Official Enhanced Steam Discussion Thread

This just keeps getting better and better. Thanks.

Is there any chance of adding library filtering or an option to change between title/genre/category in the search so I can say, see all of my adventure games or everything that supports local co-op?
I definitely have bigger plans for the Library feature in upcoming versions (I know, I've been saying that for a while now).

I'm planning on adding support for filters, while categories will be a little more difficult but not impossible. I'm also planning on adding a toggle between list view and grid view. Also the ability to hide library games completely (for those pesky Mac versions of Civ IV and GTAIII, etc).

Stay tuned. It may take a while to get everything the way I'd like it, but it's coming! :)

I definitely have bigger plans for the Library feature in upcoming versions (I know, I've been saying that for a while now).

I'm planning on adding support for filters, while categories will be a little more difficult but not impossible. I'm also planning on adding a toggle between list view and grid view. Also the ability to hide library games completely (for those pesky Mac versions of Civ IV and GTAIII, etc).

Stay tuned. It may take a while to get everything the way I'd like it, but it's coming! :)
Excellent. Thanks.

Newest feature: breaking down multi-packs into a "price per each".



Thanks for the idea, MrNinjaSquirrel.

I love how every update to Enhanced Steam saves me five more seconds of thought when perusing games.  A few more updates, and I'll be able to deliberate on a game sale two days before it happens.

I was wondering if it would be possible to have Enhanced Steam whittle down my backlog?  Maybe some of these bundle games that realistically, I'm never going to play.

And if it could make me a bacon, egg and cheese sandwich every morning, you'd be my hero.

It can do these things, right?  Cause you seem to be able to make it do everything else that I want.

Just be careful of giving it too much control...

[customspoiler="Enhanced Steam"]

Hey guys just a quick update.  I'm going to try to release the next version of Enhanced Steam for Chrome soon.

I got a call from my brother yesterday afternoon, which was weird because we haven't spoken in almost 4 years.  He told me that my grandfather was rushed to the hospital and was in pretty bad shape.  This morning I talked with my dad and found out that my grandpa passed away last night.

My grandpa was who got me into gaming at an early age.  Some of my earliest memories ever were of us playing his Atari 2600.  He introduced me to the NES, and grandpa always knew where all the secrets were in The Legend of Zelda.  He has always been a hero to me: he was a paratrooper in World War II, and was married to my grandma for 67 years.  He taught me how to drive, and instilled in me a lot of the values I hold myself to even today.

So I'll be making arrangements to attend his services across the country and will be a little busy this week.  I have version 4.4 nearly ready to go so I'll find some time to upload it and drop you guys a quick note.  Thanks again to everyone for helping me make Enhanced Steam great - I know my grandpa would be proud.

oh man, my condolences. As someone who lost his grandfather last year, I know how it feels. Don't worry about are silly requests, take all the time you need for this. Really sorry for you, it's never easy to loose someone like that :whistle2:(

My condolences to you and your family.

And, of course, family always comes first.
oh man, my condolences. As someone who lost his grandfather last year, I know how it feels. Don't worry about are silly requests, take all the time you need for this. Really sorry for you, it's never easy to loose someone like that :whistle2:(
Thanks for the kind words. I got the update sent to Google for Enhanced Steam so it should be updating to version 4.4 soon. Here is the changelog:

  • Adds "X games with drops remaining" to badge page
  • Adds foil badge progress link to non-foil badge progress page
  • Fixes a bug where foil badges were linking to non-foil market pages
  • Better uPlay and GFWL DRM detection on app pages
  • Adds highlighting to more sales pages, midweek and weekend deals
  • Adds price per game to multi-pack purchase options
As always feel free to contact me with any issues, but I will probably be out of pocket or slow to respond for the next week or so.

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I also want to give my condolences to you and your family.

You've done an awesome job with ES so far (HINTHINT Valve HINTHINT) but take as long as you need. RL comes first.

sorry for your loss :(. that must be very hard on you.

also I'm having an issue with the extension for at least a few weeks now. I was using it as normal and suddenly it no longer works. I tried to choose and save options but they didnt stick. Enable/disble and uninstall the extension also prove futile :( I even tried to clear all kinds of cookie i could find in chrome and nope, still not working. anyone know why this happen?

Sorry for your loss, man. Our petty needs can definitely be put on hold for that.
I also want to give my condolences to you and your family.

You've done an awesome job with ES so far (HINTHINT Valve HINTHINT) but take as long as you need. RL comes first.
Thanks guys. :)

sorry for your loss :(. that must be very hard on you.

also I'm having an issue with the extension for at least a few weeks now. I was using it as normal and suddenly it no longer works. I tried to choose and save options but they didnt stick. Enable/disble and uninstall the extension also prove futile :( I even tried to clear all kinds of cookie i could find in chrome and nope, still not working. anyone know why this happen?
Most people that have this problem report that following these directions fix this issue.

Hey guys just a quick update. I'm going to try to release the next version of Enhanced Steam for Chrome soon.

I got a call from my brother yesterday afternoon, which was weird because we haven't spoken in almost 4 years. He told me that my grandfather was rushed to the hospital and was in pretty bad shape. This morning I talked with my dad and found out that my grandpa passed away last night.

My grandpa was who got me into gaming at an early age. Some of my earliest memories ever were of us playing his Atari 2600. He introduced me to the NES, and grandpa always knew where all the secrets were in The Legend of Zelda. He has always been a hero to me: he was a paratrooper in World War II, and was married to my grandma for 67 years. He taught me how to drive, and instilled in me a lot of the values I hold myself to even today.

So I'll be making arrangements to attend his services across the country and will be a little busy this week. I have version 4.4 nearly ready to go so I'll find some time to upload it and drop you guys a quick note. Thanks again to everyone for helping me make Enhanced Steam great - I know my grandpa would be proud.
my condolences to you and your family. version 4.4 can wait, family matters are more important.

and someone better not respond to this message with a picture of Steve Urkel.

I actually thought of integrating bundles into Enhanced Steam, but trashed suggesting it because I thought it was way, WAY to much work and upkeep, but now you've gone and done it. Above and beyond man, above and beyond. My condolences to you and your family..

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First of all my condolences to you and your family. RL things like this go always first.

That also explains why my donation(gift) has been sitting in my inventory for a few days. When you are ready for it, add me to your friend list (I already sent an invite) or tell me where I can sent it. The job you do is great and it keeps better and better with every release. Best plugin ever and I enjoy it every day.

A thing I noticed was that on the badges page, the filter for how many drops remain doesn't work well. It excludes the game for which you already have a badge but still have remaining drops. Sometimes I already have a badge for a game I don't own and after I bought it I like to get the cards to sell them. With your filter it is supereasy to view these games, so if you could 'enhance' that it would be great. But no rush of course, take your time. 

Keep up the good work, and I hope you get your job at Valve but only when you can't enhance their site any more ;-)

Just stopping in to pass along my condolences. Whenever my brothers and I used to stay at our grandparents' house back in the mid '90s, they used to always rent us a Genesis or SNES - whatever HyVee had available at the time, so I know what's it like to have gaming grandparents. You probably haven't experienced video games until you've heard a 62 yr old woman say 'Cowabunga!' while playing Turtles in Time, or a 65 yr old man drop the F-bomb because you just nailed four 3's while ON FIRE!!!! in NBA Jam. Sorry to hear about your news, and appreciate the memories.

Thanks everyone for your kind words.

While I was gone, others worked on several of the issues and new features, and I'll be doing a bit myself later today. So I should have version 4.5 ready to go either today or tomorrow. It's going to add a TON of new features (and fix a few bugs) so I'm really excited about it.

That also explains why my donation(gift) has been sitting in my inventory for a few days. When you are ready for it, add me to your friend list (I already sent an invite) or tell me where I can sent it. The job you do is great and it keeps better and better with every release. Best plugin ever and I enjoy it every day.

A thing I noticed was that on the badges page, the filter for how many drops remain doesn't work well. It excludes the game for which you already have a badge but still have remaining drops. Sometimes I already have a badge for a game I don't own and after I bought it I like to get the cards to sell them. With your filter it is supereasy to view these games, so if you could 'enhance' that it would be great. But no rush of course, take your time.
Sorry about that. I literally get 50 or so invites every day so they typically get ignored unless you contact me first. :( If you add me again I'll be sure and add you back this time!

And I'm working on the bug with the badges. Hopefully will be fixed in the new update.

EDIT: Fixed! Will definitely be in the next update.

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I just uploaded Enhanced Steam version 4.5 to Google so it should be updating automatically within the next hour.

Here is the changelog:
  • Adds option to remove "NEW" from the Steam header above your username
  • Replaces "No image found" on profile page with correct game image
  • Adds a "Remove all owned from wishlist" button
  • Adds an "Add to cart" button to search results
  • Adds option to display "package" info on all apps
  • Adds warning when browsing Steam in your non-account region
  • Adds a homepage button for items that cost less than your wallet balance
  • Fixes a bug where multipacks weren't calculating correctly in some currencies
  • Fixes a bug where items with "&" in their name weren't highlighting on market
  • Fixed SteamDB links to work with new Valve code changes near "Share" and "Embed" buttons
  • Fixes broken images on unpublished subscription pages
As always, let me know if you have any questions or bugs to report with the new features. :)
I just uploaded Enhanced Steam version 4.5 to Google so it should be updating automatically within the next hour.

Here is the changelog:

  • Adds option to remove "NEW" from the Steam header above your username
  • Adds a "Remove all owned from wishlist" button
  • Adds an "Add to cart" button to search results
As always, let me know if you have any questions or bugs to report with the new features. :)
You must have been reading my mind, because these are some of my favorite additions yet! If there was a way to like posts more than once :bow: :applause:

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I'm having an issue. I downloaded chrome extension of ES. Now its nowhere to be seen. There is no icon at top along side the address tab, nor do I see any app icon on the new tab page. Tried to redownload it but the market says the app is already added ?? 

Here is the link to my browsers screenshot. 


What am I missing here ?
I'm having an issue. I downloaded chrome extension of ES. Now its nowhere to be seen. There is no icon at top along side the address tab, nor do I see any app icon on the new tab page. Tried to redownload it but the market says the app is already added ??

Here is the link to my browsers screenshot.


What am I missing here ?
Just start and the plugin should load. If you're logged in, watch the magic :)

A couple of things, and no huge rush on these but thought I would mention them.

First, I noticed some of the giftable games as inventory items don't have icons. I'm not sure if this is similar to the wishlist missing icons issue but I wonder if it is fixable. If you need links to people with a bunch of games in their inventory set to public I found a couple at random browsing reddit steamtrades.

This one has mostly games with icons but a few here and there don't have them.

And this next one seems to particularly have a lot of games as inventory items without proper icons and just the generic "Steam Gift" icon.

The other thing is sort of a feature request. On the inventory screen there are advanced filters. Well one of the categories is Games. That's all well and good but if you have a large amount of items in your inventory from many, many games it makes that filter header extremely long and unweildy and you have to scroll way, way down to get to the actual items.

Screenshot of what I mean here: 


And it scrolls down way, way, longer after that too.

If you hide the advanced options it doesn't remember the one(s) you checked so you have to leave advanced options visible for the filter to work. I'm wonder if there's some way the Games list can be hidden so I can just check cards or emoticons or whatever without having to scroll way the hell down to get to the inventory.

I don't know if new filter categories can even be added or not but it would also be nice if there were ones to filter just coupons or just giftable copies of games. Not sure why they didn't add those since those seem pretty obvious things you'd want to filter out in inventory, but it looks like they only made those advanced filters with cards in mind.

Now that I look at it better I guess they have two filter sections one being above for Coupons, Gifts (giftable games) or Community (Cards, emoticons etc) and then another subfilter on the side which further drills down those categories. Not the most intuitive UI in the world but they do allow to separate coupons from giftable games from cards. The subfilter list for "Games" under Community is still way too long though if you have a lot of stuff.

Hope that makes sense.

Anyway not a huge deal, just a couple of annoyances I came across.

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Got another bugthing for you. The plugin can highlight items in the market you own. Very handy but sometimes items are highlighted wrongly. An example:

I own a Torchlight II profile background called "The Engineer" :

When I view all the cards of Guns of Icaris, the card called "The Engineer" gets highlighted wrongly:( using )

Hope you can fix this.

Got another bugthing for you. The plugin can highlight items in the market you own. Very handy but sometimes items are highlighted wrongly. An example:

I own a Torchlight II profile background called "The Engineer" :

When I view all the cards of Guns of Icaris, the card called "The Engineer" gets highlighted wrongly:( using )

Hope you can fix this.
I think I've got this fixed now. The inventory functions were all written before they added the appid onto the market_name. So now the inventory caching grabs the market_hash_name and the end result looks like this (I bought the background in question)



  • Adds a "Remove all owned from wishlist" button
  • Adds an "Add to cart" button to search results

Wait. How about an "Add to wishlist" button pretty much everywhere? Especially on the main page. I see a new release game, I don't care what it is. I don't need to read the product description or load the trailer. I just want it in my wishlist!

Let's say I have a "friend" who actually prefers to collect/buy Steam trading cards. To make it easier for him, what would be the possibility of adding a direct market search for each card on that card's badge page? You know, instead of laboriously having to C&P or even flat out type the card's name into the market search bar.
Let's say I have a "friend" who actually prefers to collect/buy Steam trading cards. To make it easier for him, what would be the possibility of adding a direct market search for each card on that card's badge page? You know, instead of laboriously having to C&P or even flat out type the card's name into the market search bar.
Possibility = very high. In fact, if your "friend" used Chrome they would already have this feature.

It's coming to Firefox also but we're in the middle of refining the build process for the Firefox extension so it will stay more up-to-date.

I think I've got this fixed now. The inventory functions were all written before they added the appid onto the market_name. So now the inventory caching grabs the market_hash_name and the end result looks like this (I bought the background in question)


Great! and thanks for the speedy feedback! Still seeing it though so it will be in the next update (4.6) I guess?

Great! and thanks for the speedy feedback! Still seeing it though so it will be in the next update (4.6) I guess?
Yeah I typically (for the last 4-5 weeks at least) release a new Chrome version on either Friday or Saturday depending on if I have time Friday to finish bug testing. So it'll be in 4.6 which should be released tomorrow.

No new version yet, but should arrive soon  :bow:

Just visited my wishlist again scrolling to see what games are on sale and thought that it would be wonderful if there was a filter showing only the games that have a discount. Next thought was of enhanced steam  :whistle2:

Hey guys, Tomas from IsThereAnyDeal here, I'm glad you like bundles update!

Few of you have shown concern about accuracy of number saying how many times the game was in bundle (which Jason should add soon) so I wanted to let you know that I have already started adding past bundles into my database. Just now I finished with Humble Bundle and all their bundles except Mojam 2, music bundle and 2 eBook bundles (which don't include games) have been inserted.

I have used official Humble Bundle support pages but I've relied also on Indie Games Bundle Wiki you mentioned here, because I didn't collect all info I need before recent Specials update on ITAD.

Other bundle pages will be added soon.
I just finished adding expired bundles for history purposes, so once Jason adds the feature which says how many times the game has been in bundle, it should have quite good results. I have covered all major bundle sites: Humble Bundle, Indie Royale, Indie Gala, Bundle Stars, Groupees, Bundle In A Box and Indie Game Stand. That's probably as good as it gets for past bundles. Of course I will keep covering all bundles on ITAD. Ninja edit: there are currently 296 bundles in our database.

Just visited my wishlist again scrolling to see what games are on sale and thought that it would be wonderful if there was a filter showing only the games that have a discount. Next thought was of enhanced steam :whistle2:
You can do that on IsThereAnyDeal if you import your wishlist, by the way.

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No new version yet, but should arrive soon :bow:

Just visited my wishlist again scrolling to see what games are on sale and thought that it would be wonderful if there was a filter showing only the games that have a discount. Next thought was of enhanced steam :whistle2:
Cool idea! But seriously, you guys are going to have to come up with something a little more challenging.


Can ES have a button, that automagically adds funds to my Steam wallet?

Sourced from say, GabeN's own bank account.
How do you think I can afford to have over 1,000 games in my Steam Library??? :rofl:

Here are some preview shots of one of the new features - more highlighting on the activity feed:




EDIT: Also - the wishlist filtering works on other people's wishlists, not just your own. I tested it with MrNinjaSquirrel's wishlist cause... damn.

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Okay guys - just uploaded Enhanced Steam for Chrome version 4.6 to Google (sorry, Firefox users!). If you have Enhanced Steam installed, it should be updating automatically within the next hour.

Here is the changelog:

  • Enhanced Steam no longer executes on pages where you enter your account details
  • Badge progress page shows number of games eligible for booster packs
  • Added link to Enhanced Steam menu for the official Steam group
  • Added option to hide all active listings on market homepage by default
  • Added option to enable/disable automatic age verification
  • Added wishlist filters to show only games on sale (Thanks Marcelloz!)
  • Added additional highlighting to the user activity page
  • Homepage carousel descriptions now pull the embed snippet from the app page
  • Fixed a bug where homepage button was incorrectly showing 3 times in some regions
  • Fixed a bug where market highlighting could be incorrect if item names were equal
  • Fixes a bug where profile link information was not correct while not logged in
As always, please let me know if you encounter any issues.

Can ES have a button, that automagically adds funds to my Steam wallet?

Sourced from say, GabeN's own bank account.
Something tells me he wouldn't miss it ;)

EDIT: Also - the wishlist filtering works on other people's wishlists, not just your own. I tested it with MrNinjaSquirrel's wishlist cause... damn.
About the only qualifications to getting on my wishlist are:

1. Be a game

2. Don't be Bad Rats

It's a free for all after that ;)

And yes, I do "not so secretly" want Secret of the Magic Crystal...

Cool idea! But seriously, you guys are going to have to come up with something a little more challenging.
How about an animated Gaben dancing in the corner?


Just because (we all have needs).

On a more serious note, I think it would be cool if you could mouse over the "X number of your friends have wishlisted" tag and have a popup that shows which friends they are. Granted this is probably not something that can be implemented for a variety of reason, but you did ask for a challenge ^_~

If you're adding discount filtering, can you add discount sorting.  It would be nice during the big sales to not only filter the discounts, but sort by them as well in order to find those really cheap hidden gems in a "Special" search or because some of us may not already have the entire Steam catalog (minus Bad Rats) on our wishlist.  (^Ahem.)  Unless, this is already a Chrome feature, at which I'll promptly crawl back in my box fort.

bread's done