Official CAG board/card game topic. From Dominion to Battlestar we gots it all!

[quote name='Jek Porkins']Seconded. I only order through these guys, now. They also have a running discount based on how much you've spent on your account over time, which is nice. That, and the free shipping over $100 makes it a no-brainer for me.[/QUOTE]

Yeah the customer awards does not add up to much, but its still a nice touch. You get 0.5% off general purchases and 1% off magic card purchases for your first $50. Then 1% and 2% at $100, 1.5% and 4% off at $200 and it just keeps going up every few hundred after that. Its not much, but it does add up to a few bucks off every order over time. Seeing as they are already the cheapest option its a nice touch.

Their customer service is also top notch. Iv canceled a few orders and replaced them because of Summoner Wars being delayed again and again and they have been fast and friendly every time. The only time I had an issue was when I bought a "grab bag" of magic cards. Basically they "randomly select" a rare and then randomly select an additional 9-10 commons and uncommons and toss them in a little pack. In addition they also claim they put $5-$50 off gift cards in 1 of every 15 bags. Typical raffle stuff that comic shops often do. Well I bought their discounted 20 pack and got horrendous results. I didnt expect to have amazing results or even break even...but this just seemed too crappy to chalk up to random luck. Out of the 20 rares I received they were all junk worth no more then $0.50 each and worse there were duplicates. Out of the 200 cards only 8 were uncommon so that worked out to less then 1 per pack! Then there was no gift card which defied the 1 in 15 odds. Even the commons I received were among the cheapest and junkiest available. As I said I didnt expect to pull some big mythic rare out or that every other card was going to be an uncommon or even to get a gift card...but to get duplicates, no gift card and every last card to be bunk....that seemed fishy.

To their credit when I contacted them though they refunded me the $18 I spent on the 20 grab bag pack though, so it again shows they have great CS. As I said love the site over all and I dont hold the grab bag against them(even if they would not have refunded me I wouldnt have). I just listed it because it shows again not only are their prices the best but they seem to respect the customer a lot.
[quote name='crunchewy']The over $100 for free shipping bit gives me pause, though. I mean even though their price for the Ascension stuff would be a little better anyway I think, I can't help but feel like I have to wait until I'm going to buy over $100 worth of stuff or I'm going to feel ripped off... so the end result is that I'll probably buy $100+ worth of stuff even though I don't really want $100 worth of stuff! I know... this is my problem. :)[/QUOTE]

Most board game websites do the same thing. Trollandtoad and fairplay both do it...but I think there you have to pay $125 and $150 respectivly. If you think about it board games are probaly pretty expensive to ship, so its them trying to find a middle ground between customers paying huge shipping prices or them biting an expensive bullet.

It does encourage you to spend though! Every few months a new Xpack comes out for a game I love and I end up buying $100 worth of games from them because I cant justify paying $10-$15 more at Amazon ;)
How is 7 wonders as a 2 player game? I just finally caved and picked it up as well as Snow Tails, Quarriors and a crap ton of magic cards.
[quote name='crunchewy']The over $100 for free shipping bit gives me pause, though. I mean even though their price for the Ascension stuff would be a little better anyway I think, I can't help but feel like I have to wait until I'm going to buy over $100 worth of stuff or I'm going to feel ripped off... so the end result is that I'll probably buy $100+ worth of stuff even though I don't really want $100 worth of stuff! I know... this is my problem. :)[/QUOTE]

Hehe, same here, but a few games and some filler (sleeves, etc.) add up pretty quickly. If I can wait until a game I'm dying for, I can usually come up with at least $100 per order. It seems expensive until you compare that total with what they might have been at retail or shipped separately, and then there's no question that this is the way to go if you can manage it.
[quote name='MSI Magus']How is 7 wonders as a 2 player game? I just finally caved and picked it up as well as Snow Tails, Quarriors and a crap ton of magic cards.[/QUOTE]

I don't know yet, but they recommend playing 3+ player games first and call the two player game "Expert". It has some additional rules and two cards that are only used in the two player game.

I'm going to see if I can get some friends interested in a group order so I can get Ascension. I really want the game because it's good two players, which a lot of my games are not so much, and both of my kids like it. Sometimes only one wants to play a game, so it would be perfect.
Yes, it's clearly intended for at least 4, however I've never tried the 2 player variant. It does have it's own rules, so maybe that would actually work better then 3 players. At some point we'll try that out. We had fun with it with 3 players anyway. The only problem with 3 players is that eliminates the factor of only have your two neighbors to buy resources from. Everybody can buy resources from everybody in a 3 player game since everyone is everyone elses neighbor.
Hmmm you guys got me debating canceling it and ordering something else. As it stands it will be me and my wife alone 90% of the time and if the couple we play board games with dont like it then just the 2 of us 100% of the time.
According to a review (user review) on amazon, and I've seen this mentioned elsewhere too, the expansion to Ascension is kind of broken. The card stock is thinner and lighter and as such you can't really combine the two decks because the cards are easy to tell apart. How bizarre. It's making me rethink my idea of buying the game. Maybe some future version of Ascension will have the thinner stock. Then again it's possible that new copies of the game do have the thinner stock already. Please let use know, MSI, once you get your sets.
[quote name='crunchewy']According to a review (user review) on amazon, and I've seen this mentioned elsewhere too, the expansion to Ascension is kind of broken. The card stock is thinner and lighter and as such you can't really combine the two decks because the cards are easy to tell apart. How bizarre. It's making me rethink my idea of buying the game. Maybe some future version of Ascension will have the thinner stock. Then again it's possible that new copies of the game do have the thinner stock already. Please let use know, MSI, once you get your sets.[/QUOTE]

My wife and I got them last week and have already played a half dozen or more games and it did not bug us. I also just grabbed my cards and checked after seeing this post and while there is a difference I think those people are being cry babies. I mean yes if you hold one of both in your hand you can tell a slight difference...but its not like it changes the game. This is a game where you shuffle your deck and then draw 5 cards off the top, unless you go searching through your deck feeling for a difference I dont see how it effects things. As I said ultimately we have already played several hands and didnt notice it till you pointed it out.

My complaint is more that the Xpack cards are not as good, there are too many cards I view as useless. Its still worth it for the $10-$13ish it cost me though.
I found some reviews on BGG and they seem to say that if you have an issue with the card difference, you can put them in sleeves and then you can't tell the difference. However the four reviews are mostly of the underwhelmed variety. Maybe I'll just get the base game and wait for some future expansion that might be better. Not sure. But how did you get it for $10-$13? On coolstuffinc it's $19.99.
[quote name='crunchewy']I found some reviews on BGG and they seem to say that if you have an issue with the card difference, you can put them in sleeves and then you can't tell the difference. However the four reviews are mostly of the underwhelmed variety. Maybe I'll just get the base game and wait for some future expansion that might be better. Not sure. But how did you get it for $10-$13? On coolstuffinc it's $19.99.[/QUOTE]

I got it for $20. I had the price of the Xpack mixed up with the price of the sleeve combo. Also we never played with our cards outside of sleeves so that could make a difference. We dont have big thick sleeves though, we just have the crappy clear/see through cheapos. Still as I said we never noticed a difference.

I say if your looking to do a $100 order for free shipping then grab it, its a nice addition. If you are paying shipping though then while its a nice addition you could indeed wait on it.
We played 7 Wonders again last night, this time with 4 players. It's definitely a better game with 4+ players. The neighbors mechanic of the game is fun. Great game, though I'm not entirely sure of the strategy yet. Some ideas are starting to gel, though....
[quote name='thrustbucket']
I also just picked up the new fangled LOTR card game everyone raves about. Haven't tried it yet though....[/QUOTE]
I've been playing it solo a lot lately. It's tough as hell with one player, the game is better scaled for two players. Don't even attempt the third scenario in the core set solo, it will kick your ass. I got the Hunt for Gollum expansion a few days ago and have been having fun with it. Pretty challenging, I've only beat it twice out of around a dozen tries.
[quote name='redline']I've been playing it solo a lot lately. It's tough as hell with one player, the game is better scaled for two players. Don't even attempt the third scenario in the core set solo, it will kick your ass. I got the Hunt for Gollum expansion a few days ago and have been having fun with it. Pretty challenging, I've only beat it twice out of around a dozen tries.[/QUOTE]

We have had this game on our shelf for like 2 months. I even read the instructions and we just never got around to playing it. After reading the manual it just struck me as a game that we will play a few times then never touch again.
For those that don't know, fantasy flight games puts together some videos that are very nicely produced that teach you how to play. I never read their instructions.

Here is the video tutorial of LotR.
[quote name='thrustbucket']For those that don't know, fantasy flight games puts together some videos that are very nicely produced that teach you how to play. I never read their instructions.

Here is the video tutorial of LotR.[/QUOTE]

Watched it before and again felt I got 90% of it.
[quote name='MSI Magus']We have had this game on our shelf for like 2 months. I even read the instructions and we just never got around to playing it. After reading the manual it just struck me as a game that we will play a few times then never touch again.[/QUOTE]
Yeah I played it with my wife a few times but she's not really into card games, and I think she was more confused than anything. So I pretty much just play it solo. Once you beat a scenario you sort of do feel like there's no reason to go back and play that scenario again. But it might take you 10-20 games before you even beat it once. I enjoy building different decks to see how well I can do with them, but since we only have cards from the core set and Hunt for Gollum there's a pretty limited pool right now.
The game company that made 7 Wonders has a game called Ghost Stories which was just released by them now as an iPad app. I bought the app and it's an interesting game (though complex and you need to watch the tutorial videos at but man is it brutally difficult. It's a cooperative game where you work together to beat the game itself. I'm wondering if anyone here is familiar with the game? The app is currently limited to 1 and 2 player games, unlike the real thing. Hopefully they'll add 4 players, which many people apparently play when playing solo (they play all 4 players).
[quote name='crunchewy']The game company that made 7 Wonders has a game called Ghost Stories which was just released by them now as an iPad app. I bought the app and it's an interesting game (though complex and you need to watch the tutorial videos at but man is it brutally difficult. It's a cooperative game where you work together to beat the game itself. I'm wondering if anyone here is familiar with the game? The app is currently limited to 1 and 2 player games, unlike the real thing. Hopefully they'll add 4 players, which many people apparently play when playing solo (they play all 4 players).[/QUOTE]

I got it, too, and it is certainly not a game you just pick up and play. Having played several games of it, I still find myself mis-identifying symbols and needing to refer back to figure things out. It seems like it would be fun eventually, though.
[quote name='crunchewy']The game company that made 7 Wonders has a game called Ghost Stories which was just released by them now as an iPad app. I bought the app and it's an interesting game (though complex and you need to watch the tutorial videos at but man is it brutally difficult. It's a cooperative game where you work together to beat the game itself. I'm wondering if anyone here is familiar with the game? The app is currently limited to 1 and 2 player games, unlike the real thing. Hopefully they'll add 4 players, which many people apparently play when playing solo (they play all 4 players).[/QUOTE]

When you notice a new board game came out you should post it here. I had no clue Ghost Stories was released. Anything else recently?
[quote name='MSI Magus']When you notice a new board game came out you should post it here. I had no clue Ghost Stories was released. Anything else recently?[/QUOTE]

If you haven't already, subscribe on to the following thread:

It's the best, most up-to-date list for that purpose!

I'm getting pretty antsy for the release of Puerto Rico for the iPad, which should (finally!) be out Thursday or so. Anyone else?
[quote name='Jek Porkins']If you haven't already, subscribe on to the following thread:

It's the best, most up-to-date list for that purpose!

I'm getting pretty antsy for the release of Puerto Rico for the iPad, which should (finally!) be out Thursday or so. Anyone else?[/QUOTE]

Puerto rico is another of those games we bought and its just sat on the shelf. When we first got in to board gaming we bought a ton of really heavy games like it and Agricola that I ended up loving but my wife ended up hating. We have learned to play a few of them, but as I said my wife ended up hating the more complicated/heavy games and as a result they have sat there "untill retirement when I have the time for them" as she puts it.

I am excited for the Ipad version though so I can finally get to play it and maybe convince her to play.
My kids and I actually won our first game of ghost stories (I helped - the app only allows two players). It's a pretty cool game. I wish the app allowed all 4 players, though. FYI, we were playing on Initiate, of course.

Puerto Rico I would be excited for except that it's being developed by codito/Sage Games, who've only seemed to get worse with each release. Tikal was their worst yet. A classroom on bad design. I'm going to wait to hear what others say about it before I buy that. Plus the screenshots look ugly as sin. I wish a genuinely good dev was making it.
[quote name='crunchewy']My kids and I actually won our first game of ghost stories (I helped - the app only allows two players). It's a pretty cool game. I wish the app allowed all 4 players, though. FYI, we were playing on Initiate, of course.

Puerto Rico I would be excited for except that it's being developed by codito/Sage Games, who've only seemed to get worse with each release. Tikal was their worst yet. A classroom on bad design. I'm going to wait to hear what others say about it before I buy that. Plus the screenshots look ugly as sin. I wish a genuinely good dev was making it.[/QUOTE]

Good to hear! I picked it up since I always thought it looked cool, but am nervous because we tend to hate Co Op games and because its got the rep for being so difficult.
It *is* difficult. Brutally so, but I'm starting to get the hang of it. I lost about 7 or 8 times in a row before winning. I expect to lose a lot more yet! :)
I just put in an order for Ascension + Expansion + 2x Card sleeve/travel box combo (you need 350 sleeves, so two sets. I would probably have ordered the combo + 3x the sleeve packs, but coolstuffinc only had one of those in stock, plus it never hurts to have extras) and, in a demonstration of the evils of minimum orders for free shipping, Ghost Stories.

Separately I ordered the GQ11 mini expansion to Carcassonne from, which is the only place I could find that had it in stock. Overpriced, yes, especially since I had to pay for shipping, but cheaper then ebay! I might have ordered all my stuff from there, except that FPG only had the base Ascension set.
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has anyone played the new dominion expansion?


[quote name='crunchewy']I

Separately I ordered the GQ11 mini expansion to Carcassonne from, which is the only place I could find that had it in stock. Overpriced, yes, especially since I had to pay for shipping, but cheaper then ebay! I might have ordered all my stuff from there, except that FPG only had the base Ascension set.[/QUOTE]

wow, that's almost worth buying just for the spring tile.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']wow, that's almost worth buying just for the spring tile.[/QUOTE]

That's the main tile I want. Sure, I could have drawn a road on the existing title, but I really don't want t do that. I want the parts unadultered and pretty. :) Some of the other tiles are already in other expansions, but I don't mind having more of them - they are good tiles. I think the all fields tile is unique to this expansion and is an amusing one, though may or may not prove a valuable addition. Possible some of the others. In any case it's all good if you ask me.

One thing is I'm not sure if this expansion has any kind of marking indicating that it's from GQ11, so you can easily remove them if desired. I *may*, and totally going all hypocritical on myself, put a little dot on each of them, but discretely. Or maybe I'll just always use them, thus eliminating the issue. Then again the tiles are probably pretty obvious since they are all quite different from the base set, and the other expansions do have the markings, so maybe they won't be hard to pick out.
[quote name='crunchewy']That's the main tile I want. Sure, I could have drawn a road on the existing title, but I really don't want t do that. I want the parts unadultered and pretty. :) Some of the other tiles are already in other expansions, but I don't mind having more of them - they are good tiles. I think the all fields tile is unique to this expansion and is an amusing one, though may or may not prove a valuable addition. Possible some of the others. In any case it's all good if you ask me.

One thing is I'm not sure if this expansion has any kind of marking indicating that it's from GQ11, so you can easily remove them if desired. I *may*, and totally going all hypocritical on myself, put a little dot on each of them, but discretely. Or maybe I'll just always use them, thus eliminating the issue. Then again the tiles are probably pretty obvious since they are all quite different from the base set, and the other expansions do have the markings, so maybe they won't be hard to pick out.[/QUOTE]

If it's like the King and Scout, another mini expansion, they won't have any markers. I just keep them separate from my other tiles and know them well enough to keep them that way. I suppose I could put some little mark on them though.
Fair Play Games ships faster then coolstuffinc. GQ11 is on it's way. My other stuff from coolstuffinc won't ship until tomorrow. Also a friend tells me that FPG ships here (east coast) in a day often. Oh well. They didn't have all the Ascension stuff anyway. Prices are pretty similar between the two. A little more for one thing, a little less for another. FPG does require $25 more for free shipping, though. In any case I am really looking forward to moving those little monks around in Ghost Stories (and less so the Haunters!)

I also ordered card sleeves for Ghost Stories from Mayday Games. This time I got the premium ones - those standard ones I got for 7 Wonders are pretty chincy. I think they exist only to make you buy the premium ones next time. Whenever I get the Leaders expansion to 7 Wonders I'm going to also swap out the cheap sleeves. But my wallet is being zipped shut for a while. Too much spent on board games of late! :shock:
Cool Stuff Inc and FPG both have a frequent buyer deal; it looks like FPG rewards you once you've earned enough points, whereas CSI starts offering a discount on every order after your first 50$ spent. Obviously that depends on how much your order, and that might not negate any difference in pricing, but it's something else to think about.

Ghost Stories was tough to beat. Seems like you really need 4 players for it to flow well.

My most recent co-op purchase was Defenders of the Realm, by Richard Launius. It's actually really easy to understand how to play once you're a turn in, and it seems like it's not as susceptible to director syndrome as something like Pandemic, though it shares a few similar mechanics. It's very Ameritrashy - you're traveling a fantasy land with places named Seagull Canyon and Raven Forest, trying to fight minions, cleanse taint, fulfill quests, all while 4 generals are slowly by inexorably making their way toward the capital city, which will spell your doom. It's fun, and the different characters you can choose to play all have something to offer.
I haven't played that one.

Everybody already has all 4 players for Ghost Stories. Either 4 people or one playing all 4 or some combination. I've got 3 of 4 real players in my house all the time - my kids like it too (we've played it on the iPad, but that's currently limited to two players). They like it and we won our first game working together (with two monks), which was probably a miracle. I'd lost about 7 times in a row prior. :) When I told them tonight that I'd ordered it, they cheered. :)
[quote name='georox']Anyone play Red Dragon Inn?[/QUOTE]

I only have the main game, but it's not one I bring out much. The theme is fun (drunken adventurers just back from an adventure are gambling their spoils), and I like that every player gets a different fixed deck, but the game just isn't all that fun to play. Maybe a very light recommendation if your group also roleplays, or doesn't care much about good, strategic gameplay. Otherwise, avoid it.
I'm really liking Ghost Stories on the iPad, but can't wait to get the real version. For one thing we'll (me and my two boys) be able to play it with all 4 monks, and we'll be able to customize the rules. I want to make it easier for us to win when I'm playing with my kids. So I'm thinking of possible variants, such as making the lose all Tao tokens side of the Curse die not count, putting the Incarnation further up in the deck, starting with an extra Qi token. Something of that sort. I don't want my kids to get too frustrated with it. When I'm playing solo or with friends, though, we'll play it straight up. Plus I just like the real games more. Nothing like moving around the pieces, drawing the cards, etc. Also good for the "no screen time" parts of the day.
It's an expensive perk, yes. :) And, sure, not always a perk. :)

My order of games (Ghost Stories, Ascension+Expansion and travel box/sleeve combos for it) from coolstuffinc is scheduled to arrive on Thursday. My order of the GQ11 expansion for Carcassonne from fairplaygames is supposed to arrive today. My order of sleeves for Ghost Stories from maydaygames is supposed to arrive Friday. Woohoo!

EDIT: found this "extra easy" variant idea for Ghost Stories, which sounds perfect:

The nice thing about this is then you're playing the game the usual way, it just takes out some of the nastier ghosts. I already knew about putting the buddhas villager tile in the middle.
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So my Fairplaygames order of GQ11 is nowhere to be found (scheduled delivery was yesterday), but my coolstuffinc order has arrived. I've got a nice big box at home to open. Yeah!

And... Ghost Stories has a red, blue and two yellow monks, instead of a green. Sigh. I contacted coolstuffinc and they told me to emaill as they are the US distributor for the game. I sent them an email. Hopefully they can get me a green monk ASAP. In the mean time I'll mark the extra yellow monk somehow so we can tell them apart.
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Does anyone have a suggestion for how you shuffle as many cards as there are in Ascension with the expansion? I mean the center row cards? There's no way you can shuffle them all at once. What's a good approach? I split it up into piles, shuffled each pile, split those in half combining them with other halves, and then shuffled those. Is there a better way to do it? We did have fun with it once it was set up, but that setup is pretty painful.
[quote name='crunchewy']Does anyone have a suggestion for how you shuffle as many cards as there are in Ascension with the expansion? I mean the center row cards? There's no way you can shuffle them all at once. What's a good approach? I split it up into piles, shuffled each pile, split those in half combining them with other halves, and then shuffled those. Is there a better way to do it? We did have fun with it once it was set up, but that setup is pretty painful.[/QUOTE]

That's how I do it, too. I love deckbuilding games, but I get tired of the non-stop shuffling. Can't really suggest any better way than that, really.
[quote name='crunchewy']Does anyone have a suggestion for how you shuffle as many cards as there are in Ascension with the expansion? I mean the center row cards? There's no way you can shuffle them all at once. What's a good approach? I split it up into piles, shuffled each pile, split those in half combining them with other halves, and then shuffled those. Is there a better way to do it? We did have fun with it once it was set up, but that setup is pretty painful.[/QUOTE]

I split it in two, my wife shuffles half and I shuffle the other half. After a minute or so she breaks half of her deck off and I break half of mine of and we switch shuffling just a bit more.
The shuffling in-game is no problem at all - that's easy and quick and actually I kind of like it. It's just the setup for Ascension, since there is such a large deck to shuffle. For me, I'm often playing with my kids and I can't really give them half the deck as it's too many for them to shuffle. Still, I was playing Ascension with my youngest yesterday (8 - I did give him smaller piles to shuffle) and after getting past the initial shuffle, I do have to say that it's really enjoyable to play the real thing. Nothing like playing real cards. The iOS game is great for the online, but at home we'll always play the real thing, not even counting the fact that we have the expansion that way (the expansion is coming to the iOS version this Fall, incidentally).

Also I find that shuffling with sleeves, especially in-game, is actually easier then without. I also like the feel of the cards with the sleeves on them. Card sleeve fetishist. ;)
[quote name='crunchewy']The shuffling in-game is no problem at all - that's easy and quick and actually I kind of like it. It's just the setup for Ascension, since there is such a large deck to shuffle. For me, I'm often playing with my kids and I can't really give them half the deck as it's too many for them to shuffle. Still, I was playing Ascension with my youngest yesterday (8 - I did give him smaller piles to shuffle) and after getting past the initial shuffle, I do have to say that it's really enjoyable to play the real thing. Nothing like playing real cards. The iOS game is great for the online, but at home we'll always play the real thing, not even counting the fact that we have the expansion that way (the expansion is coming to the iOS version this Fall, incidentally).

Also I find that shuffling with sleeves, especially in-game, is actually easier then without. I also like the feel of the cards with the sleeves on them. Card sleeve fetishist. ;)[/QUOTE]

As long as you are not asking your wife to bring sleeved cards to bed.

On a related note, I can now say with confidence that if you buy card sleeves for 7 Wonders from, do not be fooled by the lower price of the "Standard" sleeves. They are garbage that you'll soon be tossing out and replacing with the "Premium" ones. Aside from being so thin that they easily split, they just don't fit very well - we kept having cards slip right out of them. I got in an order of the premium sleeves for it today, also from mayday, and they fit much better and are much better quality. I still think they are just a tad on the loose side, but they definitely fit much better and are sturdier. The cheap ones are a bit like putting the cards in a cheap plastic sandwich bag.
I picked up the Rat King promo expansion for Ascension from the Board Game Geek store ( for $5 shipped. Given that it's only 12 cards, that's a bit pricey, but I like the game a lot and I like this expansion. it's pretty simple. There are two Rat King cards and 10 Giant Rat cards. The Giant Rat cards are set aside and the Rat Kings are shuffled into the center row deck like any other such card. When the Rat King is drawn into the center row, you place Giant Rats on all the other center row cards. The Giant Rats have a power of 1 to defeat and give 1 honor as reward. You can't buy a card covered by a Giant Rat until the Giant Rat is killed. The Rat King has a power of 6 to defeat and rewards you 4 honor, plus you defeat any remaining Giant Rats, so he's worth anywhere from 4 to 9 honor points.

In our first game with the Rat King we had one of them drawn and all the Giant Rats were defeated before the Rat King was defeated by me, so he was only worth 4 honor. I like it and recommend picking up this promo expansion if you like the game as much as we do.
finally bought Dixit for a new party game. It was definitely fun, but it takes a few rounds to loosen people up. It seems like it might be a little tricky for first time players, but all in all I enjoy it.
bread's done