Official Enhanced Steam Discussion Thread

Thanks and good luck with the legal stuff and the deadlines at work. Hope you can leave both behind soon.

Minor thing I noticed was that when a trade card has a ! in the title, it doesn't get highlighted when you own one of those. For example the "Reactor Critical!" is not highlighted in the following list

I'll send you an example of such a card so you don't have to buy one 

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sorry to hear that jshackles, for some reason anytime I quote someone it shows up blank ever since I "upgraded" to Windohs 8.1 (quoted your post and as you can see it's blank lol)  at least it didn't just randomize what you said like it did to spoderman, so I guess that's an improvement.  Hope everything works out for the best for you ;)

I hope your lawyers are taking care of you.  Sorry man.

Feature request: other's libraries have a filter to shared games checkbox now, can there be a filter to unique games check?  This would help with the new family sharing features.

Sorry to hear about your lawsuit jshackles, I hope it's resolved quickly and I also hope that it's not related to this excellent app.

Just an idea for your backlog: filter on the wishlist on games with coupons. Perhaps viewing the new price.
This should be very possible. Stay tuned!

I hope your lawyers are taking care of you. Sorry man.

Feature request: other's libraries have a filter to shared games checkbox now, can there be a filter to unique games check? This would help with the new family sharing features.
This might be kind of tricky, but may be possible using the same "library loading" code it already uses to pull a list of all your own games. Of course, that would mean it would only work if your profile was set to public.

Sorry to hear about your lawsuit jshackles, I hope it's resolved quickly and I also hope that it's not related to this excellent app.
Just to put your guy's fears to rest: the lawsuit has nothing to do with Enhanced Steam. :)

This should be very possible. Stay tuned!

This might be kind of tricky, but may be possible using the same "library loading" code it already uses to pull a list of all your own games. Of course, that would mean it would only work if your profile was set to public.

Just to put your guy's fears to rest: the lawsuit has nothing to do with Enhanced Steam. :)
If it wasn't clear, I'd like to see what games other people have on their profiles that I don't have, not my unique games.

If it wasn't clear, I'd like to see what games other people have on their profiles that I don't have, not my unique games.
Gotcha. ;)

I'm just saying to filter out their games that you already own, Enhanced Steam will have to pull a list of all of the games you already own. This is something that can only be done if your profile is set to public. It should be doable but might take a few seconds or so to process, especially if you have a lot of games or you're browsing someone's list that has a lot of games.

Updated the WSGF code in Enhanced Steam to support their new 21:9 and 4k certifications.


(for now, these certifications will be hidden if marked "Incomplete" by the WSGF as most of them are)

It should be doable but might take a few seconds or so to process, especially if you have a lot of games or you're browsing someone's list that has a lot of games.
So it should be an option that you turn on and off, nothing that is turned on as default. Right?

So it should be an option that you turn on and off, nothing that is turned on as default. Right?
Right. This particular feature would be a button you click on when browsing someone else's "All games" page that would pull a list of all of your games, and filter out the ones you have in common.

First and foremost Enhanced Steam is amazing! Thank you for making this tool.

I've been using ES for a couple of weeks now. However, tonight I noticed something odd. Games owned or on my wishlist are still showing up in color (e.g., green/blue) but pricing (e.g., sale) information has now disappeared from a given game’s store page. I clicked on “Clear cached data” from the ES dropdown menu and I even tried re-installing the add-on. I'm running the latest version of the add-on and Firefox on Win 8.


UPDATE 01: I saw that ES is also available for Chrome so I thought I'd give it a try to rule out my install of Firefox (e.g., add-ons, etc.) However, I'm experiencing the same issue as above while using ES in Chrome.

UPDATE 02: While I didn't make any system changes all is well again. I'm guessing it had something to do with where the price information is pulled from? Thanks.

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One final heads up before tomorrow:

Tomorrow morning at 8am (Pacific Time GMT -0700) I'll be participating in the 2013 Extra Life gaming marathon. I'll be gaming for 25 hours straight and will be streaming the entire thing on my channel.

I've got a selection of 20 Steam games that I've never played before and I'm going to try to get to each one if I can. I may also be playing some Path of Exile and/or other things. I'll probably be consuming massive amounts of caffeine.

So check in on my channel and join me starting in about 23 hours from now!

EDIT: Results!


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Finally got the Enhanced Steam options page side menu to look and work the way I want it to. Here is a before / after screenshot:


Each tab you click on "highlights" it and makes it bigger.


I have checked the options for 'Items you own' and 'coupons you own'. I have a coupon for a game I already own. The color in lists and the game page shows the 'coupon' color where I expect the 'I own' color. Can this be changed? Or is this by design? 

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Is there any way "Hide Early Access items in new releases" can be applied to the 'featured' scrolling pictures at the top of the page as well as the new release list?

It's kind of pointless to hide them right now when pictures of those games just keep popping up anyway.

A few issues:

- Market prices in Inventory view don't show here (EURO zone 2)

- Binder view for badges doesn't work here if I set Steam language to Polish, but works fine with language set to English.

Odd thing I'm having happen in Chrome: When I go to my inventory page, the first card I click on will load up the correct current low sale price and items for sale. After I put it on the market and go to the next card, it displays the low sale price of the previous card and clicking on the items for sale link takes me to the market page for the previous card. I've tried clearing cache in browser and in the ES settings, but neither has had any effect. If I reload the page completely, I can pull up the new card's sale price and items for sale page, but the same error will occur when I go to the next card after that one.
Sorry it took me so long to figure this out, but it should be working in the upcoming version 5.0.

A few issues:

- Market prices in Inventory view don't show here (EURO zone 2)
- Binder view for badges doesn't work here if I set Steam language to Polish, but works fine with language set to English.
The market prices in inventory code has been completely revamped for the upcoming version. Once it hits (I'll post here when it happens) let me know if it's still not working.

I'm looking into the issue with the Polish badge page. Thanks for the heads up!

EDIT: Fixed

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Enhanced Steam version 5.0 for Google Chrome has now been released. Current users should receive the update automatically within the next hour.

Here is the changelog:

  • Redesigned the navigation on the options page
  • Adds information on game pages
  • Adds "total playtime" to the all games page
  • Adds a "games you don't own" filter to friend's all games pages
  • Added platform icons to items on the wishlist page
  • Added active listing total to marketplace homepage
  • Added WSGF certifications for 21:9 (Ultra-Widescreen) and 4K UHD certified games
  • Added support for IndieGameStand price histories
  • Added support for showing booster pack market prices in your inventory
  • Made a ton of behind-the-scenes bugfixes and code updates
  • Fixed bug where card drops were calculating incorrectly for some users
  • Fixed a bug where sales on packs were not correctly highlighting
  • Fixed a bug that caused inventory links to become stale after selling an item
  • Fixed bug where badge binder view wasn't working correctly in some languages
As always, please let me know if you encounter any issues. An updated Firefox version will be uploaded to Mozilla soon.

jshackles said:
Enhanced Steam version 5.0 for Google Chrome has now been released. Current users should receive the update automatically within the next hour.

Here is the changelog:

  • Redesigned the navigation on the options page
  • Adds information on game pages
  • Adds "total playtime" to the all games page
  • Adds a "games you don't own" filter to friend's all games pages
  • Added platform icons to items on the wishlist page
  • Added active listing total to marketplace homepage
  • Added WSGF certifications for 21:9 (Ultra-Widescreen) and 4K UHD certified games
  • Added support for IndieGameStand price histories
  • Added support for showing booster pack market prices in your inventory
  • Made a ton of behind-the-scenes bugfixes and code updates
  • Fixed bug where card drops were calculating incorrectly for some users
  • Fixed a bug where sales on packs were not correctly highlighting
  • Fixed a bug that caused inventory links to become stale after selling an item
  • Fixed bug where badge binder view wasn't working correctly in some languages
As always, please let me know if you encounter any issues. An updated Firefox version will be uploaded to Mozilla soon.
this makes me sad, I got used to it while using Chrome until a Microsoft update to "fix" 8.1 fucked up my Google Chrome :(
Wow, nice update. Kudo's for the hard work!

Saw a nice filter on the wishlist to show all games with coupons, also handy. thanks!

While you're working on that page, perhaps you could add counts at the top (above\below the filter links) indicating how much games you own\with coupons\on sale are on the wishlist. Handy to know if you should press the links. And perhaps moving the 'remove games you own' to the top?

Keeps getting better and better :)
What i missed just now is a link from the badge page to the store or commulity page of a game. Or I must be missing a link... Perhaps something for your probably already huge backlog?

Oh, another is of course the link to your badge page on the store page. Perhaps even showing the badge level?
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The specials page doesn't give my a full list anymore. Got this both in the dev version and the official version. Just go to the home page and click on the 'specials' link. If i sort on a column, all goes well again. 

I have continuous scrolling enabled. Chrome v31.0.


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It seems to be working for me.  What it looks like is happening is ES is filtering out the items that no longer have an actual discount.  Unless I'm misunderstanding what your saying.

It seems to be working for me. What it looks like is happening is ES is filtering out the items that no longer have an actual discount. Unless I'm misunderstanding what your saying.
Yeah it should now be filtering games without discounts from the "Specials" page (like Valve should be).

I guess if there are a LOT of non-discounted games on this list it could potentially interfere with continuous scrolling. I'll look into it, thanks for the heads up Marcelloz.

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I was always under the impression Valve's servers just take their sweet ass time to update for the store searching. I tend to see some games in the specials tab hours and hours after they go off sale.

I was always under the impression Valve's servers just take their sweet ass time to update for the store searching. I tend to see some games in the specials tab hours and hours after they go off sale.
I decided to add the feature to Enhanced Steam after seeing things on the specials page DAYS after they went off sale.

I'm not sure how complicated this would be or even if ES would be capable, but is there a way a genre filter could be added to one's game list?  I have the client categorizing into rough genres, but would like something similar on the web side for when I'm searching for what I want to play next.  I'd assume you'd have to use Steam's predesignated genre titles for this which isn't always the best, but it's better than nothing.

Just a quick question/suggestion: on the inventory page the lowest market price only pops up for cards, and not other marketable items like emoticons and backgrounds. Just wondering if that could be added, or if there was a reason for it's omission.

Signed. I'd love to see the enhancements you could make if you were actually a developer for Valve without all the API restrictions.
Thanks! So would I. :)

Just a quick question/suggestion: on the inventory page the lowest market price only pops up for cards, and not other marketable items like emoticons and backgrounds. Just wondering if that could be added, or if there was a reason for it's omission.
In order for Enhanced Steam to "build" the URL to the market (where it can then grab the price information) it must have the AppID of the item in question, since Valve added the AppID to the beginning of market links (example, appid = 41800). Conveniently, trading cards have a "view badge progress" button that contains this. Unfortunately, emoticons and backgrounds do not expose this AppID in the code anywhere, so Enhanced Steam isn't able to determine the market page for those items.

The only way I could make it work would be to parse the name of the game it's from, then run a search on Steam and grab the first result, take that result's AppID and try to build a working marketplace link from that. My guess is this method would work about 65% of the time is all.

EDIT: I'm testing out this theory and getting a little better results than expected. Stay tuned.


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ES just helped me find a Steam key I'd never activated from an Amazon bundle... back in January. Thanks, j-shaq!

Hey! Thank you so much for the addon, really great work. You recently added active Marketplace listing total feature. Sorry if someone already pointed it out, but here is a little bug.

In Russia we use comma as decimal mark. Apparently, Enhanced Steam skips it and since there is no dot it thinks fraction is inside integer part. So 2300 + 36.89 on the screenshot became 5989 rub instead of 2336.89.

Hey! Thank you so much for the addon, really great work. You recently added active Marketplace listing total feature. Sorry if someone already pointed it out, but here is a little bug.

In Russia we use comma as decimal mark. Apparently, Enhanced Steam skips it and since there is no dot it thinks fraction is inside integer part. So 2300 + 36.89 on the screenshot became 5989 rub instead of 2336.89.
Thanks for the heads up, I'll look into it. It's one of those things that's hard to test since I can't put things for sale in that currency - but I'll do what I can. Cheers!

something is wrong since a few updates ago on the firefox version, I'm not getting any "already owned" highlights for any games I own on search pages. Also, Some games don't have a link to the Steamdb on the store page.

I tried disabling all other features, disabling and reenabling ES, deleting and reinstalling it, but nothing helped. I am using ES 4.4 with firefox 25.0.1

Edit:  I think it is the same problem as these guys

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something is wrong since a few updates ago on the firefox version, I'm not getting any "already owned" highlights for any games I own on search pages. Also, Some games don't have a link to the Steamdb on the store page.

I tried disabling all other features, disabling and reenabling ES, deleting and reinstalling it, but nothing helped.
It's still working fine for me. ES v4.4 / Aurora v27.0a2

something is wrong since a few updates ago on the firefox version, I'm not getting any "already owned" highlights for any games I own on search pages. Also, Some games don't have a link to the Steamdb on the store page.

I tried disabling all other features, disabling and reenabling ES, deleting and reinstalling it, but nothing helped. I am using ES 4.4 with firefox 25.0.1

Edit: I think it is the same problem as these guys
As others in the thread you linked to have found out, Enhanced Steam doesn't work in private browsing mode. You must also have accept third party cookies enabled in your settings for highlighting to work correctly. I'm going to try to look into why it's not working in private mode but I suspect that allowing third party cookies will probably always have to be enabled, given how the code works.

Hope this helps!

Back to the See All Specials issue. Something is definitely wrong here.

With Enhanced Steam I get 7 showing. Without it I hand counted 52 items with a line through them and a lower price.

Now most of those are new release specials but I'd rather like the option to have them in. Once in while there is one that's sort of halfway decent like 25%-30% off or so.

But another thing is that it filtered out the existing owner/loyalty discount I get for Emergency 2014. Without Enhanced Steam I see it on the list with a line through the regular price and the sale price as $9.99. Existing owners of Emergency 2013 get 66% off but for those that don't own it, it's not on sale. It is showing up on the sale list for me without Enhanced Steam though.

For now, is there a way to turn this feature off? Because I hate to say this but at the moment it's actually worse for me than sifting through all the many not on sale items. It just filters way too many items that are legitimately on sale out.

Back to the See All Specials issue. Something is definitely wrong here.

With Enhanced Steam I get 7 showing. Without it I hand counted 52 items with a line through them and a lower price.

Now most of those are new release specials but I'd rather like the option to have them in. Once in while there is one that's sort of halfway decent like 25%-30% off or so.

But another thing is that it filtered out the existing owner/loyalty discount I get for Emergency 2014. Without Enhanced Steam I see it on the list with a line through the regular price and the sale price as $9.99. Existing owners of Emergency 2013 get 66% off but for those that don't own it, it's not on sale. It is showing up on the sale list for me without Enhanced Steam though.

For now, is there a way to turn this feature off? Because I hate to say this but at the moment it's actually worse for me than sifting through all the many not on sale items. It just filters way too many items that are legitimately on sale out.
Do you have endless scroll enabled? That sometimes caused the same thing to happen to me, but after reinstalling ES it seems to have fixed it. I'm not sure about the loyalty discount thing, but that solved the neutered specials list for me anyway. If it's an option that can be disabled you might want to fiddle around with it.

Do you have endless scroll enabled? That sometimes caused the same thing to happen to me, but after reinstalling ES it seems to have fixed it. I'm not sure about the loyalty discount thing, but that solved the neutered specials list for me anyway. If it's an option that can be disabled you might want to fiddle around with it.
It's definitely the 'Enable Continuous Scrolling of Search Results'; just tested it. I keep it off normally and I can see all the sale items, though I can not check on the loyalty discount because I don't own Emergency 2013.

You are all correct - there is a bug with continuous scrolling.  It breaks when you "can't scroll".  ie the page is shorter than the resolution of your monitor.  For now, the only thing that can be done is to resize your window so that it shows a scrollbar, then scroll down, which should load the next set of results.  Enhanced Steam is looking for a "scroll" event in your browser.

In the next update, I'll be adding a part of that function that will detect if your on the search page and it's page height is lower than your window height it will automatically load the next set of search results.

Ultimately, I blame Valve for neglecting this section so much.  Motoki is only seeing 7 specials on a page that normally loads 25 search results.  That's... pretty bad.

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So thanks to a new contributor, Enhanced Steam is getting a pretty cool new feature. Basically, Enhanced Steam can be used to apply a filter to workshop and profile comments to weed out "spam comments".

For example see below (taken from this page):




Option (after clicking "Customize")
The current default really just gets rid of stuff like this. But it'll be expanded on soon (or you can write you're own custom regex, if that's your thing).

This will be in Enhanced Steam 5.1 which will be coming soon.

Also, new Greenlight banner.



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I just sent Enhanced Steam for Google Chrome version 5.1 to Google. Here is the changelog:

  • Added an "Add to Wishlist" button on community app hubs
  • Added spam comment hiding from Workshop submissions and profiles
  • Added market link support for TF2, Dota 2, and CS:GO inventory items
  • Added a "game you do own" filter to friend's all games page
  • Added "Report Bug / Suggest Feature" to Enhanced Steam menu
  • Added reset options button to options page, instantly resetting all options to default
  • Restyled options page
  • Restyled Greenlight banner and added to software, concept and collection items.
  • Fixed a bug with options link within Enhanced Steam menu
  • Fixed a bug where continuous scrolling wasn't working under some circumstances
  • Fixed a bug where active market listings total wasn't calculating correctly for some users
You should be receiving the update automatically within the next 1-2 hours.

As always, let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns.

bread's done