Official Free ______ Referral Thread (II) - All Referral solications belong here

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Ok - I'm probably going to try TRAINN and their xbox 360 site. Anyone need a referral? PM me an offer or something(don't need to swap, just some $$$)
[quote name='thwjustin']Need 7 people to sign up and complete an offer for my PS3 site.
Its easy, just do the offer.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial] [/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial]Heres alittle tip:
Do the offer.
Its free, and credits within a week.
Cancellation is just by calling a number, and you or your credit card WONT BE CHARGED.
So, its as easy as it gets to getting a Free PS3.
This site is legit, and has been featured on several sites.

Here is a tip:


Offer some fucking money too.

w00t! I'm so excited! My second freebie! First my PSP from FreePay, then this. This actually should be my third, but stupid FreePay hasn't sent my 360.
ok - looking to start both ps3 and xbox360 sites for trainn. If you need a referral and want to offer something to me for my trouble - PM me.
[quote name='Pookymeister1234']ok - looking to start both ps3 and xbox360 sites for trainn. If you need a referral and want to offer something to me for my trouble - PM me.[/quote]

Are you looking for ref for ref trades? I can only offer $20 PayPal at the moment.
[quote name='menikmati']Are you looking for ref for ref trades? I can only offer $20 PayPal at the moment.[/quote]

Im looking for the moola - $20 could work. PM me.
Hey guys, I wann get in on the whole referal thing, the problem is that I am only 17. I do have a PayPal account though. My question is this : are there any things I get that have enough offers that I am elgible for? Or do I really have to wait 4 months?
[quote name='dtarasev']Hey guys, I wann get in on the whole referal thing, the problem is that I am only 17. I do have a PayPal account though. My question is this : are there any things I get that have enough offers that I am elgible for? Or do I really have to wait 4 months?[/quote]

Do you have a debit/credit card? Or a gift card with the Visa/Mastercard/AMEX logo on it?
hey i need some help,#1 i did a offer for one of those free sites, and now i cant remember wich one ,and all so i would like to try getting a ps3 or psp soon through one of these sites, but 1 i am affraid i will get ripped off and 2 i dont wanna end up spending $200 on offers when i could just buy one . i know you can cancle the offers but it has to be in a certian time period an d i am affraid i will forget, and i was wondering could i pay some one to do all this stuff for me get ,me refferals and tell me some good offers to do that are easy to cancel and hassel free i have been trying to do this crap for sometime now and i never go through with it.i need help :cry:
[quote name='solid snake']hey i need some help#1 i did a offer for one of those free sites and now i cant remember wich one and all so i would like to try getting a ps3 or psp soon through one of these sites but 1 i am affraid i will get ripped off and 2 i dont wanna end up spending $200 on offers when i could just buy one but i know you can cancle the offers but it has to be in a certian time period an di am affraid i will forget and i was wondering could i pay some one to do all this stuff for me get me refferals and tell me some good offers to do that are easy to cancel and hassel free i have been trying to do this crap for sometime now and i never go through with it.i need help :cry:[/quote]

Ever think of making sentences from that shit-block of text?
[quote name='menikmati']Ever think of making sentences from that shit-block of text?[/quote]
no need for profanity there good buddy, i was just asking for help and yes i know it wasent the best punctuation but i was in a hurry and i am stupid:drool: so calm on down thar boyie:bouncy: :roll:

sooooo....COOL it :cold:
You expect someone to give you referrals? When they could be getting them for themselves? I doubt that'll happen. However, if you PM me I could tell you some good offers.

Also, on a better note, I just did someone's PS3.Freepay site for $40 and after Paypal fees/offer cost I made $33.54! Woohoo!
[quote name='Yusuke-Urameshi-']You expect someone to give you referrals? When they could be getting them for themselves? I doubt that'll happen. However, if you PM me I could tell you some good offers.

Also, on a better note, I just did someone's PS3.Freepay site for $40 and after Paypal fees/offer cost I made $33.54! Woohoo![/quote]

Wow - thats pretty dumb on the person who paid you's part.

freepay requires 12 referrals....12 times $40 is $480 and they are giving you the $500 version.

Unless this is them trying to buy referrals in a hurry before 5/30 to beat the deadline....
[quote name='Yusuke-Urameshi-']You expect someone to give you referrals? When they could be getting them for themselves? I doubt that'll happen. However, if you PM me I could tell you some good offers.

Also, on a better note, I just did someone's PS3.Freepay site for $40 and after Paypal fees/offer cost I made $33.54! Woohoo![/quote]
more just some one help me get refereals and i would be willing to pay for help and for some one to tell me some good offers on those sites are like ones i wouldnt have to spend alot of money on.
but yeah ill pm ya
Transcendent Innovations Announcements

Date: May 15, 2006

Time: 16:00:00

Subject: Reward Catalog Changes


In response to official announcement of, the higher then expected, Playstation 3 price, we must revise the rates for the Playstation 3 system and packages on the site. Effective Thursday, May 18, 2006 at 12:00am Central time, the following rates will go into effect

Item Current Rate New Rate

Playstation 3 system 8 referrals 12 referrals
Playstation 3 Bronze Bundle 10 referrals 13 referrals
Playstation 3 Silver Bundle 12 referrals 14 referrals
Playstation 3 Gold Bundle 12 referrals 14 referrals

Paypal/Cash rates will remain unchanged. Any users that submit their account for review before the time of the change do qualify for the current rate (pending account approval during same submission).

Users who have already ordered their items are locked in at the current rates and are not required to take any further action to maintain their order.

Don't Show me this again
The “ThisIsFree” network is certified legit on Anything4free, and is no cc (no credit card).


The catch is that the refs are jacked up; however, all the refs can be done quite fast. What you get is a consistent non-cc network. THE OFFERS ARE FREE

Some offers include (ALL FREE)

eBay (just register and bid)
Surveys (Literally do 3-5 minute surveys and get credited - 2nd page)
iWon (They ask for your info and enter you in a sweepstakes. They won’t give it out to 3rd parties. They prob will just spam your email once-twice a week.)
Memolink (Register an account - 3rd page)
More surveys (3rd page)
Installing a joke toolbar (3rd page)
Downloading a screensaver (3rd page)
Opinion Outpost (3rd page) (Register an account- 3rd page)

It seems too good to be true but people are getting their free stuff!

Note: You must click “I have completed this offer” after finishing a survey/form. Also, live AIM support helps too. (10 refs for 50 bux) (25 refs for an ipod nano) (30 refs for a DS lite)

Getting 65 friends to fill out a form/survery = iPod Nano, DS Lite, and 50 bucks paypal.

Owner Updates:
“We now have an automated crediting system for most offers. So a majority of offers will credit instantly (within 1 hour!).
We are now offering AIM Support @ TSIFSupport.”

Proof Board:

Owner’s favorite offers:
WinningSurveys Final Four
NPD Online Surveys
eCredit Quest
Get $10 FREE

Also, there is an xbox360 accesory version of the site. I’m Not going to hog up all the links, so 1st person to register or w/e can post their link:
I did the thisdsliteisfree thing, well at least I started it, and it seems pretty cool and the survey was super easy.

P.S.. glad to see my sig works :)
[quote name='Technique']Yep, it's their own damn fault for doing it like they did. FreePay has really gone down hill since I first heard about it last year.[/QUOTE]

Evidently it's a false alarm. The number of required referrals has increased substantially, but if you've ordered already, you're locked in at the previous, lower number of required referrals.

Shame that both Free PS3s I'm getting (from TRAINN and FP) are the $500 ones. I can sell them both and get a $600 one, but would rather just get the nice one (especially given the number of referrals necessary!). ATM, only OfferCentric is offering the $600 version.
Yeah, I just read about that.

Anyways, I put my order in for my Video iPod from Trainn yesterday and hopefully I will see it by the end of May! I can't wait!
[quote name='pchangover']I did the thisdsliteisfree thing, well at least I started it, and it seems pretty cool and the survey was super easy.

P.S.. glad to see my sig works :)[/QUOTE]

Yep, doesn't get no easier.

Jump on the plane before it takes off guys :)
Okay, you're NOT SUPPOSED to sign up under me if I FINISHED a site...

these 3 e-mails need to NOT complete an offer as it does not benefit me in any way shape or form:

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

If you are interested in the 30GB iPod Video, then PM me for my link to my other site.

"Taylor" is probably already going to auto-DQ for multiple accounts, but AlienLX, if you want to sign up for my site, use my YourFreeVideoiPods at
hey i have 3 free invites to if anyones interested pm me but you must promise to use the account if i invite you thats the only it will benifet me or you.
[quote name='menikmati']Do you have a debit/credit card? Or a gift card with the Visa/Mastercard/AMEX logo on it?[/quote]

No, I do not have a credit card nor do I have a debit card, although I soon will. I do have the $10 dollar gift card from AMEX from some offer a while back, it's got like $.75 on it.
[quote name='dtarasev']No, I do not have a credit card nor do I have a debit card, although I soon will. I do have the $10 dollar gift card from AMEX from some offer a while back, it's got like $.75 on it.[/quote]

I'd suggest going to your local bank and investing in a Visa gift card, you can use them to complete offers for cash in return, or use it to pay for referrals.

If I were you, I'd start a Trainn site (they have iPods, flatscreen LCDs, Xbox 360 games, etc.)
[quote name='dtarasev']No, I do not have a credit card nor do I have a debit card, although I soon will. I do have the $10 dollar gift card from AMEX from some offer a while back, it's got like $.75 on it.[/quote]
hey if you have a walgreens anywhere near you they sell prepaid visas check out thats who dose the prepaid thing i have.

allso i dont have any more invites for moola but if any one still wants an invite tell me and i will invite you next time i get more
[quote name='WrathWolves']These things really work huh? I'm still a bit skeptical but after having my mp3 player stolen I think I'll give this a try...
I can give 15 bucks (paypal) for each referal if someone wants to earn some quick cash. 0/5

Not entirely sure how this whole concept works yet, but PM if interested, thanks![/quote]
i think its all about the sponsers and advertisers
ok i need some help i am gonna recharge my prepaid card on friday to try and get some free stuff so what is the highest amount of money you have ever spent on one of these programs with offers and referrels so i know how much to put on my card.
[quote name='solid snake']ok i need some help i am gonna recharge my prepaid card on friday to try and get some free stuff so what is the highest amount of money you have ever spent on one of these programs with offers and referrels so i know how much to put on my card.[/QUOTE]

if you are doing the ipod one like we talked about in the pm all you need is like a buck so tey can see if the card actually works. The and are the two that will only charge you a dollar then they put it back, that goes for just about all of the referrals - Xbox 360 Controller (1/10 - 2 Pending) - $50 Paypal (0/10 - 0 Pending) - Nintendo DS (1/30 - 0 Pending)
FreeTech4Me.Com - $50 Paypal (0/5000 Points - 0 Pending)
50.Free4Me.Net - $50 Paypal (0/10 - 0 Pending)

Please sign up under me, None of the offers requre credit cards. If there are any others that dont require CC's that I havent signed up for, I would be glad to trade. If not, I could send you some paypal. Send me a PM before you sign up if you do, PLEASE HELP ME GET A DS!
[quote name='menikmati']I'd suggest going to your local bank and investing in a Visa gift card, you can use them to complete offers for cash in return, or use it to pay for referrals.

If I were you, I'd start a Trainn site (they have iPods, flatscreen LCDs, Xbox 360 games, etc.)[/quote]

I can use the Visa gift card as though it were a credit card online correct?

Would I be able to complete a Trainn site? And if so, is there a line currently going on that I could get into.
[quote name='dtarasev']I can use the Visa gift card as though it were a credit card online correct?

Would I be able to complete a Trainn site? And if so, is there a line currently going on that I could get into.[/quote]

yep, you can use it just like a credit card and you can complete all the sites that require CCs like OC, Trainn, and FreePay.
[quote name='twiztidjester']if you are doing the ipod one like we talked about in the pm all you need is like a buck so tey can see if the card actually works. The and are the two that will only charge you a dollar then they put it back, that goes for just about all of the referrals[/quote]
if i have done the offer before can i do it again or no?
would they let me do it again if i got a new prepaid card in someone elses name?
like my name instead of my Dads
[quote name='solid snake']if i have done the offer before can i do it again or no?
would they let me do it again if i got a new prepaid card in someone elses name?
like my name instead of my Dads[/QUOTE]

my gf has done stamps 3 times with the same information.
[quote name='dtarasev']I can use the Visa gift card as though it were a credit card online correct?

Would I be able to complete a Trainn site? And if so, is there a line currently going on that I could get into.[/QUOTE]

as far as i know there is no line what are you looking for? feel free to hop on to one of mine.
[quote name='Yusuke-Urameshi-']If you do an offer more than once, it's fraud. Using same information or under different name. You could have your account on hold with no hope of getting off if you do this.[/QUOTE]

it was for diffrent sites(yourps34free and flashipods4free) but the same offer(stamps).
I know. Doing an offer more than once at all is still fraud. Doesn't matter if they're different sites or different networks. The advertisers pay for new customers. Not people trying to cheat them.
[quote name='Yusuke-Urameshi-']If you do an offer more than once, it's fraud. Using same information or under different name. You could have your account on hold with no hope of getting off if you do this.[/quote]
what if its unintentional like you forgot you completed the offer for some one else?
would it still be fraud if it was a different site
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