OFFICIAL Flame people about pot smoking thread


38 (100%)
I, like nearly everone else, am tired of this stupid discussion spreading like a virus through the boards. so, i am hearby creating this thread so everyone can express their opinion and be flamed HERE. not anywhere else. here.

i have stated its purpose.
do what you will.
Here is my opinion no the situation,

In Chris Rocks own words: "Just because it can be done, doesn't make it right. I can drive a car with my feet, but that doesn't make it a good thing to do."

I and 4 other family members in my house work at one of the top hospitals in the U.S. And my brother is head of a dept that diagnoisis cancer. So yes if you do drugs, whatever. So yes imo and other peoples opinion its a loser thing to do. But as long as you are only messing up your life, then I respect that decision, but i hope that my opinion can be respected too
Yeah, i've seen all those posts in other topics about this shit, and its gotten really old. First it was annoying, then sorta funny, then finally just stupid.

I haven't posted a single opinion about it anywhere else, and I'm not going to bore you with it here, either. But if any of you have anything to say about it, please, follow Penguin's advice and do it HERE instead of other topics.

You know what would be funny? If people in this thread eventually got bored with the topic at hand, and actually started talking about games again. Last time I checked, this site is not about politics, drugs, or sociology; its about freaking GAMES!!!
Yeah, I don't wanna state my opinion anymore, doesn't seems it's gonna get to through some thick skulls around here. You're right, this forums is MOSTLY about games. If you haven't noticed (which it seems you haven't), this is the Cheap Ass Lifestyle & Off Topic forum. OFF TOPIC. That means that it is a forum to talk about things that are not related to the main purpose of the rest of the threads.
the thing is, even the off-topic threads are being hijacked. look at daphatty's thread of that video. it got so out of hand its now locked. thats why im trying to constrain this mess to one topic.
i don't have anything personal against jsweeney anymore (and uh.. i don't .. THINK.. he has anything personal against me) so putting that in your starter is a little shall we say.. of a premature decision. ya'll know that me and js made up last night after we proposed an offer to each other. smart though, to make this thread. though i'm confident or almost that no one will use it, because it's so much more fun to destroy other people's thread instead of posting in the correct one now isn't it?
you say you made up, but i look at the times on daphattys thread and their all after this "making up" so forgive me if i jumped to conclusions, it just seems like you still hate each other.
nope, on that entire thread show me one piece of clip where after the 2nd page i was hating on jsweeney or he was hating on me. if i was, i was just venting. i don't specifically remember him retaliating either.
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']the thing is, even the off-topic threads are being hijacked. look at daphatty's thread of that video. it got so out of hand its now locked. thats why im trying to constrain this mess to one topic.[/quote]

Gee...such a humanitarian. :roll:
Okay, if this is the thread for flaming people for smoking da reefer, won't we all get a contact buzz from flaming them? Will that make me fail drug tests?

That and the pound of poppyseeds I had for lunch, I'm in deep......
[quote name='SneakyPenguin']the thing is, even the off-topic threads are being hijacked. look at daphatty's thread of that video. it got so out of hand its now locked. thats why im trying to constrain this mess to one topic.[/quote]

How about just letting the topic go instead of letting it continue on?
Nothing wrong with smoking a little or a lot of "pot"
You're all just brainwashed by America's anti-marijuana and pro-alcohol ways.
[quote name='moiety']How about just letting the topic go instead of letting it continue on?[/quote]

Don't confuse the issue with that stupid logic crap!
And what a marketing giant Tux is! When I think operating systems, I ALWAYS think of penguins. I can't believe noone thought of using a penguin for their OS logo until Linux!

Penguins : Operating Systems :: Chihuahuas : Tacos!
[quote name='stonedgamer']Nothing wrong with smoking a little or a lot of "pot"
You're all just brainwashed by America's anti-marijuana and pro-alcohol ways.[/quote]

I guess we should start the American government conspiracy thread next. On a side note, where are you from, Amsterdam?


Add another post to the count.
[quote name='organicow']Last time I checked, this site is not about POLITICS, drugs, or sociology; its about freaking GAMES!!![/quote]

That is why you have that stupid ass avatar right? :roll:
~stonedgamer (an appropriate name, I guess)

"Nothing wrong with smoking a little or a lot of 'pot."

I'm sure a more learned person than you (say...a doctor or psychologist) would be inclined to disagree. Indeed, there's nothing wrong with using pot to medicinally alleviate chronic pain. But used simply as a means through which you can achieve an artificial high, it does more damage to you than you could possibly know. It affects both your psychological well-being and your physical well-being. Nothing is spared, and nothing is gained.

"You're all just brainwashed by America's anti-marijuana and pro-alcohol ways."

Or maybe your brain has just been adversely affected by using these mind-altering substances to escape from your immediate reality, which is why the anti-drug messages are lost on you.

I'm not trying to insult you, but don't you dare start accusing people who abstain from drug use as being ignorant. If you really want to disregard the scientific evidence that your body is affected by putting crap like pot into your system and keep on smoking it, go right ahead. Nobody will stop you.

Just don't delude yourself into thinking it's a good idea.
What...I am the only Heroin user here? I demand equal flaming rights! Heroin addicts are people too. We should also be allowed to marry each other. If a Heroin addict loves a pot smoker...who are you to say that's wrong.
Cheapy should hook us up with some cheapass deals on heroin, crack, meth, PCP, trees, bushes, goofballs, whatever kids are using these days. Save if you buy in bulk! :shock:
See this isn't as fun as just making fun of the pot smoking hippies right when they say something in another forum. It's like saying something funny later but know one remembers the joke your where telling.Oh and by the way its fun to be a smart ass. I'd rather be a smart as then a dumb ass.More power to the wise cracking people on this board! They make it funny . WSB is my hero! People take things to seriously though. Rexlax and make fun of yourself. (cause we're allready making fun of you!)

That was a funny clip though.
[quote name='wookieballz']~stonedgamer (an appropriate name, I guess)

"Nothing wrong with smoking a little or a lot of 'pot."

I'm sure a more learned person than you (say...a doctor or psychologist) would be inclined to disagree. Indeed, there's nothing wrong with using pot to medicinally alleviate chronic pain. But used simply as a means through which you can achieve an artificial high, it does more damage to you than you could possibly know. It affects both your psychological well-being and your physical well-being. Nothing is spared, and nothing is gained.

"You're all just brainwashed by America's anti-marijuana and pro-alcohol ways."
I'm not trying to insult you, but don't you dare start accusing people who abstain from drug use as being ignorant. If you really want to disregard the scientific evidence that your body is affected by putting crap like pot into your system and keep on smoking it, go right ahead. Nobody will stop you.

Just don't delude yourself into thinking it's a good idea.[/quote]
I live in the U.S
I'm not calling everyone who doesn't smoke ignorant, I said brainwashed by all those anti-drug ads.
And I can honestly say using marijuana isn't an "escape from reality"
Ever drank a soda? ate a fatty hamburger? You're putting crap into your self anyway.
Yes SMOKING anything is bad for your health but I can argue all day about how ingesting marijuana is almost harmless.
[quote name='stonedgamer'][quote name='wookieballz']~stonedgamer (an appropriate name, I guess)

"Nothing wrong with smoking a little or a lot of 'pot."

I'm sure a more learned person than you (say...a doctor or psychologist) would be inclined to disagree. Indeed, there's nothing wrong with using pot to medicinally alleviate chronic pain. But used simply as a means through which you can achieve an artificial high, it does more damage to you than you could possibly know. It affects both your psychological well-being and your physical well-being. Nothing is spared, and nothing is gained.

"You're all just brainwashed by America's anti-marijuana and pro-alcohol ways."
I'm not trying to insult you, but don't you dare start accusing people who abstain from drug use as being ignorant. If you really want to disregard the scientific evidence that your body is affected by putting crap like pot into your system and keep on smoking it, go right ahead. Nobody will stop you.

Just don't delude yourself into thinking it's a good idea.[/quote]
I live in the U.S
I'm not calling anyone ignorant, I said brainwashed by all those anti-drug ads.
And I can honestly say using marijuana isn't an "escape from reality"
Ever drank a soda? ate a fatty hamburger? You're putting crap into your self anyway.
Yes SMOKING anything is bad for your health but I can argue all day about how ingesting marijuana is almost harmless.[/quote]

Pot smokers are beneficial in some ways, they give my brother a job, so he can tell someone that they have terminal cancer, or they have to have a lung removed etc etc. Soda, Hamburgers, yea its fattening, but that can be burned off, eaten in moderation. I never hard of exercising to decrease the cancer in your body.

Not only is it a poor comparison to liken smoking marijuana to eating a hamburger, but it's also a poor excuse for using marijuana.

Care to explain how people have been brainwashed by anti-drug ads? If you call education "brainwashing," then people have been brainwashed by their respective school systems for some time now.

I could just as easily say you've been brainwashed by your marijuana use. And at least I'd be partially right, because marijuana does distort reality and alter brain chemistry.


There are studies out there which indicate that marijuana has comparable levels of carcinogenic properties to tobacco cigarettes, if not greater levels of carcinogens.

So, yes, smoking pot can cause cancer.
[quote name='magilacudy']Cheapy should hook us up with some cheapass deals on heroin, crack, meth, PCP, trees, bushes, goofballs, whatever kids are using these days. Save if you buy in bulk! :shock:[/quote]

Wiggum: High as a kite everyone... Goofballs!
You know, while I agree that pot can cause cancer, I don't even understand the druggies arguement against it. There are people who say it DOESN'T cause it, and because of this, it somehow makes it ok.

Since when does the arguement "It won't kill me, so it's ok" hold up?

I can slam my hand in the door of my car every day of the week if I wanted, and you know what? It wouldn't kill me!

Does that make me any less stupid for doing it? NO!
ok, I'm not for marijuana but it's very unlikely it's gonna cause cancer. You could get chronic bronchitis, but that's the same if you stood over a bar-b-q pit 2 hrs a day for a number of years. I hate it also when pot smokers say "it's not addicting" it's incredibly addicting and if you try and stop you get profoundly depressed and or switch to something else. I think the most obvious thing you can see is how if you started at like 14-17 and contiinue to use for years, your brain is basically lock to when you started. How many times have you meet a stoner who is 23 and he acts and sounds like a 15 year old. I also do feel that america makes way too big a deal out of marijuana as if it's destroying american, just like 2nd hand smoke is one of the biggest killers out there.
This may be a cse of it effecting different people differently. I know some people who smoke everyday and are as dumb as ashtrays, and I know others who smoke everyday and are still very sharp, fun, energetic people.

Personally, I've never smoked pot, but I totally support peoples' right to. If people can drink alcohol, smoke tobacco and take prescription meds, all at the same time, they should be able to smoke pot, too.
Anyone here evr here about the source of pot being criminalized?

It goes back to the early part of the 20th century. Apparently, paper companies--that used wood pulp--were concerned about newer companies who were using hemp pulp to make paper much cheaper. So the paper companies banded together and bought a bunch of congressman who made hemp illegal to grow. Ostensibly it was because smoking it was deadly and caused insanity.

At the same time, Coca Cola contained real cocaine, so, y'know, it was a fucked up time to be alive.
[quote name='wookieballz']~stonegamer

Not only is it a poor comparison to liken smoking marijuana to eating a hamburger, but it's also a poor excuse for using marijuana.

Care to explain how people have been brainwashed by anti-drug ads? If you call education "brainwashing," then people have been brainwashed by their respective school systems for some time now.

I could just as easily say you've been brainwashed by your marijuana use. And at least I'd be partially right, because marijuana does distort reality and alter brain chemistry.


There are studies out there which indicate that marijuana has comparable levels of carcinogenic properties to tobacco cigarettes, if not greater levels of carcinogens.

So, yes, smoking pot can cause cancer.[/quote]
I'm not denying pot may give you cancer if you smoke it for lets say 25 years and I've known people smoking for longer that are still healthy.
And it only effects your short term memory, show me any other facts otherwise and I still won't believe you.
If you drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes you're no better than a pothead.
Marijuana can be eaten, thus saving yourself from the harm of smoke, of course it's still harmful in other ways nobody can explain.
[quote name='stonedgamer']
I'm not denying pot may give you cancer if you smoke it for lets say 25 years and I've known people smoking for longer that are still healthy.
And it only effects your short term memory, show me any other facts otherwise and I still won't believe you.
If you drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes you're no better than a pothead.
Marijuana can be eaten, thus saving yourself from the harm of smoke, of course it's still harmful in other ways nobody can explain.[/quote]

I'm just scratching my head right now. You just proved yourself wrong while saying if you were given facts stating otherwise, you'd ignore them. Maybe you're stoned as you're typing this right now.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']personally I would ban alcohol as I feel that its worse than many drugs people take[/quote]

Alcohol was banned during the Prohibition and see what that led to. Like alcohol, basically we're damned if we make marijuana legal, or damned if we don't. They reinstuted alcohol for any number of reasons, including the amount of crime and such it created. Stoners would love to see the herb legalized, but no one knows what ramifications that would have.

EDIT: Sorry for the double post, but I saw another quote that I wanted to address :?
Here is my take on the subjuect: everything in moderation. I personally do not smoke pot, I think any smoking is disgusting. The smoke smells bad and tastes worse. As long as you don't overdue it, you're probably fine.
[quote name='stonedgamer']If you drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes you're no better than a pothead.[/quote]

Actually, yes, they are. Possesion of alcohol or cigarettes isn't illegal.
~Mr. Brando

"ok, I'm not for marijuana but it's very unlikely it's gonna cause cancer."

It's no less likely to cause cancer than a cigarette is, if you want to put it that way.


"Personally, I've never smoked pot, but I totally support peoples' right to. If people can drink alcohol, smoke tobacco and take prescription meds, all at the same time, they should be able to smoke pot, too."

I agree. Personally, it would be an economically sound decision for the legislature to legalize marijuana distribution and use. The states could earn money on pot sales while simultaneously saving money in the prison system. I mean, pot users aren't necessarily violent criminals, so why treat them like criminals? It costs a lot to keep a person in prison, so we shouldn't throw idiot druggies into prison just because they're not the brightest pennies in the fountain.

If a person wants to use pot in the safety and privacy of his or her own home, I say fine. But it's still an incredibly stupid decision to do so.


"Marijuana can be eaten, thus saving yourself from the harm of smoke, of course it's still harmful in other ways nobody can explain."

The deleteriously psychological effects of marijuana ingestion persist whether eaten or inhaled. When you ingest marijuana, like when you smoke it, you're consuming substances that impare normal neurological functioning, imparing neurotransmitter functions and reuptake. This physically alters the chemistry of your central nervous system, though the effects will not be immediately obvious to the user.

I could explain this further, but I doubt you really care. You'll use your drugs no matter how much I attempt to educate you on the matter. After all, you said it yourself: you still won't believe me even if I give you the facts.
Here's my opinion:

I've smoked weed three times. The first time it was good, it felt good, I was having fun. The weed was also very, very weak. Second time, the weed was more pure and I was required to drive to mcdonalds for some other people in my car. I couldn't concentrate b/c they wouldn't shut the fuck up. Leaving mcdonalds I smashed my beater 73 datsun 510's rear bumper into one of those concrete poles, not much damage done so i shut them the fuck up and headed to my friends place to chill out and calm down. The third time, I flat out freaked out and had a panic attack. I had to lay down for a couple hours just to take the edge off. I've never smoked weed since.

IMO, it's bad stuff. Some people can take it, some people just freak out. It is dangerous in both situations. If you try it once, I can't blame you, but once is all it should be. I don't regret the first time, but thats the only time I should have tried it. Stay away afterwards and your life will be better.
[quote name='redgopher']IMO, it's bad stuff. Some people can take it, some people just freak out. It is dangerous in both situations. If you try it once, I can't blame you, but once is all it should be. I don't regret the first time, but thats the only time I should have tried it. Stay away afterwards and your life will be better.[/quote]

The most true statement so far I think :)
bread's done