and has not been heard from since)?

Why was Sandusky still allowed unlimited access to PSU campus after the 1998 incident?

Who at Penn State knew about the 1998 incident?

How much did they know about the 1998 incident?

Why did Mcquery do nothing more than turn around and call his Daddy after witnessing Sandusky ass raping one of the victims in the team shower?

Why didn't he go to the police instead of just telling Coach Paterno?

What did he actually tell Paterno?

Why did Paterno just report the incident to his AD?

What did Paterno actually tell the AD?

Why did the AD not report the incident to the authorities?

Why did the AD only tell Sandusky he couldn't bring kids on campus?

Why didn't anyone try to find out the id of the victim and pursue the situation further?

Why didn't anyone take away Sandusky's unlimited privileges on campus including: an office, keys to the athletic facilities, parking space, etc?

Why was Sandusky now implicated in two incidents allowed to operate youth football camps on PSU campus and their satellite campuses?

Why was Sandusky able to go to practices sometimes with a boy after these events occurred?

Why didn't the janitor report what he saw to the authorities?

Why didn't the guy who caught Sandusky wrestling with a young boy in a work out facility on campus pursue anything?

Why didn't Second Mile oust Sandusky before 2009?

Second Mile was founded in 1977, how many more victims could there be?

Why was Sandusky reportedly seen working out a few weeks ago in an athletic facility on PSU campus?

Why is Mcquery now WR coach and a major recruiter for the program?[/QUOTE]
As a mandated reported McQuary is only require to tell his supervisor. Seeing how the higher up at the school were willing to cover up there is a reason for him not to report it to the police when it could cost him his job. Still I am not going to give him a free pass as he should be intervening as soon as he saw what was going on. As to why only Paterno was fired? I am guessing the University found out he knew more than he is saying.
[quote name='62t']Could McQuary done more? Sure but he was lowest in team when joepa was the
most important person at the school[/QUOTE]

So, you are ok with McQueary still being on the team?

Its like because he was the lowest on the team its that he had the least amount of responsibility in this case.
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[quote name='Nate Nanjo']So, you are ok with McQueary still being on the team?

Its like because he was the lowest on the team its that he had the least amount of responsibility in this case.[/QUOTE]

Personally I am not. I think he will resign eventually due to the media.

However McQueary I felt was the only one telling the truth and told someone what he saw. I don't believe Paterno when he said he didn't realized how serious it was or that it was the first time he found what Sandusky was doing. I think Paterno and other admin did know what was going on back in 1999 when Sandusky retied, which was around the same time he was investigated.
Two things on some of the bullshit popping up here...

1. Dwelling on McQueary as a way of white knighting for JoePa isn't making much of a case. They'll all get dismissed. There's no telling why the ordering is the way that it is.

However, JoePa certainly didn't help himself with that press release he made on announcing his retirement: he made that aside about how the Board of Trustees had other things to concern themselves with than his dismissal. If he's Mr. Upstanding, his retirement statement should have read only 1) I retire and 2) My thoughts go out to the victims and their families. Instead he chose to play grabass politics with the Board and make a last stab at doing things on his terms -- bad move. He put himself above PSU in that statement. He did.

Sticking around only demonized the board, and if he cared about PSU he wouldn't have done that. Because he should've known they'd have to let him go -- the moment anyone reads that grand jury report, you know that anyone who had knowledge of Sandusky had to go. How could he ever possibly think he had the right to stick around? He covered for that guy, he did wrong!

2. Also, the above comments in this thread about the BIG BAD MEDIA miss the point entirely. This story is exactly as big as it should be. This should be a scandal. You're PSU fans, you regret what it will do to your school and your team, I understand that. But don't fool yourself into thinking that the Board of Trustees took action on the president and Paterno to give the ugly meanies in the Media their pound of flesh (see #1). That's delusional.

Harrisburg's paper was the first to comment on the grand jury's report last week. That's Harrisburg, not some non-local, big name conglomerate out for JoePa's head. Then as a matter of digging people uncovered the perjury charges on the AD and his buddy, then reporters actually read the report and were horrified at the details, and here we are. It's a national story because it's big. Sure, ESPN does their thing and they embarrass themselves in the process (as always), but good, legitimate sources of news are reporting this closely. It's a BIG story.

It's no mystery, it's no grand conspiracy against PSU and JoePa. It's probably the biggest US sports scandal, and from the sound of it (JoePa feeling out legal representation against possible criminal charges), it's only getting bigger. So you can tell yourselves it's the terrible media out to tarnish your boy's precious legacy and sensationalize and yellow journalism and blah blah blah, but just know that you're blowing smoke up your own ass. Nobody else buys into it no matter how hard you piss and moan.
[quote name='perdition(troy']/translated

got a bit of slidecage in you today dmaul?[/QUOTE]

And the truth comes out.... slidecage is actually dmaul's alternate account, for when he is sick of grading the papers of his idiotic students and just wants to troll the forums for lulz.
[quote name='dothog']1. Dwelling on McQueary as a way of white knighting for JoePa isn't making much of a case. They'll all get dismissed. There's no telling why the ordering is the way that it is.[/QUOTE]

I'm pissed, because according to numerous reports the Board of Trustees have no plans to fire or ask McQueary to step down.

I don't give a damn about what Paterno's or McQueary status is/was, McQueary is just as guilty as Paterno.

This goes back to my comment about putting to much on Paterno, its like because McQueary wasn't the Big Dog on campus he gets a free pass. The SoB witnessed it, but decided the best course of action was to call his dad and then go to Paterno the next day. I guess in the end, he did make the right decision on how to go about this, he is escaping a lot of the blame on this especially from the media.
[quote name='Nate Nanjo']I'm pissed, because according to numerous reports the Board of Trustees have no plans to fire or ask McQueary to step down.

I don't give a damn about what Paterno's or McQueary status is/was, McQueary is just as guilty as Paterno.

This goes back to my comment about putting to much on Paterno, its like because McQueary wasn't the Big Dog on campus he gets a free pass. The SoB witnessed it, but decided the best course of action was to call his dad and then go to Paterno the next day. I guess in the end, he did make the right decision on how to go about this, he is escaping a lot of the blame on this especially from the media.[/QUOTE]

I dont how it is the same. There is no indication McQueary ever tied to cover up anything. There is indication that Paterno did covering up.
[quote name='Nate Nanjo']I'm pissed, because according to numerous reports the Board of Trustees have no plans to fire or ask McQueary to step down.

I don't give a damn about what Paterno's or McQueary status is/was, McQueary is just as guilty as Paterno.

This goes back to my comment about putting to much on Paterno, its like because McQueary wasn't the Big Dog on campus he gets a free pass. The SoB witnessed it, but decided the best course of action was to call his dad and then go to Paterno the next day. I guess in the end, he did make the right decision on how to go about this, he is escaping a lot of the blame on this especially from the media.[/QUOTE]

I don't believe that McQueary won't be gone. I can't believe they'll keep any of the staff around beyond this season. He's not escaping any blame, it's just that he's NOT JOE PATERNO THE FATHER OF PSU FOOTBALL. Of course it's "different" for JoePa. He's JoePa, he does things the right way, he's above all those infractions and obstacles that trip up lesser programs.

Whether McQueary should be able to finish out the season is a matter of debate, I guess, but his days are numbered. His failure to act is mostly on him, he's a cog. Paterno's failure to act, as the man who built that program from the ground up and had the final say on who was in PSU's faculties, represents far more, it's institutional failure of the worst kind.

I know people want to get in the ticky tack argument of "what's good for the goose...", but get real. They had to start somewhere, and they started at the top.
[quote name='dothog']I don't believe that McQueary won't be gone. I can't believe they'll keep any of the staff around beyond this season. He's not escaping any blame, it's just that he's NOT JOE PATERNO THE FATHER OF PSU FOOTBALL. Of course it's "different" for JoePa. He's JoePa, he does things the right way, he's above all those infractions and obstacles that trip up lesser programs.

Whether McQueary should be able to finish out the season is a matter of debate, I guess, but his days are numbered. His failure to act is mostly on him, he's a cog. Paterno's failure to act, as the man who built that program from the ground up and had the final say on who was in PSU's faculties, represents far more, it's institutional failure of the worst kind.

I know people want to get in the ticky tack argument of "what's good for the goose...", but get real. They had to start somewhere, and they started at the top.[/QUOTE]

You know my feeling on this maybe because I have a son of my own, but when child abuse is involved and there are numerous victims involved punishment shouldn't be different for anyone regardless of who the are and are not. I feel that anyone who witnesses it and fails to go to the police during a 9 year span or do anything to stop it when they are able to then they are just as responsible as anyone involved with covering it up or any part of it, even if they are telling the truth. I'm not trying to defend Paterno, I just don't like that McQueary is able to keep his job or be allowed to coach at all right now.

I might not be such a big problem for me if McQueary witnessed it with in the last year or so, but not when he witnessed it 9 years ago and did nothing more about it than report it to Paterno and his dad.
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In other news, VT kept on rolling tonight. It was nice to watch ESPN for a period of more than five minutes without hearing about Penn State or Paterno (I ignored the ticker). One step closer to the ACC Championship. Hopefully Clemson wins out and we can have a top ten showdown for the ACC title.
bread's done